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Beast of Gévaudan

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Beast of Gévaudan
Artist's conception of one of the Beasts of Gévaudan, 18th-century engraving by A.F. ofAlençon
First attested1764
Other name(s)La bête du Gévaudan(French)
La Bèstia de Gavaudan(Occitan)
RegionGévaudan(modern-dayLozèreand part ofHaute-Loire)

TheBeast of Gévaudan(French:La Bête du Gévaudan,IPA:[labɛtdyʒevodɑ̃];Occitan:La Bèstia de Gavaudan) is the historic name associated with aman-eatinganimal or animals that terrorized the formerprovinceofGévaudan(consisting of the modern-daydepartmentofLozèreand part ofHaute-Loire), in theMargeride Mountainsof south-centralFrancebetween 1764 and 1767.[1]

The attacks, which covered an area spanning 90 by 80 kilometres (56 by 50 mi), were said to have been committed by one or more beasts of a tawny/russet colour with dark streaks/stripes and a dark stripe down its back, a tail "longer than a wolf's" ending in a tuft according to contemporary eyewitnesses. It was said to attack with formidable teeth and claws, and appeared to be the size of a calf or cow and seemed to fly or bound across fields towards its victims. These descriptions from the period could identify the beast as a younglion,astriped hyena,a largewolf,a largedog,or awolfdog,though its identity is still the subject of debate.

TheKingdom of Franceused a considerable amount of wealth and manpower to hunt the animals responsible, including the resources of several nobles, soldiers, royal huntsmen, and civilians.[1]The number of victims differs according to the source. A 1987 study estimated there had been 210 attacks, resulting in 113 deaths and 49 injuries; 98 of the victims killed were partly eaten.[1]Other sources claim the animal or animals killed between 60 and 100 adults and children and injured more than 30.[1]Victims were often killed by having their throats torn out. The beast was reported killed several times before the attacks finally stopped.




Burial certificate of Jeanne Boulet inSaint-Étienne-de-Lugdarès(Ardèche), 1 July 1764[a]

The Beast of Gévaudan committed its first recorded attack in the early summer of 1764. A young woman, who was tending cattle in the Mercoire Forest near the town ofLangognein the eastern part ofGévaudan,saw a beast "like a wolf, yet not a wolf" come at her.[2]However, the bulls in the herd charged the beast, keeping it at bay. They then drove it off after it attacked a second time. Shortly afterwards, on 30 June, the beast's first official victim was recorded: 14-year-old Jeanne Boulet was killed near the village of Les Hubacs near Langogne.[3]On 1 July, this victim was buried "without sacraments" because she could not confess before her death. However, the burial certificate specifies that she was killed by "the ferocious beast" (French: la bette [sic] féroce), which suggests that she is not the first victim but only the first declared.[4]A second victim was reported on 8 August. Aged 14, she lived in the hamlet of Masméjean, in the parish ofPuy-Laurent.These two victims were killed in theAlliervalley.

From the end of August and in September, other victims were recorded in the Mercoire Forest or its surroundings.[5]Throughout the remainder of 1764, more attacks were reported in the region. Very soon, terror gripped the populace because the beast was repeatedly preying on lone men, women, and children as they tended livestock in the forests around Gévaudan.[3]Reports note that the beast seemed only to target the victim's head or neck regions. Some witnesses claimed the beast had supernatural abilities. They believed it could walk on its hind legs and feet like humans. They believed the beast performed astounding leaps. They also believed the beast could repel bullets and come back from the dead after being struck and wounded.[6]

Increased attention

An 18th-century print of the fight of Jacques Portefaix and his companions against the beast. One of the children holds his cheek, partly torn off by the animal.[7]

By late December 1764, rumors had begun circulating that there might be a pair of animals behind the killings. This was because there had been such a high number of attacks in such a short space of time and because many of the attacks appeared to have occurred or were reported nearly simultaneously. Some contemporary accounts suggest the creature was seen with another such animal, while others report that the beast was accompanied by its young.[8]

On 31 December, the Bishop of Mende Gabriel-Florent de Choiseul-Beaupré, also Count of Gévaudan, called for prayers andpenance.This appeal has remained in history under the name of "commandment of the Bishop of Mende".[9]All the priests of the diocese had to announce it to their faithful. In this long text, the bishop described the beast as a scourge sent by God to punish men for their sins.[10]He quotedSaint Augustinein evoking the "justice of God", as well as theBibleand the divine threats uttered byMoses:"I will arm the teeth of wild beasts against them". Following this commandment, prayers ofForty Hours' Devotionwere observed for three consecutive Sundays.

In spite of these divine pleas, the massacre continued. On 12 January 1765, Jacques Portefaix and seven children from the village of Villaret, in the parish ofChanaleilles,were attacked by the beast. After several attacks, they drove it away by staying grouped together. The encounter eventually came to the attention ofKing Louis XV,who awarded 300livresto Portefaix and another 350 livres to be shared among his companions. The king also rewarded Portefaix with an education at thestate's expense.He then decreed that the French state would help find and kill the beast.[3]On 11 February, in the parish ofLe Malzieu,was buried a little girl "about twelve years old who had been partly devoured on the present day by a man-eating beast that has been ravaging this country for nearly three months".[11]

By April 1765, the story of the beast had spread throughout Europe. TheCourrier d'Avignonand English journalists made fun of the impotence of royal power in the face of a simple animal.[12][13]Meanwhile, the local bishop and the intendants had to deal with an influx of mail; people from all over France suggesting more or less eccentric methods to overcome the beast.[14]The court also issued depictions of the beast in Gévaudan so that "everyone [was] less terrified at his approach and less likely to be mistaken" and so that the packs of hunting dogs could be trained to chase the beast thanks to an effigy "executed in cardboard".[15][16][17]

Royal intervention

An 18th-century print showingMarie Jeanne Vallet(also known as the "Maid of Gévaudan" ) defending herself from the beast

First Captain Duhamel of theClermont Princedragoonsand his troops were soon sent to Gévaudan. Although extremely zealous in his efforts, non-cooperation on the part of the local herders and farmers stalled Duhamel's efforts. On several occasions he almost shot the beast, but was hampered by the incompetence of his guards. When the village of Le Malzieu was not present and ready as the beast crossed theTruyèreriver, Duhamel became frustrated.

When Louis XV agreed to send two professional wolf hunters, Jean Charles Marc Antoine Vaumesle d'Enneval and his son Jean-François, Captain Duhamel was forced to stand down and return to his headquarters inClermont-Ferrand.Cooperating with d'Enneval was impossible as the two differed too much in their strategies; Duhamel organisedwolf huntingparties while d'Enneval and his son believed the beast could only be shot using stealthy techniques. Father and son D'Enneval arrived in Clermont-Ferrand on 17 February 1765, bringing eightbloodhoundsthat had been trained in wolf hunting. Over the next four months, the pair hunted forEurasian wolves,believing that one or more of these animals was the beast. However, when the attacks continued, the D'Ennevals were replaced in June 1765 byFrançois Antoine(sometimes wrongly identified with his son, Antoine de Beauterne), the king's solearquebusbearer and lieutenant of the Hunt, who arrived in Le Malzieu on 22 June.[18]

On 11 August, Antoine organised a great hunt. That day saw the feat of the "Maid of Gévaudan". Marie-Jeanne Vallet, about 20 years old, was the servant of the parish priest of Paulhac. In the company of other peasant women, she was taking a footbridge to cross a small stream when the beast appeared. The women took a few steps back but the beast threw itself on Marie-Jeanne. The latter managed to plant her spear into its chest. The beast dropped into the river and disappeared into the woods.[19]The story quickly reached Antoine, who went to the scene. He found that the spear was indeed covered in blood and that the traces found were similar to those of the beast. In a letter to Saint-Florentin, Minister of the King's House, comparing Marie-Jeanne toJoan of Arc,he nicknamed her the "Maid of Gévaudan".[20]

An 18th-century engraving ofFrançois Antoineslaying the wolf of Chazes on 21 September 1765[21]
The wolf shot by François Antoine displayed at the court ofKing Louis XVinVersailles[22]

On 20 or 21 September, Antoine killed a largegrey wolfmeasuring 80 cm (31 in) high, 1.7 m (5 ft 7 in) long and weighing 60 kg (130 lb). The wolf, which was namedLe Loup de Chazesafter the nearby Abbaye des Chazes, was said to have been quite large for a wolf. Antoine officially stated: "We declare by the present report signed from our hand, we never saw a big wolf that could be compared to this one. Hence, we believe this could be the fearsome beast that caused so much damage." The animal was further identified as the culprit by several attack survivors, who recognised the scars on its body inflicted by victims defending themselves.[1]Among them were Marie-Jeanne Vallet and her sister.[23]

After the report was written, François Antoine's son loaded the animal onto his horse and set off for Paris. AtSaint-Flour,he showed it to Monsieur de Montluc. In Clermont-Ferrand, he had itstuffed.[23]He left Clermont on 27 September and arrived atVersailleson 1 October, where he was hailed as a hero. The beast was exhibited in the Jardins du Roi. Meanwhile, François Antoine and his gamekeepers stayed in theAuvergnewoods to chase down the beast's female partner and her two grown pups, which had been reported near the Abbey of Chazes. On 19 October, Antoine succeeded in killing the female wolf and a pup, which seemed already larger than its mother. At the examination of the pup, it appeared to have a double set ofdewclaws,a hereditary malformation found in the Bas-Rouge orBeaucerondog breed.[24]The other pup was shot and hit and was believed to have died while retreating between the rocks.[8]Antoine returned to Paris on 3 November and received a large sum of money (over 9,000 livres) as well as fame, titles, and awards.

Final attacks

An 18th-century print showing the beast attacking a woman

The month of November passed without any attack being reported. The populace dared to believe that Antoine had indeed killed the beast. In a letter from 26 November, the syndic Étienne Lafont affirmed to the intendant ofLanguedoc:"We no longer hear of anything relating to the beast".[25]But quickly, rumors spread of new attacks, towardsSauguesandLorcières.On 2 December, two boys aged 6 and 12 were further attacked, suggesting that the beast was still alive. The beast tried to capture the youngest, but it was successfully fought off by the older boy. Soon after, successful attacks followed and some of the shepherds witnessed that the beast showed no fear around cattle at all.[26]A dozen more deaths are reported to have followed attacks nearLa Besseyre-Saint-Mary.[citation needed]

Until the beginning of 1766, these facts remained episodic and no one knew if they were attributable to the beast or to wolves. However, in a letter he wrote to the intendant of Auvergne on 1 January 1766, Monsieur de Montluc seemed convinced that the beast had indeed reappeared.[27]The intendant alerted the king, but Louis XV no longer wanted to hear about a ferocious beast that his arquebus bearer had overcome. From then on, newspapers no longer reported any of the attacks that occurred in Gévaudan or in the south of Auvergne.

In March 1766, the attacks multiplied. The local gentlemen now knew that their salvation would not come from the court. On 24 March, the Particular Estates of Gévaudan were held atMarvejols.Étienne Lafont and the young Marquis d'Apcher, a local nobleman, recommend poisoning the corpses of dogs and carrying them to the usual passages of the beast.[27]But the latter did not seem to cover as much ground as before; it settled in the Trois Monts region—Mont Mouchet,Mont GrandandMontchauvet—about 15 km (9.3 mi) apart.

The measures taken proved ineffective. Small hunts were organised in vain. The beast continued its attacks throughout 1766. But its mode of operation had changed: it seemed less enterprising and much more cautious, as revealed by various correspondence, including that of Canon Ollier, parish priest of Lorcières, to Étienne Lafont.[28]

At the beginning of 1767, the attacks experienced a slight lull,[29]but they resumed in the spring. The populace no longer knew what to do, except to pray. Pilgrimages were increasing, mainly to Notre-Dame-de-Beaulieu[b]and Notre-Dame-d'Estours.[c]On 18 June, it was reported to the Marquis d'Apcher that the beast had been seen the day before in the parishes of Nozeyrolles andDesges.In the latter, in the village of Lesbinières, it allegedly killed 19-year-old Jeanne Bastide.[5]

Killing by Jean Chastel

Stele erected in July 1995 in honour ofJean Chastelin the village ofLa Besseyre-Saint-Mary.Sculpture by Philippe Kaeppelin.

The killing of the creature that eventually marked the end of the attacks is credited to a local hunter named Jean Chastel, who shot it at the slopes of Mont Mouchet (now called la Sogne d'Auvers) during a hunt organised by the Marquis d'Apchier on 19 June 1767.[3]In 1889, Abbot Pourcher told the edifying oral tradition which said that the pious hero Chastel shot the creature after reciting his prayers but the historical accounts do not report any such thing.[30][31][32][33]The story about the large-caliber bullets, home-made with Virgin Mary's medals, is a literary invention by the French writerHenri Pourrat.[34]

The body was then loaded onto a horse and brought to the Château de Besque of the Marquis d'Apchier, located inCharraix,where it wasnecropsiedby Dr. Boulanger, a surgeon at Saugues.[35][36]Dr. Boulanger's post-mortem report was transcribed by the royal notary Roch Étienne Marin and is known as the "Marin Report" on the beast;[37][38]the results of the examination were consistent with a large wolf or wolf-dog, but the remains were incomplete by the time Boulanger acquired them, precluding conclusive identification of the animal.[36]The beast was then exhibited at the château, where the Marquis d'Apcher lavishly received crowds, which thronged to see the remains. Numerous testimonies from victims of attacks enriched the Marin Report. The beast stayed in Besque for a dozen days.[39]

Fate of the remains

The hotel of La Rochefoucauld represented on theTurgot map(1739). The remains of the beast killed by Jean Chastel were probably buried in the garden of thishôtel particulier.The layout of the garden is visible in the centre of the engraving.

The Marquis d'Apcher instructed a servant named Gibert to take the beast to Versailles to show it to the king. According to an oral tradition reported by Abbot Pourcher[40]and repeated by several authors,[41][42]Jean Chastel would have been on the trip, but Louis XV would have disdainfully rejected him because the remains, summarily stuffed by anapothecarywho had contented himself with replacing the entrails with straw, gave off a stench that the heat made even more unbearable. However, this version is called into question by the testimony of the servant of the Marquis d'Apcher, collected in 1809:

Gibert finally arrived in Paris, went to stay at thehôtel particulierof Mr. de la Rochefoucault to whom he at the same time gave a letter in which Mr. d'Apchier begged the lord to inform the king of the happy deliverance of the monster (...) The king was atCompiègneat the time and, according to the news he was told, he gave orders toMr. de Buffonto visit and examine this animal. Thisnaturalist,in spite of the dilapidation to which the worms had reduced it and the fall of all the hairs, following the heat of the end of July and the beginning of August, in spite of still the bad odor which it gave off, after a serious examination, judged that it was only a big wolf (...) As soon as Mr. de Buffon had made the examination of this animal, Gibert hastened to have it buried because of its great stench and he said he had been so inconvenienced by it that he was sick and bedridden for more than 15 days in Paris. He suffered from this disease for more than 6 years and he even attributed to this bad smell that he breathed for so long the poor health he has always been burdened with since that time.[43]

It emerges that Jean Chastel did not accompany Gibert to Paris. Likewise, the servant never presented the remains of the beast to the court of Louis XV. Finally, Buffon left no document on this subject. Neither kept in the collections of theJardin du Roiin Paris, nor buried inMarlyor Versailles, the beast was probably buried in the garden of the private mansion ofLouis Alexandre de La Rochefoucauld,a gentleman sharing a distant common ancestor with the Marquis of Apcher. The hotel of La Rochefoucauld, located on theRue de Seine,would be demolished in 1825.[44]

The attacks in Gévaudan ceased definitively. The authorities of the diocese granted rewards to the hunters: Jean Chastel received 72 livres on 9 September; Jean Terrisse received 78 livres on 17 September; the hunters who accompanied them shared 312 livres on 3 May 1768.[45]




An 18th-century print describing the beast as ahyena.[d]Collection of theNational Library of France(BnF).

Various questions about the nature of the Beast of Gévaudan have aroused interest and contributed to the enthusiasm for its history. Descriptions of the time vary, and reports may have been greatly exaggerated, owing to publichysteria.In terms ofmorphology,although none of the killed animals have been preserved, the beast was generally described as a wolf-like canine with a tall, lean frame capable of taking great strides. It was said to be the size of a calf, a cow, or, in some cases, a horse.[2]It had an elongated head similar to that of agreyhound,with a flattened snout, pointed ears, and a wide mouth sitting atop a broad chest. The beast's tail was also reported to have been notably longer than a wolf's, with a prominent tuft at the end. The beast's fur was described as tawny or russet in colour but its back was streaked with black, and a white heart-shaped pattern was noted on its underbelly.[46]



Several tales spoke of the beast's invulnerability. Indeed, hit by the bullets of reputedly skilled shooters, the beast would have risen each time. Testimonies attributed to the beast a gift ofubiquity.In a very short interval of time, it would have been seen in places several kilometres away. However, in many cases, these distances could be covered by a single animal. Two of the beast's most singular traits were its familiarity and his boldness. At least untilFrançois Antoine's departure, it did not seem to fear man. When it encountered resistance, it would move "40 paces" away, sometimes sitting on its hindquarters for a few moments and, if not pursued, would come back to the charge. Then it would move away at a walk or a short trot. Several victims were attacked in the middle of villages[e]and most of the testimonies related to attacks during the day.[48]Finally, by showing a relentlessness that did not always seem dictated by hunger,[49]the beast showed an astonishing aggressiveness. In addition, its unusual agility allowed it to jump over walls that a dog could not cross.

The "Marin Report"


On 20 June 1767, the day after the death of the animal killed by Jean Chastel, the royal notary Roch Étienne Marin wrote anautopsyreport at the Marquis d'Apcher's Château de Besque inCharraix.Preserved in theFrench National Archives,this memoir was discovered in 1952 by the historian Élise Seguin.[50]It provides precise information on "This animal which seemed to us to be a wolf; But extraordinary and very different by its figure and its proportions from the wolves that one sees in this country."[37][38]

The report also details the dental formula. The upper jaw consists of 20 teeth: 6incisors,2caninesand 12molars;the lower jaw has 22: 6 incisors, 2 canines and 14 molars. This likely points to acanid.The document also describes the animal's wounds and scars. Finally, it includes the testimonies of several people who recognised it.[38]


Depiction of a hyena and a bear in theEncyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers,1754

According to modern scholars, publichysteriaat the time of the attacks contributed to widespread myths thatsupernaturalbeasts roamed Gévaudan, but deaths attributed to a beast were more likely the work of a number of wolves or packs of wolves.[51][52]

Attacks by wolveswere a very serious problem during the era, not only in France but throughout Europe, with thousands of deaths attributed to wolves in the 18th century alone.[53]In the spring of 1765, in the midst of the Gévaudan hysteria, an unrelated series of attacks occurred near the commune ofSoissons,northeast of Paris, whenan individual wolfkilled at least four people over a period of two days before being tracked and killed by a man armed with a pitchfork.[54]Such incidents were fairly typical in rural parts of bothWestern EuropeandCentral Europe.[citation needed]

The Marin Report describes the creature as a wolf of unusually large proportions: "This animal which seemed to us to be a wolf; But extraordinary and very different by its figure and its proportions from the wolves that one sees in this country. This is what we have certified by more than three hundred people from all around who came to see it."[37][38]

Despite the widely held interpretation based on most of the historical research that the beast was a wolf[55][56]or another wildcanid,several alternative theories have been proposed; some think alion(namely a subadult male) escaped from amenagerie,due to the size and some descriptions being more similar to a lion than a wolf. Others consider an escapedstriped hyena,due to some sketches of the beast describing it as such. Another theory is that a largeferal dogorwolfdogwas responsible, since some sightings were of an animal that looked similar to a wolf, but was not one.[57][58]In a 2021 talk by François-Louis Pelissier, based on the described appearance of the animal and specific details of behaviour and what can be inferred about historical distribution, he argued that beast encounters could most likely be blamed on the Italian wolfCanislupusitalicus.[59]

Cultural legacy

  • Brotherhood of the Wolf(2001),[60]directed byChristophe Gans,is an action film based on the legend. In the film, the Beast is a lion dressed up in armor to mask its identity.
  • Netflixwill make a feature film produced byBlumhouse Productions.[61]
  • The Cursed,a 2022 movie set in late-19th-century France, features the beast as a gypsy curse placed on a French village.[62]
  • German power metalPowerwolfreleased in 2022 a single titledBete de Gevaudan.[63]
  • MTV seriesTeen Wolf (2011 TV series)featured La Bete du Gévaudan as the primary antagonist in the second part of its fifth season, with the episode 'Maid of Gevaudan' retelling the original legend. It was first mentioned in the season 1 episode 'Magic Bullet' linking the legend to the Argent family, which is later explained in the fifth season.

See also





  1. ^The burial certificate reads:

    The year 1764 and 1 July was buried Jeane Boulet without sacraments, having been killed by the ferocious beast present Joseph Vigi(er) and Jean Rebour.

  2. ^Located in today's municipality ofPaulhac-en-Margeride,Lozère
  3. ^Located in today's municipality ofMonistrol-d'Allier,Haute-Loire
  4. ^The description reads:

    Portrait of the Hyena, ferocious Beast that desolates the Gevaudan, seen by Mr. Duhamel Officer of the Dragoons volunteers of Clermont, detached to the pursuit of this dangerous animal.

  5. ^According to Michel Louis, 22% of the victims were attacked in the middle of villages.[47]


  1. ^abcde"The Fear of Wolves: A Review of Wolf Attacks on Humans"(PDF).Norsk Institutt for Naturforskning. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 9 December 2008.Retrieved26 June2008.
  2. ^abWilliams, Joseph."What was the Beast of Gévaudan".historyhannel.com.History Channel.Retrieved7 March2021.
  3. ^abcdBoissoneault, Lorraine (26 June 2017)."When the Beast of Gévaudan Terrorized France".Smithsonian.Retrieved19 March2018.
  4. ^Archives départementales de l'Ardèche, commune de Saint-Étienne-de-Lugdares, Baptêmes, mariages et sépultures de 1757 à 1780(in French), p. 113
  5. ^abFabre, François (2006). "Appendix: table of victims of the Beast".La Bête du Gévaudan, édition complétée par Jean Richard(in French). Clermont-Ferrand: De Borée.
  6. ^Nelson, January (28 January 2019)."12 Facts About The Beast, Of Gevaudan, The Wolflike Creature Who Terrorized France".Thought Catalog.Retrieved9 August2023.
  7. ^Fabre, François (2006). "Table of illustrations".La Bête du Gévaudan, édition complétée par Jean Richard(in French). Clermont-Ferrand: De Borée.
  8. ^abFabre 1930,p. 111–116.
  9. ^Laurent Mourlat,La Bête du Gévaudan: l'animal pluriel (1764-1767)(in French), Mémoire de Master, Études européennes et américaines, filière France. Université d'Oslo, Institut de littérature, civilisation et langues européennes, 2016, p. 166–173
  10. ^Pierre Pourcher,Histoire de la bête du Gévaudan, véritable fléau de Dieu(in French), Saint-Martin-de-Boubaux, Pierre Pourcher, 1889, chap. 10
  11. ^"1 MI EC 090/4 - Baptêmes, mariages, sépultures - 1719-1772 Archives départementales de la Lozère".Archives départementales de la Lozère(in French).Retrieved30 August2023.
  12. ^Fabre 1930,p. 55.
  13. ^Moriceau 2007,p. 124.
  14. ^Pierre Pourcher,Histoire de la bête du Gévaudan, véritable fléau de Dieu(in French), Saint-Martin-de-Boubaux, Pierre Pourcher, 1889, chap. 17
  15. ^"C 44 - Traque de la bête du Gévaudan. C 44 - 1764-1785".Archives départementales de l'Hérault(in French).Retrieved30 August2023.
  16. ^"C 44-1 - Estampe représentant la chasse de la bête du Gévaudan (avril 1765). C 44-1 - 1765".Archives départementales de l'Hérault(in French).Retrieved30 August2023.
  17. ^"C 44-2 - Représentation de la bête du Gévaudan sous forme de hyène. C 44-2 - 1765".Archives départementales de l'Hérault(in French).Retrieved30 August2023.
  18. ^Fabre 1930,p. 69.
  19. ^Michel Louis,La Bête du Gévaudan(in French), edition 2006, part I, chapter 6
  20. ^Buffière 1985,p. 1163.
  21. ^Mazel & Garcin 2008,p. 48–49.
  22. ^Mazel & Garcin 2008,p. 65.
  23. ^abMichel Louis,La Bête du Gévaudan(in French), edition 2006, part I, chapter 7
  24. ^"Beauceron Dog Breed Information".American Kennel Club.Retrieved21 September2018.
  25. ^Buffière 1985,p. 1167.
  26. ^Bressan, David (28 June 2017)."How An Ancient Volcano Helped A Man-Eating Wolf Terrorize 18th Century France".Forbes.Retrieved19 March2018.
  27. ^abMichel Louis,La Bête du Gévaudan(in French), edition 2006, part I, chapter 8
  28. ^Fabre 1930,p. 129–138.
  29. ^Fabre 1930,p. 149.
  30. ^Buffière 1994,p. 58.
  31. ^Gibert 1993,p. 24–25; 64.
  32. ^Crouzet 2001,p. 109.
  33. ^Soulier 2016,p. 193–195.
  34. ^Crouzet 2001,p. 156–158.
  35. ^Buffière 1985,p. 1172.
  36. ^ab"Hunting the Beast of Gevaudan".Skeptoid.Retrieved28 February2023.
  37. ^abcMoriceau 2008,p. 238.
  38. ^abcd"Le rapport Marin"(PDF).Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 19 January 2021.Retrieved18 May2020.
  39. ^Fabre 1930,p. 157–158.
  40. ^Favre 2017,p. 148.
  41. ^Louis 2003,p. 178–179.
  42. ^Moriceau 2008,p. 246.
  43. ^Baud'huin & Bonet 2018,p. 208.
  44. ^Baud'huin & Bonet 2018,p. 210–211.
  45. ^Fabre 1930,p. 159–160.
  46. ^Pourcher, Pierre (1889). Translated by Brockis, DerekThe Beast of GevaudanAuthorHokuse, 2006, p. 5ISBN978-1467014632
  47. ^Michel Louis,La Bête du Gévaudan(in French), edition 2006
  48. ^Michel Louis,La Bête du Gévaudan(in French), edition 2006, part II, chapter 2
  49. ^Mazel & Garcin 2008,p. 76.
  50. ^Laurent Mourlat,La Bête du Gévaudan: l'animal pluriel (1764-1767)(in French), Mémoire de Master, Études européennes et américaines, filière France. Université d'Oslo, Institut de littérature, civilisation et langues européennes, 2016, p. 153
  51. ^Thompson 1991,p. 367.
  52. ^Smith 2011,p.6.
  53. ^Moriceau 2007,p. 463.
  54. ^Rousseau 1765,p.173.
  55. ^Favre 2017,p. 159.
  56. ^Chabrol 2018,p. 111.
  57. ^Taake, Karl-Haans (27 September 2016)."Solving the Mystery of the 18th-Century Killer 'Beast of Gévaudan'".National Geographic Society.Archived fromthe originalon 4 February 2021.Retrieved20 February2022.
  58. ^Taake, Karl-Haans (February 2020)."Carnivore Attacks on Humans in Historic France and Germany: To Which Species Did the Attackers Belong?".ResearchGate.
  59. ^"Cronch Cats, Beasts of Gévaudan, Dinosauroids, Mesozoic Art and Much More: TetZooMCon 2021 in Review".Tetrapod Zoology.9 September 2021.Retrieved18 November2021.
  60. ^Christophe Gans(Director) (2001).Le Pacte des Loups(Motion picture).
  61. ^Fleming, Mike Jr. (8 March 2021)."'Sons Of Anarchy's Kurt Sutter Makes Film Helming Debut On 'This Beast' For Blumhouse, Netflix ".Deadline Hollywood.Retrieved22 May2021.
  62. ^"The Cursed [Original title: Eight for Silver]".IMDb.
  63. ^Beast of GévaudanatDiscogsAccessed June 6, 2024


  • Baud'huin, Benoît; Bonet, Alain (2018).Gévaudan: petites histoires de la grande bête.Hors Temps (in French). Plombières-les-Bains: Ex Aequo Éditions.ISBN978-2-3787-3070-3.
  • Buffière, Félix (1985)."Ce tant rude" Gévaudan(in French). Mende: Société des Lettres, Sciences et Arts de la Lozère.
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