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Brian Boru

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Brian Boru
One of the earliest depictions of Brian on the 1723 publication of Dermot O'Connor's translation ofForas Feasa ar Éirinn.[1]
High King of Ireland
Reign1002 – 1014
PredecessorMáel Sechnaill mac Domnaill
SuccessorMáel Sechnaill mac Domnaill (restored)
King of Munster
PredecessorMáel Muad mac Brain
SuccessorDúngal mac Máelfothartaig Hua Donnchada
Bornc. 941
Kincora,Killaloe,Kingdom of Munster
Died23 April 1014
Cluain Tarbh,Kingdom of Leinster
Dub Choblaig
Kerthialfad (adopted)
Bé Binn
FatherCennétig mac Lorcáin
MotherBé Binn inion Urchadh
ReligionCatholic Church

Brian Boru(Middle Irish:Brian Bóruma mac Cennétig;modernIrish:Brian Bóramha;c. 941– 23 April 1014) was theHigh King of Irelandfrom 1002 - 1014. He ended the domination of theHigh Kingship of Irelandby theUí Néill,and is likely responsible for endingVikinginvasions of Ireland.[2]Brian Boru is mentioned in theAnnals of Inisfallenand inChronicon Scotorumas "Brian mac Cennétig" (Brian, son of Cennétig).[3][4]The nameBrian of BórumaorBrian Boruwas given to him posthumously[5]Brian built on the achievements of his father,Cennétig mac Lorcain,and especially his elder brother,Mathgamain.Brian first made himselfking of Munster,then subjugatedLeinster,eventually becoming High King ofIreland.He was the founder of theO'Brien dynasty,and is widely regarded as one of the most successful and unifying monarchs in medieval Ireland.

With a population of under 500,000 people, Ireland had over 150 kings, with greater or lesser domains.[6]The Uí Néill kingMáel Sechnaill mac Domnaill,abandoned by his northern kinsmen of theCenél nEógainandCenél Conaill,acknowledged Brian as High King atAthlonein 1002. In the decade that followed, Brian campaigned against the northern Uí Néill, who refused to accept his claims; against Leinster, where resistance was frequent; and against theNorse-GaelicKingdom of Dublin.Brian was described in theAnnals of Ulsterasardrí Gaidhel Erenn & Gall & Bretan, August iartair tuaiscirt Eorpa uile(High King of theGaelsof Ireland and theNorseforeigners and theBritons,Augustusof all north-western Europe), the only Irish king to receive that distinction in the annals.[7]

Brian's hard-won authority was seriously challenged in 1013 when his ally Máel Sechnaill was attacked by the Cenél nEógain kingFlaithbertach Ua Néill,with theUlstermenas his allies. This was followed by further attacks on Máel Sechnaill by the Germanic Norsemen of Dublin under their Norse kingSigtrygg Silkbeardand the Leinstermen led byMáel Mórda mac Murchada.Brian campaigned against these enemies in 1013. In 1014, his armies confronted the armies of Leinster and Dublin. In the resultingBattle of ClontarfBrian was killed; nonetheless, his army was victorious against the Leinstermen and Norsemen. The battle is widely lauded as a pivotal moment in Irish history, and is well known in popular memory.

Brian was well regarded by contemporary chroniclers. The Norse-Gaels and Scandinavians also produced works mentioning Brian, includingNjal's Saga,theOrkneyinga Saga,and the now-lostBrian's Saga.Brian's war against Máel Mórda and Sigtrygg was to be inextricably connected with his complicated marital relations, in particular his marriage toGormlaith,Máel Mórda's sister and Sigtrygg's mother, who had been in turn the wife ofAmlaíb Cuarán,king of Dublin andYork,then of Máel Sechnaill, and finally of Brian himself.

Family background


Brian Boru was one of the twelve sons ofCennétig mac Lorcáin(d. 951), who was King ofDál gCaisand king of Tuadmumu (Thomond), modernCounty Clare,then a sub-kingdom in the north ofMunster.Cennétig was described asrígdamna Caisil,meaning that he was either heir or candidate ( "king material" ) to the kingship ofCashelor Munster,[8]although this might be a later interpolation. Brian's mother wasBé Binn inion Urchadh,daughter ofUrchadh mac Murchadh(d. 945), king ofMaigh Seólain west Connacht.[9][8]That they belonged to theUí Briúin Seólamay explain why he received the name Brian, which was rare among the Dál gCais.[8]

Brian's family were descended from the Ui Tairdelbach branch of the Dal gCais (or Deis Tuisceart). This branch had recently taken power from the Ui Óengusso branch which had traditionally supplied the kings of the Dal gCais (also known as the Deisi Tuaiscirt). The Uí Toirdhealbhach had extended their influence over Thomond and in 925 the annals note that Ánrothán son of Máel Gorm assumed the kingship ofCorco Mruad.In 934 Reabachán mac Mothla died and was named as "King of the Dál gCais" in the Annals (the earliest usage of this term). The same year of his death, his son Dub Gilla was killed by Brian's uncle Conghalach and Brian's grandfather Lorcáin is said to have succeeded to the kingship. He enjoyed a short reign before being succeeded by his own sonCinnéidighwho was the first King of Dál gCais to lead an army outside his own territory and lead an expedition as far north asAthlone.By his death in 951, he had been acknowledged as "King of Tuadmumu ".[10]His brother,Mathgamain,built on these achievements and was the first to captureCasheland becomeKing of Munster.

Early life


Brian was born at Kincora, his father's residence or fort inKillaloe,a town in the region of Tuadmumu.[8]Brian's posthumous cognomen "Bóruma" (anglicised as Boru) may have referred to "Béal Bóruma",a fort north of Killaloe, where the Dál gCais held sway.[9][8][11]Another explanation, though possibly a late (re-)interpretation, is that the nickname represented Old Irishbóruma"of the cattle tribute", referring to his capacity as a powerful overlord.[9]

As the youngest of twelve brothers, Brian was highly unlikely to be heir to his father's throne. When he was young, he was sent to amonasteryto studyLatinand the history of Ireland. He was taught at the monastery on the island ofInnisfallen,near modernKillarneyinCounty Kerry.[12]His teacher or mentor was the noted monk,Maelsuthain Ua Cearbhaill,anEóganachtchief who had become the head of the monastery, noted for starting theAnnals of Inisfallen.Ua Cearbhaill would later become Brian'sanmchara(advisor).[13]However, when Brian was ten years old, he received news that his father had been killed in battle with the Vikings ofLimerick,and he was brought home.[14]

According to a biography of Brian, he once witnessed a raid on a Dal gCáis fort by the Vikings of Limerick. The fort was located on the banks of theRiver Shannon,allowing the Vikings to sail up the river fromLimerickto attack it. According to the story, Brian, Mathgamain, and another older brother were on a hill or high ground near the fort tending to a herd of cattle. While they were there, they saw the raid from the mountainside after hearing screams and seeing smoke in the sky. They rushed down to the town, only to find the Vikings had already left. The settlement was burnt and looted. Brian's mother was killed, as were several of Brian's brothers who were defending the town, along with many of the townspeople. This event horrified Brian and had a lasting impact on him.[14]

TheRiver Shannonserved as an easy route by which raids could be made against the provinces ofConnachtandMeath.Both Brian's father, Cennétig mac Lorcáin, and his older brother Mathgamain had conducted river-borne raids, in which the young Brian would undoubtedly have participated. This may have been the root of his appreciation fornaval forcesin his later career.

When their father died, the kingship of Tuadmumu passed to Brian's older brother, Mathgamain. Brian and Mathgamain campaigned together throughout Munster.[15]When Mathgamain was killed in 976. Brian replaced him. Subsequently, he became king of the entire kingdom of Munster.

Reign of Mathgamain


In 964, Brian's older brother,Mathgamain,claimed control over the entire province of Munster by capturing theRock of Cashel,capital of the ancientEóganachta,the hereditary overlords or High Kings of Munster, but who in dynastic strife and with multiple assassinations had weakened themselves to the point they were now impotent. Earlier attacks from both theUí Néilland Vikings were also factors. This situation allowed the illegitimate (from the Eóganacht perspective) but militarized Dál Cais to attempt to seize the provincial kingship. Mathgamain was never fully recognized and was opposed throughout his career in the 960s and 970s byMáel Muad mac Brain,a semi-outsider from the Cashel perspective but still a legitimate Eóganacht claimant from far south Munster.

In addition to Máel Muad, the Norse kingIvar of Limerickwas a threat and may have been attempting to establish some overlordship in the province or a region of it himself, with theCogad Gaedel re Gallaibeven asserting he actually achieved this until routed by Mathgamain and Brian in the celebratedBattle of Sulcoitin 968.

Initially, Mathgamain had made peace with the Norse of Limerick. However, Brian was eager to avenge the deaths of his family members at the hands of the Vikings, and deserted with a band of his followers and launched aguerilla campaignagainst the Vikings from the mountains of Munster. They attacked Viking forts and patrols and survived with whatever food and weapons they found. Their attacks were successful in weakening the Vikings, but casualties began to mount and according to writings by Brian's scribe, just 15 men remained. However, at this point Mathgamain, inspired by the courage of his younger brother, decided to attack the Vikings with Brian and drive them from Limerick and Munster once and for all.[14]

They gathered an army of kings from all over Munster, including their former enemy Maél Muad. They ambushed and routed the Norse at the Battle of Sulcoit. They followed up their victory bylooting and burning Limerick.They killed every man of fighting age andenslavedthe rest of the population.

This was the first of three battles which highlighted Brian's career. This victory was not decisive and eventually there grew up a brief alliance of sorts between Mathgamain, Máel Muad and others to drive the Norse "soldiers" or "officials" out of Munster and destroy their Limerick fortress in 972.[16]The two Gaelic claimants were soon back to fighting and the fortuitous capture of Mathgamain in 976 byDonnubán mac Cathailallowed him to be effortlessly dispatched or murdered by Máel Muad, who would now rule as king of Cashel for two years.

Early reign in Munster


Despite the death of Mathgamain, the Dál gCais remained a powerful force. Mathgamain was succeeded as King of Thomond by Brian, who quickly proved to be as fine a commander of armies as his brother was. After attacking and killing the much-weakened Ivar in the year 977, Brian pursued a new target, intending to eradicate the remaining Viking presence in Munster. Upon ascending to the throne, Imar, ruler or governor of the city of Limerick who was loyal to the now-slain Ivar, fled the city by ship down the River Shannon towards theShannon estuaryand took refuge in a monastery onInis Cathaigh(Scattery Island), accompanied by his sons. However, in an act of revenge for the death of his brother, Brian set aside the sacred traditions and attacked the island with his troops, slaughtered the Vikings and desecrated the church.[17]

Around the same time, in 978, Brian challenged Máel Muad to battle, and defeated him in the fatefulBattle of Belach Lechta.Máel Muad was killed in the battle and afterwards the Eóganachta were no longer viable for the provincial Kingship, which was based upon lineage. Therefore, the Kingship of Munster passed to the Dál gCais, and Brian became king.[citation needed]

Afterwards, the last opposition remaining in Munster was an alliance consisting of the rebellious Irish led by Donnubán (Donovan), the man responsible for Mathgamain's death, and the remaining Norse/Viking forces, possibly led by Ivar's last remaining son and designated successor, Aralt (Harold). Brian attacked them at theBattle of Cathair Cuan,which may have been either a single battle or an extended conflict over the period 977–978. In any case, the event is mentioned in the Annals, and the later source theCogadhdescribes Brian making a "great slaughter" of his enemies, killing both Donnubán and Aralt, and securing his position within the province.[18]

However, he did allow some of the Norse to remain in their settlement, as they were wealthy and now central to trade in the region, particularly the slave trade, and possessed a fleet of great value, which Brian would utilise in his later naval expeditions.[19]

Cian,the son of his brother Mathgamain's sworn enemy Máel Muad, later became a loyal ally of Brian and served under him in a number of campaigns. According to some accounts, Cian would later marry one of Brian's daughters, Sadbh (died 1048).[citation needed]

Clashes with the High King

Banner reputedly used by Brian[20]of which theClare GAAcolours are based.

Having established unchallenged rule over his homeProvince of Munster,Brian turned to extending his authority over the neighboring provinces ofLeinsterto the east and Connacht to the north-west. By doing so, he came into conflict with High KingMáel Sechnaill mac Domnaillwhose power base was theProvince of Meath.

For the next fifteen years, from 982 to 997, High King Máel Sechnaill repeatedly led armies into Leinster and Munster, while Brian, like his father and brother before him, led his naval forces of around three hundred ships[21]up the Shannon to attack Connacht and Meath on either side of the river. He suffered quite a few reverses in this struggle, but appears to have learned from his setbacks. He developed a military strategy that would serve him well throughout his career: the coordinated use of forces on both land and water, including on rivers and along Ireland's coast. Brian's naval forces, which included contingents supplied by the Hiberno-Norse cities that he brought under his control (particularlyWaterford),[21]provided both indirect and direct support for his forces on land. Indirect support involved a fleet making a diversionary attack on an enemy in a location far away from where Brian planned to strike with his army. Direct support involvednaval forcesacting as one arm in astrategic pincer,the army forming the other arm.[citation needed]

The conflict began in 982, when Brian was campaigning against thekingdom of Osraige.With Munster undefended, Maél Sechnaill attacked the Dál gCáis, destroying the sacred tree of Adair, under which many of the chiefs of the Dál gCáis had been crowned, including Brian's father Cénnetig, his brother Mathgamain and Brian himself. In response, Brian led an army intoWestmeathwhere he plundered the land.[22]Brian's fleet did suffer a setback when a squadron of his fleet attackedConnacht,where they killed a prince of Connacht, Muirgius, who was among the defenders. In retaliation, the Connachtmen attacked the ships, massacring the crews.[23][citation needed]

Mael Sechnaill launched acounter-offensiveinto Munster and in the ensuing battle he defeated the Dál gCáis, killing around six hundred men, including Brian's uncle. There was a period of relative peace between the two afterwards for about nine years, with Brian continuing to campaign elsewhere as he attempted to expand his power in the south and east.[citation needed][22]

Then in 993, Brian, now in control of much of Munster and gaining ground in Leinster, and unable to make significant progress against the High King on land[citation needed],decided to utilise his naval superiority to attack Mael Sechnaill. His fleet sailed up the Shannon and invaded theKingdom of Breifne,in what is now countiesLeitrimandCavan.In doing this, he put pressure on the High King as he was now open to attack from both north and south.[22]

In 996, Brian finally managed to control the province ofLeinster,which may have been what led Máel Sechnaill to reach a compromise with him in the following year.[citation needed]The two kings met at Bleanphottogue, on the banks ofLough ReeinCounty Fermanagh,where the agreement was made.[24]By recognising Brian's authority overLeth Moga,that is, the Southern Half, which included the Provinces of Munster and Leinster (and the Hiberno-Norse cities within them), Máel Sechnaill was simply accepting the reality that confronted him and retained control overLeth Cuinn,that is, the Northern Half, which consisted of the Provinces of Meath,Connacht,andUlster.[citation needed]

Precisely because he had submitted to Brian's authority, the king of Leinster was overthrown in 998 and replaced byMáel Mórda mac Murchada.Given the circumstances under which Máel Mórda had been appointed, it is not surprising that he launched an open rebellion against Brian's authority. With Leinster in rebellion, the kingdoms of both Brian and Mael Sechnaill were threatened, and thus they decided to briefly sideline their own conflict to defeat Leinster.[citation needed]

Brian assembled the forces of the province of Munster and Mael Sechnaill assembled those of Meath, with the intention of laying siege to theHiberno-Norse city of Dublin,which was ruled by Máel Mórda's ally and cousin,Sigtrygg Silkbeard.Together Máel Mórda and Sigtrygg determined to meet Brian's army in battle rather than risk asiege.Thus, in 999, the opposing armies fought theBattle of Glenmama.TheIrish annalsall agree that this was a particularly fierce and bloody engagement, although claims that it lasted from morning until midnight, or that the combined Leinster-Dublin force lost 4,000 killed are open to question. In any case, Brian followed up his victory, as he and his brother had in the aftermath of theBattle of Sulcoitthirty-two years before, by capturing andsackingthe enemy's city.

Sigtrygg fled the city, seeking support from kings in Ulster, but he was turned away by the Ulaid, leaving Sigtrygg few options but to return to Dublin and submit to Brian.[25]Once again, Brian opted for reconciliation; he requested that Sigtrygg return and resume his position as ruler of Dublin, giving Sigtrygg the hand of one of his daughters in marriage, just as he had with theEoganachtking, Cian. It may have been on this occasion that Brian married Sigtrygg's mother and Máel Mórda's sisterGormflaith,the former wife of Máel Sechnaill.

Struggle for Ireland


Brian made it clear that his ambitions had not been satisfied by the compromise of 997 when, in the year 1000, he led a combined Munster-Leinster-Dublin army in an attack on High KingMáel Sechnaill mac Domnaill's home province of Meath. The struggle over who would control all of Ireland was renewed. Máel Sechnaill's most important ally was theking of Connacht,Cathal mac Conchobar mac Taidg,but this presented a number of problems. The provinces of Meath and Connacht were separated by the Shannon River, which served as both a route by which Brian's naval forces could attack the shores of either province and as a barrier to the two rulers providing mutual support for each other. Máel Sechnaill came up with an ingenious solution; two bridges would be erected across the Shannon. These bridges would serve as both obstacles preventing Brian's fleet from traveling up the Shannon and a means by which the armies of the provinces of Meath and Connacht could cross over into each other's kingdoms.

The Annals state that, in the year 1002, Máel Sechnaill surrendered his title to Brian, although they do not say anything about how or why this came about. TheCogadh Gaedhil re Gallaibhprovides a story in which Brian challenges High King Máel Sechnaill to a battle at theHill of Tarain the province of Meath, but the High King requests a month-long truce so that he can mobilise his forces, which Brian grants him. Máel Sechnaill fails to rally the regional rulers who are nominally his subordinates by the time the deadline arrives, and he is forced to surrender his title to Brian.

There have been some doubts expressed about this explanation, given Brian's style of engaging in war; if he had found his opponent at a disadvantage it is most likely he would have taken full advantage of it rather than allowing his enemy the time to even the odds. Also, given the length and intensity of the struggle between Máel Sechnaill and Brian, it seems unlikely that the High King would surrender his title without a fight. In any case, it is generally accepted that in 1002 Brian became the new High King of Ireland.[citation needed]

High kingship


Brian, then in his 60s, spent the next decade or so of his life subjugating and accepting the submissions of the last of the lesser kingdoms and regions which had not already submitted to him. Those campaigns included two full circuits of the island in 1005 and 1006, demonstrating his determination and energy despite his age.[26]

Unlike some who had previously held the title, Brian intended to be High King in more than name. To accomplish that, he needed to impose his will upon the regional rulers of the only province that did not already recognise his authority,Ulster.The kingdoms of thenorthern Uí NéillandUlaidwere some of the most powerful in Ireland, and it took Brian considerable time and resources to subdue them.[25]

Ulster campaigns


Ulster's geography presented a formidable challenge. There were three main routes by which an invading army could enter the province, and all three favoured the defenders. Brian first had to find a means of getting through or around these defensivechoke pointsand then he had to subdue the fiercely independent regional kings of Ulster. It took Brian ten years of campaigning to achieve his goal, which, considering that he could and did call on all of the military forces of the rest of Ireland, indicates how formidable the kings of Ulster were.[25]

Brian received naval support throughout his northern campaigns fromSigtrygg Silkbeardof Dublin. Silkbeard was eager to enact revenge against the Ulaid for when they refused to assist him after he was forced out of hiskingdom of Dublinby Brian following the Battle of Glenmama in 999, forcing Silkbeard to return to Dublin and submit to him.[25][failed verification]

Brian was also greatly helped by the fact that two years before his first campaign in Ulster, in the year 1003, the brutal battle of Craeb Telcha had taken place between the Northern Uí Néill and the Ulaid, in which the king of theCenél Eoghainand of the Uí Neill was killed and most of the Ulaidroyal bloodlinewas wiped out, with the Uí Néill gaining victory. This then led to a bloodywar of successionwithin and between the clans of the Ulaid, and together with further attacks from the Uí Néill, which led to the kingdom's being severely weakened. Brian accepted the submission of the Cenel Eoghain king in 1005 and later accepted the submission of many of the Ulaid clans at a sacred Ulaid site, Emain Macha.[25]

HoweverFlaithbertaigh Ua Néill,the new king of the Northern Uí Néill and of the Cenél Eoghan, although having already submitted to Brian, was apparently unwilling to accept fully the High King's authority, and was quite rebellious. He was known for his continued aggression towards his neighbours despite previously accepting Brian's rule. In 1005, after Brian had departed Ulster, he attempted to exert his overlordship over the Ulaid, and seemingly wanted to punish them for submitting to Brian, to which the Northern Uí Néill were vehemently opposed. He attacked the kingdom, killing several kings and princes of the Ulaid. He also took several hostages.[25]

This caused Brian to return in 1006 and again in 1007 to deal with Flaithbertach. On the latter occasion, he removed the hostages of the Ulaid from Flaithbertach's custody and took them into his own custody (according to theAnnals of Inisfallen,Brian had to take the hostages forcefully).[citation needed]Flaithbertaigh again submitted, and also married one of Brian's daughters, Bé Binn.[25]

Despite this, Brian continued to be troubled by the rebellious Flaithbertaigh. In the year 1009, Flaithbertaigh blinded and then executed theking of the Cenél Chonaill.Later that year he would also launch raids in theMidlandsgoing as far south as theRiver Boyne.This led to Brian's return to Ulster yet again, this time taking hostages from the Cenél Eoghain back to his home province, finally gaining the proper submission of Flaithbertaigh.[25]

Flaithbertaigh would then take part in campaigns against the Cenél Chonaill, the final kingdom yet to submit to Brian, in the year 1011 alongside Brian's sonsMurchadandDomnall.However, they were unsuccessful in gaining the submission of the Cenél Chonaill. Brian then personally proceeded to lead a second invasion later that year, this time successfully subjugating and receiving the submission of the Cenél Chonaill. While Flaithbertaigh would continue attacking the Ulaid and Cenél Chonaill in late 1011 and in 1012, for the time he was no longer of any threat to Brian.[25]

Throughout his campaigns in the province, it was once again Brian's coordinated use of forces on land and at sea that allowed him to triumph; while the rulers of Ulster could bring the advance of Brian's army to a halt[citation needed],they could not prevent his fleet from attacking the shores of their kingdoms. Once Brian entered the province of Ulster, he systematically defeated each of the regional rulers who defied him, forcing them to recognise him as their overlord.

It was during this process that Brian pursued an alternative means of consolidating his control, not merely over the province of Ulster, but over Ireland as a whole. In contrast to its structure elsewhere, theChurch in Irelandwas not centred arounddiocesesandarchdioceses,but rather aroundmonasteriesheaded by powerful abbots who were members of the royal dynasties of the lands in which their monasteries resided. Among the most important monasteries wasArmagh,located in the Province of Ulster.

Brian's advisor,Maelsuthain O'Carroll,documented in theBook of Armagh[dubiousdiscuss]that, in the year 1005, Brian donated 22 ounces of gold to this monastery and declared that Armagh was the religious capital of Ireland, to which all other monasteries should send the funds they collected. This was a clever move, for the supremacy of the monastery of Armagh would last only so long as Brian remained the High King. Therefore, it was in the interest of Armagh to support Brian with all their wealth and power.

Brian is not referred to in the passage from theBook of Armagh[dubiousdiscuss]as theArd Rí—that is, High King—but rather he is declaredImperator Scotorum,'Emperor of the Gaels'.[27]

Though it is only speculation, it has been suggested that Brian and the Church in Ireland were together seeking to establish a new form of kingship in Ireland, one that was modelled after the kingships of England and France, in which there were no lesser ranks of regional kings—simply one king who had (or sought to have) power over all others in aunitary state.In any case, whether as high king or emperor, by 1011 all of the regional rulers in Ireland acknowledged Brian's authority. No sooner had Brian achieved this before it was lost again.[citation needed]

Rebellion in Leinster


Máel Mórda mac MurchadaofLeinsterhad only accepted Brian's authority grudgingly, and in 1012 he rose in rebellion. TheCogadh Gaedhil re Gallaibhrelates a story in which one of Brian's sons insults Máel Mórda, which leads him to declare his independence from Brian's authority and attack his neighbours.

Another possible reason was that the kings of Leinster and Dublin believed Maél Sechnaill was weak and thatthe Kingdom of Meathwas vulnerable. This was becauseFlaithbertaigh Uí Néill,king of the Cenél Eoghain and the northern Uí Néill, was again becoming troublesome for Brian. In 1013, he raided theMidlands,bringing him into direct conflict with Maél Sechnaill who was theking of Meath.The two armies had a stand-off nearKells,but Maél Sechnaill retreated for unknown reasons before any battle could occur. This led to the belief in Leinster that Meath was vulnerable, which would also weaken Brian if Leinster could knock one of his allies out of any conflict.[25]

Whatever the actual reason was, Máel Mórda sought allies with which to defy the High King. He found one in Flaithbertach Uí Neill in Ulster who had only recently submitted to Brian. Together, they attacked theprovince of Meath(again), where the former High King Máel Sechnaill sought Brian's help to defend his kingdom.[25]

In 1013, Brian led a force from his own province of Munster and from southern Connacht into Leinster, and a detachment under his son,Murchad,ravaged the southern half of the province of Leinster for three months. The forces under Murchad and Brian were reunited on 9 September outside the walls of Dublin. The city wasblockadedby Brian's fleet, but it was the High King's army that ran out of supplies first, so that Brian was forced to abandon the siege and return to Munster aroundChristmas.

Battle of Clontarf

Oil painting of Battle of Clontarf byHugh Frazer1826

Máel Mórda was aware that the High King would return to Dublin in 1014 to try once more to defeat him. He may have hoped that by defying Brian, he could enlist the aid of all the other regional rulers. If so, he was sorely disappointed. The province ofConnachtand most of the province ofUlsterfailed to support either side of the conflict, with the exception ofFlaithbertach Ua Néillof the northern Uí Néill who sent troops to Máel Mórda. His inability to obtain troops from any rulers in Ireland may explain why Máel Mórda sought support from rulers outside Ireland, sending his subordinate and nephew, Sigtrygg, the ruler of Dublin, overseas to do so.[25]

Sigtrygg sailed toOrkney,and on his return stopped at theIsle of Man.These islands had been occupied by the Vikings long before and the Hiberno-Norse had close ties with Orkney and the Isle of Man. There was even a precedent for employing Norsemen from the isles; they had been used by Sigtrygg's father,Amlaíb Cuarán,in 980, and by Sigtrygg himself in 990. Their incentive to fight was loot, not land.

It has been argued that, contrary to the assertions made in theCogadh Gaedhil re Gallaibh,this was not an attempt by the Vikings to reconquer Ireland. All of the Norsemen, both theNorse-Gaelsof Dublin and the Norsemen from the Isles, were in the service of Máel Mórda. The High King had 'Vikings' in his army as well: the Hiberno-Norse of Limerick and probably those of Waterford, Wexford, and Cork as well. Some sources include a rival gang of Norse mercenaries from the Isle of Man, led byBrodir'sown brother,Óspak.The two brothers would go on to fight on opposite sides in the battle. Some scholars argue that, essentially, this conflict was an Irish civil war with minor foreign participation.[28]However, the revisionist idea of Brian Boru's campaign and the battle of Clontarf being more akin to a civil war than an international war between the Irish and Norsemen has recently been challenged by researchers from the Universities of Coventry, Oxford and Sheffield. Usingnetwork analysisto mathematically analyze the medieval text, they found over 1000 relationships between about 300 characters; as such, the traditional view may be more accurate after all.[29]

Along with whatever troops he obtained from abroad, Brian mustered troops from his home province of Munster, southern Connacht, and the province of Meath, the latter contingent commanded by his old rival Máel Sechnaill mac Domnaill. Brian's army may have outnumbered Máel Mórda's, since Brian felt secure enough to dispatch a mounted detachment under the command of his youngest son, Donnchad, to raid southern Leinster, presumably hoping to force Máel Mórda to release his contingents from there to return to defend their homes.

Brian was also joined by the aforementionedÓspak,a Norseman, brother ofBrodir.Initially the two brothers sailed from theIsle of Manto fight against Brian with the Leinster forces. However, after a disagreement, Brodir planned to kill Óspak and his men the next morning. Óspak and his soldiers then fled during the night with 10 ships and sailed around Ireland toConnacht,where Óspak converted to Christianity and swore allegiance to Brian. He fought on the opposite side to his brother at the battle.[30]

Brian and Máel Sechnaill sent their forces to torch and plunder much of the countryside and hinterland north ofClontarfas far as theHowthPeninsula. However, in one of their raids, one of Máel Sechnaill's sons, Flann, was killed when a raiding party he was leading was ambushed by the Norse, with a total of over 150 Irish killed.[31][32]

A disagreement between Brian and Máel Sechnaill resulted in the latter withdrawing his support. Brian sent a messenger to find Donnchad and ask him to return with his detachment, but the call for help came too late. To compound Brian's problems, Máel Mórda's Norse contingents, led bySigurd Hlodvirsson,Earl of Orkney,andBrodirof the Isle of Man, arrived onPalm Sunday,18 April. The battle occurred five days later, onGood Friday,23 April 1014, just north of the city ofDublin,atClontarf.[33]

Brian on the Morning of Clontarf
Plaque at Brian Boru's burial place inSt. Patrick's Cathedral, (COI), Armagh

All of the accounts state that theBattle of Clontarflasted all day, but this may be an exaggeration.[original research?]The fighting was incredibly bloody by all accounts. Brian's army, however, eventually broke the enemy line and the Vikings attempted to flee for their ships which were in the bay. However at this time the tide came in and many of themdrownedattempting to swim for their ships as they were relentlessly pursued by the Irish.[34][35]

Brian's Irish army won partly through a small numerical advantage, and the use of small spears which they threw at the enemy. According to one account,Maél Sechnaillhad a change of heart and arrived late to the battle and, after the death of Brian, led the Irish army and completed the rout.[34]

Apart from Brian himself, much of the Irishroyal bloodlinewas wiped out in the battle. The king's son and heir,Murchad,was killed. According to one account he killed over 100 enemies, but the details of his own death are unknown. He died shortly after the Viking line broke.[34]

Brian's grandson and Murchad's sonToirdelbachwas also killed. Aged 15, he led the Irishinfantrypursuing the Vikings as they fled to the sea. He was knocked over by a wave, knocking him unconscious after hitting his head, and he drowned.[34]

On the Leinster and Viking side, many were also killed.Maél Mordawas killed in the fighting.Sigurd the Stout of Orkneywas also killed byMurchad.Brodir,who likely killed Brian, was captured and executed after the battle.[34]



There are many accounts of how Brian was killed. Some suggest he was killed during heroic man-to-man combat, although others specify that he was not involved in the battle[36] due to his advanced age and frailty.[37]According to theCogadh Gaedhel re Gallaibh,the elderly Brian Boru spent the day before his death away from combat, kneeling upon a cushion, and singing thePsalms,paters, aves, and other prayers using aPater Noster cord.He was killed by fleeing Viking mercenaries shortly after learning from his attendant that, despite his forces having won a great victory, his son Murchadh's standard had just fallen.[38]

The most common accounts attribute the killing of Brian Boru to the Viking mercenaryBrodirof theIsle of Man[39]while praying in his tent at Clontarf.[19]According to the 12th centuryCogad Gáedel re Gallaib,Brian was visited in a dream on the night prior to the battle by aPre-Christian goddessfrom theIrish mythologynamedAibell.Aibell had been demoted sinceSt Patrickto aFairy Queenruling over theCeltic OtherworldofThomondand was traditionally considered theguardian spirit,protectress, and thebansheeof King Brian's clan and dynasty. In the dream, Aibell is said to have warned Brian of his impending death and further prophesied that whichever of his sons he saw first in the morning would succeed him. Believing that the dream predicted his destiny and also, it is implied, not wishing to outlive his son Murchadh, Brian refused to seek shelter from the retreating Vikings and even chose to dismiss his bodyguards at the critical moment.[40]

TheCogadh Gaedhel re Gallaibhalleges that when Brian Boru and Brodir came face to face, similarly toHamletandLaertes,all they accomplished was to kill each other.[41]According toNjáls saga,on the other hand, Brodir was captured almost immediately afterwards and brutally tortured to death byUlf the Quarrelsome,a bodyguard and possibly a relative through marriage of Brian and who was fiercely loyal to the late king. Brodir's stomach was first slashed open with a sword, his intestines were then tied to a tree, and Brodir was forced to walk around and around the tree resulting in a slow and excruciating death from both blood loss anddisembowelling.[42]

After his death, Brian's body was taken, as he had instructed moments before Brodir's arrival, for hisRequiem Massto the church upon Spittal Hill, in what is nowSwords,County Dublinand then toArmaghto be buried in the Cathedral founded bySt Patrick.His tomb is said to be in the north wall ofSt Patrick's Cathedralin the city of Armagh.[43]

There have been further reports that the body of Brian Boru was brought back to his homeland in Munster after his death. While passing an area named Graine, located outside Urlingford on the Leinster/Munster border, Brian's army was attacked and his corpse was tied against a tree to pretend he was directing the army. In later years, artefacts—swords and clothing—strongly suggest that his army was in this area.[44]Graine hill today has a wall which separates the two provinces and a narrow road still exists which used to be the main road connecting the diocese of Ossory and Cashel.

Brian was succeeded as High King of Ireland by his former enemy, and later ally,Máel Sechnaill(Malachy Mór), who regained the title which he had previously lost to Brian many years before. He ruled until his death in 1022.[45][46]

Historical view

Sculpture outside Chapel Royal.

For the last 250 years there has been a debate among historians about Ireland's Viking age and theBattle of Clontarf.The standard, and "popular", view, is that the battle ended a war between the Irish and Vikings by which Brian Boru broke Viking power in Ireland. However, revisionist historians see it as an Irish civil war in which Brian Boru's Munster and its allies defeated Leinster and Dublin, and that there were Vikings fighting on both sides.[47][48]In January 2018 researchers from the Universities of Coventry, Oxford and Sheffield, led by Coventry University professor Ralph Kenna, a theoretical physicist, published a paper[2]in the journalRoyal Society Open Sciencethat used network science to mathematically analyse the 12th-centuryCogadh Gáedhel re Gallaibh( "The War of the Gaels with the Foreigners", i.e. the Danes and other Norsemen), that listed over 1000 relationships between about 300 characters, and concluded that the standard and popular view of the war between the Irish and Germanic Norsemen was broadly correct, but that the picture was nevertheless more complex than "a fully 'clear-cut' Irish versus Viking conflict".[47][48]However one of the paper's co-authors,[49]PhD student Joseph Yose, added that "Our statistical analysis... cannot decisively resolve the debate".[48]

The revisionist theory is that the popular image of Brian—the ruler who managed to unify the regional leaders ofIrelandso as to free the land from a 'Danish' (Viking) occupation—originates from the powerful influence of theCogadh Gaedhil re Gallaibh,in which Brian takes the leading role. This work is thought to have been commissioned by Brian's great-grandsonMuirchertach Ua Briainas a means of justifying the Ua Briain claim to the High Kingship, a title upon which the Uí Neill had had a near-monopoly. Recent research has suggested that it might have been commissioned by Muirchertach's contemporary and cousin, Brian Glinne Maidhir, or at least someone favourable to the line descended from Brian's son, Donnchad.[50]

The influence of this book on both scholarly and popular authors cannot be exaggerated. Until the 1970s most scholarly writing concerning the Vikings' activities in Ireland, as well as the career of Brian Boru, accepted the claims ofCogadh Gaedhil re Gallaibhat face value.

While Brian may not have freed Ireland from a Norse (Viking) occupation, simply because it was never entirely conquered by the Vikings, his rule saw consistent conflict against Vikings and Viking-founded settlements, the latter all having been founded to give raiders easier access to the interior of Ireland. In the last decade of the 8th century, Norse raiders began attacking targets in Ireland and, beginning in the mid-9th century, these raiders established the fortified camps that later grew into Ireland's first cities:Dublin,Limerick,Waterford,Wexford,andCork.Within only a few generations, some Norse had converted to Christianity, intermarried with the Irish, and had often adopted the Irish language, dress and customs, thus becoming what historians refer to as the Hiberno-Norse.[51]

Such Hiberno-Norse cities occupied a tenuous position within Ireland's political scene long before the birth of Brian. They often suffered attacks from Irish rulers, and made alliances with others. The Norse, who initially attacked and subsequently settled in Ireland, were partially assimilated by the Irish.[26]However, Brian's father was likely slain by the Norse of Limerick and he himself died during a revolt that was supported by multiple Viking leaders, specifically the Norse of Mann.

Wives and children


Brian's first wife was Mór, daughter of the king ofUí Fiachrach Aidneof Connacht. She is said to have been the mother of his sons Murchad, Conchobar and Flann. Later genealogies claimed that these sons left no descendants, although in fact Murchad's son Tairrdelbach is recorded as being killed at Clontarf along with his father and grandfather.[52]

Another wife, Echrad, was a daughter of Carlus mac Ailella, king of Uí Áeda Odba, an obscure branch of the southernUí Néill.She was the mother of Brian's sonTadc,whose sonToirdelbachand grandsonMuirchertachrivalled Brian in power and fame.[53]

Brian's most famous marriage was withGormflaith,sister of Máel Mórda of Leinster.Donnchad,who had his half-brother Tadc killed in 1023 and ruled Munster for 40 years thereafter, was the result of this union.[54]

Brian had a sixth son, Domnall. Although he predeceased his father, Domnall apparently had at least one surviving child, a son whose name is not recorded. Domnall may perhaps have been the son of Brian's fourth known wife, Dub Choblaig, who died in 1009. She was a daughter of KingCathal mac Conchobar mac Taidgof Connacht.[55]

Brian had at least three daughters, but their mothers are not recorded. Sadb, whose death in 1048 is recorded by theAnnals of Innisfallen,was married toCian,son ofMáel Muad mac Brain.Bé Binn was married to the northern Uí Néill kingFlaithbertach Ua Néill.A third daughter,Sláine,was married to Brian's stepsonSigtrygg Silkbeardof Dublin.[56]

According toNjal's Saga,he had a foster-son named Kerthialfad.[57]

Family heritage

Donough O'Brien, 4th Earl of Thomond

The descendants of Brian were known as the Uí Briain (O'Brien) clan, hence the surnames Ó Briain, O'Brien, O'Brian etc.Owas originallyÓwhich in turn came fromUa,which means 'grandson or descendant' (of a named person). The prefix is often anglicised toO',using an apostrophe instead of the Irishsíneadh fada( ´ ). TheO'Brienssubsequently ranked as one of the chiefdynasticfamilies of the country(seeChiefs of the Name).

Brian's third great-granddaughter wasGwenllian ferch Gruffydd(c.1097 – 1136),Princess consortofDeheubarthinWales,leader of the patriotic revolt and battle that contributed to theGreat Revolt of 1136. TheBarons Inchiquinclaim descent from Brian Boru, as didSir Donough O'Brien, 1st Baronet.



Ancestry of Brian Boru[58]

Cultural heritage




Finnegans Wake(1939), byJames Joyce,makes multiple references to Brian Boru andClontarf,in neologisms typical of that book ( "clontarfminded" ) and obscure references (e.g. "as true as the Vernons have Brian's sword" —McHugh points out that the Vernons, an Italian family, had an ancient sword said to be Brian Boru's).[59]

In the 1949 novelSilverlockbyJohn Myers Myers,the death of Brian Boru is described from the main character's viewpoint.

Morgan Llywelyn'sLion of Ireland(1980) is a historical novel about the life of Brian Boru.

Donal O'Neill'sSons of Death(1988), a historical novel about Brian Boru, is told from the point of view of MelPatrick, a young nobleman at Brian's court. It uses the fictional device of the long-lostBrjánssagaas its source. It is the third in a series based on Irish history, beginningc. 800 BC(vol. 1,Crucible;vol. 2Of Gods and Men).

The story of Brian Boru's final battle and death is told inFrank Delaney's novelIreland(2005).

Robert E. Howard wrote two versions of the Battle of Clontarf in 1931; a realistic historical novellette entitled "The Spears of Clontarf", which he modified to include fantastic elements such as the appearance of the God Odin and retitled "The Grey God Passes". "The Cairn on the Headland" is a sequel to the latter set in the present day.



His name is remembered in the title of one of the oldest tunes in Ireland's traditional repertoire: "Brian Boru's March".It is still widely played by many traditional Irish musicians. He was the subject of at least two operas:Brian Boroihme(1810) byJohann Bernhard Logier(1777–1846) andBrian Boru(1896) byJulian Edwards(1855–1910). His burial in St Patrick's Cathedral is referenced in the song "Boys from the County Armagh" byThomas P. Keenan(1866–1927). His exploits in battle serve as the inspiration for Irish folk metal bandCruachan's song,Born for War (The Rise of Brian Boru).[60]

See also





  1. ^"Keating and the King in Print (1723)".Battle of Clontarf.Trinity College, Dublin.Archivedfrom the original on 14 June 2020.Retrieved13 May2020.
  2. ^abYose, Joseph; Kenna, Ralph; MacCarron, Máirín; MacCarron, Pádraig (2018)."Network analysis of the Viking Age in Ireland as portrayed in Cogadh Gaedhel re Gallaibh".Royal Society Open Science.5(1): 171024.doi:10.1098/rsos.171024.PMC5792891.PMID29410814.
  3. ^"Part 54 of Annals of Inisfallen".
  4. ^"Part 114 of Chronicon Scotorum".
  5. ^"Brian Bórama (Bóruma, Boru) | Dictionary of Irish Biography".
  6. ^Donnchadh O Corrain,Ireland before the Normans(Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1972)[ISBN missing][page needed]
  7. ^Evans, Nicholas (2010).The Present and the Past in Medieval Irish Chronicles.Boydell & Brewer. p. 228.For instance, Brian Bórama mac Cennétig was described in AU 1014.2 asardrí Gaidhel Erenn & Gall & Bretan, August iartair tuaiscirt Eorpa uile,'exalted-king of the Gaels of Ireland and of the [Scandinavian] foreigners and of the Britains, the Augustus of all north-western Europe'.[ISBN missing]
  8. ^abcdeDuffy, "Brian Bóruma"
  9. ^abcJaski, "Brian Boru", p. 45.
  10. ^Brian Boru and The Battle of Clontarf, Seán Duffy
  11. ^Ní Mhaonaigh, p. 15, notes that Brian is associated with Béal Bóruma in a poem attributed toCúán úa Lothcháin(d. 1024).
  12. ^Tincker, Mary Agnes, 1831–1907. Hannigan, Denis F. Moores of Moore's Court. Christall, C. W. High treason. (1879).The monitor: an illustrated Dublin magazine.Published by Joseph Pollard. p. 309.OCLC265599862.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  13. ^Healy, Rev. John (2016).Insula Sanctorum Et Doctorum Or Ireland's Ancient Schools And Scholars.Read Books Ltd. pp. 500–502.ISBN978-1-4733-6133-1.OCLC951808529.
  14. ^abcClare County Libraries
  15. ^McCullough (2002), p. 106
  16. ^Annals of Inisfallen,972
  17. ^"Brian Boru and Dynastic Upheaval".wesleyjohnston.Archivedfrom the original on 30 January 2020.Retrieved14 June2020.
  18. ^Todd, James Henthorn (1867)."Cogadh Gaédhal re Galliabh".Google books.p. 103.Archivedfrom the original on 25 September 2021.Retrieved19 September2020.
  19. ^abGrant, R. G.;Doughty, Robert(2011).1001 Battles That Changed the Course of World History.Random House. p. 128.ISBN978-0-7893-2233-3.
  20. ^Sir Lee MacMahon, ' Some Celtic Tribal Heraldry and Ancient Arms of Ireland, ' Irish-American Genealogist. The Augustan Society: Torrance, CA. Annual 1979. pp. 256–259.
  21. ^abDuffy, Seán (2014).Brian Boru and the Battle of Clontarf.Gill & Macmillan.ISBN9780717157761.Archivedfrom the original on 25 September 2021.Retrieved5 November2020.Brian initiated a stunning new undertaking in 988. Again his eyes were on opponents to the north, and again he used his geographical advantage to the full by launching onto the River Shannon at Lough Derg—from his very doorstep—an expeditionary river-fleet of some three hundred vessels, including the Norse fleet of Waterford, and directing their course northwards to Lough Ree.
  22. ^abc"Brian Boru–Irish Biography".libraryireland.Archivedfrom the original on 24 April 2020.Retrieved14 June2020.
  23. ^Duffy, Seán (11 October 2013).Brian Boru and the Battle of Clontarf.Gill & Macmillan.ISBN9780717157761.Archivedfrom the original on 25 September 2021.Retrieved5 November2020.A squadron of Brian's 300-strong river-fleet were sent into Connacht after harrying Mide. In an encounter with the defending Connachtmen they killed one of Connacht's princes, Muirgius son of Conchobar; but it was otherwise disastrous for Brian's fleet, whose crews were massacred.
  24. ^Duffy, Seán (2014).Brian Boru and the Battle of Clontarf.Gill & Macmillan.ISBN9780717157761.Archivedfrom the original on 25 September 2021.Retrieved5 November2020.But Brian came away from Bleanphottogue with an agreement that saw him as the equal to his former lord.
  25. ^abcdefghijklDuffy, Seán (2014).Brian Boru and the Battle of Clontarf.Gill & Macmillan. pp. 26–27, 151–154.ISBN978-0-7171-6207-9.OCLC911972485.Archivedfrom the original on 25 September 2021.Retrieved19 September2020.
  26. ^abNewman, Roger Chatterton (1983).Brian Boru: King of Ireland.Dublin: Anvil Books. p. 92.ISBN978-1-85635-719-7.
  27. ^"Crowning of Ireland's Last, Scottish High King - Trinity News and Events".Archived fromthe originalon 31 October 2019.Archived12 November 2020 at theWayback Machine
  28. ^McCullough(2002), p.109
  29. ^Yose, Joseph; Kenna, Ralph; MacCarron, Máirín; MacCarron, Pádraig (2018)."Network analysis of the Viking Age in Ireland as portrayed in Cogadh Gaedhel re Gallaibh".Royal Society Open Science.5(1): 171024.doi:10.1098/rsos.171024.PMC5792891.PMID29410814.
  30. ^Njals Saga, Chapter 144–145
  31. ^Seán Duffy, History Ireland
  32. ^Doherty, Charles."Maél-Sechnaill (Maél-Sechnaill II; Malachy Mór)".dib.Cambridge.org.Archivedfrom the original on 27 June 2020.Retrieved27 June2020.
  33. ^McCullough(2002), p. 111
  34. ^abcdeDuffy (2013)
  35. ^McGettigan(2013)
  36. ^Haywood, John (27 September 2016).Northmen: The Viking Saga, AD 793–1241.Macmillan. p. 158.ISBN9781250106155.Archivedfrom the original on 25 September 2021.Retrieved5 November2020.
  37. ^Tousy, Frank (1882).Famous Assassinations of History: From the Time of Julius Caesar Down to the Present Day.p. 15.Archivedfrom the original on 25 September 2021.Retrieved5 November2020.
  38. ^Todd, James Henthorn(1867).Cogadh Gaedhel re Gallaibh – The War of the Gaedhil with the Danes and Other Norsemen.pp. 196–205.
  39. ^Haywood, John (27 September 2016).Northmen: The Viking Saga, AD 793–1241.Macmillan. p. 158.ISBN9781250106155.Archivedfrom the original on 25 September 2021.Retrieved5 November2020.
  40. ^James Todd's translation of the Cogadh Gaedhel Re Gallaibh, pages cixxxviii, 200-201
  41. ^James Todd's translation of the Cogadh Gaedhel Re Gallaibh, pages cixxxviii, 200-205
  42. ^Njal's Saga
  43. ^"Brian Boru:: Saint Patrick's Cathedral Armagh – Church of Ireland".stpatricks-cathedral.org.Archivedfrom the original on 27 February 2015.Retrieved1 March2015.
  44. ^"Text search".Archivedfrom the original on 29 June 2020.Retrieved26 June2020.
  45. ^"BRIAN BORU who again became the High King".Archivedfrom the original on 25 June 2016.Retrieved8 August2020.
  46. ^"King Malachy More".Archivedfrom the original on 29 October 2019.Retrieved8 August2020.
  47. ^ab"Network science shines new light on Battle of Clontarf". RTE. 24 January 2018. Retrieved 24 January 2018.
  48. ^abcKevin O'Sullivan (24 January 2018). "Battle of Clontarf: It's a mathematical question". The Irish Times. Retrieved 24 January 2018. Centuries-old debate continues as social media analysis used to explore Viking-Irish strife... The debate has carried on for the past 250 years.
  49. ^Yose, Joseph; Kenna, Ralph; MacCarron, Máirín; MacCarron, Pádraig (2018). "Network analysis of the Viking Age in Ireland as portrayed in Cogadh Gaedhel re Gallaibh". Royal Society Open Science. 5 (1): 171024. doi:10.1098/rsos.171024. PMC 5792891.PMID29410814.This delivers a picture that lies between antipodal traditional and revisionist extremes; hostilities recorded in the text are mostly between Irish and Viking—but internal conflict forms a significant proportion of the negative interactions too.
  50. ^Casey, Denis (2013). "A reconsideration of the authorship and transmission of Cogadh Gaedhel re Gallaibh".Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Section C.113C:139–61.doi:10.1353/ria.2013.0011.JSTOR42751271.S2CID245845422.
  51. ^Campbell, Kenneth L. (5 December 2013).Ireland's History: Prehistory to the Present.Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 46–51.ISBN978-1-4725-6784-0.
  52. ^Ní Mhaonaigh, p. 31; Duffy.
  53. ^Ní Mhaonaigh, p. 32; Duffy.
  54. ^Ní Mhaonaigh, pp. 31–32; Duffy.
  55. ^Ní Mhaonaigh, pp. 31 & 32–33; Duffy.
  56. ^Ní Mhaonaigh, p. 33; Duffy.
  57. ^Njal's Saga.Trans. George DaSent. London, 1861. §§ 154–157.
  58. ^ch: XXV pages 257,259 - author: Geoffrey Keating corpus of electronic texts edition,https://celt.ucc.ie/published/T100054.htmlArchived31 December 2018 at theWayback Machine,
  59. ^McHugh, Roland.Annotations in Finnegans Wake.Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991.
  60. ^Cruachan – Born for War (The Rise of Brian Boru),retrieved4 April2022

Secondary sources


Further reading

  • Downham, Clare (2005). "The Battle of Clontarf in Irish History and Legend".History Ireland 5.13.[1]
  • MacShamhráin, Ailbhe (2001). "The Battle of Glenn Máma, Dublin and the High-Kingship of Ireland: A Millennial Commemoration". In Seán Duffy (ed.).Medieval Dublin II.Dublin: Four Courts Press. pp. 53–64.
  • O'Brien, Donough (1949).History of the O'Briens from Brian Boroimhe, A.D. 1000 to A.D. 1945.B. T. Batsford.
  • Ó Corráin, Donnchad (1972).Ireland before the Normans.Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. pp. 111–131.
  • Ryan, John (1967). "Brian Boruma, King of Ireland". In Etienne Rynne (ed.).North Munster Studies.Limerick: Thomond Archaeological Society. pp. 355–374.
  • Article by the Clare County Library on Brian Boru
  • Article in Irish Examiner

External resources

Brian Boru
Regnal titles
Preceded by King of Munster
Succeeded by
Preceded by High King of Ireland
Succeeded by