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Bisphenol A

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Bisphenol A
Preferred IUPAC name
Other names
  • BPA
  • Diphenylolpropane
  • p,p-Isopropylidenebisphenol
  • 2,2-Bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)propane
  • 2,2-Di(4-phenylol)propane
3D model (JSmol)
ECHA InfoCard 100.001.133Edit this at Wikidata
EC Number
  • 201-245-8
RTECS number
  • SL6300000
UN number 2430
  • InChI=1S/C15H16O2/c1-15(2,11-3-7-13(16)8-4-11)12-5-9-14(17)10-6-12/h3-10,16-17H,1-2H3checkY
  • InChI=1/C15H16O2/c1-15(2,11-3-7-13(16)8-4-11)12-5-9-14(17)10-6-12/h3-10,16-17H,1-2H3
  • Oc1ccc(cc1)C(c2ccc(O)cc2)(C)C
  • CC(C)(c1ccc(cc1)O)c2ccc(cc2)O
Molar mass 228.291g·mol−1
Appearance White solid
Odor Phenolic, medical
Density 1.217 g/cm3[1]
Melting point 155 °C (311 °F; 428 K)[5]
Boiling point 250–252 °C (482–486 °F; 523–525 K)[5]at 13 torrs (0.017 atm)
0.3 g/L (25 °C)[2]
logP 3.41[3]
Vapor pressure 5×10−6Pa(25 °C)[4]
GHS05: CorrosiveGHS07: Exclamation markGHS08: Health hazardGHS09: Environmental hazard
NFPA 704(fire diamond)
NFPA 704 four-colored diamondHealth 2: Intense or continued but not chronic exposure could cause temporary incapacitation or possible residual injury. E.g. chloroformFlammability 1: Must be pre-heated before ignition can occur. Flash point over 93 °C (200 °F). E.g. canola oilInstability 0: Normally stable, even under fire exposure conditions, and is not reactive with water. E.g. liquid nitrogenSpecial hazards (white): no code
Flash point 227 °C (441 °F; 500 K)[6]
510 °C (950 °F; 783 K)[6]
Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in theirstandard state(at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 kPa).

Bisphenol A(BPA) is achemical compoundprimarily used in the manufacturing of variousplastics.It is a colourless solid which issolublein most common organicsolvents,but has very poor solubility in water.[2][7]BPA is produced on an industrial scale by thecondensation reactionofphenolandacetone.Global production in 2022 was estimated to be in the region of 10 million tonnes.[8]

BPA's largest single application is as aco-monomerin the production ofpolycarbonates,which accounts for 65–70% of all BPA production.[9][10]The manufacturing ofepoxy resinsandvinyl ester resinsaccount for 25–30% of BPA use.[9][10]The remaining 5% is used as a major component of severalhigh-performance plastics,and as a minor additive inPVC,polyurethane,thermal paper,and several other materials. It is not aplasticizer,[11]although it is often wrongly labelled as such.

The health effects of BPA have been the subject of prolonged public and scientific debate.[12][13][14]BPA is axenoestrogen,exhibiting hormone-like properties that mimic the effects ofestrogenin the body.[15]Although the effect is very weak,[16]the pervasiveness of BPA-containing materials raises concerns, as exposure is effectively lifelong. Many BPA-containing materials are non-obvious but commonly encountered,[17]and include coatings for the inside offood cans,[18]clothing designs,[19]shop receipts,[20]and dental fillings.[21]BPA has been investigated by public health agencies in many countries, as well as by theWorld Health Organization.[12]While normal exposure is below the level currently associated with risk, several jurisdictions have taken steps to reduce exposure on a precautionary basis, in particular by banning BPA from baby bottles. There is some evidence that BPA exposure in infants has decreased as a result of this.[22]BPA-free plastics have also been introduced, which are manufactured using alternative bisphenols such asbisphenol Sandbisphenol F,but there is also controversy around whether these are actually safer.[23][24][25]



Bisphenol A was first reported in 1891 by the RussianchemistAleksandr Dianin.[26]

In 1934, workers atI.G. Farbenindustriereported the coupling of BPA andepichlorohydrin.Over the following decade, coatings and resins derived from similar materials were described by workers at the companies of DeTrey Freres inSwitzerlandand DeVoe and Raynolds in the US. This early work underpinned the development ofepoxy resins,which in turn motivated production of BPA.[27]The utilization of BPA further expanded with discoveries atBayerandGeneral Electriconpolycarbonateplastics.These plastics first appeared in 1958, being produced byMobay,General Electric, and Bayer.[28]

The British biochemist EdwardCharles Doddstested BPA as an artificialestrogenin the early 1930s.[29][30][31]Subsequent work found that it bound toestrogen receptorstens of thousands of times more weakly thanestradiol,the major natural female sex hormone.[32][16]Dodds eventually developed a structurally similar compound,diethylstilbestrol(DES), which was used as a synthetic estrogen drug in women and animals until it was banned due to its risk of causing cancer; the ban on use of DES in humans came in 1971 and in animals, in 1979.[29]BPA was never used as a drug.[29]



The synthesis of BPA still follows Dianin's general method, with the fundamentals changing little in 130 years. Thecondensationofacetone(hence the suffix 'A' in the name)[33]with twoequivalentsofphenoliscatalyzedby a strong acid, such as concentratedhydrochloric acid,sulfuric acid,or a solid acidresinsuch as thesulfonic acidform ofpolystyrene sulfonate.[34]An excess of phenol is used to ensure full condensation and to limit the formation of byproducts, such asDianin's compound.BPA is fairly cheap to produce, as the synthesis benefits from a highatom economyand large amounts of both starting materials are available from thecumene process.[7]As the onlyby-productis water, it may be considered an industrial example ofgreen chemistry.Global production in 2022 was estimated to be in the region of 10 million tonnes.[8]

Synthesis of bisphenol A from phenol and acetone

Usually, the addition of acetone takes place at thepara positionon both phenols, however minor amounts of the ortho-para (up to 3%) and ortho-ortho isomers are also produced, along with several other minor by‑products.[35]These are not always removed and are known impurities in commercial samples of BPA.[36][35]



BPA has a fairly high melting point but can be easily dissolved in a broad range of organic solvents includingtoluene,ethanolandethyl acetate.[37]It may be purified byrecrystallisationfrom acetic acid with water.[38]Crystals form in themonoclinicspace groupP 21/n (where n indicates the glide plane); within this individual molecules of BPA are arraigned with a 91.5°torsion anglebetween the phenol rings.[39][40][41]Spectroscopicdata is available fromAIST.[42]

Uses and applications

Bisphenol A is primarily used to make plastics, such as thispolycarbonatewater bottle.

Main uses




About 65–70% of all bisphenol A is used to makepolycarbonateplastics,[9][10]which can consist of nearly 90% BPA by mass.Polymerisationis achieved by a reaction withphosgene,conducted under biphasic conditions; the hydrochloric acid is scavenged with aqueous base.[43]This process converts the individual molecules of BPA into large polymer chains, effectively trapping them.

Epoxy and vinyl ester resins


About 25–30% of all BPA is used in the manufacture ofepoxy resinsandvinyl ester resins.[9][10]For epoxy resin, it is first converted to itsdiglycidyl ether(usually abbreviated BADGE or DGEBA).[44][45]This is achieved by a reaction withepichlorohydrinunder basic conditions.

Some of this is further reacted withmethacrylic acidto formbis-GMA,which is used to make vinyl ester resins. Alternatively, and to a much lesser extent, BPA may beethoxylatedand then converted to its diacrylateand dimethacrylatederivatives (bis-EMA, or EBPADMA). These may be incorporated at low levels in vinyl ester resins to change their physical properties[46]and see common use indental compositesandsealants.[47][48]

Minor uses


The remaining 5% of BPA is used in a wide range of applications, many of which involve plastic.[49]BPA is a main component of severalhigh-performance plastics,the production of these is low compared to other plastics but still equals several thousand tons a year. Comparatively minor amounts of BPA are also used as additives or modifiers in somecommodity plastics.These materials are much more common but their BPA content will be low.


As a major component
As a minor component

Other applications

  • BPA is used as an antioxidant in several fields, particularly inbrake fluids.[64]
  • BPA is used as a developing agent inthermal paper(shop receipts).[20]Recycled paper products can also contain BPA,[65]although this can depend strongly on how it is recycled.Deinkingcan remove 95% of BPA,[9]with the pulp produced used to make newsprint, toilet paper and facial tissues. If deinking is not performed then the BPA remains in the fibers, paper recycled this way is usually made intocorrugated fiberboard.[9]
  • EthoxylatedBPA finds minor use as a 'levelling agent' in tinelectroplating.
  • Several drug candidates have also been developed from bisphenol A, includingralaniten,ralaniten acetate,andEPI-001.

BPA substitutes


Concerns about the health effects of BPA have led some manufacturers replacing it with other bisphenols, such asbisphenol Sandbisphenol F.These are produced in a similar manner to BPA, by replacing acetone with otherketones,which undergo analogous condensation reactions.[7]Thus, inbisphenol F,the F signifiesformaldehyde. Health concerns have also been raised about these substitutes.[66][24]Alternative polymers, such astritan copolyesterhave been developed to give the same properties as polycarbonate (durable, clear) without using BPA or its analogues.

Structural formula Name CAS Reactants
Bisphenol AF Bisphenol AF 1478-61-1 Phenol Hexafluoroacetone
Bisphenol F Bisphenol F 620-92-8 Phenol Formaldehyde
Bisphenol S Bisphenol S 80-09-1 Phenol Sulfur trioxide
Bisphenol Z Bisphenol Z 843-55-0 Phenol Cyclohexanone
Tetramethyl bisphenol F 5384-21-4 2,6-xylenol Formaldehyde

Human safety



The largest exposure humans have had to BPA is from food packaging, particularly theepoxylining of metal food, beverage cans andplastic bottles.

As a result of the presence of BPA in plastics and other commonplace materials, most people are frequently exposed to trace levels of BPA.[67][68][69]The primary source of human exposure is via food, as epoxy and PVC are used to line the inside of food cans to prevent corrosion of the metal by acidic foodstuffs. Polycarbonate drinks containers are also a source of exposure, although most disposable drinks bottles are actually made ofPET,which contains no BPA. Among the non-food sources, exposures routes include through dust,[10]thermal paper,[20]clothing,[19]dental materials,[70]and medical devices.[17]Although BPA exposure is common it does not accumulate within the body, withtoxicokineticstudies showing thebiological half-lifeof BPA in adult humans to be around two hours.[71][72]The body first converts it into more water-soluble compounds viaglucuronidationorsulfation,which are then removed from the body through the urine. This allows exposure to be easily determined by urine testing, facilitating convenientbiomonitoringof populations.[22][17][73]Food and drink containers made from Bisphenol A-containing plastics do not contaminate the content to cause any increased cancer risk.[74]

Health effects and regulation


The health effects of BPA have been the subject of prolonged public and scientific debate,[12][13][14]withPubMedlisting more than 18,000 scientific papers as of 2024.[75]Concern is mostly related to itsestrogen-like activity, although it can interact with other receptor systems as anendocrine-disrupting chemical.[76]These interactions are all very weak, but exposure to BPA is effectively lifelong, leading to concern over possible cumulative effects. Studying this sort of long‑term, low‑dose interaction is difficult, and although there have been numerous studies, there are considerable discrepancies in their conclusions regarding the nature of the effects observed as well as the levels at which they occur.[12]A common criticism is that industry-sponsored trials tend to show BPA as being safer than studies performed by academic or government laboratories,[14][77]although this has also been explained in terms of industry studies being better designed.[13][78]

Public health agencies in the EU,[79][80][81]US,[82][83]Canada,[84]Australia[85]and Japan as well as theWHO[12]have all reviewed the health risks of BPA, and found normal exposure to be below the level currently associated with risk. Regardless, due to the scientific uncertainty, many jurisdictions have taken steps to reduce exposure on a precautionary basis. In particular, infants are considered to be at greater risk,[86]leading to bans on the use of BPA inbaby bottlesand related products by the US,[87]Canada,[88]and EU[89]amongst others. Bottle producers have largely switched from polycarbonate topolypropyleneand there is some evidence that BPA exposure in infants has decreased as a result of this.[22]TheEuropean Chemicals Agencyhas added BPA to the Candidate List ofsubstances of very high concern(SVHC), which would make it easier to restrict or ban its use in future.[90][91]In June 2023 after the EFSA reported about the toxicity of BPA the European Union has passed the resolution in early 2024 to ban BPA in all the food contact material including plastic and coated packaging and it said it would also address other bisphenols to avoid replacing with other harmful substances.

BPA exhibits very lowacute toxicity(i.e. from a single large dose) as indicated by itsLD50of 4 g/kg (mouse). Reports indicate that it is a minor skin irritant as well, although less so thanphenol.[7]


Overlay ofestradiol,the major female sex hormone in humans (green) and BPA (purple). This displays thestructure–activity relationshipwhich allows BPA to mimic the effects of estradiol and other estrogens.

BPA has been found to interact with a diverse range ofhormone receptors,in both humans and animals.[76]It binds to both of thenuclearestrogen receptors(ERs),ERαandERβ.BPA is aselective estrogen receptor modulator(SERM), orpartial agonistof the ER, so it can serve as both anestrogenagonistandantagonist.However, it is 1000- to 2000-fold less potent thanestradiol,the major female sex hormone in humans. At high concentrations, BPA also binds to and acts as an antagonist of theandrogen receptor(AR). In addition to receptor binding, the compound has been found to affectLeydig cellsteroidogenesis,including affecting17α-hydroxylase/17,20 lyaseandaromataseexpression and interfering withLH receptor-ligand binding.[92]

Bisphenol A's interacts with theestrogen-related receptor γ(ERR-γ). Thisorphan receptor(endogenous ligand unknown) behaves as a constitutive activator of transcription. BPA seems to bind strongly to ERR-γ (dissociation constant= 5.5 nM), but only weakly to the ER.[93]BPA binding to ERR-γ preserves its basal constitutive activity.[93]It can also protect it from deactivation from the SERM4-hydroxytamoxifen(afimoxifene).[93]This may be the mechanism by which BPA acts as axenoestrogen.[93]Different expression of ERR-γ in different parts of the body may account for variations in bisphenol A effects. BPA has also been found to act as anagonistof theGPER(GPR30).[94]

Environmental safety


Distribution and degradation


BPA has been detectable in the natural environment since the 1990s and is now widely distributed.[95]It is primarily a river pollutant,[96]but has also been observed in the marine environment,[97]in soils,[98]and lower levels can also be detected in air.[99]The solubility of BPA in water is low (~300 g per ton of water)[2]but this is still sufficient to make it a significant means of distribution into the environment.[98]Many of the largest sources of BPA pollution are water-based, particularly wastewater from industrial facilities using BPA. Paper recyclingcan be a major source of release when this includesthermal paper,[9][100]leachingfrom PVC items may also be a significant source,[96]as can landfillleachate.[101]

In all cases,wastewater treatmentcan be highly effective at removing BPA, giving reductions of 91–98%.[102]Regardless, the remaining 2–9% of BPA will continue through to the environment, with low levels of BPA commonly observed in surface water and sediment in the U.S. and Europe.[103]

Once in the environment BPA is aerobically biodegraded by a wide a variety of organisms.[95][104][105]Itshalf lifein water has been estimated at between 4.5 and 15 days, degradation in the air is faster than this, while soil samples degrade more slowly.[98]BPA in sediment degrades most slowly of all, particularly where this is anaerobic.Abioticdegradation has been reported, but is generally slower than biodegradation. Pathways includephoto-oxidation,or reactions with minerals such asgoethitewhich may be present in soils and sediments.[106]

Environmental effects


BPA is an environmentalcontaminant of emerging concern.[101]Despite its short half-life and non-bioaccumulatingcharacter, the continuous release of BPA into the environment causes continuous exposure to both plant[107]and animal life. Although many studies have been performed, these often focus on a limited range ofmodel organismsand can use BPA concentrations well beyond environmental levels.[108]As such, the precise effects of BPA on the growth, reproduction, and development of aquatic organism are not fully understood.[108]Regardless, the existing data shows the effects of BPA on wildlife to be generally negative.[109][110]BPA appears able to affect development and reproduction in a wide range of wildlife,[110][111]with certain species being particularly sensitive, such asinvertebratesandamphibians.[109]

See also

Structurally related


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