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Building code

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Code Violation: This fire-ratedconcrete blockwall is penetrated bycable traysandelectrical cables.The hole should befirestoppedto restore thefire-resistance ratingof the wall. Instead, it is filled withflammablepolyurethane foam.

Abuilding code(alsobuilding controlorbuilding regulations) is a set of rules that specify the standards for construction objects such asbuildingsandnon-building structures.Buildings must conform to the code to obtainplanning permission,usually from a local council. The main purpose of building codes is to protectpublic health,safety and general welfare as they relate to theconstructionand occupancy of buildings andstructures — for example, the building codes in many countries require engineers to consider the effects ofsoil liquefactionin the design of new buildings.[1]The building code becomeslawof a particular jurisdiction when formallyenactedby the appropriate governmental or private authority.[2]

Building codes are generally intended to be applied byarchitects,engineers,interior designers,constructors andregulatorsbut are also used for various purposes bysafety inspectors,environmental scientists,real estate developers,subcontractors, manufacturers of building products and materials,insurancecompanies, facility managers,tenants,and others. Codes regulate the design and construction of structures where adopted into law.

Examples of building codes began in ancient times.[3]In the USA the main codes are theInternational Building Code or International Residential Code [IBC/IRC],electrical codes and plumbing, mechanical codes. Fifty states and the District of Columbia have adopted the I-Codes at the state or jurisdictional level.[4]In Canada, national model codes are published by theNational Research Council of Canada.[5]In the United Kingdom, compliance withBuilding Regulationsis monitored bybuilding control bodies,either Approved Inspectors or Local Authority Building Control departments. Building Control regularisation charges apply in case work is undertaken which should have had been inspected at the time of the work if this was not done.[6]



The practice of developing, approving, and enforcing building codes varies considerably among nations. In some countries building codes are developed by the government agencies or quasi-governmentalstandards organizationsand then enforced across the country by thecentral government.Such codes are known as thenational building codes(in a sense they enjoy a mandatory nationwide application).

In other countries, where the power of regulating construction and firesafetyis vested inlocal authorities,a system ofmodel building codesis used. Model building codes have no legal status unless adopted or adapted by an authority having jurisdiction. The developers of model codes urge public authorities to reference model codes in their laws, ordinances, regulations, and administrative orders. When referenced in any of these legal instruments, a particular model code becomes law. This practice is known as 'adoption by reference'. When an adopting authority decides to delete, add, or revise any portions of the model code adopted, it is usually required by the model code developer to follow a formal adoption procedure in which those modifications can be documented for legal purposes.

There are instances when somelocal jurisdictionschoose to develop their own building codes. At some point in time all major cities in theUnited Stateshad their own building codes. However, due to ever increasing complexity and cost of developing building regulations, virtually all municipalities in the country have chosen to adopt model codes instead. For example, in 2008 New York City abandoned its proprietary1968 New York City Building Codein favor of a customized version of theInternational Building Code.[7]The City ofChicagoremains the onlymunicipalityin America that continues to use a building code the city developed on its own as part of theMunicipal Code of Chicago.

In Europe, theEurocode: Basis of structural design,is a pan-European building code that has superseded the older national building codes. Each country now has National Annexes to localize the contents of theEurocodes.

Similarly, inIndia,each municipality and urban development authority has its own building code, which is mandatory for all construction within their jurisdiction. All these local building codes are variants of a National Building Code,[8]which serves as model code proving guidelines for regulating building construction activity.



The purpose of building codes is to provide minimum standards for safety, health, and general welfare including structural integrity, mechanical integrity (including sanitation, water supply, light, and ventilation), means of egress, fire prevention and control, and energy conservation.[9][10] Building codes generally include:

  • Standards for structure, placement, size, usage, wall assemblies, fenestration size/locations, egress rules, size/location of rooms, foundations, floor assemblies, roof structures/assemblies,energy efficiency,stairs and halls, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, site drainage & storage, appliance, lighting, fixtures standards, occupancy rules, and swimming pool regulations
  • Rules regardingparkingandtrafficimpact
  • Fire coderules to minimize the risk of a fire and to ensure safe evacuation in the event of such an emergency[citation needed]
  • Requirements forearthquake(seismic code),hurricane,flood,andtsunamiresistance, especially in disaster prone areas or for very large buildings where a failure would be catastrophic[citation needed]
  • Requirements for specific building uses (for example, storage of flammable substances, or housing a large number of people)
  • Energy provisions and consumption
  • Grandfather clauses:Unless the building is being renovated, the building code usually does not apply to existing buildings.
  • Specificationson components
  • Allowable installation methodologies
  • Minimum and maximum room ceiling heights, exit sizes and location
  • Qualification of individuals or corporations doing the work
  • For high structures, anti-collision markers for the benefit of aircraft

Building codes are generally separate fromzoningordinances, but exterior restrictions (such as setbacks) may fall into either category.

Designers use building code standards out of substantial reference books during design. Building departments review plans submitted to them before construction, issue permits [or not] and inspectors verify compliance to these standards at the site during construction.

There are often additional codes or sections of the same building code that have more specific requirements that apply todwellingsor places of business and special construction objects such as canopies, signs,pedestrianwalkways,parking lots,and radio andtelevision antennas.



Building codes have been criticized for contributing tohousing crisisand increasing the cost of new housing to some extent, including through conflicting code between different administrators.[11]Proposed improvements include regular review andcost-benefit analysisof building codes,[12]promotion of low-cost construction materials and building codes suitable to mass production,[11]reducing bureaucracy, and promoting transparency.[13]





Building codes have a long history. The earliest known written building code is included in theCode of Hammurabi,[3]which dates from circa 1772 BC.

The book ofDeuteronomyin theHebrew Biblestipulated thatparapetsmust be constructed on all houses to prevent people from falling off.[14]

In the Chinesebook of ritesit mentions that ancestral temples and houses should be a certain standard length in ancient China they measured land in the chu orwell field systemso it was important to be precise though most of the actual lengths are lost or obscure.[15][16]

In ancient Japan a certain official destroyed a courtiers house because the size was above his rank.[17]

Modern era




In Paris, under the reconstruction of much of the city under theSecond Empire (1852–70),great blocks of apartments were erected[18]and the height of buildings was limited by law to five or six stories at most.

United Kingdom


After theGreat Fire of Londonin 1666, which had been able to spread so rapidly through the densely built timber housing of the city, theRebuilding of London Actwas passed in the same year as the first significant building regulation.[19]Drawn up bySir Matthew Hale,the Act regulated the rebuilding of the city, required housing to have some fire resistance capacity and authorised theCity of London Corporationto reopen and widen roads.[20]TheLaws of the Indieswere passed in the 1680s by theSpanish Crownto regulate the urban planning for colonies throughout Spain's worldwide imperial possessions.

The first systematic national building standard was established with the London Building Act of 1844. Among the provisions, builders were required to give the district surveyor two days' notice before building, regulations regarding the thickness of walls, height of rooms, the materials used in repairs, the dividing of existing buildings and the placing and design ofchimneys,fireplacesanddrainswere to be enforced and streets had to be built to minimum requirements.[21]

TheMetropolitan Buildings Officewas formed to regulate the construction and use of buildings throughout London. Surveyors were empowered to enforce building regulations, which sought to improve the standard of houses and business premises, and to regulate activities that might threaten public health. In 1855 the assets, powers and responsibilities of the office passed to theMetropolitan Board of Works.

United States


The City ofBaltimorepassed its first building code in 1891.[22]TheGreat Baltimore Fireoccurred in February 1904. Subsequent changes were made that matched other cities.[23]In 1904, a Handbook of the Baltimore City Building Laws was published. It served as the building code for four years. Very soon, a formal building code was drafted and eventually adopted in 1908.

The structural failure of the tank that caused theGreat Molasses Floodof 1919 prompted the Boston Building Department to require engineering and architectural calculations be filed and signed. U.S. cities and states soon began requiring sign-off by registered professional engineers for the plans of major buildings.[24]

Energy codes

The current energy codes[clarification needed]of the United States are adopted at the state and municipal levels and are based on theInternational Energy Conservation Code(IECC). Previously, they were based on the Model Energy Code (MEC). As of March 2017, the following residential codes have been partially or fully adopted by states:[25]

  • 2015 IECC or equivalent (California, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Vermont, Washington)
  • 2012 IECC or equivalent (Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Iowa, Minnesota, Nevada, Rhode Island, Texas)
  • 2009 IECC or equivalent (Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin)
  • 2006 IECC or equivalent (Utah)
  • 2006 IECC or no statewide code (Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming)



Australia uses theNational Construction Code.

See also



  1. ^CEN (2004).EN1998-5:2004Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance,part 5: Foundations, retaining structures and geotechnical aspects.Brussels: European Committee for Standardization.
  2. ^Ching, Francis D. K.; Winkel, Steven R. (22 March 2016).Building Codes Illustrated: A Guide to Understanding the 2015 International Building Code.John Wiley & Sons.ISBN978-1-119-15095-4.
  3. ^ab"Hammurabi's Code of Laws".eawc.evansville.edu.Archived fromthe originalon 9 May 2008.Retrieved24 May2008.
  4. ^"About ICC".www.iccsafe.org.Retrieved8 December2013.
  5. ^Canada, Government of Canada. National Research Council."Codes Canada - National Research Council Canada".www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca.Retrieved1 April2018.
  6. ^Northampton Borough Council,Building Control - regularisation chargeswww.northampton.gov.ukArchived11 May 2021 at theWayback Machine,accessed 15 March 2021
  7. ^NYC Construction Codeswww.nyc.govArchived2 July 2006 at theWayback Machine
  8. ^National Building Codewww.bis.org.in
  9. ^Hageman, Jack M., and Brian E. P. Beeston.Contractor's guide to the building code.6th ed. Carlsbad, CA: Craftsman Book Co., 2008. 10. Print.
  10. ^Wexler, Harry J., and Richard Peck.Housing and local government: a research guide for policy makers and planners.Lexington, Mass. u.a.: Lexington Books, 1974. 53. Print.
  11. ^abListokin, David; Hattis, David B. (2005)."Building Codes and Housing".Cityscape.8(1). US Department of Housing and Urban Development: 21–67.ISSN1936-007X.JSTOR20868571.Retrieved25 July2024.
  12. ^Nwadike, Amarachukwu Nnadozie; Wilkinson, Suzanne (3 February 2022). "Why amending building codes? An investigation of the benefits of regular building code amendment in New Zealand".International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation.40(1): 76–100.doi:10.1108/IJBPA-08-2020-0068.ISSN2398-4708.
  13. ^Nwadike, Amarachukwu; Wilkinson, Suzanne (2021). "Promoting Performance-Based Building Code Compliance in New Zealand".Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities.35(4).doi:10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001603.ISSN0887-3828.
  14. ^Deuteronomy 22:8
  15. ^Confucius (29 August 2016).Delphi Collected Works of Confucius - Four Books and Five Classics of Confucianism (Illustrated).Delphi Classics.ISBN978-1-78656-052-0.
  16. ^Mencius (28 October 2004).Mencius.Penguin UK.ISBN978-0-14-190268-5.
  17. ^Shonagon, Sei (30 November 2006).The Pillow Book.Penguin UK.ISBN978-0-14-190694-2.
  18. ^New International Encyclopedia
  19. ^'Charles II, 1666: An Act for rebuilding the City of London.', Statutes of the Realm: volume 5: 1628–80 (1819), pp. 603–12. URL:british-history.ac.uk,date accessed: 8 March 2007.
  20. ^'Book 1, Ch. 15: From the Fire to the death of Charles II', A New History of London: Including Westminster and Southwark (1773), pp. 230–55. URL:http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.asp?compid=46732.Date accessed: 7 March 2007.
  21. ^"A Brief History of Building Regulations".www.npt.gov.uk.
  22. ^Baltimore (Md.) (1891).Ordinances and Resolutions of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore...– via books.google.com.
  23. ^Baltimore: The Building of an American City, Sherry H. Olson, Published 1997, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore (Md.),ISBN0-8018-5640-X,p. 248.
  24. ^Puleo, Stephen (2004).Dark Tide: The Great Boston Molasses Flood of 1919.Beacon Press.ISBN0-8070-5021-0.
  25. ^"Residential Code Status | The Building Codes Assistance Project".bcapcodes.org.12 November 2015.Retrieved11 September2018.