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God of hunting, war, and of many tribes
Personification of theMilky Way[1]
Mixcoatl as depicted in theCodex Borgia
Other namesItzac-Mixcoatl, Camaxtli, Camaxtle, Tlatlauhaqui-Tezcatlipoca
AbodeIlhuicatl-Nanatzcayan (Eighth Heaven)
Ethnic groupAztec,Tlaxcaltec(Nahua)
Parents• Created byTezcatlipocaandQuetzalcoatl(Codex Zumarraga)[4]
• Tonacatecuhtli and Tonacacihuatl (as Camaxtle)
ConsortChimalma(Codex Chimalpopoca)[2]
Coatlicue(Codex Florentine)[2]
Ilancueye(Codex Mendieta)
Children• With Chimalma:QuetzalcoatlandXolotl(Codex Chimalpopoca)[2]
• With Coatlicue:Huitzilopochtli,Coyolxauhqui,Centzon Huitznahuac(Codex Florentine)[2]
• With Ilancueye: the giantsXelhua,Tenoch,Ulmecatl,Xicalancatl,Mixtecatl,Otomitl(Codex Mendieta)[1]
• With Tlalcihuatl or Coatlicue:Centzon Mimixcoa(Codex Ramirez)[3]

Mixcoatl(Nahuatl languages:Mixcōhuātl,[miʃˈkoːwaːt͡ɬ]from mixtli[ˈmiʃt͡ɬi]"cloud" and cōātl[ˈkoːaːt͡ɬ]"serpent" ), orCamaxtle[kaˈmaʃt͡ɬe]orCamaxtli,was the god of the hunt and identified with theMilky Way,the stars, and the heavens in severalMesoamericancultures. He was the patron deity of theOtomi,theChichimecs,and several groups that claimed descent from the Chichimecs. Under the name ofCamaxtli,Mixcoatl was worshipped as the central deity ofHuejotzingoandTlaxcala.[5]



Mixcoatl is represented with a black mask over his eyes and distinctive red and white pin stripes painted on his body. These features are shared withTlahuizcalpantecuhtli,the Lord of the Dawn, god of the morning star, as well as Itzpapalotl, goddess of infant mortality who was sometimes said to be his mother. Unlike Tlahuizcalpanteuctli, Mixcoatl can usually be distinguished by his hunting gear, which included a bow and arrows, and a net or basket for carrying dead game.



Mixcoatl was one of four children ofTonacatecutli,meaning "Lord of Sustenance," an aged creator god, andCihuacoatl,a fertility goddess and the patroness of midwives. Sometimes Mixcoatl was worshipped as the "Red" aspect of the godTezcatlipoca,the "Smoking Mirror," who was the god of sorcerers, rulers, and warriors. In one story, Tezcatlipoca transformed himself into Mixcoatl and invented the fire drill by revolving the heavens around their axes, bringing fire to humanity. Along with this cosmic fire drill, Mixcoatl was the first to strike fire with flint. These events made Mixcoatl a god of the Milky Way, along with war, and the hunt.

Mixcoatl was the father of 400 sons, collectively known as theCentzon Huitznahua,who ended up having their hearts eaten byHuitzilopochtli.The Centzon Huitznahua met their demise when they, and their sisterCoyolxauhqui,after finding their motherCoatlicuepregnant, conspired to kill her. However, as they attacked she gave birth to a fully formed and armed Huitzilopochtli, who proceeded to kill his half-siblings. Mixcoatl was also related to 400 more gods, theCentzonmimixcoa,whom, together with his 3 brothers (all different from the ones named above) and their sister, he slew by ambush. Mixcoatl was also thought of as being the father of another important deity,Quetzalcoatl,the feathered serpent.

Quetzalcoatl's father Mixcoatl was murdered; Quetzalcoatl was informed by Cozcaquauhtli that "the uncles who had killed his father were Apanecatl, Zolton, and Cuilton."[6]

Replica of statue of Mixcoac as displayed inMetro Bellas ArtesinMexico City.The accompanying plaque translates as "SCULPTURE OF MIXCOAC -Mexica-Huastecaculture -Late Post-Classic Period- Description: sculpture with the image of Mixcoatl, patron of the hunt and one of the most important gods of war in ancient Mexico. He is considered to be the father ofQuetzalcoatl.Original is in theCastle of Teayo,Veracruz"

Xipetotec, Camaxtle, Mixcoatl or Red Tezcatlipoca


Originally the name of the first son of the creative coupleOmetecuhtliandOmecihuatlis Tlatlauhca or Tlatlauhaqui-Tezcatlipoca(Red Tezcatlipoca), "Smoking red mirror." Of obscure origin, this god is honored by the Tlaxcalans and Huejocinas with the name of Camaxtli (Camaxtle), and apparently a deity of Zapotlan,Xalisco,is widely known in almost all ofMesoamericawith the name ofXipetotec,'Our Lord Flayed'. His body is dyed yellow on one side and lined on the other, his face is carved, superficially divided into two parts by a narrow strip that runs from the forehead to the jawbone. His head wears a kind of hood of different colors with tassels that hang down his back. The Tlaxcala myth that refers to Camaxtle, a god identified as Xipe-Totec himself[7]

Camaxtle begins a war against the Shires and defeats them. The war lasts until 1 acatl, when Camaxtle is defeated, after this failure he meets one of the women created by Yayauhqui-Tezcatlipoca, called Chimalma, and with her he conceives five children, one of whom isCe Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl,who governs Tula (Another myth says that it is Yayauhqui-Tezcatlipoca, the enemy who in his invocation of Mixcoatl impregnates Chimalma)[7]

It is difficult to discern if Camaxtle is the same Tlatlauhqui Tezcatlipoca-Xipetotec or Yayauhqui-Tezcatlipoca(Black Tezcatlipoca) who changes his name to Mixcoatl; orHuitzilopochtlihimself as identified by some informants and authors. He is related to fire and hunting.[7]After the destruction of the earth by water, came chaos. Everything was desolation. Humanity had died and the heavens were over the earth. When the gods saw that the heavens had fallen, they resolved to reach the center of the Earth, opening four subterranean paths for this, and to enter these paths to lift them up. To reward such a great action,TonacacihuatlandTonacatecuhtlimade their children the lords of the heavens and the stars, and the path thatTezcatlipocaandQuetzalcoatltraveled was marked by theMilky Way.And this great nebula was also called Mixcoatl or Iztac-Mixcoatl, 'white cloud snake'[4]

Jerónimo de Mendietadetermines that Iztac-Mixcoatl is the personification of the Milky Way, the inhabitant of Chicomoztoc that the Nahuas call ‘White Cloud Serpent’, since such is the shape of the great nebula in the sky. AndIlancueyeis nothing more than the personification of the Earth.

Centzon Mimixcoa


In Ce Tecpatl, after the Creation of the Fifth Sun inTeotihuacan,Camaxtle, one of the four gods, ascended to the Eighth Heaven and created four men and one woman to feed the Sun; But barely formed, they fell into the water, they returned to the sky and there was no war, frustrated by this attempt, Camaxtle struck a cane on a rock, and at the blow 400 Chichimecs Mimixcoa[8]sprouted that populated the earth before the Aztecs. Camaxtle was able to do penance on the rock, drawing blood with maguey spikes, tongue and ears, and prayed to the gods that the four men and one woman created in the eighth heaven would come down to kill the barbarians to feed to the Sun.[9]

The four men and one woman created in the Eighth Heaven are the five Mimixcoa who would later sacrifice the 400 Mimixcoa, calledChichimecsorOtomies.[9]

In Ce Tecpatl, theMimixcoawere born, their mother Iztac-Chalchiuhtlicue[10]went into a cave (Chicomoztoc or Tlalocan) and gave birth to five other Mimixcoa called Cuauhtlicoauh; Mixcoatl; Cuitlachcihuatl; Tlotepe; and Apantecuhtli. After spending four days in the water, the five Mimixcoa were suckled by Mecitli, who by the text identifies with the Earth Goddess (Tlaltecuhtli or Coatlicue). And immediately the Sun ordered the 400 Mimixcoa; The Sun Tonatiuh gives them arrows and says: "Here it is with what they will serve me to drink, with what they will feed, and a shield. And the precious arrows cast in quetzal t-shirt feathers; in heron rowing feathers; in t-shirt feathers of zacuam; in tlauhquechol t-shirt feathers; and in xiuhtototl t-shirt feathers; and also she, the Earth (Tlaltecuhtli or Coatlicue), who is your mother", but the Centzon Mimixcoa did not do their duty, instead they get drunk on tzihuactli wine - a small maguey and have sex with women. And immediately, the Sun also orders the five who were born last, immediately gives them the maguey arrow and gives them the divine shield. The five Mimixcoa climb a mesquite tree where the 400 discover them, they exclaim: "Who are these who are such as us?", then the five hide in specific places: Cuauhtlicoauh takes shelter in a tree; Mixcoatl on the ground; Tlotepe in the mount; Apantecuhtli in the water; and Cuitlachcihuatl in a court of the Tlachtli ball court. Finally, the Centzon Mimixcoa are defeated by his five younger brothers, who served the Sun Tonatiuh, gave him a drink.[9]

Anciently in the North there was a place of origins calledChicomoztoc,the seven caves. Within these caverns lived the Four Hundred Mimixcoa, a turbulent group of titans born of theEarth Goddess(Tlaltecuhtli or Coatlicue). Theirfather,the Sun (Tonatiuh) taught them the use of weapons so they might hunt and supply their divine parents with nourishment. But the Mimixcoa in their arrogance defied their parents, lived wantonly, and drank a wine madre from cactus. In response to the situation, which became ever more unbearable, the Earth Mother bore five additional Mimixcoa who were destined to avenge theirfatherprovided these lateborn children with sharper and more deadly. The leader of the group is a synoptic figure and includes them all, hence his name Mixcoatl. In the mythTezcatlipocais said to have changed himself into Mixcoatl in the second year after the great flood at the end of the fourth aeon, when the sky crashed down up the earth. Acting then as Mixcoatl the divine one proceeded to create fire by drilling with a stick into a fireboard. This was the first light, for the Fifth Sun had not yet been created. The myth is evidently at pains to point out a fundamental relationship between the supreme god Tezcatlipoca and Mixcoatl. Camaxtle-Mixcoatl in fact is a perfect replica of that god of the dawn in both his trappings as depicted in the codices and in his mythology, which makes him the father ofCe Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl.[11]

— Burr Cartwright Brundage

Ritual associations


Quecholli,the 14thveintena,the 20-day Aztec month (November 19thJulian calendar,[12]November 29thGregorian calendar), was dedicated to Mixcoatl. The celebration for this month consisted of hunting and feasting in the countryside. The hunters would take the form of Mixcoatl by dressing like him, kindling a new fire to roast the hunted game. Along with these practices, a man and woman would be sacrificed to Mixcoatl at his temple.

Modern associations and references


In modern scientific nomenclature, the names Mixcoatl–Camaxtli have been assigned to:

See also



  1. ^abCecilio A. Robelo (1905).Diccionario de Mitología Nahua(in Spanish). Editorial Porrúa. pp. 121, 122, 123.ISBN970-07-3149-9.
  2. ^abcdCecilio A. Robelo (1905).Diccionario de Mitología Nahua(in Spanish). Editorial Porrúa. pp. 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202.ISBN970-07-3149-9.
  3. ^Guilhem Olivier (2015).Cacería, Sacrificio y Poder en Mesoamérica: Tras las Huellas de Mixcóatl, 'Serpiente de Nube'(in Spanish). Fondo de Cultura Económica.ISBN978-607-16-3216-6.
  4. ^abOtilia Meza (1981).El Mundo Mágico de los Dioses del Anáhuac(in Spanish). Editorial Universo. p. 131.ISBN968-35-0093-5.
  5. ^Miller and Taube (1993, p.115).
  6. ^Manuscript of 1558,section VIII, in:- Miguel León-Portilla & Earl Shorris:In the Language of Kings.Norton & Co., 2001. p. 62
  7. ^abcAdela Fernández (1992).Los Dioses Prehispánicos de México(in Spanish). Editorial Panorama. pp. 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66.ISBN968-38-0306-7.
  8. ^Historia de los Mexicanos por sus pinturas (The History of the Mexicans as Told by Their Paintings; 1941; 216)
  9. ^abcGuilhem Olivier (2015).Cacería, Sacrificio y Poder en Mesoamérica: Tras las Huellas de Mixcoatl, 'Serpiente de Nube'(in Spanish). Fondo de Cultura Económica.ISBN978-607-16-3216-6.
  10. ^Leyenda de los Soles (Legend of the Suns; 1945; 122)
  11. ^Burr Cartwright Brundage (1912).The Fifth Sun, Aztec Gods, Aztec World.Library of Congress.ISBN0-292-72427-6.
  12. ^The Mexica Calendar and the Cronography, Rafael Tena. INAH-Conaculta. p104
  13. ^abJadin, RC; Smith, EN; Campbell, JA (2011)."Unraveling a tangle of Mexican serpents: a systematic revision of highland pitvipers".Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.163(3): 951–952.doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2011.00748.x.

