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Baby colic

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Other namesInfantile colic
A crying newborn
SymptomsCryingfor more than three hours a day, for more than three days a week, for three weeks[1]
ComplicationsFrustration for the parents,depression following delivery,child abuse[1]
Usual onsetSix weeks of age[1]
DurationTypically goes away by six months of age[1]
Diagnostic methodBased on symptoms after ruling out other possible causes[1]
Differential diagnosisCorneal abrasion,hair tourniquet,hernia,testicular torsion[2]
TreatmentConservative treatment,extra support for the parents[1][3]
PrognosisNo long term problems[4]
Frequency~25% of babies[1]

Baby colic,also known asinfantile colic,is defined as episodes ofcryingfor more than three hours a day, for more than three days a week, for three weeks in an otherwise healthy child.[1]Often crying occurs in the evening.[1]It typically does not result in long-term problems.[4]The crying can result in frustration of the parents,depression following delivery,excess visits to the doctor, andchild abuse.[1]

The cause of colic is unknown.[1]Some believe it is due to gastrointestinal discomfort like intestinal cramping.[5]Diagnosis requires ruling out other possible causes.[1]Concerning findings include afever,poor activity,or a swollen abdomen.[1]Fewer than 5% of infants with excess crying have an underlyingorganic disease.[1]

Treatment is generally conservative, with little to no role for either medications or alternative therapies.[3]Extra support for the parents may be useful.[1]Tentative evidence supports certainprobioticsfor the baby and a low-allergendiet by the mother in those who arebreastfed.[1]Hydrolyzed formulamay be useful in those who arebottlefed.[1]

Colic affects 10–40% of babies.[1]Equally common in bottle and breast-fed infants, it begins during the second week of life, peaks at 6 weeks, and resolves between 12 and 16 weeks.[6]It rarely lasts up to one year of age.[7]It occurs at the same rate in boys and in girls.[1]The first detailed medical description of the problem was published in 1954.[8]

Signs and symptoms[edit]

Colic is defined as episodes of crying for more than three hours a day, for more than three days a week for at least a three-week duration in an otherwise healthy child.[9]It is most common around six weeks of age and gets better by six months of age.[9]By contrast, infants normally cry an average of just over two hours a day, with the duration peaking at six weeks.[9]With colic, periods of crying most commonly happen in the evening and for no obvious reason.[1]Associated symptoms may include legs pulled up to the stomach, a flushed face, clenched hands, and a wrinkled brow.[9]The cry is often high pitched (piercing).[9]

Effect on the family[edit]

An infant with colic may affect family stability and be a cause of short-term anxiety or depression in the father and mother.[9]It may also contribute to exhaustion and stress in the parents.[10]

Persistent infant crying has been associated with severe marital discord, postpartum depression, early termination of breastfeeding, frequent visits to doctors, a quadrupling of laboratory tests, and prescription of medication for acid reflux.[citation needed]Babies with colic may be exposed toabuse,especiallyshaken baby syndrome.[9]

Parent training programs for managing infantile colic may result in a reduction in crying time.[11]


The cause of colic is generally unknown. Fewer than 5% of infants who cry excessively turn out to have an underlyingorganic disease,such asconstipation,gastroesophageal reflux disease,lactose intolerance,anal fissures,subdural hematomas,or infantilemigraine.[9]Babies fed cow's milk have been shown to develop antibody responses to the bovine protein, and some studies have shown an association between consumption of cow's milk and infant colic.[12][13]Studies performed showed conflicting evidence about the role of cow'smilk allergy.[9]While previously believed to be related to gas pains, this does not appear to be the case.[9]Another theory holds that colic is related tohyperperistalsisof the digestive tube (increased level of activity of contraction and relaxation). The evidence that the use ofanticholinergicagents improve colic symptoms supports this hypothesis.[9]

Psychological and social factors have been proposed as a cause, but there is no evidence. Studies performed do not support the theory that maternal (or paternal) personality or anxiety causes colic, nor that it is a consequence of a difficult temperament of the baby, but families with colicky children may eventually develop anxiety, fatigue and problems with family functioning as a result.[9]There is some evidence that cigarette smoke may increase the risk.[1]It seems unrelated to breast or bottle feeding with rates similar in both groups.[14]Reflux does not appear to be related to colic.[15]


Colic is diagnosed after other potential causes of crying are excluded.[9]This can typically be done via a history and physical exam, and in most cases tests such as X-rays or blood tests are not needed.[9]Babies who cry may simply be hungry, uncomfortable, or ill.[16]Less than 10% of babies who would meet the definition of colic based on the amount they cry have an identifiable underlying disease.[17]

Cause for concern include: an elevated temperature, a history of breathing problems or a child who is not appropriately gaining weight.[9]

Indications that further investigations may be needed include:[18]

  • Vomiting (vomit that is green or yellow, bloody or occurring more than five times a day)
  • Change in stool (constipation or diarrhea, especially with blood or mucous)
  • Abnormal temperature (a rectal temperature less than 97.0 °F (36.1 °C) or over 100.4 °F (38.0 °C)
  • Irritability (crying all day with few calm periods in between)
  • Lethargy (excess sleepiness, lack of smiles or interested gaze, weak sucking lasting over six hours)
  • Poor weight gain (gaining less than 15 grams a day)

Problems to consider when the above are present include:[18]

  • Infections (e.g. ear infection, urine infection,meningitis,appendicitis)
  • Intestinal pain (e.g. food allergy, acid reflux, constipation, intestinal blockage)
  • Trouble breathing (e.g. from a cold, excessive dust, congenital nasal blockage, oversized tongue)
  • Increased brain pressure (e.g. hematoma,hydrocephalus)
  • Skin pain (e.g. a loose diaper pin, irritated rash, a hair wrapped around a toe)
  • Mouth pain (e.g.yeast infection)
  • Kidney pain (e.g. blockage of the urinary system)
  • Eye pain (e.g. scratched cornea,glaucoma)
  • Overdose (e.g. excessive Vitamin D, excessive sodium)
  • Others (e.g. migraine headache, heart failure,hyperthyroidism)

Persistently fussy babies with poor weight gain, vomiting more than five times a day, or other significant feeding problems should be evaluated for other illnesses (e.g. urinary infection, intestinal obstruction, acid reflux).[19]


Management of colic is generally conservative and involves the reassurance of parents.[9]Calming measures may be used and include soothing motions, limiting stimulation, pacifier use, and carrying the baby around in a carrier,[9]although it is not entirely clear if these actions have any effect beyondplacebo.[9][20]Swaddlingdoes not appear to help.[1]


No medications have been found to be both safe and effective.[9]Simethiconeis safe but does not work, whiledicyclomineworks but is not safe.[9]Evidence does not support the use ofcimetropium bromide,[20]and there is little evidence for alternative medications or techniques.[21]While medications to treat reflux are common, there is no evidence that they are useful.[15]


Dietary changes by infants are generally not needed.[9]In mothers who are breastfeeding, a hypoallergenic diet by the mother—not eating milk and dairy products, eggs, wheat, and nuts—may improve matters,[9][10][22]while elimination of only cow's milk does not seem to produce any improvement.[22]In formula-fed infants, switching to asoy-basedorhydrolyzed proteinformula may help.[10]Evidence of benefit is greater for hydrolyzed protein formula with the benefit from soy based formula being disputed.[23][24]Both these formulas have greater cost and may not be as palatable.[24]Supplementation with fiber has not been shown to have any benefit.[10]A 2018 Cochrane review of 15 randomized controlled trials involving 1,121 infants was unable to recommend any dietary interventions.[25]A 2019 review determined thatprobioticswere no more effective than placebo although a reduction in crying time was measured.[26]

Complimentary and alternative medicine[edit]

No clear beneficial effect fromspinal manipulation[27][28]ormassagehas been shown.[9]Further, as there is no evidence of safety forcervical manipulationfor baby colic, it is not advised.[29]There is a case of a three-month-old dying following manipulation of the neck area.[29]

Little clinical evidence supports the efficacy of "gripe water"and caution in use is needed, especially in formulations that includealcoholorsugar.[9]Evidence does not supportlactasesupplementation.[20]The use of probiotics, specificallyLactobacillus reuteri,decreases crying time at three weeks by 46 minutes in breastfeed babies but has unclear effects in those who are formula fed.[30]Fennelalso appears effective.[31][32]


Infants who are colicky do just as well as their non colicky peers with respect to temperament at one year of age.[9]


Colic affects 10–40% of children,[1]occurring at the same rate in boys and in girls.[14]


The word "colic" is derived from the ancient Greek word for intestine (sharing the same root as the word "colon" ).[33]

It has been an age-old practice to drug crying infants. During the second century AD, the Greek physicianGalenprescribedopiumto calm fussy babies, and during the Middle Ages in Europe, mothers and wet nurses smeared their nipples with opium lotions before each feeding. Alcohol was also commonly given to infants.[34]


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  2. ^"Colic Differential Diagnoses".emedicine.medscape.com.3 September 2015.Archivedfrom the original on 5 November 2017.Retrieved1 June2017.
  3. ^abBiagioli, E; Tarasco, V; Lingua, C; Moja, L; Savino, F (16 September 2016)."Pain-relieving agents for infantile colic".The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.2016(9): CD009999.doi:10.1002/14651858.CD009999.pub2.PMC6457752.PMID27631535.
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  14. ^abShergill-Bonner, R (2010). "Infantile colic: practicalities of management, including dietary aspects".The Journal of Family Health Care.20(6): 206–9.PMID21319674.
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  24. ^abSavino, F; Tarasco, V (December 2010). "New treatments for infant colic".Current Opinion in Pediatrics.22(6): 791–7.doi:10.1097/MOP.0b013e32833fac24.PMID20859207.S2CID26003983.
  25. ^Gordon, Morris; Biagioli, Elena; Sorrenti, Miriam; Lingua, Carla; Moja, Lorenzo; Banks, Shel Sc; Ceratto, Simone; Savino, Francesco (10 October 2018)."Dietary modifications for infantile colic".The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.10(2): CD011029.doi:10.1002/14651858.CD011029.pub2.ISSN1469-493X.PMC6394439.PMID30306546.
  26. ^Ong, Teck Guan; Gordon, Morris; Banks, Shel Sc; Thomas, Megan R.; Akobeng, Anthony K. (13 March 2019)."Probiotics to prevent infantile colic".The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.3(3): CD012473.doi:10.1002/14651858.CD012473.pub2.ISSN1469-493X.PMC6415699.PMID30865287.
  27. ^Dobson, D; Lucassen, PL; Miller, JJ; Vlieger, AM; Prescott, P; Lewith, G (Dec 12, 2012)."Manipulative therapies for infantile colic"(PDF).Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.12:CD004796.doi:10.1002/14651858.CD004796.pub2.hdl:2066/108617.PMID23235617.
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  30. ^Sung, V; D'Amico, F; Cabana, MD; Chau, K; Koren, G; Savino, F; Szajewska, H; Deshpande, G; Dupont, C; Indrio, F; Mentula, S; Partty, A; Tancredi, D (January 2018)."Lactobacillus reuterito Treat Infant Colic: A Meta-analysis ".Pediatrics.141(1): e20171811.doi:10.1542/peds.2017-1811.PMID29279326.
  31. ^Harb, T; Matsuyama, M; David, M; Hill, RJ (May 2016). "Infant Colic-What works: A Systematic Review of Interventions for Breast-fed Infants".Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition.62(5): 668–86.doi:10.1097/MPG.0000000000001075.PMID26655941.S2CID26126920.
  32. ^Anheyer, D; Frawley, J; Koch, AK; Lauche, R; Langhorst, J; Dobos, G; Cramer, H (June 2017)."Herbal Medicines for Gastrointestinal Disorders in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review".Pediatrics.139(6): e20170062.doi:10.1542/peds.2017-0062.PMID28562281.
  33. ^Sanghavi, Darshak (Mar 29, 2005)."Bleary parents crave colic cure".Boston Globe.Archivedfrom the original on 2013-11-06.
  34. ^Solter, A (1998).Tears and Tantrums: What to Do When Babies and Children Cry.Goleta, CA: Shining Star Press.ISBN9780961307363.

External links[edit]