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Boulevard rule

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Theboulevard ruleis a principle inUnited Statestraffic lawwhich states that the driver of a vehicle entering a highway from a smaller road or entrance (called theunfavored driver) must stop and yield theright of wayto all highway traffic (thefavored drivers).[1]The rule often comes into play inroad accidentcases, when a court must determine if a driver isnegligentin causing a collision, due to his breach of theduty of careimposed by the rule on the unfavored driver.

Maryland[2]is among theU.S. stateswhich follow this rule, but not all states have similar provisions instatutesorcase law.New York[3]applies the rule to traffic entering public roads from private driveways or alleys, but not where public roads intersect.

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  1. ^Black's Law Dictionary,7th ed. 1999
  2. ^Md. Transportation Code § 21-403
  3. ^N.Y. Vehicle & Traffic Code § 1143

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