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CD78is aproteinexpressed on the surface of some immature and all matureB-cells.It is considered a pan-B cellantigen.[1]Other names includeCdw78, Ba antigen, Leu21andLO-panB-a.[2]



It is part of theMHC class II.[1]



CD78 is expressed on all stages of B cell development from pre-B cell throughplasma cells.[3]Its expression is strongest on activated B cells.

It is also present on tissuemacrophagesand onepithelialcells.[2]

Clinical significance


Withflow cytometry,it can be used to detect B cells during many stages of their development.[2]It is one of relatively few markers usefully expressed on plasma cells, and when combined with detection of markers such as CD22, can be used to determine the relative proportion of plasma cells.[3]


  1. ^abSlack JL, Armitage RJ, Ziegler SF, Dower SK, Gruss HJ (July 1995). "Molecular characterization of the pan-B cell antigen CDw78 as a MHC class II molecule by direct expression cloning of the transcription factor CIITA".International Immunology.7(7): 1087–92.doi:10.1093/intimm/7.7.1087.PMID8527406.
  2. ^abc"CD78 antibody (60-3G2) (ab24151) datasheet".Abcam.Retrieved2008-10-28.
  3. ^abBona, Constantin; Francisco A. Bonilla (1996). "5".Textbook of Immunology.Martin Soohoo (2 ed.). CRC Press. p. 102.ISBN978-3-7186-0596-5.