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Thecanzonais an Italian musical form derived from the Franco-Flemish and Parisianchansons,[1]and duringGiovanni Gabrieli's lifetime was frequently spelledcanzona,though both earlier and later the singular was spelled eithercanzonorcanzonewith the pluralcanzoni.The use ofcanzoneas the plural is sometimes found in Italian, but is not common. English (and often German) uses the formcanzona,withcanzonasas the plural.[1]


The canzona is an instrumental musical form that differs from the similar forms ofricercareandfantasiain its livelier, markedly rhythmic material and separation into distinct sections.[2]At first based on the Franco-Flemishpolyphonicsongs (chansons) that gave it its name, the instrumental canzona was soon independently composed, not least by Gabrieli in his brass canzonas and byGirolamo Frescobaldiin his keyboard canzonas. As a form, the canzona would influence thefugue,[citation needed]and the ensemble canzonas were the direct ancestors of the 17th-centurysonata da chiesa.[3]


  1. ^abCaldwell, John(2001). "Canzona". InSadie, Stanley;Tyrrell, John(eds.).The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan.ISBN9780195170672.
  2. ^Grout 1960,p. 299.
  3. ^Grout 1960,p. 252.
