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Battle of Sobota

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Battle of Sobota
Part of theNorthern War of 1655–1660/The Deluge
Date23 August 1655
Result Swedish victory
Swedish EmpireSwedish Empire Polish–Lithuanian CommonwealthPolish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
Commanders and leaders
Swedish EmpireCharles X of Sweden Polish–Lithuanian CommonwealthJohn II Casimir of Poland
c.25,000 men Unknown

TheBattle of Sobotatook place nearSobota,Poland, on 23 August 1655, between the armies of thePolish–Lithuanian Commonwealthon the one hand and ofSwedenon the other.

AfterCharles X Gustav's entry into Poland, he made camp atKoło.Here the Swedish king received representatives fromJohn II Casimir of Polandin an attempt to sue for peace. The Polish attempts were in vain and the Swedish king marched towardsWarsaw.John II Casimir put up a small army in order to hinder the Swedish advance while seeking assistance from other rulers. The forces clashed on 23 August, resulting in a Swedish victory as the Polish forces were routed after rapid, but intense fighting.[1][2]

After the battle, Charles X Gustav left the majority of his army under the command of field marshalArvid Wirtenberg von Debernwhile he himself continued his march towards Warsaw with about 2000 cavalry and 1200 infantry.[3]Warsaw fell with no resistance on 29 August.


  1. ^Fredrik Ferdinand Carlson,Sveriges historia under konungarne af pfalziska huset,Volume 1, Stockholm: Norstedt, 1855,OCLC457282269,p. 112(Swedish).
  2. ^Carl Efraim Josua Leonhard Wibling,Carl X Gustaf och Georg Rakoczy II,Lund: Berlingska, 1891,p. 13(Swedish).
  3. ^Johan Levin Carlbom,Om Karl X Gustafs polska krig och öfvergången till det 2dra. Sundskriget Karl Gustaf Wrangel (1654–1658),Göteborg: Ericson, 1905,OCLC490761533,p. 16(Swedish).


  • (in Swedish)Svenskt Militärhistoriskt Bibliotek[1]
  • (in Polish)Leszek Podhorodecki,Rapier i koncerz,Warsaw 1985,ISBN83-05-11452-X,pp. 247–248