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Casimir I the Restorer

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Casimir I the Restorer
Duke of Poland
PredecessorBolesław the Forgotten
SuccessorBolesław II the Bold
Born25 July 1016
Died19 March 1058 (aged 41)
DynastyPiast dynasty
FatherMieszko II Lambert
MotherRicheza of Lotharingia

Casimir I the Restorer(Polish:Kazimierz I Odnowiciel;25 July 1016 – 19 March 1058), a member of thePiast dynasty,was theduke of Polandfrom 1040 until his death. Casimir was the son ofMieszko II LambertandRicheza of Lotharingia.He is known as the Restorer because he managed to reunite parts of theKingdom of Polandafter a period of turmoil. He reincorporatedMasovia,and conqueredSilesiaandPomerania.However, he failed to crown himselfKing of Poland,mainly because of internal and external threats to his rule.



Early years


Relatively little is known of Casimir's early life. He must have spent his childhood at the royal court of Poland inGniezno.In order to acquire a proper education, he was sent to one of the Polish monasteries in 1026. According to some older sources he initially wanted to have a career in the Church (it is probable that he held the post ofoblate) and even asked for a dispensation to become a monk. This hypothesis, however, is not supported by modern historians. Regardless, he left church work indefinitely in 1031.

Casimir's father,Mieszko II,was crowned King of Poland in 1025 after the death of his father,Bolesław the Brave.However, the powerful magnates of the country feared a strong central government like the one that existed under Bolesław I's rule. This led to considerable friction between the King and the nobility. Taking advantage of the King's precarious situation, Mieszko II's older half-brotherBezprymand younger brotherOttoturned against him and allied themselves with the Holy RomanEmperor Conrad II,whose forces attacked Poland and regainedLusatia.Years of chaos and conflict followed, during which Mieszko II was forced to cede the throne to Bezprym in 1031, fled to Bohemia, was imprisoned byDuke Oldřichand castrated, returned to rule a portion of the kingdom, eventually regained the kingdom, and then died in May 1034 under suspicious circumstances.

Sometime during the reign of Bezprym, Casimir and his sisters were taken by their mother to Germany (her native land) for refuge. It has been reported thatQueen Richezabrought thePolish royal crown and regaliato Emperor Conrad II at Bezprym's request to indicate his acceptance of the primacy of his western neighbor,[1]although the Queen could have taken them for safekeeping, or they could have been brought to the Emperor by another means. At the time of his father's death in 1034, Casimir was about 18 years old and in Germany at the court of his uncle ArchbishopHermann IIof Cologne.

Bolesław I


The central district ofGreater Poland(Wielkopolska) revolted against the nobles and Catholic clergyen masse.Apagan revivalin the area lasted for several years. The district ofMasoviaseceded and a local lord,Miecław,formed astateof his own. A similar situation occurred inPomerania.

In 1037 both the young prince and his mother returned to Poland and attempted to seize the throne. This precipitated a rebellion by local barons, which coupled with the so-called "Pagan Reaction"of the commoners, forced Casimir and Richeza to flee toSaxony.However, soon Casimir returned to Poland and in 1038, once again, tried to regain power with the aide of his influential mother. This also failed and he had to flee again, this time to theKingdom of Hungarywhere he was imprisoned byStephen I.Richeza remained in Germany as a nun until her death, in 1063.

Taking advantage of the chaos and his neighbour's weakness, DukeBretislaus I of Bohemiainvaded and ravaged the country in 1039.LesserandGreater Polandwere severely pillaged,Poznańwas captured, and Bretislaus sackedGniezno,taking the relics ofSaint Adalbert,Radim Gaudentius,and the five hermit brothers[2]with him. On the way back he conquered part of Silesia, includingWrocław,destroyed religious buildings which were built by Mieszko I during the feast of the conversion of Poland, and plundered Mieszko I's tomb.



After initially escaping to Hungary, Casimir went to Germany, where in 1039 his relativeEmperor Henry III(who feared the increased power of the Bohemian ruler) gave him military and financial support. Casimir received a force of 1,000 heavy footmen and a significant amount of gold to restore his power in Poland. Casimir also signed an alliance withYaroslav I the Wise,the Prince ofKievan Rus',who was linked with him through Casimir's marriage with Yaroslav's sister, Maria Dobroniega. With this support, Casimir returned to Poland and managed to retake most of his domain. In 1041, Bretislaus, defeated in his second attempted invasion by Emperor Henry III, signed a treaty atRegensburg(1042) in which he renounced his claims to all Polish lands except forSilesia,which was to be incorporated into the Bohemian Kingdom.[3]It was Casimir's success in strengthening royal power and ending internal strife that earned him the epithet of "the Restorer".

The treaty gained Casimir a period of peace on the southern border and the capital of Poland was moved toKraków,the only major Polish city untouched by the wars. It is probable that the Holy Roman Emperor was pleased with the balance of power that had been restored to the region and forced Casimir not to crown himself the King of Poland. In 1046 Emperor Henry III held royal and imperial courts atMerseburgandMeissen,at which he ended the strife among the Duke ofPomerania(Dux Bomeraniorum), Duke Bretislaus ofBohemia,and Casimir I.

In 1047 Casimir, aided by his Kievan brother-in-law, started a war againstMasoviaand seized the land. It is probable that he also defeated Miecław's allies from Pomerania and attachedGdańskto Poland. This secured his power in central Poland. Three years later, against the will of the Emperor, Casimir seized Bohemian-controlled Silesia, thus securing most of his father's domain. In 1054 inQuedlinburg,the Emperor ruled that Silesia was to remain in Poland in exchange for a yearly tribute of 117 kg. of silver and 7 kg. of gold.

At that time Casimir was focused on internal matters. To strengthen his rule he re-created the bishopric in Kraków andWrocławand erected the newWawel Cathedral.During Casimir's ruleheraldrywas introduced into Poland and, unlike his predecessors, he promoted landed gentry over thedrużynaas his base of power. One of his reforms was the introduction, to Poland, of a key element offeudalism:the granting offiefdomsto his retinue of warriors, thus gradually transforming them into medievalknights.

Marriage and issue


Casimir marriedMaria Dobroniega(c. 1012–1087),[4]daughter of Grand DukeVladimir I of Kiev.[5]There is no consensus among historians as to when it took place. Władymir D. Koroliuk said that it was in 1039, Aleksej A. Szachmatow and Iwan Linniczenko agreed on 1041, while Dymitr S. Lichaczew postulated that it occurred during 1043.[6]

Casimir and Maria had five children:

  1. Bolesław II the Bold(c. 1043 – 2/3 April 1081/82)[4]
  2. Władysław I Herman(c. 1044 – 4 June 1102)[4]
  3. Mieszko(16 April 1045 – 28 January 1065)[4]
  4. Otto (c. 1046–1048).
  5. Świętosława(c. 1048 – 1 September 1126), married c. 1062 to Duke (from 1085, King)Vratislaus II of Bohemia[4][7]

See also



  1. ^Boshof, Egon (2008). Die Salier (in German) (5th ed.), p. 71.Kohlhammer Verlag.ISBN3-17-020183-2.
  2. ^Smith, Richard Upsher, Jr. Hermit Life. Camaldolese spirituality: essential sources. Touchstone, Jan/Feb 2008. Accessed on Jan 2, 2015 at www.touchstonemag.com/archives/article.php?id=21-01-050-b. Note that the reference cites the existence of the five hermit brothers in Poland ( "Bruno’s “Life of the Five Hermit Brothers,” written to promote the canonization of Romuald’s disciples martyred in pagan Poland in 1004,..."), not the theft of their relics by Bretislaus I.
  3. ^Kosmas: Chronicle of the Czechs,Warsaw 1968, p. 154, note. 18, says that the rest of Silesia, included the left side of the Odra River in Wrocław and Opole remained in Bohemia; by the other hand, T. Jurek:Ryczyn biskupi, Roczniki historyczne 1994,pp. 40–44, believes that already in 1041 Poland regained the control over the rest of Silesia included land ofGolensizitribe.
  4. ^abcdeDavies 1982,p. 65.
  5. ^Robert-Henri Bautier, "Anne de Kiev, reine de France, et la politique royale au XIè siècle: Étude critique de la documentation".Revue des Ètudes Slaves57, no. 4 (1985): 545.
  6. ^Krzysztof Benyskiewicz, Książę Polski Władysław I Herman 1079–1102, Zielona Góra 2010, s. 34.
  7. ^Gesta principum Polonorum:The Deeds of the Princes of the Poles.Translated by Knoll, Paul W.; Schaer, Frank. Central European University Press. 2003. p. 82.


  • Davies, Norman (1982).God's Playground: A History of Poland.Vol. I: The Origins to 1795. Columbia University Press.
Casimir I the Restorer
Piast Dynasty
Born:25 July 1016Died:19 March 1058
Preceded by Duke of Poland
Succeeded by