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Brauer group

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Inmathematics,theBrauer groupof afieldKis anabelian groupwhose elements areMorita equivalenceclassesofcentral simple algebrasoverK,with addition given by thetensor product of algebras.It was defined by the algebraistRichard Brauer.

The Brauer group arose out of attempts to classifydivision algebrasover a field. It can also be defined in terms ofGalois cohomology.More generally, the Brauer group of aschemeis defined in terms ofAzumaya algebras,or equivalently usingprojective bundles.



Acentral simple algebra(CSA) over a fieldKis afinite-dimensionalassociativeK-algebraAsuch thatAis asimple ringand thecenterofAis equal toK.Note that CSAs are in generalnotdivision algebras, though CSAs can be used to classify division algebras.

For example, thecomplex numbersCform a CSA over themselves, but not overR(the center isCitself, hence too large to be CSA overR). The finite-dimensional division algebras with centerR(that means the dimension overRis finite) are thereal numbersand thequaternionsbya theorem of Frobenius,while anymatrix ringover the reals or quaternions –M(n,R)orM(n,H)– is a CSA over the reals, but not a division algebra (ifn> 1).

We obtain anequivalence relationon CSAs overKby theArtin–Wedderburn theorem(Wedderburn's part, in fact), to express any CSA as aM(n,D)for some division algebraD.If we look just atD,that is, if we impose an equivalence relation identifyingM(m,D)withM(n,D)for all positiveintegersmandn,we get theBrauer equivalencerelation on CSAs overK.The elements of the Brauer group are the Brauer equivalence classes of CSAs overK.

Given central simple algebrasAandB,one can look at theirtensor productABas aK-algebra.It turns out that this is always central simple. A slick way to see this is to use a characterization: a central simple algebraAoverKis aK-algebrathat becomes a matrix ring when we extend the field of scalars to analgebraic closureofK.This result also shows that the dimension of a central simple algebraAas aK-vector space is always asquare.ThedegreeofAis defined to be thesquare rootof its dimension.

As a result, theisomorphism classesof CSAs overKform amonoidunder tensor product, compatible with Brauer equivalence, and the Brauer classes are allinvertible:the inverse of an algebraAis given by its opposite algebraAop(theopposite ringwith the same action byKsince the image ofKAis in the center ofA). Explicitly, for a CSAAwe haveAAop= M(n2,K),wherenis the degree ofAoverK.

The Brauer group of any field is atorsion group.In more detail, define theperiodof a central simple algebraAoverKto be itsorderas an element of the Brauer group. Define theindexofAto be the degree of the division algebra that is Brauer equivalent toA.Then the period ofAdivides the index ofA(and hence is finite).[1]



Severi–Brauer varieties


Another important interpretation of the Brauer group of a fieldKis that it classifies theprojective varietiesoverKthat become isomorphic toprojective spaceover an algebraic closure ofK.Such a variety is called aSeveri–Brauer variety,and there is aone-to-one correspondencebetween the isomorphism classes of Severi–Brauer varieties of dimensionn− 1overKand the central simple algebras of degreenoverK.[6]

For example, the Severi–Brauer varieties of dimension 1 are exactly thesmoothconicsin the projective plane overK.For a fieldKofcharacteristicnot 2, every conic overKis isomorphic to one of the formax2+by2=z2for some nonzero elementsaandbofK.The corresponding central simple algebra is thequaternion algebra[7]

The conic is isomorphic to the projective lineP1overKif and only ifthe corresponding quaternion algebra is isomorphic to the matrix algebra M(2,K).

Cyclic algebras


For a positive integern,letKbe a field in whichnis invertible such thatKcontains aprimitiventh root of unityζ.For nonzero elementsaandbofK,the associatedcyclic algebrais the central simple algebra of degreenoverKdefined by

Cyclic algebras are the best-understood central simple algebras. (Whennis not invertible inKorKdoes not have a primitiventh root of unity, a similar construction gives the cyclic algebra(χ,a)associated to a cyclicZ/n-extensionχofKand a nonzero elementaofK.[8])

TheMerkurjev–Suslin theoreminalgebraic K-theoryhas a strong consequence about the Brauer group. Namely, for a positive integern,letKbe a field in whichnis invertible such thatKcontains a primitiventh root of unity. Then thesubgroupof the Brauer group ofKkilled bynis generated by cyclic algebras of degreen.[9]Equivalently, any division algebra of period dividingnis Brauer equivalent to a tensor product of cyclic algebras of degreen.Even for aprime numberp,there are examples showing that a division algebra of periodpneed not be actually isomorphic to a tensor product of cyclic algebras of degreep.[10]

It is a majoropen problem(raised byAlbert) whether every division algebra of prime degree over a field is cyclic. This is true if the degree is 2 or 3, but the problem is wide open for primes at least 5. The known results are only for special classes of fields. For example, ifKis aglobal fieldorlocal field,then a division algebra of any degree overKis cyclic, by Albert–BrauerHasseNoether.[11]A "higher-dimensional" result in the same direction wasprovedby Saltman: ifKis a field oftranscendence degree1 over the local fieldQp,then every division algebra of prime degreelpoverKis cyclic.[12]

The period-index problem


For any central simple algebraAover a fieldK,the period ofAdivides the index ofA,and the two numbers have the same prime factors.[13]Theperiod-index problemis to bound the index in terms of the period, for fieldsKof interest. For example, ifAis a central simple algebra over a local field or global field, then Albert–Brauer–Hasse–Noether showed that the index ofAis equal to the period ofA.[11]

For a central simple algebraAover a fieldKof transcendence degreenover an algebraically closed field, it isconjecturedthat ind(A) divides per(A)n−1.This is true forn≤ 2,the casen= 2being an important advance byde Jong,sharpened in positive characteristic by de Jong–Starr and Lieblich.[14]

Class field theory


The Brauer group plays an important role in the modern formulation ofclass field theory.IfKvis a non-Archimedean local field,local class field theorygives a canonical isomorphisminvv:Br KvQ/Z,theHasse invariant.[2]

The case of a global fieldK(such as anumber field) is addressed byglobal class field theory.IfDis a central simple algebra overKandvis aplaceofK,thenD ⊗ Kvis a central simple algebra overKv,the completion ofKatv.This defines ahomomorphismfrom the Brauer group ofKinto the Brauer group ofKv.A given central simple algebraDsplits for all but finitely manyv,so that the image ofDunder almost all such homomorphisms is 0. The Brauer group Br Kfits into anexact sequenceconstructed by Hasse:[15][16]

whereSis the set of all places ofKand the right arrow is the sum of the local invariants; the Brauer group of the real numbers is identified with (1/2)Z/Z.Theinjectivityof the left arrow is the content of theAlbert–Brauer–Hasse–Noether theorem.

The fact that the sum of all local invariants of a central simple algebra overKis zero is a typicalreciprocity law.For example, applying this to a quaternion algebra(a,b)overQgives thequadratic reciprocity law.

Galois cohomology


For an arbitrary fieldK,the Brauer group can be expressed in terms ofGalois cohomologyas follows:[17]

whereGmdenotes themultiplicative group,viewed as analgebraic groupoverK.More concretely, the cohomology group indicated meansH 2(Gal(Ks/K),Ks*),whereKsdenotes aseparable closureofK.

The isomorphism of the Brauer group with a Galois cohomology group can be described as follows. Theautomorphism groupof the algebra ofn-by-nmatricesis theprojective linear groupPGL(n). Since all central simple algebras overKbecome isomorphic to the matrix algebra over a separable closure ofK,the set of isomorphism classes of central simple algebras of degreenoverKcan be identified with the Galois cohomology setH1(K,PGL(n)).The class of a central simple algebra inH 2(K,Gm)is the image of its class inH1under the boundary homomorphism

associated to theshort exact sequence1 →Gm→ GL(n) → PGL(n) → 1.

The Brauer group of a scheme


The Brauer group was generalized from fields tocommutative ringsbyAuslanderandGoldman.Grothendieckwent further by defining the Brauer group of anyscheme.

There are two ways of defining the Brauer group of a schemeX,using eitherAzumaya algebrasoverXorprojective bundlesoverX.The second definition involves projective bundles that are locally trivial in theétale topology,not necessarily in theZariski topology.In particular, a projective bundle is defined to be zero in the Brauer group if and only if it is the projectivization of some vector bundle.

Thecohomological Brauer groupof aquasi-compactschemeXis defined to be thetorsion subgroupof theétale cohomologygroupH 2(X,Gm).(The whole groupH 2(X,Gm)need not be torsion, although it is torsion forregular schemesX.[18]) The Brauer group is always a subgroup of the cohomological Brauer group.Gabbershowed that the Brauer group is equal to the cohomological Brauer group for any scheme with an ample line bundle (for example, anyquasi-projectivescheme over a commutative ring).[19]

The whole groupH 2(X,Gm)can be viewed as classifying thegerbesoverXwith structure groupGm.

For smooth projective varieties over a field, the Brauer group is abirationalinvariant. It has been fruitful. For example, whenXis alsorationally connectedover the complex numbers, the Brauer group ofXis isomorphic to the torsion subgroup of thesingular cohomologygroupH 3(X,Z),which is therefore a birational invariant.ArtinandMumfordused this description of the Brauer group to give the first example of aunirational varietyXoverCthat is not stably rational (that is, no product ofXwith a projective space is rational).[20]

Relation to the Tate conjecture


Artin conjectured that everyproper schemeover the integers has finite Brauer group.[21]This is far from known even in the special case of a smooth projective varietyXover a finite field. Indeed, the finiteness of the Brauer group for surfaces in that case is equivalent to theTate conjecturefordivisorsonX,one of the main problems in the theory ofalgebraic cycles.[22]

For a regularintegralscheme of dimension 2 which isflatand proper over thering of integersof a number field, and which has asection,the finiteness of the Brauer group is equivalent to the finiteness of theTate–Shafarevich groupШ for theJacobian varietyof the general fiber (a curve over a number field).[23]The finiteness of Ш is a central problem in the arithmetic ofelliptic curvesand more generallyabelian varieties.

The Brauer–Manin obstruction


LetXbe a smooth projective variety over a number fieldK.TheHasse principlewould predict that ifXhas arational pointover all completionsKvofK,thenXhas aK-rational point. The Hasse principle holds for some special classes of varieties, but not in general.Maninused the Brauer group ofXto define theBrauer–Manin obstruction,which can be applied in many cases to show thatXhas noK-points even whenXhas points over all completions ofK.


  1. ^Farb & Dennis 1993,Proposition 4.16
  2. ^abcSerre 1979,p. 162
  3. ^Gille & Szamuely 2006,Theorem 6.2.8
  4. ^Serre 1979,p. 163
  5. ^Serre 1979,p. 193
  6. ^Gille & Szamuely 2006,§ 5.2
  7. ^Gille & Szamuely 2006,Theorem 1.4.2.
  8. ^Gille & Szamuely 2006,Proposition 2.5.2
  9. ^Gille & Szamuely 2006,Theorem 2.5.7
  10. ^Gille & Szamuely 2006,Remark 2.5.8
  11. ^abPierce 1982,§ 18.6
  12. ^Saltman 2007
  13. ^Gille & Szamuely 2006,Proposition 4.5.13
  14. ^de Jong 2004
  15. ^Gille & Szamuely 2006,p. 159
  16. ^Pierce 1982,§ 18.5
  17. ^Serre 1979,pp. 157–159
  18. ^Milne 1980,Corollary IV.2.6
  19. ^de Jong,A result of Gabber
  20. ^Colliot-Thélène 1995,Proposition 4.2.3 and § 4.2.4
  21. ^Milne 1980,Question IV.2.19
  22. ^Tate 1994,Proposition 4.3
  23. ^Grothendieck 1968,Le groupe de Brauer III, Proposition 4.5

