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Bailiff's notice on boarded-up premises, London, 2015

Abailiff[1]is a manager, overseer or custodian – a legal officer to whom some degree of authority orjurisdictionis given. Bailiffs are of various kinds and their offices and duties vary greatly.[2]

Another official sometimes referred to as abailiffwas theVogt.In theHoly Roman Empirea similar function was performed by theAmtmann.They are mostly known for being the officer that keeps the order in a court of law and swearing litigants in.

British Isles[edit]

Historic bailiffs[edit]

Bailiffwas the term used by theNormansfor what theSaxonshad called areeve:the officer responsible for executing the decisions of a court. The duty of the bailiff would thus include serving summonses and orders, and executing all warrants issued out of the corresponding court. The district within which the bailiff operated was called hisbailiwick,even to the present day. Bailiffs were outsiders and free men, that is, they were not usually from the bailiwick for which they were responsible.

ThroughoutNorman England,the Saxon and Norman populations gradually mixed, andreevecame to be limited toshire-level courts (hencesheriffas a contraction of "shire-reeve" ), whilebailiffwas used in relation to the lower courts. Primarily then,bailiffreferred to the officer executing the decisions ofmanorial courts,and thehundred courts.Likewise, inScotlandabailiewas the chief officer of abarony(baron bailie), and in theChannel Islandsthey were theprincipal civil officers.With the introduction ofjustices of the peace(magistrates), magistrates' courts acquired their own bailiffs.

Historically, courts were not only concerned with legal matters, and often decided administrative matters for the area within their jurisdiction. A bailiff of a manor, therefore, would often oversee the manor's lands and buildings, collect its rents, manage its accounts, and run its farms (seeWalter of Henley).[2]

In the 19th century, the administrative functions of courts were mostly replaced by the creation ofelected local authorities(councils). Nevertheless, the termbailiffis retained as a title by the chief officers of various towns and the keepers of royal castles, such as the High Bailiff ofWestminsterand the Bailiff ofDover Castle.[2]InScotland,bailienow refers to a municipal officer corresponding to an Englishalderman.

In the 20th century, the court system in England was drastically re-organised, with theassize courtstaking some of the powers of the shire courts, and becoming theHigh Court of Justice;in turn, the remaining elements of the shire court took over the powers of the hundred courts, to formcounty courts.The High Court acquired thesheriffs,the county courts the bailiffs. Bailiffs were now appointed by a county court judge and were removable by theLord Chancellor.


A bailiff could, for practical reasons, delegate his responsibilities, in regard to some particular court instruction, to other individuals. As the population expanded, the need for the services of a bailiff mainly arose from financial disputes; consequently, these assistants came to be closely associated with debt-collection, in the public's minds. ByShakespeare's time, they had acquired the nicknamebum-bailiffs,perhaps because they followed debtors very closely behind them;[citation needed]in France, the termpousse-cul(literallypush-arse) was similarly used for their equivalent officers.

To avoid confusion with their underlings, theCounty Courts Act 1888(51 & 52 Vict.c. 43) renamed bailifs ashigh bailiffs.This act also formally acknowledged right of the high bailiffs to appoint (and dismiss) under-bailiffs as they wished, and establishing that the high bailiffs retain ultimate responsibility for their actions. High bailiff gradually became a purely ceremonial role, the court's clerk liaising with under-bailiffs directly.

TheLaw of Distress Amendment Act 1888(51 & 52 Vict.c. 21) enacts that no person may act as an under-bailiff to levy any distress for rent unless he is authorized by a county court judge to act as an under-bailiff.[2]The County Courts Act 1888 restricted the hours an under-bailiff could execute a possession warrant, to only be between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. (§ 142). It also limited the ability to bring a legal complaint against a bailiff; six days' notice now had to be given (§52).

Modern-day usage[edit]

Channel Islands[edit]

In theChannel Islandsthebailiffis the first civil officer in each of the two bailiwicks. He is appointed bythe Crown,and holds office until retirement. He presides as a judge in theRoyal Court,and takes the opinions of thejurats;he also presides over theStates Assembly(Jersey) orStates of Guernsey,and represents the Crown on civic occasions. The bailiff in each island must, in order to fulfill his judicial role, be a qualified lawyer.

England and Wales[edit]

InEngland and Wales,there are a number of offices either formally titled, or commonly referred to, as "bailiffs". Some of these bailiffs are concerned with executing the orders of the courts, generally around the collection of debts, and some exercise semi-official supervisory powers over certain activities. Those concerned with the execution of court orders are commonly referred to as bailiffs, although reforms to the law in 2014 have renamed all these positions to alternative titles.

With the 19th-century renaming of bailiffs to "high bailiffs", their under-bailiffs generally came to be referred to asbailiffsthemselves. The powers and responsibilities of these bailiffs depend on which type of court they take orders from. In emulation of these responsibilities, a number of roles established by 19th century statute laws have also been named "bailiffs", despite not having a connection to a court.

It has been estimated byCitizens Advicethose bailiffs had added £250 million in fees to people's debts in the 18 months up to March 2023.[3][4]The organisation surveyed 6,274 adults in England and Wales across a month-long period from February to March 2023 who had an interaction or interactions with bailiffs.[3][4]According to Citizens Advice over 33% who had an interaction with a bailiff suffered behaviour that broke the rules of theMinistry of Justice.[3][4]These behaviours included bailiffs breaking and entering into homes and bailiffs not considering illnesses or disabilitiess.[3][4]Almost 60% of those who interacted with a bailiff reported harassment or intimidation, misrepresentation of powers and threats to break into homes.[3][4]72% of respondents reported that interactions with bailiffs had impacted their mental health and 49% reported long-term financial consequences.[3][4]

Magistrates' bailiffs[edit]

Civilian enforcement officers are employees ofHis Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service,and can seize and sell goods to recover money owed under a fine and community penalty notice, and also executewarrants of arrest,committal,detentionandcontrol(formally called distress ordistraint). These functions can also be carried out by employees of private companies authorised by theMinistry of Justice.In July 2013 HM Court Service announced it is to fully contract out the whole of the compliance and enforcement process to a private company; this would involve the transfer of over 500 of its employees. This decision led to official strike action by some employees on 30 July 2013.[5]

Certificated enforcement agents[edit]

Certificated enforcement agents are used by local authorities, His Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service and landlords for a variety of reasons such as collection of taxes, road traffic debts and commercial rent arrears.

County Court bailiffs[edit]

County Court bailiffs remain directly employed by HM Courts Service, carrying out enforcement for theCounty Court.The current frequency of different types of case means that they are mainly involved in recovering payment of unpaidCounty Court judgments;[5]like magistrates' bailiffs, they can seize and sell goods to recover a debt. They can also effect and supervise the possession of the property and the return of goods under hire purchase agreements, and serve court documents. They also execute arrest warrants and search warrants.

High Court enforcement officers[edit]

A High Court enforcement officer has similar functions to a County Court bailiff, in that they execute writs and warrants for unpaid court judgements, and evict people from land where possession has been granted. The majority of the work of High Court enforcement officers is carried out by certificated enforcement agents acting under the authority of a senior High Court enforcement officer, often a director of an enforcement firm for whom the enforcement agent works.

Another officer of the High Court, thetipstaff,is an employee of HM Courts and Tribunals Service, and is concerned with enforcing certain judgments of the High Court, typically involving the enforcement of court orders relating to the custody of children in family law cases.

Water bailiff[edit]

Water bailiffs also exist in England and Wales to police bodies of water and preventillegal fishing.They are generally employees of theEnvironment Agencyand when executing their duties, have the powers and privileges of a policeconstablefor the purpose of the enforcement of theSalmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975.

Farm bailiff[edit]

Farm bailiffs exist onlanded estates.The farm bailiff is employed by theproprietorand his managerial duties can include collecting rent, taxes and supervising both farm operations and labourers.[6]Historically, the estate would typically include a hall ormanor house,a home farm managed by the bailiff, several smaller farms occupied by tenants and possibly a tiny village (a collection of small cottages) in which the farm labourers lived.[7]

Epping Forest bailiffs[edit]

TheEpping ForestAct 1878 allows the conservators of the forest to appoint forest keepers, reeves and also bailiffs. These individuals may also be attested as a constable, although currently only forest keepers are sworn in. The forest currently has volunteer fishing bailiffs, who support forest keepers.[8]As the Epping Forest Act does include this title of appointment, these individuals are statutory bailiffs and the title is not merely just historic.

Jury bailiffs[edit]

Jury bailiffs are court ushers who monitor juries during their deliberations and during overnight stays.[5][9]

Colloquial uses of the word[edit]

As most people's contact with bailiffs is when a bailiff comes to take property to enforce debt, public perception does not usually distinguish between bailiffs anddebt collectors.Indeed, many debt collectors often publicly refer to themselves asbailiffs.However, it is illegal for a debt collector to call themselves a bailiff, if they are not – that is, if they are not a certified officer acting on a court order, they may not call themselves abailiff.Debt collectors do not have the powers or authority of a bailiff.

The officer appointed by a sheriff was also sometimes described as the sheriff's bailiff, on account of the similarity of the role. However, they are not the same, andHigh Court enforcement officershave greater powers.

Due to the negative association with debt collection, in former times, inthe Fensof eastern England, the termBailiff ofBedfordwas often used as slang for destructive floods of theRiver Great Ouse.[10]

Isle of Man[edit]

The High Bailiff is the head stipendiary magistrate in theIsle of Man.


The Scottish form of this post is thebailie.Bailies served asburghmagistratesin the system oflocal government in Scotlandbefore 1975 when the system of burghs andcountieswas replaced by a two-tier system of regional councils and district councils. The two-tier system was later replaced by a system ofunitary authorities.

Under the new arrangements the bailies were abolished and replaced byjustices of the peaceserving in theDistrict Courts of Scotland,these posts no longer holding any authority within thelocal authorityas an administrative body. However, the term bailie is still used as an honorary title byGlasgow City Councilfor a number of senior councilors who can deputise for theLord Provost.

The Scottish equivalent of a sheriff's bailiff or high bailiff is thesheriff officer(for thesheriff court) or themessenger-at-arms(for thecourt of session). These positions were to be abolished by §60 of the Bankruptcy and Diligence etc. (Scotland) Act 2007, and replaced with the office of judicial officer under §57(1) of that enactment. This enactment was never brought into effect and was repealed under schedule 4 of thePublic Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010

In Scotland, the office ofwater bailiffdoes exist, with power to enforce legislation relating to the illegal collection of salmon and trout.

Republic of Ireland[edit]

In theRepublic of Ireland,a bailiff (Irish:báille) is an official appointed by theRevenue Commissionerswho is involved with theenforcement of judgments,includingevictionsandrepossessions,and the collection of unpaid tax.[11][12]A bailiff is subordinate to asheriff.[13]


InAustralia,a bailiff is an officer of a court exercising civil law jurisdiction who is charged with the duty and responsibility of executing the orders of the civil jurisdiction of the court. Those orders are contained in warrants or orders including typically to seize and sell personal & real property, to evict tenants, to arrest and bring persons to that court who have failed to appear when summoned and to arrest and convey to prison persons who disobey orders of that court.

The officers exercising criminal law jurisdiction are the police and policing agencies.

The officer of the Supreme Court of the State or Territory who fulfils these duties is the Sheriff of the State or Territory often simply referred to as "the Supreme Court Sheriff of <the State or Territory>". The Sheriff's roles and responsibilities are however generally very much broader than those of a bailiff and not dealt with here. While traditionally the Sheriff and the bailiffs of the separate courts were each independent officers of the crown the trend in legal administration is to appoint a civil servant within the department of the respective Attorney General as Sheriff and they then engage, appoint or contract deputy sheriffs, sheriffs officers and bailiffs of the lower courts.

The bailiff operates within a defined geographical area (or areas), generally those of the jurisdiction of the court, and accordingly known as their bailiwick.

Traditionally bailiffs were required to serve, or attempt to serve, the other legal processes issued by their court however this is generally not an exclusive obligation on the bailiff and the serving of other court processes may be carried out by the litigants, their legal representatives or by persons carrying on business as process servers.

Bailiffs are not debt collectors though some may hold debt collecting licences and in a number of jurisdictions government has contracted as bailiffs, persons or corporations who previously or concurrently conduct business as debt collectors and or process servers.

Bailiffs were generally required to attend upon the sitting of their court to act as court orderlies, or ushers. The current trend favours use of specialist security businesses providing all aspects of security in courts. Nonetheless, the court orderlies (or ushers) so engaged may still occasionally be referred to as bailiffs.

There are legislated constraints upon persons or corporations calling themselves bailiffs, sheriffs or police and upon using those terms in business or corporation names.

The laws and practices pertaining to bailiffs and sheriffs are directly inherited from and modelled upon British law and legal precedents but subsequently modified by legislation enacted and precedents formed in each state or territorial jurisdiction.


In parts of Canada, bailiffs are responsible for the service oflegal process.In some jurisdictions, duties of the bailiff include the service of legal documents, repossession and evictions in accordance with court judgments, application ofwheel clampsand the execution of arrest warrants. Some jurisdictions also require that applicants receive special training and have a degree in paralegal technology to become a bailiff.


Ontario provincial bailiff shoulder flash

InOntario,provincial bailiffs provide primarytransportation of prisonersbetween correctional facilities such as jails and prisons.[14]Under theMinistry of Correctional Services Act,while transporting prisoners, bailiffs have the powers of policeconstables.When necessary, Provincialcorrectional officerswill act as bailiffs for short and long term assignments and full-time bailiffs are typically recruited from the correctional officer ranks. Provincial bailiffs are armed with expandablebatonsandpepper sprayand operate under the jurisdiction of the provincialMinistry of the Solicitor General.Duties normally associated with bailiffs in other jurisdictions, such as residential evictions, seizures, and other processes order by the court, are performed bysheriffsunder the office of theAttorney General of Ontario[15]or "private" bailiffs if initiated without a court order.

Private bailiffs[edit]

Private bailiffs are licensed by theMinistry of Public and Business Service Deliveryunder theBailiffs Act.Assistant bailiffs are similarly licensed, but must be supervised by a full bailiff. Bailiffs in this capacity assist others who have a right to exercise self-help to repossess or seize something, or to evict under a commercial (non-residential) tenancy. Bailiffs are agents of the person contracting their services, not government employees or peace officers, and are prohibited from carrying weapons or using force to seize goods or evict tenants.[16]

United States[edit]

In theUnited States,the wordbailiffcolloquially means any officer who keeps order in the courtroom while a court of law is in session. A bailiff provides physical security, handles prisoners, guards the jury, and performs a number of ancient traditional duties (such as ordering "All rise!" when the judge enters, escorting witnesses to the stand, etc.). The officers who perform the role of "bailiff" vary by state. In some states, the role is filled by court officers who work for the judiciary. In other states, the role is filled by countysheriff's deputies who are assigned to the court,state troopers,marshals,corrections officers[17]orconstables.The terminology varies among (and sometimes within) states. The same officers who serve as bailiffs typically have other duties in and around the courthouse, such as providing general security, guarding prisoners in the courthouse lock-up, etc. However, in some states the role of bailiff is primarily ceremonial (more akin to a"sergeant at arms") and may be performed by the judge'slaw clerk(a junior lawyer in training under the judge's supervision). In those cases, physical security and prisoner handling would be handled by other officers.

Whatever the name used, the agency providing court security is often the same agency charged with servinglegal processand seizing and selling property (e.g.,replevinorforeclosure). In some cases, the duties are separated between agencies in a given jurisdiction. For instance, a court officer may provide courtroom security in a jurisdiction where a sheriff or constable handles service of process and seizures.

Martha Symons Boies Atkinsonbecame the first female bailiff in the United States in 1870 in Wyoming.[18]


In pre-revolutionaryFrance,bailiff(French:bailli,French pronunciation:[baji]) was the king's administrative representative during theancien régimein northern France, where the bailiff was responsible for the application of justice and control of the administration and local finances in hisbailiwick(baillage).

Bailli(12th-century Frenchbailif,"administrative official, deputy" ) was derived from aVulgar Latinterm*bajulivusmeaning "official in charge of a castle", i.e. a royalcastellan.


In the late 12th and early 13th century,King Philip II,an able and ingenious administrator who founded the central institutions on which the French monarchy's system of power would be based, prepared the expansion of the royal demesne through his appointment of bailiffs in the king's northern lands (thedomaine royal),[19]based on the medieval fiscal and tax division known as the "baillie"which had been used by earlier sovereign princes such as theDuke of Normandy.InFlanders,the count appointed similar bailiffs (Dutch:baljuw). The equivalent agent in the king's southern lands acquired after the inheritance of theCounty of Toulousewas theseneschal.

Unlike the local administration ofNorman Englandthroughsheriffsdrawn from the great local families, the French bailiff was a paid government official, who had no power network in the area to which he had been assigned, and, in the way of a truebureaucrat,owed his income andsocial statuswholly to the central administration that he represented. "He was therefore fanatically loyal to the king," Norman Cantor observes, "and was concerned only with the full exercise of royal power."[20]Thecathedral schoolsand theUniversity of Parisprovided the clerks and lawyers who served as the king's bailiff.


Under theAncien Régimein France, thebailli(earlierbaillis), or bailie, was the king's chief officer in abailiwickor bailiery (bailliage), serving as chief magistrate forboroughsandbaronies,administrator, military organizer, and financial agent. In southern France the term generally used wassénéchalwho held office in asénéchaussée.The bailie convened a bailie court (cour baillivale) which was an itinerant court of first instance. The administrative network of bailiwicks was established in the 13th century over the Crown lands (thedomaine royal) byPhilip Augustuswho commissioned the first bailiff under the namebailli.They were based on pre-existing tax collection districts (baillie) which had been in use in formerly sovereign territories, e.g., theDuchy of Normandy.Bailie courts, as royal courts, were made superior over existent local courts; these lower courts were called:

  • provost courts (prévôtés royales), sat by aprovost(prévôt) appointed and paid by the bailie;
  • Normanvicomtés,sat by a viscount (vicomte) (position could be held by non-nobles);
  • elsewhere in northern France,châtellenies,sat by a castellan (position could be held by non-nobles);
  • or, in the south,vigueriesorbaylies,sat by aviguierorbayle.

The bailie court was presided over by a lieutenant-bailie (lieutenant général du bailli). Bailie courts had appellate jurisdiction over lower courts (manorial courts,provost courts) but was the court of first instance for suits involving thenobility.Appeal of bailie court judgments lay in turn with the provincialParlements.In an effort to reduce the Parlements' caseload, several bailie courts were granted extended powers byHenry II of Franceand were thereafter called presidial courts (baillages présidiaux). Bailie and presidial courts were also the courts of first instance for certain crimes (previously the jurisdiction of manorial courts): sacrilege,treason,kidnapping, rape, heresy, money defacement, sedition, insurrection, and illegal bearing of weapons.

By the late 16th century, the bailie's role had become mostly symbolic, and the lieutenant-bailie was the only one to hear cases. The administrative and financial role of the bailie courts declined in theearly modern period(superseded by the king'sroyal tax collectorsand provincialgovernors,and later byintendants), and by the end of the 18th century, the bailiwicks, which numbered in the hundreds, had become purely judicial.

Ushers, beadles and tipstaffs[edit]

In medieval France court bailiffs did not exist as such, but their functions were carried out by several court officers. Theussier(modernhuissier), or usher, originally the doorkeeper, kept order in the court. Thesomoneor(mod.semonneur), or court crier, adjourned and called the court to order and announced its orders or directions. Thebedel(mod.bedeau), orbeadle,was the court's messenger and served process, especially summonses (sumunse,somonse,mod.semonce). And finally thesergens(mod.sergent), ortipstaff,enforced judgments of the court, seized property, and made arrests. The tipstaff's badge of authority was hisverge,or staff, made of ebony, about 30 cm long, decorated with copper or ivory, and mandatory after 1560.

The Parlement courts consolidated most of these functions in its tipstaff (varlet), and the rest of the court system followed suit as the tipstaff was given the broadest powers. During the Renaissance, the four officers were reduced to two—thehuissierandsergent—who took on all these functions, with the distinction being that thehuissierserved in higher courts andsergentin bailie courts (sergent royal) and manorial courts (sergent de justice). In 1705 the two professions were fused by royal edict under the namehuissier.

Low Countries and German-speaking lands[edit]

The office of bailiff was historically used inFlanders,Zealand,theNetherlands,Hainault,and in northern France. The bailiff was a civil servant who represented the ruler in town and country. In Flanders the count usually appointed the bailiff.

In theLow Countriesand German-speaking Europe this position was known asbaljuw(frombailli), but other words were used such asschout"reeve, (medieval) bailiff" (Holland,Antwerp,Mechelen,'s-Hertogenbosch,Turnhout),meier"majordomo"(Asse, Leuven),drossāte"steward,seneschal"(other parts ofBrabant),amman(Brussels), andAmtmannandAmmann(Germany,Switzerland,Austria). TheAmtmannwas the senior official appointed by aterritorial lordto oversee the administration and jurisdiction of a manorial estate or equivalent.


Most of the functions associated with the olderDutch-languageterms translated as 'bailiff' in English, are no longer found in one officer. The modern Belgian termshuissier de justice(inFrench) orgerechtsdeurwaarder(inDutch), however, are often, and inaccurately, translated into English as 'bailiff', though the latter under an Anglo Saxon law system is by no means identical to the former who is typical for many countries influenced by theNapoleonic Code.The bailiff is a sworn officer who may legally deliver exploits (process serving), see to the execution of court orders such as theconfiscationof goods, or make formal record of events, acts and circumstances. In Belgium, the bailiff can be appointed by a confiscating court to exercise the judicial mandate ofschuldbemiddelaar(in Dutch) ormédiateur de dettes(in French), a debt negotiator, in a procedure calledcollectieve schuldenregeling(CSR) ormédiation collective de dettes,a collectively negotiated settlement of debts, which is comparable with the regulations by theWet Schuldsanering Natuurlijke Personen(WSNP) in the Netherlands.

In auction catalogs published in Brussels at the beginning of the 20th century, the termhuissieris associated with auction sales, i.e.,vente aux enchères publiques par le ministère de Me Grégoire, huissier, 26, rue Josaphat, à Bruxelles.[Galerie Georges Giroux, November 27, 1937.]


In Netherlands during theMiddle Ages,the term bailiff translates tobaljuw,which had various meanings and sometimes carried the same privileges and duties as the titledrostordrossaard,depending on the jurisdiction.Pieter Cornelisz Hooftfor example, carried both the titles"Drost vanMuiden"and"Baljuw vanGoeilandt",that were more or less honorary titles by that time. The two neighboring areas had needed the office to oversee the appointment of local council staff (mostly referred to as"schout&schepenen"), whose most important interests were the passage of travelers and goods by water (Muiden) and overland (Gooiland). The Netherlands was governed bywaterschappenas well as by regional city councils, and both institutions once had honorary titles ofbaljuwor drost.

These days, the termbailiffis not used in the Netherlands, except for the position of president and some honorary bailiffs of the Dutch branch of theKnights Hospitaller.

A person who amongst others sees to the execution of court orders such as the confiscation of goods is called adeurwaarder.

Sovereign Military Order of Malta[edit]

In theSovereign Military Order of Maltathe term bailiff is used for an honour given to certain senior knights. The dignity of bailiff may be conferred upon:[21]

The heads of several royal or princely houses who are Knights Grand Cross of Honour and Devotion usually receive the dignity of bailiff. These currently includeKing Albert II of Belgium;Franz, Duke of Bavaria;Louis Alphonse, Duke of Anjou;Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein.

Non-Catholics who are heads or senior members of royal or princely houses may be granted the insignia of a Bailiff Knight Grand Cross of Honour and Devotion. These currently includeKing Simeon II of BulgariaandGeorge Mikhailovich Romanov.They are permitted to wear the collar, star, and sash of a bailiff, but, not being Catholic, do not receive any of the spiritual benefits of membership in the Order.


InPoland,a court bailiff (Polish:komornik sądowy) is a public official (but not a civil servant) who is assigned to undertake enforcement action within the area of the jurisdiction of a single regional court (in Poland "a regional court is established for one or more communes, and, in justified cases, more than one regional court may be established for a single commune"*). With the 2008 amendment ofthe Court Bailiffs and Enforcement Act of 20 August 1997a bailiff is allowed to act in the whole territory of the Republic of Poland if and only if the creditors remark in the enforcement application that they exercise a right of selecting a bailiff. Then the bailiff acts beyond its area of action, which might result in a prolonged and ineffective enforcement. However, such practices are inadmissible when the creditors apply for the enforcement to be carried out in respect of real property and other property rights where the regulations on the execution on real property shall apply. The execution proceedings on real property must be conducted only by the court bailiff who acts within the area of the jurisdiction of the regional court which keeps land and mortgage register for that real property.

A court bailiff is an individual who is appointed to act as such by the minister of justice on application of the person concerned, filed via the intermediary of the president of the court of appeal, within whose area the candidate intends to perform acts in enforcement proceedings. Before appointing, the minister of justice shall request the council of the chamber of the court bailiffs to give the opinion of the candidate. The bailiffs are not employed by the regional courts (they act at the regional courts) but they are self-employed, which means that they have their own registered offices (named Bailiff's Office in...) and are remunerated by percentage on money recovered and the other fees specified inThe Court Bailiffs and Enforcement Act of 20 August 1997.The bailiff also incurs expenses including costs of correspondence, operating costs per kilometer when visiting debtors residing out of the place of bailiff's office; and the other expenses specified in above mentioned act. All those expenses incurred in the course of proceedings are to be covered by the debtor or by the creditor if the enforcement proceedings are ineffective. The regional courts supervise only the work of the bailiffs, especially with reference to the fastness, proficiency and accuracy of their activities; the correctness of office management and accounting. When enforcing the bailiffs are subordinate to the judicial decisions and president of the regional court. The bailiff acts on behalf of a creditor who is legally owed money. The creditor files an application for commencing enforcement proceedings and an original writ of execution with an enforcement clause inserted herein.

The court bailiffs are responsible for:

  • enforcing judicial decisions concerning pecuniary and non-pecuniary claims,
  • securing the aforesaid claims,
  • enforcing other writs of execution issued pursuant to separate provisions and writs of execution requiring to be enforced pursuant to separate provisions by way of court enforcement without providing them with the enforcement clause,
  • drawing up the report regarding the actual state of affairs before commencing legal proceedings and issuing decisions—if ordered by the court or prosecutor,
  • serving court notices, announcements, objections, complaints and other documents against a receipt and date-annotation,
  • exercising official supervision of the voluntary public auctions with adjudication to the lowest and highest bidder—upon a motion from the auction organizer.

(Sources: *www.ms.gov.pl/en/the-judiciary-in-poland/ Ustawa o komornikach sądowych i egzekucji z dnia 29.08.1997; Kodeks postępowania Cywilnego)


TheSwedish Enforcement Authority,Kronofogdemyndigheten,literally:The CrownBailiffAuthorityis agovernment agencyin charge ofdebt collection,distraintandevictionsinSweden.

Medieval Italy[edit]

Byzantine Empire[edit]

See also[edit]


  1. ^(fromMiddle Englishbaillif,Old Frenchbaillis,bail"custody" )
  2. ^abcdOne or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from a publication now in thepublic domain:Chisholm, Hugh,ed. (1911). "Bailiff".Encyclopædia Britannica.Vol. 3 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 218.
  3. ^abcdef"Rule-breaking bailiffs pushing people further into crisis as fees add £250m to debts".Citizens Advice.22 March 2023.Retrieved14 February2024.
  4. ^abcdefMarsh, Sarah (22 March 2023)."Most of the 2m people in England and Wales contacted by bailiffs report intimidating behaviour".The Guardian.Retrieved14 February2024.
  5. ^abc"HMcourts-service.gov.uk".HMcourts-service.gov.uk. 2011-04-01.Retrieved2013-07-30.
  6. ^Learners Dictionary, Oxford."Oxford Learners Dictionary".Oxford University Press 2015.Retrieved22 July2015.
  7. ^Mitchell, Sally (1996).Daily Life in Victorian England.Greenwood Publishing Group, 1 Jan 1996 – (311 pages) – Page 24.ISBN9780313294679.Retrieved22 July2015.
  8. ^"Volunteer Fishing Bailiff"(PDF).www.cityoflondon.gov.uk.
  9. ^Sprack, J (2006).A Practical Approach to Criminal Procedure(11th ed.). Oxford:Oxford University Press.ISBN0-19-929830-0.21.01-21.06
  10. ^"Fromoldbooks.org".Fromoldbooks.org.Retrieved2013-07-30.
  11. ^"When bailiffs come knocking".16 November 2010.
  12. ^"Claims bailiffs took €3000 of good from wrong house - Independent.ie".12 May 2010.
  13. ^Hyland, Paul (5 August 2012)."Explainer: Who and what are Ireland's sheriffs?".
  14. ^Ontario Ministry of Correctional Services Act(see Section 19)
  15. ^"Courts of Justice Act, Section 141".E-laws.gov.on.ca.Retrieved2013-07-30.
  16. ^The Role and Rights of BailiffsArchived2010-04-15 at theWayback Machine,Ministry of Consumer Services
  17. ^"California Adult Corrections Officer Core Task".California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation.Archived fromthe originalon March 24, 2012.
  18. ^"A List of Firsts for Wyoming Women | WyoHistory.org".www.wyohistory.org.
  19. ^Norman F. Cantor,The Civilization of the Middle Ages1993:412f, discusses the institution of thebailli.
  20. ^Cantor 1993,loc. cit..
  21. ^"Code of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta, Article 130, para. 2"(PDF).Rome. 1998. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 22 December 2018.Retrieved6 October2016.

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