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Imperial Fleet
Ships of theReichsflottein 1849
Disbanded2 April 1852
CountryGerman Empire (1848/1849)
German Confederation
AllegianceProvisorische Zentralgewalt
RoleNaval warfare
Size39 ships
EngagementsSchleswig War (1848–1851)
Navy MinisterAugust Jochmus
Rear AdmiralKarl Brommy
War Ensign (1848–1852)
Naval Jack (1848–1852)

TheReichsflotte(German:[ˈʁaɪçsˌflɔtə],Imperial Fleet) was the first navy for all of Germany, established by therevolutionary German Empireto provide a naval force in theFirst Schleswig Waragainst Denmark. The decision was made on 14 June 1848 by theFrankfurt Parliament,[1]which is considered by the modernGerman Navyas its birthday.[2]

In December 1849 the imperial government was replaced by a federal commission. In 1851 the German Confederation was fully re-established. The German states such as Prussia, Hanover and Austria had a quarrel regarding the ships and the costs to sustain a fleet. In 1852 the Confederation decided to dissolve the fleet and sell the ships.[3]


TheGerman Confederation,founded in 1815, was initially not in need of a navy, as it could rely on three members who commanded large fleets: TheGrand Duke of Luxembourg(the King of the Netherlands) as commander of theRoyal Dutch Navy,theDuke of Holsteinas the commander of theDanish Navy,and last but not least, theKing of Hanoveras commander of the BritishRoyal Navy.This had changed by the late 1830s, as the Kings of the Netherlands and Great Britain ceased to be members of the German Confederation, and in early 1848 Denmark also turned against Germany in theFirst Schleswig War.Soon, the Danish Navy stopped all German trade in theNorth Seaand theBaltic Sea.

This newly created provisional government was headed byArchduke John of Austriaasregent(Reichsverweser); he namedAugust von Jochmusas Foreign Minister and Navy minister.

The parliament first met in Frankfurt on 18 May 1848, and on 12 June 1848 the diet of theGerman Confederationturned over its budget to the parliament. Only two days later, the parliament decided to spend six millionReichsthaleron a navy to be under the command of PrinceAdalbert of Prussia.When he had to resign due to an order by the King of Prussia,KonteradmiralKarl Rudolf Brommytook over.

SMSBarbarossain 1849
SMSEckernförde(left), & SMSDeutschland(right) in 1849

In theBattle of Heligolandof 4 June 1849, the fleet under Brommy saw its only sea battle, which also remains the first and only naval combat under the black-red-goldflag of Germany.The battle, involving five vessels altogether, was inconclusive, with no losses on either side, but after it the Danish blockade was restored.

Until 1852, the fleet had

The ships became the property of the re-established German Confederation, via the Bundeszentralkommission of 1849-1851 that dealt with the tasks of the former Central Power of the Imperial Regent. An argument arose as to whether the fleet was an 'organic institution' of the Confederation or simply a property. The majority of the Bundestag argued that it was just a property so that a decision about it did not need unanimity.[4]

On 2 April 1852, theReichsflottewas dissolved. While most ships were sold off, two of the steam frigates were given to thePrussian Navy,which later evolved into theNorth German Federal Navy(1867-1871) and that then became theImperial German Navy(1872-1918).


Several names are used for this Navy. The resolution of 14 June 1848 just calls it "Deutsche Marine",while navy ministerArnold Duckwitzin 1849 reported about the "Deutsche Kriegsmarine"and whenKarl Rudolf Brommywas promoted to its first Admiral, the name used wasReichsmarine,which was used within the Navy, too. To avoid confusion with later incarnations, historians settled forReichsflotte.

The termBundesflotte(Federal Fleet) is also used, but this is misleading, as it was not operated by theGerman Confederationin its first years.Bundesflottewas also the name of an Austrian-Prussian naval project in 1865. The modern German navy since 1956 was called theBundesmarinebut now uses the nameDeutsche Marine.

The"Verfassung des Deutschen Reichs",article III § 19, states:

[1] The naval forces are the exclusive affair of theReich.It is not allowed for any single state to maintain its own warships or hire privateers.
[2] The crews of the war navy are a part of the new German defence force (the termWehrmachtis used). They are independent of the land forces.
[3] The size of the crews to be provided for the war navy from each state, is to be calculated from the number of land forces to be maintained by it. Details on this matter, as well as the balancing of costs between theReichgovernment and the individual states, will be determined by law.
[4] The commissioning of officers and officials of the naval forces are under the sole authority of theReich.
[5] The care for equipping, training and maintaining a war fleet and the creation, equipping and maintenance of military harbours and arsenals falls under the authority of theReich.
[6] The matters pertaining on the appropriations necessary for the establishment of military harbours and naval installations, as well as on the responsibilities of the correspondingReichservices will be determined byReichlaws.


  1. ^Günter Wollstein:Das ‚Großdeutschland‘ der Paulskirche. Nationale Ziele in der bürgerlichen Revolution 1848/1849.Droste Verlag, Düsseldorf 1977, p. 262/263.
  2. ^Websiteof the German Navy, retrieval on 29 May 2016.
  3. ^Walther Hubatsch:Forschungsstand und Ergebnis.In: derselbe (Hrsg.): Die erste deutsche Flotte 1848-1853, E. S. Mittler und Sohn, Herford / Bonn 1981, p. 79-94, here p. 90/91.
  4. ^Ernst Rudolf Huber:Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte seit 1789.Vol. III:Bismarck und das Reich.3. Auflage,W. Kohlhammer,Stuttgart et al. 1988, p. 138-140.


  • Guntram Schulze-Wegener:Deutschland zur See. 150 Jahre Marinegeschichte.Mittler, Hamburg 1998.ISBN3-8132-0551-7
  • Jörg Duppler:Germania auf dem Meere / Bilder und Dokumente zur Deutschen Marinegeschichte 1848 –1998.Mittler, Hamburg 1998.ISBN3-8132-0564-9
  • Walther Hubatsch:Die erste deutsche Flotte, 1848 - 1853,Mittler, Herford 1981.
  • L[üder]. Arenhold:Vor 50 Jahren: Die Deutsche Reichsflotte 1848 - 1852 in zwölf Bildern,(Reprint from 1906) Media Verlag, Berlin 1995.

External links[edit]

Media related toReichsflotteat Wikimedia Commons