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Barack Obama assassination plot in Tennessee

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Barack Obama,the44thPresident of the United Statesand target of an alleged assassination plot during his candidacy

TheBarack Obama assassination plot in Tennesseewas a plot by Paul Schlesselman and Daniel Cowart toassassinateBarack Obama,who was then the 2008Democratic Partypresidential nominee.The two men—bothNeo-Naziwhite power skinheads—spoke of killing Obama during a planned murder spree of 88African AmericansinTennessee(in reference to theNazisloganHeil Hitler), 14 of whom were to bebeheaded(a reference to theFourteen Wordsslogan), many of whom were young students at an unidentified, predominantly black school.

Schlesselman and Cowart were arrested on October 22, 2008, and found to be in possession of several weapons. The men told authorities of their planned assassination and killing spree, and said they intended to rob a weapon store to obtain additional weapons and commit home robberies to help fund the operation. Although theUnited States Secret Servicesaid it was taking the plot seriously, authorities were unsure how capable Schlesselman and Cowart were of carrying out the alleged plot. Both plotters pleaded guilty to various federal charges; JudgeJ. Daniel Breenof theUnited States District Court for the Western District of Tennesseesentenced Schlesselman to 10 years imprisonment on April 15, 2010, and Cowart to 14 years in prison on October 22, 2010.

Investigation and arrests[edit]

Paul Schlesselman, 18, ofHelena–West Helena, Arkansas,and Daniel Cowart, 20, ofBells, Tennessee,allegedly plotted to assassinateBarack Obamaduring his2008 presidential campaign.[1]BothNeo-Nazis,Schlesselman and Cowart were introduced to each other via theInternetin September 2008 by a mutual friend who shared theirwhite supremacistbeliefs.[2]Within a month they began planning to kill Obama by driving their vehicle toward him as fast as they could and shooting at him from the windows. The murder was planned as the final act of violence of a killing spree in which the men planned to kill 88African Americansby gunfire, mostly children at an unidentified, predominantlyblackschool.[3][4]They also planned to behead 14 of the88victims. The numbers were chosen for their special significance in the white power movement:[3]88means "Heil Hitler",since H is the eighth letter in the alphabet, and 14 represents the14-word white supremacist mantra,"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."[5]

Schlesselman and Cowart chatted on the Internet about how to carry out the operation. Schlesselman suggested using asawed-off shotgunbecause it would be easy to maneuver; he also said he planned to steal a gun from his father.[2]Prior to their arrest, the men decorated their car with aswastikaand drew the numbers 88 and 14 on their hood using window chalk.[3]Authorities believe the men may have planned to move from state to state to choose their victims. They also planned to wear whitetuxedosandtop hatsduring the assassination attempt.[1]

The convicted assassination plotters: Paul Schlesselman (left) and Daniel Cowart (right)

On October 22, Schlesselman and Cowart shot at aglass windowon the front door of the Allen Baptist Church inBrownsville, Tennessee.[6]The two men bragged to a female friend about the shooting; the friend told her mother, who notified theHaywood CountySheriff's Department.Investigators traced the shell casings to Schlesselman and Cowart, and notified theCrockett CountySheriff's Department, who took the pair into custody after spotting the swastikas, slurs and 88 and 14 numbers on their car.[2][3]

Police seized arifle,a sawed-off shotgun and threepistolsfrom the men at the time of the arrest. They were detained in Bells, Tennessee for a few days before being moved to another facility.[1]During interrogation, the men told authorities of their plan to kill Obama.[4]TheBureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosiveshandled the initial federal investigation of the case.[5]TheUnited States Secret Servicebecame involved in the investigation once theassassinationplot was discovered.[1]TheFederal Bureau of Investigationwas also involved in the investigation.[7]Both men were charged with illegal possession of a sawed-off shotgun, conspiracy to rob a firearms dealer and making threats against a presidential candidate; a superseding indictment additionally charged the pair with civil rights conspiracy and conspiracy, and charged Cowart with destruction of religious property and a related firearms charge.[7]Authorities have found no evidence that anyone besides the two men were involved in the plot, but as of October 2008 authorities were said to be investigating the possibility.[4]

Both Schlesselman and Cowart acknowledged that they would be killed as a result of the murders and insisted they were willing to die.[1]Authorities said the pair planned to break into a gun shop to steal more weapons for their attack, and also bought nylonropeandski masksatWalmartto use in arobberyorhome invasionto fund the spree.[1]Schlesselman and Cowart asked a friend to drive them to a house they planned to rob, but they canceled the robbery after getting scared by a dog and two vehicles in the driveway.[2]

Assessment of threat[edit]

Secret Service and other authorities said they were treating the plot very seriously, but acknowledged it did not appear to have moved to an advanced stage.[4]Authorities said there did not appear to be any formal assassination plan and said they were unable to immediately assess how capable the men were of carrying out the attack.[1]Federal authorities told theAssociated Pressthey did not believe Schlesselman and Cowart had the means to carry out their threat.[2]Barack Obama did not have any campaign appearances planned for Tennessee.[4]One federal law enforcement official told the AP that plans did not include Obama's schedule or a specific time and place for the assassination because, "I don't think they had that level of detail."[2]Authorities said they made several mistakes during their planning, including drawing too much attention to themselves with their car markings. Authorities also felt their inability to carry out a home robbery together indicated they would be unable to carry out a sophisticated assassination plot.[2]When asked whether the alleged threats were real, Daniel Cowart's lawyer, Joe H. Byrd, told reporters, "White top hats and tuxedos? You tell me."[8]

"They sound crazy, like a really bad movie – Quentin Tarantino gone awry. You listen to that, and you say, 'In a hundred thousand years, they never would have reached Obama.' But the reality is, they might have walked into a black high school and killed 20, 30, 40 people before anybody knew who they were."

Mark Potok, director of theSouthern Poverty Law Center[9]

Fred Fielder, police chief in Helena–West Helena, Arkansas, said the alleged plot in Tennessee particularly concerned him due to the fact that 66 percent of the city's 12,200 population are African American; he said to reporters, "Predominantly black school, take your pick."[1]Mark Potok, director of theSouthern Poverty Law Center,described the plans and weapons arsenal as frightening, but said, "With the part about wearing top hats... it gets a bit hard to take them seriously."[2]Nevertheless, Potok said "the reality is, they might have walked into a black high school and killed 20, 30, 40 people before anybody knew who they were".[9]An editorial inThe Daily News JournalinMurfreesboro, Tennessee,said the plot emphasized a dark undercurrent of racism still alive in the United States, but said their chances of killing Obama were "almost nil. Their plot was so disorganized they appear to be candidates for 'dumb criminals', not calculating assassins."[10]

Despite initial concerns about the plot, the Obama campaign was not immediately notified of the alleged plot; an Obama aide toldABC News,"They were given no heads up."[11]Concerns were already strong about possible plots against Obama due to his status as the first African American presidential nominee for a major political party. The senator had been receiving Secret Service protection since May 2007, which was the earliest for any candidate, and authorities had already foiled analleged assassination plotat the2008 Democratic National ConventioninDenver,Colorado.[4]

Histories of plotters[edit]

Paul Schlesselman[edit]

Paul Schlesselman is ofGerman descentand was a high school dropout raised by a single father inHelena–West Helena, Arkansas.He hated his smallDeltaregion hometown because of its predominantly black population. He had never had any problems with the law prior to the alleged Obama plot. He had a strong affinity for drinking and smoking.[12]

Schlesselman publicly claimed white people were themaster raceand would often say "Sieg Heil"and"Heil Hitler."[2]He spoke out against Obama, saying things like, "Obama would make the world suffer."[2]Hisanti-racistsister Kayla, who is two years younger than Paul, often argued with him about his racial beliefs. A few days before his arrest, a neighbor said he heard semiautomatic gunfire coming from an open field behind Schlesselman's house.[12]After his arrest, Schlesselman's family expressed doubt that he seriously intended to carry out the plot; his father, Mike, said, "I think it's just a lot of talk. He would never do something like this."[2]Kayla said she spoke with her brother after the charges were made public, and that Paul "said he's sorry about everything he's done."[2]

Daniel Cowart[edit]

Daniel Cowart is ofEnglish descentand was raised inBells, Tennessee.He had a strong interest in computers and had no criminal record. Cowart attendedJackson Christian Schooluntil 2006, but did not graduate. He was expelled from Jackson Christian after calling in a bomb threat. He applied forJackson State Community Collegeto study computers but, although his family believed he was indeed attending the school, he never provided documentation or pursued other steps to enroll there. Cowart moved toTexasin the spring of 2007 to live with friends he met on the Internet, but was unable to find work and returned to Bells to live with his grandparents a month later.[13]Cowart worked at a Bells grocery store called the Bells Market Place for one year until May 2007 before moving to Texas for a brief time. Cowart worked and got along with several minority co-workers, who later expressed shock at his arrest. Mitchell Twitty, a black former co-worker, said of Cowart, "He treated me like we were best friends. I never, ever heard him make a racist remark."[14]Twitty said Cowart tended to keep to himself and at times acted "a little strange."[14]Other co-workers described him as hard-working and friendly, but said he did not have many friends. One family friend thought he was intelligent and full of potential: "I always saw him as a doctor or lawyer, or even a senator. He even had the potential to become what Obama is, running for president."[14]

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Cowart belonged to the Supreme White Alliance, a white supremacist group. A photograph of Cowart celebrating the birthday ofAdolf Hitlerwith other members was on the group's website.[2]On the group's social networking site, Cowart described himself as "easygoing and easy to get along with, as long as you are white!"[12]Cowart was allegedly kicked out of the group sometime prior to his arrest. The club's president, Steve Edwards ofCentral City, Kentucky,resigned due to the negative press following Cowart's arrest. Although Edwards acknowledged Cowart's membership, he said the group had no part in the plan, and claimed that the media exaggerated Cowart's connection to the group.[2]


Acourtroom sketchof the first hearing and not guilty pleas of Paul Schlesselman (center) and Daniel Cowart (right)

A grand jury indicted Paul Schlesselman and Daniel Cowart on November 5, 2008, on federal charges of threatening to kill and inflict bodily harm upon a major presidential candidate, conspiracy, interstate unlawful transportation of an unregistered firearm, interstate transportation of a firearm with the intent to commit a felony, transporting a short-barreled shotgun across state lines without a license and unlawful possession of a short-barreled shotgun. Cowart was also charged with damaging religious property and use of a firearm during a crime of violence.[15]On November 6, Schlesselman and Cowart pleaded not guilty before a federal magistrate inMemphis, Tennessee.The two were placed into federal custody without bail. The charges carry a maximum punishment of 50 years in prison and $540,000 in fines.[8]

At the request of federal authorities, the men were placed onlockdownin theirObion County, Tennessee,jail cell for their own safety. The two men could leave their cell for only one hour to watch television or use the phone; authorities said they had caused no problems during their time in the jail.[16]

Cowart's lawyer argued in a November 13 petition that the grand jury was racially stacked against him because it included only two white members, while "21 were African-American or of another race or races".[17]Cowart's attorney argued his indictment should be dismissed because jury could not "under the most modest constitutional scrutiny... be considered fair, impartial and unprejudiced."[17]In February 2009, a federal judge granted Schlesselman and Cowart limited access to court records on the grand jury selection and gave them permission to question procedures for selecting jurors. However, their defense attorneys were not allowed to challenge the resulting racial makeup of the actual jury.[18]Also in February 2009, Schlesselman's lawyer asked the court to dismiss statements he previously gave police and evidence that he contended was wrongfully seized during searches of his home and another residence.[19]JudgeJ. Daniel Breenof theUnited States District Court for the Western District of Tennesseerefused this request in April.[20]Schlesselman's counsel argued his assassination threat charges should be dropped because he said the alleged comments were made while in custody, so he could not have carried them out and they were not a "true threat". Judge Breen rejected that argument in March 2009.[21]

The prosecution asked for two separate trials, which were expected to take place inJackson, Tennessee,the area where the alleged crimes occurred.[17][22]

Guilty pleas and sentencing[edit]

Schlesselman pleaded guilty to two counts in the indictment against him plus one count of an information on January 14, 2010, with an agreed-upon sentence of ten years.[23]Cowart pleaded guilty to eight of the nine counts in the superseding indictment on March 29, 2010.[24]On April 15, 2010, Judge Breen sentenced Schlesselman to 10 years in federal prison.[25]Judge Breen sentenced Cowart to 14 years in prison on October 22, 2010.[26]The U.S. Justice Department said that Cowart could have been sentenced to a maximum 75 years, and Cowart was originally to be sentenced on August 13.[27]


Schlesselman served his sentence at the medium-securityFederal Correctional Institution in McKean, Pennsylvania,and was released in July 2017.[28]Cowart served his sentence at the medium-securityFederal Correctional Institution in Williamsburg, South Carolina,and was released in January 2021.[29]


  1. ^abcdefghJordan, Lara Jakes (October 27, 2008)."Feds Disrupt Skinhead Plot to Assassinate Obama".Associated Press.Archived fromthe originalon November 9, 2013.RetrievedOctober 28,2008.According to an arrest affidavit, the two men planned to drive their vehicle as fast as they could toward Obama, firing from the windows with high-powered rifles. The affidavit said the two men planned to wear white tuxedos and top hats during the assassination attempt.
  2. ^abcdefghijklmnBaird, Woody; DeMillo, Andrew (October 30, 2008)."Authorities Say Skinhead Plot Wasn't Fully Formed".Associated Press.Archivedfrom the original on December 1, 2017.RetrievedNovember 29,2017.
  3. ^abcdDate, Jack (October 27, 2008)."Feds thwart alleged Obama assassination plot".ABC News.Archivedfrom the original on October 30, 2008.RetrievedOctober 28,2008.
  4. ^abcdefLichtblau, Eric(October 27, 2008)."Arrests in plan to kill Obama and black schoolchildren".The New York Times.Archivedfrom the original on November 13, 2013.RetrievedOctober 28,2008.
  5. ^abHaberman, Maggie (October 27, 2008)."ATF Stops Plot to Kill Barack Obama".New York Post.Archived fromthe originalon October 28, 2008.
  6. ^"Tennessee Man Sentenced for Conspiring to Commit Murders of African-Americans".2010 Press Release.FBI. October 22, 2010.Archivedfrom the original on September 23, 2012.RetrievedMay 8,2012.Cowart admitted that he and Schlesselman also conspired to burglarize a federally licensed firearms dealer to obtain additional weapons for their scheme. He also admitted to transporting a sawed-off shotgun from Arkansas to Tennessee for the purpose of committing felonies. Cowart additionally admitted to shooting the window of the Allen Baptist Church in Brownsville, Tenn.
  7. ^abFederal Bureau of Investigation – Memphis Field Division – Press Release – Department of Justice
  8. ^abBaird, Woody (November 6, 2009),"Skinheads plead not guilty in alleged Obama plot",Associated Press,retrievedNovember 7,2008[dead link]
  9. ^abJohnson, Carrie (January 11, 2009),"Bad Economy May Fuel Hate Groups, Experts Warn",The Washington Post,archivedfrom the original on November 7, 2012,retrievedJanuary 11,2009
  10. ^"Editorial: Foiled plot revives pain of racism."[dead link]The Daily News Journal,October 30, 2008. Retrieved on November 7, 2008.
  11. ^Stephanopoulos, George(October 27, 2008),"Obama not told about alleged assassination plot.",ABC News,archivedfrom the original on October 30, 2008,retrievedOctober 28,2008
  12. ^abcKrupa, John (October 29, 2008),"Teen in plot lists drinking as his job",Arkansas Democrat-Gazette,archivedfrom the original on July 7, 2011,retrievedJanuary 2,2010
  13. ^Martin, Mariann (October 29, 2008), "Image of Daniel Cowart not familiar to those he knew in Bells",The Jackson Sun
  14. ^abcMartin, Mariann (October 30, 2008), "Minority coworkers say Cowart was always friendly, respectful.",The Jackson Sun
  15. ^Martin, Mariann (November 21, 2008), "2 Men Charged in Obama Plot Face Additional Counts",The Jackson Sun
  16. ^"2 Accused of Threatening Obama Kept on Lockdown",Associated Press,November 9, 2008,retrievedNovember 10,2008[dead link]
  17. ^abcBaird, Woody (November 13, 2008),"Man charged in Obama plot says grand jury skewed",CBS,Associated Press,archivedfrom the original on November 15, 2010,retrievedNovember 14,2008
  18. ^Chism, Michelle (February 9, 2009),"Arkansan Charged in Skinhead Plot Granted Access to Court Records",KTHV,archivedfrom the original on August 21, 2009,retrievedFebruary 9,2009
  19. ^"Man accused in Obama plot wants evidence tossed",Associated Press,February 14, 2009, archived fromthe originalon February 17, 2009,retrievedFebruary 14,2009
  20. ^Judge Won't Toss Evidence in Plot Against Obama - ABC News,Abcnews.go.com, June 8, 2009
  21. ^Buser, Lawrence (March 25, 2009),"Judge refuses to dismiss charge in Obama threat",The Commercial Appeal,Memphis, Tennessee,archivedfrom the original on May 31, 2009,retrievedMarch 27,2009
  22. ^Martin, Mariann (September 12, 2009)."Separate Trials Sought in Alleged Obama Plot".The Jackson Sun.Archivedfrom the original on October 24, 2012.RetrievedJanuary 30,2020.
  23. ^Staff writer (January 14, 2010)."'Skinhead' Pleads Guilty to Conspiring to Kill Black People, Threatening Obama ".CommercialAppeal.com.Archived fromthe originalon June 15, 2011.
  24. ^Dunlap, Stanley (March 29, 2010), "Obama plot suspect enters plea",Jackson Sun
  25. ^"Obama Assassination Plot: Paul Schlesselman Sentenced to 10 Years for Plotting Murder Spree".New York Daily News.April 16, 2010.RetrievedJanuary 9,2011.[dead link]
  26. ^"Tennessee Man Sentenced for Conspiring to Commit Murders of African-Americans"(Press release). Federal Bureau of Investigation, Memphis. October 22, 2010. Archived fromthe originalon August 5, 2011.
  27. ^"Man Who Plotted to Kill Obama to Be Sentenced".CNN. August 13, 2010. Archived fromthe originalon September 15, 2010.
  28. ^"Inmate locator: Paul Schlesselman".Federal Bureau of Prisons. Archived fromthe originalon June 29, 2011.
  29. ^"Inmate Locator: Register #22540-076".Federal Bureau of Prisons. Archived fromthe originalon June 29, 2011.

Further reading[edit]