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Stanford University centers and institutes

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Stanford Universityhas many centers and institutes dedicated to the study of various specific topics. These centers and institutes may be within a department, within a school but across departments, an independent laboratory, institute or center reporting directly to the dean of research and outside any school, or semi-independent of the university itself.

Independent laboratories, institutes and centers[edit]

These report directly to the vice-provost and dean of research and are outside any school though any faculty involved in them must belong to a department in one of the schools. These includeBio-Xand Spectrum in the area of Biological and Life Sciences;Precourt Institute for EnergyandWoods Institute for the Environmentin the Environmental Sciences area; theCenter for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences(CASBS), the Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI) (see below), Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI) (see below), Human-Sciences and Technologies Advance Research Institute (H-STAR), Stanford Center on Longevity (SCL), Stanford Humanities Center (see below), and theStanford Institute for Economic Policy Research(SIEPR) in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences; and, for Physical Sciences, the Edward L. Ginzton Laboratory, theGeballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials,theKavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology,Photon Ultrafast Laser Science and Engineering (PULSE),Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences (SIMES),[1]and W. W. Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory (HEPL).[2]

Center for the Study of Language and Information[edit]

TheCenter for the Study of Language and Information(CSLI) is an independent research center at Stanford University. Founded in 1983 by philosophers, computer scientists, linguists, and psychologists from Stanford,SRI International,andXerox PARC,it strives to study all forms ofinformationand improve how humans and computers acquire and process it.

CSLI was initially funded by a US$15 million grant from the System Development Foundation (SDF) for the Situated Language Project, the name of which reflects the strong influence of the work onsituation semanticsby philosophersJohn PerryandJon Barwise,two of the initial leaders of CSLI. This funding supported operations for the first few years as well as the construction of Cordura Hall. Subsequent funding has come from research grants and from an industrial affiliates program.

CSLI's publications branch, founded and still headed by Dikran Karagueuzian, has grown into an important publisher of work in linguistics and related fields. Researchers associated with CSLI includeRonald Kaplan,Patrick Suppes,Edward N. Zalta,the mathematiciansKeith Devlin,andSolomon Feferman,the linguistsIvan SagandJoan Bresnan,Annie Zaenen,Lauri Karttunen,and psychologistsHerb Clark,B. J. FoggandClifford Nass.

CSLI houses theStanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.It also housed theReuters Digital Vision Program.


Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies[edit]

TheFreeman Spogli Institute for International Studiesis a university-wide research and teaching institution at Stanford devoted to understanding international problems, policies, and institutions. The institute produces interdisciplinary scholarly research, engages in outreach to policymakers and public institutions throughout the world, and trains scholars and future leaders on international issues. Its teaching programs include the graduate-level Master of International Policy as well as honors programs in international security and in democracy, development, and the rule of law. The school is a full member of theAssociation of Professional Schools of International Affairs(APSIA), a group of schools of public policy, public administration, and international studies.

FSI's core and affiliated faculty represent a range of academic backgrounds and perspectives, including medicine, law, engineering, history, political science, economics, and sociology. The faculty's research and teaching focus on a variety of issues, including governance, domestic and international health policy, migration, development, and security. Their work often examines regional dynamics in areas such as Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America. FSI faculty conduct research, lead interdisciplinary research programs, educate graduate and undergraduate students, and organize policy outreach that engages Stanford in addressing some of the world's most pressing problems.

The institute is composed of 12 centers and programs, including six major research centers:

  • Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law (CDDRL)
  • Center on Food Security and the Environment(FSE)
  • Center for Health Policy, Primary Care and Outcomes Research (CHP/PCOR)
  • Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC)
  • The Europe Center(TEC)
  • Walter H. Shorenstein Asia–Pacific Research Center (APARC)[3]


The institute was founded in 1987 following a faculty committee review that concluded Stanford "should be leading the way in International Studies as we do in science and technology", encompassing interdisciplinary teaching, research, public service and administrative functions. It was first called the institute for International Studies, and was created under the direction of former Stanford presidentRichard Wall Lyman.[4]

The institute was renamed the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies in 2005 following a $50 million gift made by Stanford alumniBradford M. FreemanandRonald P. Spogli.[5]

The immediate past director of FSI wasMariano-Florentino Cuéllar,[6]the former Stanley Morrison Professor of Law at Stanford Law School, a former official in the Obama and Clinton presidential administrations, and current justice of the California Supreme Court. Previous directors include Stanford President EmeritusGerhard Casper;Coit D. Blacker,who served as Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and Senior Director for Russian,UkrainianandEurasianAffairs at theNational Security CouncilunderNational Security AdvisorAnthony Lakeduring theClinton administration;David Holloway; Walter Falcon; and Stanford President EmeritusRichard Lyman.

FSI appoints faculty and research staff, funds research and scholarly initiatives, directs research projects, and sponsors lectures, policy seminars and conferences. By tradition, FSI undertakes joint faculty appointments with Stanford's seven schools and draws faculty together from the university's academic departments and schools to conduct interdisciplinary research on international issues that transcend academic boundaries.

The institute is home to 40 billeted faculty members – most with joint appointments – and 115 affiliated faculty members with a wide range of academic perspectives.

In addition to its six centers, the institute sponsors theFord Dorsey Master's in International Policy,the Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies, theProgram on Energy & Sustainable Development,the Rural Education Action Program, theStanford Center at Peking University,and theStanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education.


Stanford Humanities Center[edit]

Photo of Stanford Humanities Center building
The Stanford Humanities Center

Founded in 1980, theStanford Humanities Centeris a multidisciplinary research institute dedicated to advancing knowledge about culture, philosophy, history, and the arts.


Since its founding in 1980, the Stanford Humanities Center has been sponsoring advanced research into the historical, philosophical, literary, artistic, and cultural dimensions of the human experience. The Humanities Center's annual fellows, international visitors, research workshops, digital humanities laboratory, and roughly fifty annual public events strengthen the intellectual and creative life of the university, foster innovative and interdisciplinary scholarship and teaching, and enrich our understanding of our common humanity. The humanities support democratic culture by nurturing an informed citizenry and seeking solutions to society's most formidable challenges.


The center offers approximately twenty-five year-long residential fellowships to Stanford and non-Stanford scholars at different career stages, giving them the opportunity to pursue their research in a supportive intellectual community.

Research Workshops[edit]

Each year, Stanford faculty and graduate students create fifteen diverse research workshops to ask new intellectual questions that often challenge disciplinary boundaries. In addition to providing a space for incubating new ideas in a collegial setting, the workshops professionalize graduate students by introducing them to the conventions of academic life.

Manuscript Review Workshops[edit]

Assembling a team of faculty experts from Stanford and other universities, the Manuscript Review workshops provide critical feedback to junior faculty preparing monographs or other academic manuscripts of similar scope for submission for publication.

Public Lectures[edit]

The center brings eminent scholars, public intellectuals, and renowned critics to the Stanford campus for lectures and interdisciplinary conferences that enrich the Stanford community with a lively exchange of ideas. Speakers have includedIsabel Allende,Roger Chartier,Stephen Jay Gould,Douglas Hofstadter,Gayatri Spivak,Marilynne Robinson,David Adjaye,David Eggers,and other well-known scholars.

Digital Humanities[edit]

The Humanities Center, with the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis (CESTA), is expanding the possibilities of humanities research and teaching at Stanford by creating opportunities for the discovery and dissemination of new knowledge. Humanities Center scholars are on the forefront of innovation with access to new digital tools to interpret the human experience.

International Visitors Program[edit]

The center's short-term visitorships draw distinguished international scholars to Stanford to share their research in lectures and seminars with Stanford faculty and students.

Hume Undergraduate Fellowships[edit]

The Humanities Center awards Hume Humanities Honors Fellowships to Stanford seniors writing an honors thesis in a humanities department. In residence for an academic year, Hume fellows contribute to the collegial life of the center and receive intellectual guidance and mentoring from staff and fellows.


  • Ian P. Watt,1980–1985
  • Bliss Carnochan, 1985–1991
  • Herbert Lindenberger, 1991–1992 (interim)
  • Wanda Corn, 1992–1995
  • Keith Baker, 1995–2000
  • Peter Stansky, 2000–2001
  • John Bender, 2001–2008
  • Aron Rodrigue, 2008–2013
  • Caroline Winterer, 2013–present

Distinguished Careers Institute[edit]

TheDistinguished Careers Institute(DCI), established in 2014, is a year-long residential fellowship for approximately 20 individuals who have already established leadership careers.[7]Fellows are selected based on "how their participation in the program will shape their future life journeys" as well as "what future Fellows will contribute to the program and the broader global community."[8]

Stanford High School Program[edit]

The collaboration among Stanford University's office for Digital Education, the Department of Computer Science, and the Graduate School of Education established Stanford's first dual-enrollment program for high school students[9]from underrepresented backgrounds, which served as an impetus for the establishment of the Qualia Global Scholars Program.[10]

Other research centers[edit]

Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory[edit]

TheStanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory(also known as theStanford AI Lab,orSAIL) is theartificial intelligence(AI) research laboratory ofStanford University.The current director is ProfessorChristopher D. Manning.[11]

Early years[edit]

SAIL was started in 1963 byJohn McCarthy,after he moved fromMassachusetts Institute of Technologyto Stanford.Lester D. "Les" Earnest,also previously of MIT, served as executive officer (self-deprecatingly, "Chief Bureaucrat" ) at SAIL from 1965 to 1980.[12]During almost all of this period (1966–1979),[13]SAIL was housed in the D.C. Power building, named not for "Direct Current"but rather forDonald Clinton Power,who held the positions of president, C.E.O. and chairman of General Telephone & Electronics Corporation (laterGTE Corporation) between 1951 and 1971.[14]GT&E donated the unfinished building to Stanford University after abandoning plans to establish a research center there.[15][16]During this period SAIL was one of the leading centers for AI research and an earlyARPANETsite.[17]

TheStanford arm,designed at SAIL in 1969, is the forerunner of most industrial robots in use today.[18]

D.C. Power was on a hill overlooking Felt Lake in the foothills of theSanta Cruz Mountainsbehind Stanford. It was about 5 miles (8 km) from the main campus, at 1600 Arastradero Road, midway between Page Mill Road and Alpine Road.[15][16] This area was, and remains, quite rural in nature. Combined with the rather extreme 1960s architecture of the place, this remote setting led to a certain isolation.[15][16]Some people who worked there reported feeling as if they were already in the future. The building was demolished in 1986; as of 2003, the site is home to Portola Pastures (an equestrian center adjacent to theArastradero Open Space Preserve).[19]

SAIL created theWAITSoperating systemon a computer called SAIL.[20]WAITS ran on various models ofDigital Equipment CorporationPDPcomputers, starting with thePDP-6,then theKA10andKL10.WAITS also ran onFoonlysystems atCCRMAandLLL.The SAIL system was shut down in 1991.[20]

SAIL, the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language,was developed by Dan Swinehart andBob Sproullof the Stanford AI Lab in 1970.[21]

Alumni of the original SAIL played a major role in manySilicon Valleyfirms, becoming founders of now-large firms such asCisco SystemsandSun Microsystemsas well as smaller companies such asVicarm Inc.(acquired byUnimation),Foonly,Elxsi,Imagen,Xidex,Valid Logic Systems,andD.E. Shaw & Co.Research accomplishments at SAIL were many, including in the fields ofspeech recognitionandrobotics.[20]Notable people that worked at the original SAIL includeRaj Reddy,Hans Moravec,Alan Kay,Victor Scheinman,Larry Tesler,Don Knuth,andEdward Feigenbaum.[22]

Demise and rebirth[edit]

In 1979, SAIL's activities were merged into the university's Computer Science Department and it moved into Margaret Jacks Hall on the main Stanford campus.

SAIL was reopened in 2004, now in theGates Computer Science Building,withSebastian Thrunbecoming its new director. SAIL's 21st century mission is to "change the way we understand the world";[11]its researchers contribute to fields such asbioinformatics,cognition,computational geometry,computer vision,decision theory,distributed systems,game theory,general game playing,image processing,information retrieval,knowledge systems,logic,machine learning,multi-agent systems,natural language,neural networks,planning,probabilistic inference,sensor networks,androbotics.[11]The best-known achievement of the new SAIL is theStanleyself-driving carthat won the 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge.

Stanford Center for Entrepreneurial Studies[edit]

TheCenter for Entrepreneurial Studies(CES) atStanford Universityis a multidisciplinary business oriented program targeted to both undergraduate andgraduatestudents. It incorporates courses fromStanford University School of EngineeringandStanford Graduate School of Business.It also incorporates Stanford Mayfield Scholars Program that seeks to give select undergraduate students an opportunity to take business related coursework and tointernin high techstartups.CES was founded byTom ByersandCharles A. Holloway.

Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics[edit]

The Knoll, home to CCRMA

The Stanford UniversityCenter for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics(CCRMA), founded byJohn Chowning,is a multi-discipline facility where composers andresearcherswork together using computer-based technology both as an artistic medium and as a research tool. CCRMA's director isChris Chafe.CCRMA's current faculty includes a mix of musicians and engineers includingJulius Smith,Jonathan Berger,Max Mathews(emeritus),Ge Wang,Takako Fujioka, Tom Rossing, Jonathan Abel,Marina Bosi,David Berners, Patricia Alessandrini, Jay Kadis, and Fernando Lopez-Lezcano. Emeritus professorMax Mathewsdied in 2011.[23]

Widely used digital sound synthesis techniques likeFM synthesisanddigital waveguide synthesiswere developed at CCRMA and licensed to industry partners.[24]The FM synthesis patent brought Stanford $20 million before it expired, making it (in 1994) "the second most lucrative licensing agreement in Stanford's history".[25]

Stanford CCRMA is a research center, studying areas of audio and technology includingcomposition,computer music,physical modeling,audio signal processing,sound recording and reproduction,psychoacoustics,acoustics,music information retrieval,audio networking, andspatial sound.[26]The center houses academic courses for Stanford students as well as seminars, small interest group meetings, summer workshops and colloquia for the broader community.[26]Concerts of computer and experimental music are presented regularly throughout year.[27]

The Knoll[edit]

Almost 100 years ago, thisSpanish Gothicresidence, known as the Knoll, was originally designed byLouis Christian Mullgardt,[28]and built as a residence for the university's president. In 1946, the building became home to the Music Department, and then in 1986, CCRMA took over residency.

Damaged in 1989 during theLoma Prieta earthquake,the Knoll nonetheless housed CCRMA in its damaged condition until a complete internal reconstruction between 2004 and 2005. The reopening of the facility was celebrated in the Spring of 2005 with the CCRMA: newStage Festival. This unique building now comprises several state-of-the-art music studios and top-notch research facilities, hosting a variety of students, artists and scientists.

CCRMA is affiliated with theCenter for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities(CCARH), also located at Stanford. CCARH conducts research on constructing computer databases for music and on creating programs that allow researchers to access, analyze, print, and electronically perform the music.

Stanford Institute for Creativity and the Arts (SiCa)[edit]

TheStanford Institute for Creativity and the Arts(SiCa), established in 2006, serves as the core programmatic hub for theStanford Arts Initiative,leading the development of new undergraduate arts programs, hosting artists in residence, awarding grants for multidisciplinary arts research and teaching, incubating collaborative performances and exhibitions with campus partners and other institutions, and providing centralized communication for arts events and programs atStanford University.

National Performance of Dams Program[edit]

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering maintains theNational Performance of Dams Program,a national database of structural and operational data related to dam systems in the U.S. Begun in 1994, this program provides data to the dam engineering and safety community about the in-service performance of dam systems. The analysis of this data covering both successful operations and incidents, including failures, is intended to lead to improvements in design and requirements, engineering processes and standards, operational procedures and guidelines, and public policy development. [29]

Michelle R. Clayman Institute for Gender Research[edit]

Founded in 1974, and named after economistMichelle R. Clayman,theMichelle R. Clayman Institute for Gender ResearchatStanford Universityis one of the nation's oldest research organizations focused on the study ofgender.The Clayman Institute designs basicinterdisciplinaryresearch, creates knowledge, networks people and ideas at Stanford, nationally, and internationally to effect change and promotegender equality.The Clayman Institute plays an integral role in the Stanford community by bringing together local, national and international scholars and thought leaders from across disciplines to create knowledge and effect change. The place where the Clayman Institute is located was renamed theCarolyn Lewis Attneave Housein 2019.[30]It was formerly named Serra House afterJunípero Serra.[30]


In 1972 faculty and graduate students in thefeminist movementwere the impetus behind the formation of the institute. In 1974, theCenter for Research on Women(CROW) was the first interdisciplinary center or institute of its kind and quickly built a strong reputation under the direction ofMyra Strober,the foundingDirector.The reputation of CIGR grew outside Stanford, and theUniversity of Chicago Presschose Stanford as the base of the second five-year rotation of its new interdisciplinary journal,Signs.[31] In 1983 the institute was renamed theInstitute for Research on Women and Gender(IRWG) and continued to expand the gender conversation with the “DifficultDialogues”program, which ran in the 1990s through 2004. In 2004, the new director, ProfessorLonda Schiebinger,ahistorian of science,formed a plan to create a series of research initiatives on gender issues, backed by a research fellowship program, that would attract scholars from Stanford and abroad. With the help of matching funds from theHewlett Foundationand strong support from the institute's Advisory Council, Schiebinger spearheaded a fundraising drive to create an endowment for the institute. IRWG was renamed in honor of Michelle R. Clayman, the major donor in the campaign, who serves as the chair of the institute's Advisory Council.


The Clayman Institute designs basic research and supports the creation of knowledge through its Fellowships and interdisciplinary programs. Recent reports/publicationsinclude:

  • Gendered Innovations in Science and Engineering,[32]Londa Schiebinger, ed., 2008.
  • Dual-Career Academic Couples: What Universities Need to Know.[33]The Michelle R. Clayman Institute, 2008. This Clayman Institute research study shows that over 70% of faculty are in dual-career relationships. This report tackles tough questions and recommends policies to maximize options.
  • Climbing the Technical Ladder: Obstacles and Solutions for Mid-Level Women in Information Technology.[34]The Michelle R. Clayman Institute and theAnita BorgInstitute, 2008. This report provides an in-depth look into the barriers toretentionand advancement of technical women inSilicon Valley's high tech industry and provides practical recommendations to employers on overcoming these barriers.


The Clayman Institute runs two fellowship programs. TheFacultyResearch Fellowships seek to drive intellectual and social innovation through interdisciplinary gender studies. They include residential fellowships for tenured, tenure-track, and postdoctoral scholars from Stanford University, and U.S. and foreign universities. The Clayman Institute also offers GraduateDissertationFellowships for Stanford University doctoral students. Fellowships are awarded to students who are in the writing stages of their dissertations, and whose research focuses on women and/or gender.


  • 1974–77 Myra Strober
  • 1977–79 Diane Middlebrook
  • 1979–84 Myra Strober
  • 1984–85Marilyn Yalom(deputy director, as acting director)
  • 1985–86 Judith Brown (acting director)
  • 1986–90 Deborah Rhode
  • 1990–97Iris Litt
  • 1997–2001Laura Carstensen
  • 2001–04 Barbara Gelpi (acting director)
  • 2004–10 Londa Schiebinger
  • 2010–present Shelley J. Correll

Martin Luther King Jr. Research and Education Institute[edit]

Stanford is home to theMartin Luther King Jr.Research and Education Institute which grew out of and still contains the Martin Luther King Jr. Papers Project, a collaboration with theKing Centerto publish the King papers held by the King Center.[35]

Stanford Internet Observatory[edit]

TheStanford Internet Observatoryis a multidisciplinary program for the study of abuse in information technologies, with a focus onsocial media,established in 2019. It is part of the Stanford Cyber Policy Center, a joint initiative of theFreeman Spogli Institute for International StudiesandStanford Law School.[36]The Observatory has identified the Russian government's online involvement in global elections since the program began.[37]The program's projects such as the "Virality Project" have been criticized as censorship since the release of theTwitter filesby some students,[38]Matt Taibbi,and others[39]outside the university.


Stanford's Center for Computer Research and Acoustics is part of a consortium withCNMATand the Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique (IRCAM) in Paris.

See also[edit]

  • Hoover Institution,a conservative think tank affiliated with Stanford. It has staffed numerous positions for Republican presidents from Richard Nixon to Donald Trump.[40]


  1. ^"SIMES".simes.stanford.edu.RetrievedApril 29,2017.
  2. ^"Centers, Laboratories, and Institutes".Stanford Bulletin.Stanford University.RetrievedJune 21,2014.
  3. ^"Guide to the Stanford University, Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, Records".oac.cdlib.org.Online Archive of California.RetrievedNovember 4,2020.
  4. ^"FSI – About the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies".stanford.edu.
  5. ^"Stanford Institute for International Studies gets new name".Stanford University.September 14, 2005.
  6. ^"Stanford law prof, security expert to lead university's international studies institute".Stanford University.February 12, 2013.
  7. ^Eisenberg, Richard (May 23, 2014)."Stanford Is Looking For A Few Good Midlifers".Forbes.RetrievedNovember 5,2015.
  8. ^"FAQ".Stanford Distinguished Careers Institute.RetrievedOctober 27,2015.
  9. ^"High school students welcomed to the Stanford family".Stanford Report. January 26, 2022.RetrievedNovember 14,2022.
  10. ^Sha, Brian (April 10, 2022)."What I learned teaching a Stanford computer science class to high school students".stanforddaily.com.The Stanford Daily.RetrievedNovember 14,2022.
  11. ^abc"Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory -".stanford.edu.
  12. ^"Biography of Les Earnest".RetrievedAugust 31,2014.
  13. ^"Timeline".Stanford Computer Science Department.June 21, 2019.RetrievedJune 4,2023.
  14. ^"GTE Corporation – Company History".Fundinguniverse.com.RetrievedMay 15,2012.
  15. ^abc"AI Lab people".stanford.edu.
  16. ^abc"SAIL History & Photos".Stanford University Archives.RetrievedAugust 28,2014.
  17. ^Raj, Reddy (June 12, 1991)."Oral history interview with Raj Reddy".umn.edu.RetrievedApril 4,2018.
  18. ^Stanford Arm history,Stanford University
  19. ^ "Palo Alto Planning and Transportation Commission Minutes"(PDF).November 12, 2003.
  20. ^abcThe autobiography of SAIL,a copy of a 1991 email about SAIL, from a Stanford website
  21. ^"FOLDOC – Computing Dictionary".foldoc.org.
  22. ^Markoff, John (December 7, 2009)."Optimism as Artificial Intelligence Pioneers Reunite".The New York Times.RetrievedFebruary 20,2020.
  23. ^"Max Mathews, Computer Music Pioneer, R.I.P."Synthtopia.April 21, 2011.
  24. ^Verna, Paul (August 2, 1997)."Yamaha, Stanford join forces. Licensing program offers new technologies".Billboard.p. 56.
  25. ^"Music synthesis approaches sound quality of real instruments".News release.Stanford University News Service. June 7, 1994.RetrievedMay 28,2011.
  26. ^ab"Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics".
  27. ^"CCRMA Concerts".
  28. ^"The History of the Knoll – Stanford's Home to CCRMA".April 4, 2005. Archived fromthe originalon April 4, 2005.RetrievedApril 4,2018.
  29. ^"About the National Performance of Dams Program".RetrievedAugust 18,2015.
  30. ^abJason Green (2019)."Stanford renames buildings for Sally Ride, Carolyn Attneave".Mercurynews.com.RetrievedMarch 2,2019.
  31. ^Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, University of Chicago Press
  32. ^"Stanford University Press".sup.org.
  33. ^"Dual-Career Academics".Archived fromthe originalon August 8, 2009.RetrievedJanuary 25,2009.
  34. ^"Clayman Institute for Gender Research: Women in Silicon Valley Information Technology study".Archived fromthe originalon December 9, 2008.RetrievedJanuary 25,2009.
  35. ^"The King Papers Project".The Martin Luther King Jr. Research and Education Institute. June 11, 2014.
  36. ^"The Stanford Internet Observatory Turns Two".Stanford Internet Observatory.June 7, 2021.RetrievedNovember 24,2022.
  37. ^Cooper, Chris. “Clarity: Lifting the Veil on the Algorithm.” The Public Square Project: Reimagining Our Digital Future, edited by Peter Lewis and Jordan Guiao, Melbourne University Publishing Ltd, 2021, pp. 124–34. JSTOR,https://doi.org/10.2307/jj.1176870.13.Accessed 18 Dec. 2023.
  38. ^Thomas Adamo and Josiah (24 March 2023). "Stanford's Dark Hand in Twitter Censorship".Stanford Review website Retrieved 18 December 2023.
  39. ^Daniel Chaitin. U. S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee. (2 June 2023). "Press release:Jordan Threatens Subpoena Enforcement Against Stanford In Censorship Probe".Judiciary Committee websiteRetrieved 18 December 2023.
  40. ^Val Burris. "The interlock structure of the policy-planning network and the right turn in U.S. state policy" InPolitics and Public Policy(March 2015) pp. 3-42.

External links[edit]