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Bactrian language

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The Bactrian alphabet (block and cursive letters, here in black). The Bactrian script was directly adapted from theGreek script(here in grey), with the addition of the lettersho().[1]
Native toBactria
RegionCentral Asia
Era300 BC – 1000 AD[2]
Greek script
Manichaean script
Official status
Official language in
Kushan Empire
Hephthalite Empire
Language codes
ISO 639-3xbc
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Bactrian(Bactrian:Αριαο,romanized:ariao,[arjaː],meaning "Iranian" )[3]is an extinctEastern Iranian languageformerly spoken in theCentral Asianregion ofBactria(present-day Afghanistan)[4]and used as the official language of theKushanand theHephthaliteempires.



It was long thought thatAvestanrepresented "Old Bactrian", but this notion had "rightly fallen into discredit by the end of the 19th century".[5]

Bactrian, which was written predominantly in an alphabet based on theGreek script,was known natively asαριαο[arjaː]( "Arya";anendonymcommon amongst Indo-Iranian peoples). It has also been known by names such as Greco-Bactrian or Kushan or Kushano-Bactrian.

Under Kushan rule, Bactria became known asTukharaorTokhara,and later asTokharistan.When texts in two extinct andpreviously unknown Indo-European languageswere discovered in theTarim Basinof China, during the early 20th century, they were linked circumstantially to Tokharistan, and Bactrian was sometimes referred to as "Eteo-Tocharian" (i.e. "true" or "original" Tocharian). By the 1970s, however, it became clear that there was little evidence for such a connection. For instance, the Tarim "Tocharian" languages were "centum"languages within the Indo-European family, whereas Bactrian was an Iranian, thus"satem"language.



Bactrian is a part of theEastern Iranian languagesand shares features with the extinct Middle Iranian languagesSogdianandKhwarezmian(Eastern) andParthian(Western), as well as sharing affinity with the modern Eastern Iranian languages such asPamirsubgroup of languages likeMunjiandYidghawhich are part of the same branch of the Pamir languages.[6]Its genealogical position is unclear.[7]According to another source, the present-day speakers of Munji, the modern Eastern Iranian language of the Munjan Valley in theKuran wa Munjan districtof theBadakhshan provincein northeastAfghanistan,display the closest possible linguistic affinity with the Bactrian language.[8]


TheRabatak inscriptionis an inscription written on a rock in the Bactrian language and the Greek script, which was found in 1993 at the site ofRabatak,nearSurkh KotalinAfghanistan.The inscription relates to the rule of theKushanemperorKanishka,and gives remarkable clues on the genealogy of the Kushan dynasty.

Bactrian became thelingua francaof the Kushan Empire and the region of Bactria, replacing the Greek language. Bactrian was used by successive rulers in Bactria, until the arrival of theUmayyad Caliphate.

Historical development


Following the conquest of Bactria byAlexander the Greatin 323 BC, for about two centuriesGreekwas the administrative language of hisHellenisticsuccessors, that is, theSeleucidand theGreco-Bactrian kingdoms. EasternScythiantribes (theSaka,or Sacaraucae of Greek sources) invaded the territory around 140 BC, and at some time after 124 BC, Bactria was overrun by a confederation of tribes belonging to theGreat YuezhiandTokhari.In the 1st century AD, the Kushana, one of the Yuezhi tribes, founded the ruling dynasty of theKushan Empire.

The Kushan Empire initially retained theGreek languagefor administrative purposes but soon began to use Bactrian. The BactrianRabatak inscription(discovered in 1993 and deciphered in 2000) records that the Kushan kingKanishka(c. 127 AD)[9]discarded Greek ( "Ionian" ) as the language of administration and adopted Bactrian ( "Arya language" ). The Greek language accordingly vanished from official use and only Bactrian was later attested. TheGreek script,however, remained and was used to write Bactrian. The territorial expansion of the Kushans helped propagate Bactrian in other parts ofCentral AsiaandNorth India.

In the 3rd century, the Kushan territories west of theIndus Riverfell to theSasanians,and Bactrian began to be influenced byMiddle Persian.The eastern extent of the Kushan Empire in Northwestern India, was conquered by theGupta Empire.Besides thePahlavi scriptand theBrahmi script,some coinage of this period is still in the Aryo (Bactrian) script.

From the mid-4th century, Bactria and northwestern India gradually fell under the control theHephthaliteand otherHuna tribes.The Hephthalite period is marked by linguistic diversity; in addition to Bactrian, Middle Persian,Indo-AryanandLatinvocabulary is also attested. The Hephthalites ruled these regions until the 7th century, when they were overrun by theUmayyad Caliphate,after which official use of Bactrian ceased. Although Bactrian briefly survived in other usage, that also eventually ceased, and the latest known examples of the Bactrian script, found in theTochi Valleyin Pakistan, date to the end of the 9th century.[10]

Writing system

Bactrian was predominantly written using theGreek scriptwith the addition of the lettersho(here in majuscule and minuscule) to represent the/ʃ/sound.

Among Indo-Iranian languages, the use of the Greek script is unique to Bactrian. Although ambiguities remain, some of the disadvantages were overcome by usingheta(Ͱ, ͱ) for/h/and by introducingsho(Ϸ, ϸ) to represent/ʃ/.[11]Xi(Ξ, ξ) andpsi(Ψ, ψ) were not used for writing Bactrian as theksandpssequences did not occur in Bactrian. They were, however, probably used to represent numbers (just as other Greek letters were).


The word "Alchono"(αλχοννο) in cursive Bactrian script, on a coin of theAlchon HunsrulerKhingila,5th century AD.[12][13][14]

The Bactrian language is known from inscriptions, coins, seals, manuscripts, and other documents.

Sites at which Bactrian language inscriptions have been found are (in north–south order)AfrasiyabinUzbekistan;Kara-Tepe,Airtam,Delbarjin,Balkh,Kunduz,Baglan,Ratabak/Surkh Kotal,Oruzgan,Kabul,Dasht-e Navur,Ghazni,Jagatu inAfghanistan;andIslamabad,Shatial BridgeandTochi ValleyinPakistan. [15]Of eight known manuscript fragments in Greco-Bactrian script, one is fromLou-lanand seven from Toyoq, where they were discovered by the second and thirdTurpanexpeditions underAlbert von Le Coq.One of these may be aBuddhisttext. One other manuscript, inManichaean script,was found atQočobyMary Boycein 1958.

Over 150 legal documents, accounts, letters and Buddhist texts have surfaced since the 1990s,[16]the largest collection of which is theKhalili Collection of Aramaic Documents.[17]These have greatly increased the detail in which Bactrian is currently known.[16]


TheSurkh Kotalinscription (SK4) is the first known substantial document written in Bactrian, an Iranian language. It uses theGreek script.It was written at the time of theKushanrulerHuvishka,2nd century CE.Kabul Museum.[18]

The phonology of Bactrian is not known with certainty, owing to the limitations of the native scripts, and also its status as an extinct language.


Consonants of Bactrian
Type Labial Dentalor
Velar Glottal
plain labialized
Stops Voiceless p t k
Voiced b(?) d ɡ
Affricates Voiceless t͡s
Voiced d͡z
Fricatives Voiceless f θ(?);s ʃ x h
Voiced v ð(?);z ʒ(?) ɣ
Nasals m n
Approximants l j w
Rhotic r
The Hephthalites used theBactrian script(top). Here, theirendonymEbodalo(ηβοδαλο), "Hephthalites".

A major difficulty in determining Bactrian phonology is that affricates and voiced stops were not consistently distinguished from the corresponding fricatives in the Greek script.

  • Proto-Iranian*b, *d, *g have generally become spirants, as in most other Eastern Iranian languages. A distinctive feature of Bactrian, shared within the Iranian languages with Munji, Yidgha and Pashto, is the development of Proto-Iranian *d > *ð further to/l/,which may have been areal in nature.[7]Original *d remains only in a few consonant clusters, e.g. *bandaka >βανδαγο'servant', *dugdā >λογδο'daughter'. The clusters/lr/and/rl/appear in earlier Bactrian, but revert to/dr/,/rd/later, e.g. *drauga >λρωγο(4th to 5th century) >δδρωρο(7th to 8th century) 'lie, falsehood'.[19]
  • Proto-Iranian *p, *t, *č, *k have become voiced between vowels, and after a nasal consonant or *r.
    • Inside a word, the digraphsββ,δδfor original voiceless *p, *t can be found, which probably represent[b],[d].The former is attested only in a single word,αββο'water'. Manichaean Bactrian appears to only have had/v/in native vocabulary. According to Gholami, instances of singleδmay indicate a fricative pronunciation,[ð].[20]
    • γappears to stand for both the stop[ɡ]and the fricative[ɣ],but it is unclear if a contrast existed, and which instances are which. Evidence from the Manichaean script suggests thatγfrom *k may have been/ɡ/andγfrom *g may have been/ɣ/.According to Greek orthographic practices,γγrepresents[ŋɡ].[21]
  • σmay continue both Proto-Iranian *c > *s and *č, and the Manichaean script confirms that it represents two phonemes, likely/s/and/ts/.[22]
  • ζmay continue similarly on one hand Proto-Iranian *dz > *z, and on the other *ǰ and *č, and it represents at least/z/and/dz/.This distinction is again confirmed by the Manichaean script. Also a third counterpart ofζis found in Manichaean Bactrian, possibly representing/ʒ/.

The status ofθis unclear; it only appears in the wordιθαο'thus, also', which may be a loanword from another Iranian language. In most positions Proto-Iranian *θ becomes/h/(writtenυ), or is lost, e.g. *puθra- >πουρο'son'.[23]The cluster *θw, however, appears to become/lf/,e.g. *wikāθwan >οιγαλφο'witness'.[24]

ϸcontinues, in addition to Proto-Iranian *š, also Proto-Iranian *s in the clusters *sr, *str, *rst. In several cases, however, Proto-Iranian *š becomes/h/or is lost; the distribution is unclear. E.g. *snušā >ασνωυο'daughter-in-law', *aštā >αταο'eight', *xšāθriya >χαρο'ruler', *pašman- >παμανο'wool'.


Vowels of Bactrian
Type Short
Front Central Back
Close i u
Mid e ə o?
Open a
Type Long
Front Back
Silver drachm ofAlchon HunsrulerKhingila.Bactrian script legend: χιγγιλο αλχοννο"Khiggilo Alchono",with Alchontamghasymbol.[25]

The Greek script does not consistently represent vowel length. Fewer vowel contrasts yet are found in the Manichaean script, but short/a/and long/aː/are distinguished in it, suggesting that Bactrian generally retains the Proto-Iranian vowel length contrast.

It is not clear ifοmight represent short[o]in addition to[u],and if any contrast existed. Short[o]may have occurred at least as a reflex of *a followed by a lost *u in the next syllable, e.g. *madu >μολο'wine', *pasu >ποσο'sheep'. Short[e]is also rare. By contrast, long/eː/,/oː/are well established as reflexes of Proto-Iranian diphthongs and certain vowel-semivowel sequences:η< *ai, *aya, *iya;ω< *au, *awa.

An epenthetic vowel[ə](writtenα) is inserted before word-initialconsonant clusters.

Original word-final vowels and word-initial vowels in open syllables were generally lost. A word-finalοis normally written, but this was probably silent, and it is appended even after retained word-final vowels: e.g. *aštā >αταο'eight', likely pronounced/ataː/.

The Proto-Iranian syllabic rhotic *r̥ is lost in Bactrian, and is reflected asορadjacent to labial consonants,ιρelsewhere; this agrees with the development in the western Iranian languagesParthianandMiddle Persian.


Variations of theGreek alphabet(narrow columns) in theKushanscript (wide columns).
Letter correspondence
Greek Letter IPA Greek Letter IPA Greek Letter IPA
α a, η ρ r
α/ο ə θ θ σ s,t͡s
β v ι i,j τ t
β/ββ b κ k υ h
γ ɣ,ɡ λ l φ f
δ ð μ m χ x
δ/δδ d ν n χο
ε e ο o,u,w ω
ζ z,ʒ,d͡z π p ϸ ʃ



See also



  1. ^Davary (1982).Illustrations(PDF).p. Fig.93.
  2. ^BactrianatMultiTreeonthe Linguist List
  3. ^Foundation, Encyclopaedia Iranica."Welcome to Encyclopaedia Iranica".iranicaonline.org.Retrieved2023-07-31.
  4. ^Sims-Williams, N."Bactrian Language".Encyclopaedia Iranica.
  5. ^Gershevitch 1983,p. 1250
  6. ^Henning (1960), p. 47.Bactrian thus "occupies an intermediary position between Pashto and Yidgha-Munji on the one hand, Sogdian, Choresmian, and Parthian on the other: it is thus in its natural and rightful place in Bactria".
  7. ^abNovák, Ľubomir (2014). "Question of (re)classification of Eastern Iranian languages".Linguistica Brunensia:77–87.
  8. ^Waghmar, Burzine K. (2001) 'Bactrian History and Language: An Overview.' Journal of the K. R. Cama Oriental Institute, 64. pp. 45.
  9. ^Harry Falk (2001), "The yuga of Sphujiddhvaja and the era of the Kuṣâṇas." Silk Road Art and Archaeology 7: 121–36.p. 133.
  10. ^History of Civilizations of Central Asia: The Development of Sedentary and Nomadic Civilizations, 700 B. C. to A, Part 250(illustrated ed.).UNESCO.1994. p. 433.ISBN9231028464.Retrieved27 March2013.
  11. ^Skjærvø, P. O. (2009)."Bactrian".In Brown, Keith; Ogilvie, Sarah (eds.).Concise encyclopedia of languages of the world.Oxford: Elsevier. p. 115.ISBN9780080877754.
  12. ^Khingilawith the word "Alchono"in theBactrian script(αλχονο) and theTamghasymbol on his coinsCNG Coins.
  13. ^Alemany, Agustí (2000).Sources on the Alans: A Critical Compilation.BRILL. p. 346.ISBN9004114424.
  14. ^CNG Coins
  15. ^Chisholm 1911.
  16. ^abSims-Williams, Nicholas(March 2002)."New Documents in Ancient Bactrian Reveal Afghanistan's Past"(PDF).IIAS Newsletter(27). International Institute for Asian Studies: 12–13.
  17. ^Gholami, Saloumeh (2013)."Review of Bactrian Documents from Northern Afghanistan. III: Plates. Studies in the Khalili Collection, Vol. 3. CIIr. Pt. 2, Inscriptions of the Seleucid and Parthian Periods and of Eastern Iran and Central Asia. Vol. 4, Bactrian".Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society.23(1): 136–138.ISSN1356-1863.JSTOR43307651.
  18. ^Nakamura, Hajime (1987).Indian Buddhism: A Survey with Bibliographical Notes.Motilal Banarsidass Publ. p. 141, note 2.ISBN978-81-208-0272-8.
  19. ^Gholami 2010,pp. 18–19.
  20. ^Gholami 2010,p. 10.
  21. ^Gholami 2010,pp. 11–12.
  22. ^Gholami 2010,p. 12.
  23. ^Gholami 2010,p. 13.
  24. ^Gholami 2010,p. 25.
  25. ^This coin is in the collection of theBritish Museum.For equivalent coin, seeCNG Coins

