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Bryn Mawr Painter

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TheBryn Mawr Painteris the name given to anAttic Greekred-figurevase painter, active in the late Archaic period (c. 500 – 480 BCE).[1]

Red-figured plate by the Bryn Mawr Painter on which a bearded symposiast plays kottabos.

Name artefact


The Bryn Mawr Painter was named by SirJohn Beazleyfor a plate in theBryn Mawr CollegeArt and Artifact Collections (the Bryn Mawr Painter'snamepiece).[2]

Interior: A reclining male figure, draped from the waist down, leans against a doubled-over bolster. With the forefinger of his outstretched right hand, he holds akylixby the handle. A wreath, now so worn as to be all but invisible, dangles from his left hand. Hanging on the wall at his feet is a flute case of spotted animal skin. The figure is a participant in a Greeksymposium(drinking party) and is shown playing the popular game ofkottabos,in which contestants attempted to hit various types of targets with wine dregs flung from the bottom of a kylix. Akalos inscriptionreading "HO PAIS KALOS" ( "the boy is beautiful" ) appears above the head and knee of the symposiast.

Exterior: Reserved except for black glaze on the base ring and in a wide circular band in the center of the plate.[3]


  1. ^The Getty Research Institute."Union List of Artist Names Online".Retrieved10 January2014.
  2. ^Beazley, J. D. (1963).Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, Second Edition.Oxford: The Clarendon Press. p. 456.
  3. ^Ashmead, Ann Harnwell; Phillips, Jr., Kyle Meredith (1971).Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, USA Fascicule 13.Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. p. 3.

