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Azad Hind Dal

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TheAzad Hind Dalwas a branch of theIndian Independence Leaguethat was formed duringWorld War IIto take administrative control of theIndianterritories to fall to theIndian National Armystarting with the latter'sImphal campaign.The branch was created bySubhas Chandra Boseto replace theIndian Civil Servicein areas of British India, and is also thought to have been the nascent concept of a one-party political, bureaucratic and civil administrative system similar to that of theSoviet Unionor theFasciststates of the time. During the brief period thatAzad Hindwas in possession of small Indian territories aroundImphalandKohimaduring theU Gooffensive between April and May 1944, parties of the Azad Hind Dal were sent along with the INA contingents to take administrative charge and rehabilitation of these areas.

