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ApostleandBishop of Milan
ChurchEarly Church
MetropolisMilan and Cyprus
SuccessorSt.Anathalon of Milan
Personal details
DiedSalamis, Roman Cyprus
Alma materSchool ofGamaliel
Feast day11 June
Venerated in
AttributesRed Martyr,Pilgrim's staff;olive branch;holding theGospel of Matthew
PatronageCyprus,Antioch,againsthailstorms,invoked as peacemaker, peacekeeping missions
ShrinesMonastery of St Barnabas inFamagusta, Cyprus

Barnabas(/ˈbɑːrnəbəs/;Syriac:ܒܪܢܒܐ;Ancient Greek:Βαρνάβας), bornJoseph(Ἰωσήφ) orJoses(Ἰωσής),[1]was according to tradition an earlyChristian,one of the prominentChristian disciplesin Jerusalem. According toActs 4,36,Barnabas was aCypriot Jew.Named anapostleinActs 14,14,[2]he andPaul the Apostleundertook missionary journeys together and defendedGentileconverts against theJudaizers.They traveled together making more converts (c. 46–48), and participated in theCouncil of Jerusalem(c. 49). Barnabas and Paul successfully evangelized among the"God-fearing"Gentiles who attendedsynagoguesin variousHellenizedcities ofAnatolia.

Barnabas' story appears in the Acts of the Apostles, and Paul mentions him in some of hisepistles.Tertulliannamed him as the author of theEpistle to the Hebrews,[3]but this and other attributions are conjecture. TheEpistle of Barnabaswas ascribed to him byClement of Alexandriaand others in the early church[4]and the epistle is included under his name inCodex Sinaiticus,the earliest extant manuscript of the complete New Testament.[5]A few modern scholars concur with this traditional attribution[6]but it is presently a minority view.[7]

Although the date, place, and circumstances of his death are historically unverifiable, Christian tradition holds that Barnabas wasmartyredatSalamis, Cyprus.He is traditionally identified as the founder of theCypriot Orthodox Church.Thefeast dayof Barnabas is celebrated on 11 June.

Barnabas is usually identified as the cousin ofMark the Evangeliston the basis of the term"anepsios"used inColossians 4,which carries the connotation of "cousin". Orthodox tradition holds thatAristobulus of Britannia,one of theSeventy Disciples,was the brother of Barnabas.[8]

Name and etymologies[edit]

HisHellenicJewishparents called him Joseph (although theByzantine text-typecalls himἸωσῆς,Iōsēs,'Joses', aGreekvariant of 'Joseph'),[1]but when recounting the story of how he sold his land and gave the money to the apostles inJerusalem,theBook of Actssays the apostles called him Barnabas. (The "s" at the end is the Greek nominative case ending, and it is not present in the Aramaic form.) The Greek text ofActs 4:36explains the name asυἱὸς παρακλήσεως,hyios paraklēseōs,meaning "son of encouragement" or "son of comforter". One theory is that this is from theAramaicבר נחמה,bar neḥmā,meaning 'son (of) solace'. Another is that it is related to the Hebrew wordnabī(נביא,Aramaicnebī) meaning "prophet".[9][10]In theSyriac Bible,the phrase "son of prophet" is translatedbara dbuya'a.[11]

Biblical narrative[edit]

Barnabas curing the sickbyPaolo Veronese,Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen,c. 1566

Barnabas appears mainly inActs,a history of the earlyChristian church.He also appears in several ofPaul'sepistles.

Barnabas, a native ofCyprusand aLevite,is first mentioned in theActs of the Apostlesas a member of the early Christian community inJerusalem,who sold the land that he owned and gave the proceeds to the community.[1]When the future Paul the Apostle returned to Jerusalem after his conversion, Barnabas introduced him to the apostles. Easton, in his Bible Dictionary, supposes that they had been fellow students in the school ofGamaliel.[12]

The successful preaching of Christianity at Antioch to non-Jews led the church at Jerusalem to send Barnabas there to oversee the movement. He found the work so extensive and weighty that he went toTarsusin search of Paul (still referred to as Saul), "an admirable colleague", to assist him. Paul returned with him to Antioch and labored with him for a whole year. At the end of this period, the two were sent up to Jerusalem (44 AD) with contributions from the church at Antioch for the relief of the poorer Christians in Judea.[13]

They returned to Antioch takingJohn Markwith them, the cousin or nephew of Barnabas. Later, they went to Cyprus and some of the principal cities ofPamphylia,Pisidia,andLycaonia.After recounting what the governor of CyprusSergius Paulusbelieved, Acts 13:9[14]speaks of Barnabas's spiritual brother no longer as Saul, but as Paul, hisRoman name,and generally refers to the two no longer as "Barnabas and Saul" as heretofore, but as "Paul and Barnabas". Only in Acts 14:14[15]and Acts 15:12–25[16]does Barnabas again occupy the first place, in the first passage with recollection of Acts 14:12,[17]in the last 2, because Barnabas stood in closer relation to the Jerusalem church than Paul. Paul appears as the more eloquent missionary, whence theLystransregarded him asHermesand Barnabas asZeus.[13]

Acts 14:14[15]is also the unique biblical topic where Saint Barnabas is called with theGreekword forApostle.[18]

Saints Paul and Barnabas at Lystra (Sacrifice at Lystra)byBartholomeus Breenberg,1637,Princeton University Art Museum

Returning from this first missionary journey to Antioch, they were again sent up to Jerusalem to consult with the church there regarding the relation of Gentiles to the church.[13]According to Galatians 2:9–10, Barnabas was included with Paul in the agreement made between them, on the one hand, andJames,Peter,andJohn,on the other, that the two former should in the future preach to the pagans, not forgetting the poor at Jerusalem. This matter having been settled, they returned again to Antioch, bringing the agreement of thecouncilthatGentileswere to be admitted into the church without having to adopt Jewish practices.

After they had returned to Antioch from the Jerusalem council, they spent some time there. Peter came and associated freely there with the Gentiles, eating with them, until criticized for this by some disciples of James, as against Mosaic law. Upon their remonstrances, Peter yielded apparently through fear of displeasing them, and refused to eat any longer with the Gentiles. Barnabas followed his example. Paul considered that they "walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel" and upbraided them before the whole church.[19]In Galatians 2:11–13,[20]Paul says, "And whenKephascame to Antioch, I opposed him to his face because he clearly was wrong. For, until some people came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles; but when they came, he began to draw back and separated himself, because he was afraid of the circumcised. And the rest of the Jews (also) acted hypocritically along with him, with the result that even Barnabas was carried away by their hypocrisy. "

Paul then asked Barnabas to accompany him on another journey. Barnabas wished to take John Mark along, but Paul did not, as he had left them on the earlier journey. The dispute ended by Paul and Barnabas taking separate routes. Paul tookSilasas his companion, and journeyed throughSyriaandCilicia;while Barnabas took John Mark to visit Cyprus.[19]

Little is known of the subsequent career of Barnabas. He was still living and labouring as an Apostle in 56 or 57, when Paul wrote1 Corinthians(9:5–6), in which it is stated that he, too, like Paul, earned his own living. The reference indicates also that the friendship between the two was unimpaired. When Paul was a prisoner in Rome (61–63), John Mark was attached to him as a disciple, which is regarded as an indication that Barnabas was no longer living (Colossians 4:10).[19]

Barnabas and Antioch[edit]

Antioch,the third-most important city of the Roman Empire,[21]then the capital city ofSyria province,todayAntakya,Turkey, was where Christians were first called thus.[22]

Some of those who had been scattered by the persecution that arose because of Stephen went to Antioch, which became the site of an early Christian community.[23]A considerable minority of the Antioch church of Barnabas's time belonged to the merchant class, and they provided support to the poorer Jerusalem church.[24]


Apostle, Disciple, Preacher, and Martyr
Born1st century AD
Salamis,Roman Cyprus
DiedSalamis, Roman Cyprus
Venerated inCatholic Church,Eastern Orthodox Churches,Oriental Orthodox Churches,Anglican Communion,Lutheran Church
MajorshrineMonastery of St BarnabasinFamagusta, Cyprus
FeastJune 11
AttributesRed Martyr,Pilgrim's staff;olive branch;holding theGospel of Matthew
PatronageCyprus,Antioch,againsthailstorms,invoked as peacemaker

Church tradition developed outside of the canon of the New Testament describes the martyrdom of many saints, including the legend of the martyrdom of Barnabas.[25]It relates that certain Jews coming to Syria and Salamis, where Barnabas was then preaching the gospel, being highly exasperated at his extraordinary success, fell upon him as he was disputing in the synagogue, dragged him out, and, after the most inhumanetortures,stoned him to death. His kinsman, John Mark, who was a spectator of this barbarous action, privately interred his body.[26]

Although it is believed he wasmartyredby being stoned, theapocryphalActs of Barnabasstates that he was bound with a rope by the neck, and then being dragged only to the site where he would be burned to death.

According to theHistory of the Cyprus Church,[27]in 478 Barnabas appeared in a dream to the ArchbishopAnthemios of Cyprusand revealed to him the place of his sepulchre beneath acarob-tree. The following day Anthemios found the tomb and inside it the remains of Barnabas with a manuscript of Matthew's Gospel on his breast. Anthemios presented the Gospel to EmperorZenoatConstantinopleand received from him the privileges of theGreek Orthodox Church of Cyprus,that is, the purple cloak which theGreek Archbishop of Cypruswears at festivals of the church, the imperial sceptre and the red ink with which he affixes his signature.

Anthemios then placed the venerable remains of Barnabas in a church which he founded near the tomb. Excavations near the site of a present-day church and monastery, have revealed an early church with two empty tombs, believed to be that of St. Barnabas and Anthemios.[28]

St. Barnabas is venerated as thepatron saintofCyprus.He is also considered a patron saint in many other places in the world, highlighting MilaninItaly.On the island ofTenerife(Spain), St. Barnabas was invoked in historical times as patron saint and protector of the island's fields against drought, together withSt. Benedict of Nursia.[29]

Barnabas the Apostle isrememberedin theChurch of Englandwith afestivalon 11 June.[30]

Other sources[edit]

Although many assume that the biblicalMark the cousin of Barnabas[31]is the same as John Mark[32]andMark the Evangelist,the traditionally believed author of theGospel of Mark,they are listed as three distinct people inPseudo-Hippolytus'On the Seventy Apostles of Christ,which includes Barnabas himself as one of theSeventy-Two Disciples.[33]There are two people named Barnabas among Hippolytus' list of Seventy Disciples, One (#13) became the bishop of Milan, the other (#25) the bishop of Heraclea. Most likely one of these two is the biblical Barnabas; the first one is more likely, because the numbering by Hippolytus seems to indicate a level of significance, and Barnabas is traditionally credited with founding theapostolic see of Milan.Clement of Alexandria[34]also makes Barnabas one of theSeventy Disciplesthat are mentioned in theGospel of Luke.[35]

Other sources bring Barnabas toRomeandAlexandria.In the"Clementine Recognitions"(i, 7) he is depicted as preaching in Rome even during Christ's lifetime.

Cypriots developed the tradition of his later activity and martyrdom no earlier than the 3rd century. The question whether Barnabas was an apostle was often discussed during the Middle Ages.[36]

Alleged writings[edit]

Tertullianand other Western writers regard Barnabas as the author of theLetter to the Hebrews.This may have been the Roman tradition—which Tertullian usually follows—and in Rome the epistle may have had its first readers. Modern biblical scholarship considers its authorship unknown, though Barnabas amongst others has been proposed as potential authors.[37]

"Photiusof the ninth century, refers to some in his day who were uncertain whether the Acts was written by Clement of Rome, Barnabas, or Luke. Yet Photius is certain that the work must be ascribed to Luke. "[38]

He is also traditionally associated with theEpistle of Barnabas,although some modern scholars think it more likely that the epistle was written in Alexandria in the 130s.

The 5th centuryDecretum Gelasianumincludes aGospel of Barnabasamongst works condemned asapocryphal;but no certain text or quotation from this work has been identified.

Another book using that same title, theGospel of Barnabas,survives in two post-medieval manuscripts in Italian and Spanish.[39]Contrary to the canonical ChristianGospels,and in accordance with theIslamic view of Jesus,this later Gospel of Barnabas states thatJesuswas not theson of God,but aprophetand messenger.

The Barnabites[edit]

In 1538, the Catholic religious order officially known as "Clerics Regular of St. Paul" (Clerici Regulares Sancti Pauli), gained the grand old Monastery of Saint Barnabas by the city wall ofMilanas their main seat. The Order was thenceforth known by the popular name ofBarnabites.[40]

See also[edit]


  1. ^abcOne or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from a publication now in thepublic domain:Toy, Crawford Howell; Kohler, Kaufmann (1901–1906). "Barnabas: Joses". InSinger, Isidore;et al. (eds.).The Jewish Encyclopedia.New York: Funk & Wagnalls."Archived copy".Archived from the original on 2011-06-06.Retrieved2009-04-03.{{cite web}}:CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  2. ^Acts 14,14
  3. ^Tertullian,De Pudicitia(On Modesty), 20.2
  4. ^Origen (Contra Celsum,1.63;De Principii,3.2.4), Serapion of Thmuis (Concerning Father and Son), Didymus the Blind (Commentary on Zechariah), Jerome (Lives of Illustrious Men,6), et al.
  5. ^GA 01 (א), London:Sinaiticus,library BL, folio 334. Dated to c. 340 AD.[1]
  6. ^J.B. Burger, "L'Enigme de Barnabas," 180-193; andSimon Tugwell[Wikidata],The Apostolic Fathers,44; cf. Lardner, Wake, Pearson, Gieseler, et al.
  7. ^Joseph Tixeront,Handbook of Patrology: First Period, Section I: The Apostolic Fathers
  8. ^"Apostle Aristobulus of the Seventy the Bishop of Britain".Calendar of Saints.Orthodox Church in America.Archivedfrom the original on 2012-04-04.Retrieved2020-06-23.
  9. ^Stern 1992,p. 235–236.
  10. ^"Barnabas".BibleHub.Archivedfrom the original on 2019-03-06.Retrieved2019-03-06.Gives Thayer's Greek Lexicon andStrong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible.
  11. ^"Acts 4".BibleHub.Archivedfrom the original on 2019-03-06.Retrieved2019-03-06.
  12. ^"Barnabas".eastonsbibledictionary.org.Archivedfrom the original on 2016-03-16.Retrieved2018-03-21.
  13. ^abc""Saint Barnabas", Saint of the Day, Franciscan Media ".Archivedfrom the original on 2021-09-27.Retrieved2021-09-27.
  14. ^Acts 13:9
  15. ^abActs 14:14
  16. ^Acts 15:12–25
  17. ^Acts 14:12
  18. ^"Acts 14 with the Greek-English intelrinear text".Archivedfrom the original on July 9, 2021.RetrievedJuly 8,2021.
  19. ^abcOne or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from a publication now in thepublic domain:Fenlon, John Francis (1907). "St. Barnabas".In Herbermann, Charles (ed.).Catholic Encyclopedia.Vol. 2. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
  20. ^Galatians 2:11–13
  21. ^Cross & Livingstone 2005,p. 78, Antioch.
  22. ^Acts 11:26
  23. ^Arbez 1907.
  24. ^Durant 1944,p. 583.
  25. ^Cross & Livingstone 2005,p. 160, Barnabas.
  26. ^Fleetwood 1874,p. 600.
  27. ^Church of Cyprus, History of Cyprus Church, The Autocephaly of the Cyprus Churchchurchofcyprus.orgArchived2011-07-23 at theWayback Machine
  28. ^Cyprus Commemorative Stamp issue: 1900th Death Anniversary of Apostle Barnabas,philatelism.comArchived2012-11-28 at theWayback Machine
  29. ^"San Benito, patrón por sorteo de los frutos y ganados de Tenerife desde 1535. Por Carlos Rodríguez Morales (y III)".29 June 2018.
  30. ^"The Calendar".The Church of England.Archivedfrom the original on 2021-03-09.Retrieved2021-03-27.
  31. ^Colossians 4:10
  32. ^Acts 12:12, 25; 13:5, 13; 15:37
  33. ^Ante-Nicean Fathers, ed. Alexander Roberts, James Donaldson and A. Cleaveland Coxe, vol. 5 (Peabody MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1999), 255–6
  34. ^Stromata,ii, 20
  35. ^10:1ff
  36. ^CompareC. J. Hefele,Das Sendschreiben des Apostels Barnabas,Tübingen, 1840;Otto Braunsberger,"Der Apostel Barnabas," Mainz, 1876.
  37. ^Mitchell, Alan C.Hebrews(Liturgical Press, 2007) p. 6.
  38. ^Commentary on the ActsArchived2014-06-18 at theWayback MachineEdwin Wilbur Rice, 1900, p.7. Adolf Harnack mistakenly wrote that Photius believed Barnabas was the author in the 1908 Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, Volume 1, p. 487
  39. ^CompareT. Zahn,Geschichte des neutestamentlichen Kanons,ii, 292, Leipsig, 1890.
  40. ^Public DomainZöckler, O. (1908)."Barnabites".In Jackson, Samuel Macauley (ed.).New Schaff–Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge.Vol. 1 (third ed.). London and New York: Funk and Wagnalls.



Further reading[edit]

External links[edit]

Catholic Church titles
New creation Bishop of Cyprus
Succeeded by
Gelasios of Cyprus (325)
New creation Bishop of Milan
Succeeded by