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Ceremonial mace

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Ceremonial mace of theQueensland Parliament,Australia

Aceremonial maceis a highly ornamented staff of metal or wood, carried before asovereignor other high officials in civic ceremonies by amace-bearer,intended to represent the official's authority. The mace, as used today, derives from the originalmaceused as a weapon. Processions often feature maces, as on parliamentary or formal academic occasions.



Ancient Near East

Ceremonial mace (left hand) depicted on astelafromNimrud

Ceremonial maces originated in theAncient Near East,where they were used as symbols of rank and authority across the region during the lateStone Age,Bronze Age,and earlyIron Age.Among the oldest known ceremonial maceheads are theAncient EgyptianScorpion MaceheadandNarmer Macehead;both are elaborately engraved with royal scenes, although their precise role and symbolism are obscure. In later Mesopotamian art, the mace is more clearly associated with authority; by theOld Babylonian periodthe most common figure oncylinder seals(a type of seal used to authenticate clay documents) is a repeated type now known as "The Figure with Mace" who wears a royal hat, holds a mace in his left hand, and is thought to represent a generic king.[1]Ceremonial maces are also prominently depicted in the royal art ofAncient Assyria,such as theStela of Ashurnasirpal IIand theStela of Shamshi-Adad V,in which the Assyrian kings are shown performing rites or making religious gestures while holding a mace to symbolise their authority.[2]

Eastern Roman Empire


Some officials of the medievalEastern Roman Empirecarried maces for either practical or ceremonial purposes. Notable among the latter is theprotoallagator,a military-judicial position that existed by about the 10th century A.D. and whose symbols of office were reported by thePalaiologanwriterPseudo-Kodinosin the 14th century to include a silver-gilt mace (matzouka). At this time the duties of theprotoallagatorincluded commanding theByzantine Emperor's personalallagion,his military retinue. The ceremonial function of the mace may have passed to the late Roman Empire from the ancient Near East by way of Persia,[3]and from there to other European cultures.[4]

Medieval and Renaissance Europe


The earliest ceremonial maces in France and England were practical weapons intended to protect the King's person, borne by theSergeants-at-Arms,a royal bodyguard established in France byPhilip II,and in England probably byRichard I,(c. 1180). By the 14th century, these sergeants' maces had started to become increasingly decorative, encased in precious metals.[5]As a weapon, the mace fell out of use with the disappearance of heavy armour.

French ceremonial mace, 18th century

The history of the civic mace (carried by the sergeants-at-arms) begins around the middle of the 13th century, though no examples from that period remain today. The oldest civic mace in England (still remaining today) is that ofHedon.It was granted (along with an important charter) in 1415.[6]At the time, ornamented civic maces were considered an infringement of one of the privileges of the king's sergeants, who alone deserved to bear maces enriched with costly metals, according to aHouse of Commonspetition of 1344. However, the sergeants of London later gained this privilege, as did later those of York (1396), Norwich (1403–1404), and Chester (1506). Records exist of maces covered with silver in use at Exeter in 1387–1388; Norwich bought two in 1435, and Launceston others in 1467 and 1468. Several other cities and towns subsequently acquired silver maces, and the 16th century saw almost universal use.[5]

Early in the 15th century, the flanged end of the mace (the head of the war mace) was carried uppermost, with the small button bearing the royalarmsin the base. By the beginning of theTudorperiod, however, the blade-like flanges, originally made for offence, degenerated into mere ornaments, while the increased importance of the end with the royal arms (afterwards enriched with a cresting) resulted in the reversal of the position. The custom of carrying the flanged end upward did not die out at once: a few maces, such as theWinchcombesilver maces, which date from the end of the 15th century, were made to be carried both ways. TheGuildfordmace provides one of the finest of the fifteen specimens of the 15th century.[5]

Craftsmen often pierced and decorated the flanged ends of the maces of this period beautifully. These flanges gradually became smaller, and by the 16th or early 17th century had developed into pretty projecting scroll-brackets and other ornaments, which remained in vogue until about 1640. The next development in the embellishment of the shaft was the reappearance of these small scroll-brackets on the top, immediately under the head of the mace. They disappear altogether from the foot in the last half of the 17th century, and remain only under the heads, or, in rarer instances, on a knob on the shaft. The silver mace-heads were mostly plain, with a cresting of leaves or flowers in the 15th and 16th centuries. In the reign ofJames I of Englandthey began to be engraved and decorated with heraldic devices and similar ornamentation.[5]

As the custom of having sergeants' maces began to die out about 1650, the large maces borne before the mayor orbailiffscame into general use.Thomas Maundyfunctioned as the chief maker of maces during theCommonwealth of England.He made the mace for the House of Commons in 1649. This mace is still in use today, though without the original head. The original head, which was not engraved with regal symbols, was replaced by one with regal symbols at the time of theRestorationof the monarchy.[5]Oliver Cromwellreferred to the House of Commons mace as "afool's bauble"when he dissolved theRump Parliamentin 1653.



MostCommonwealthcountries were formerly part of theBritish Empireand continue the tradition of using a mace, especially to represent the authority of the Sovereign in the parliaments of the Commonwealth realms.

United Kingdom

Mace of the City of London

In the United Kingdom there are thirteen surviving royal maces in theCrown Jewels,ten of which are kept in theJewel Houseat theTower of London,while three are on permanent loan to theHouses of Parliament.Each mace is about 1.5 m (4.9 ft) long and weighs an average of 10 kg (22 lb).[7]TheHouse of Commonscan only operate lawfully when the royal mace – dating from the reign ofCharles II– is present at the table. Two other maces dating from the reigns of Charles II andWilliam IIIare used by theHouse of Lords:One is placed on theWoolsackbefore the House meets and is absent when a monarch is there in person.[8]Two maces from the Jewel House are carried in the royal procession atState Openings of ParliamentandBritish coronations.TheScottish Parliamentand theSenedd (Welsh Parliament)have their own maces, as do local councils, mayors, and some universities.



The ceremonial maces of theAustralian House of Representativesand theAustralian Senatesymbolise both the authority of each chamber and the royal authority ofAustralia's monarch.



The ceremonial mace of the Australian Senate is the Black Rod. The ceremonial custodian of the Black Rod is theUsher of the Black Rod.[9]

House of Representatives


TheSerjeant-at-Armsof the Australian House of Representatives is the ceremonial custodian of the Mace of the House. At the beginning and end of every day the House sits, the Speaker of the House enters and leaves the House preceded by the Serjeant-at-Arms carrying the mace on his or her right shoulder.[10]The mace represents the authority of the monarch, the speaker and the house itself and is usually taken with the speaker on ceremonial occasions. However, in the presence of the governor-general the mace is generally left outside and covered with a green cloth on the understanding that a symbol of royal authority is not needed where the Crown’s actual representative is present.[11]

The current mace is made of gilded silver, and was a gift to the House fromKing George VIon the occasion of the 50th anniversary ofFederationin 1951. It was presented to the House by a delegation of members of theBritish House of Commons.[12]

In May 1914, Labor MPWilliam Higgsplayed a practical joke on the House by hiding the mace under one of the opposition frontbenches. It was not found for two hours, and police were called in as it was assumed to have been stolen.[13]After initially denying his role in the incident,[14]Higgs apologised to his colleagues the following week, stating he had acted in "a spirit of frivolity". His admission that he was "entirely to blame" was met with cheers.[15]

Queensland Parliament

Ceremonial mace, Queensland Parliament, 1979

A silver-gilt mace was produced for theQueensland Parliamentin 1978 by Marples and Beasley ofBirmingham,United Kingdom. It is 1.22 metres (4.0 ft) long and weighs 7.7 kilograms (17 lb). The mace is inlaid with 15 sapphires, 9 opals, 6 amethysts and 2 garnets, all originating from the state of Queensland.[16]



The ceremonial maces in the Bahamas symbolise both the authority of each chamber and the Royal authority ofCharles III,the King of the Bahamas.

On 27 April 1965, a day known in the Bahamas as "Black Tuesday",Lynden Pindling,then Opposition Leader, threw the 165-year-old Speaker's Mace out of aHouse of Assemblywindow to protest against the unfairgerrymanderingof constituency boundaries by the then rulingUnited Bahamian Party(UBP) government. The Speaker tried to restore order but he was reminded by Labour leaderRandol Fawkesthat the business of the House could not legally continue without the mace. The badly damaged mace was recovered by the police and returned to the House.

The House of Assembly reconvened with a temporary wooden mace loaned by Canada; this was the same temporary mace used by the House of Commons of Canada after it lost its own mace to a fire in 1916. The temporary mace ultimately returned to Canada freshly gilded.[17]In November 1975, the House of Commons of the United Kingdom donated a new mace to the House of Assembly.[18]

On 3 December 2001,Cassius StuartandOmar Smith,leader and deputy leader of theBahamas Democratic Movement,a minor political party, charged from the public gallery onto the floor of the House of Assembly and handcuffed themselves to the Mace in protest against "unfair gerrymandering" of constituency boundaries by theFree National Movement(FNM) government. The Mace was unable to be separated from the men and the sitting of the House had to be suspended. The pair were jailed for almost two days but no charges were brought against them.


Mace of theSenate of Canada,on display at theParliament of Canada's senate foyer

The ceremonial maces in the CanadianSenateandHouse of Commonsembody the authority each chamber derives fromthe country's sovereign.The current mace in the Commons is the fourth mace, a replica of the third one destroyed by fire at theCentre Blockin 1916.[19]

A similar practice is employed in each of theprovincial and territorial legislatures,with a mace representing the sovereign's authority and power in each of the respective legislatures.

Protocol surrounding the mace


In Canada, each of the legislatures follow a relatively standard protocol in relation to the ceremonial mace; thespeaker of the housenormally enters following a mace-bearer (normally the sergeant-at-arms), who subsequently sets the mace on the clerks' table to begin the sitting. When the sergeant-at-arms removes the mace from the table, the House has either adjourned, recessed, or been resolved into acommittee of the whole.Before the reigning monarch or one of his or her representatives (thegovernor generalor one of thelieutenant governors) may enter a legislative chamber, the mace must be completely hidden from view. This is done by draping the mace in a heavy velvet cloth, a procedure performed by the house pages. During the election of the speaker, the mace is removed from the table to show that the house is not fully constituted until the new speaker takes the chair and the mace is laid on the table.

History of the maces

The head of the first mace used by theLegislative Assembly of Upper Canada

The oldest documented use of a ceremonial mace in a legislature of aBritish North Americancolony was at the1st General Assembly of Nova Scotia,which convened in 1758.[20]The first mace was used by the Chamber ofUpper Canada's first Parliament in 1792 at Newark (nowNiagara-on-the-Lake) and then moved toYork(nowToronto).[21]This first mace was a primitive wooden implement, painted red and gilt and surmounted by a crown of thin brass strips. It was stolen by American troops as aprize of warduring theBattle of Yorkof theWar of 1812in 1813. The mace was stored at theUnited States Naval AcademyinAnnapolis, Maryland,and remained in the United States until 1934. It was returned to Ontario when PresidentFranklin Rooseveltsent an order to Congress to return the mace.[22]It was stored at theRoyal Ontario Museumfor a time, and is now located in the Main Lobby of theOntario Legislative Building.[21]

A second mace was introduced in 1813 and used until 1841.[17]

The third mace was not purchased until 1845. In 1849, when the Parliament for theUnited Province of Canadawas sitting inMontreal,it was stolen by a riotous mob, apparently intent upon destroying it in a public demonstration. It was rescued and returned to the Speaker, SirAllan MacNab,the next day. Later, in 1854, the mace was twice rescued when theParliament Buildings in Quebecwere ravaged by fire. The mace continued to be used by theLegislative Assemblyin Toronto, Quebec City and Ottawa until Confederation in 1867. The new House of Commons of Canada then adopted the mace, where it remained until 1916.[17]The mace of the House of Commons was destroyed when theCentre Block burned downin 1916; all that remained was a fist-sized ball of silver and gold.[17]In the immediate aftermath, the House of Commons used the surviving Senate mace,[17]then the mace of the Ontario provincial legislature for three weeks, after which a wooden mace (later loaned to the Bahamas) was crafted and used.[23]In June 1916, theCity of Londondonated a new mace made with the remains of the one destroyed; this mace continues to serve.[17]

Being a symbol of the power and authority of a legislative assembly, a precedent was set in 2002 as to the severity of acts of disrespect toward the mace in Canada and, by proxy, the monarch. AfterKeith Martin,federal Member of Parliament forEsquimalt—Juan de Fuca,seized the ceremonial mace of the House of Commons from theclerk's table on April 17, 2002, thespeakerof that chamber ruled that aprima faciebreach of the privileges of the house had occurred,[24]and contempt of the house been committed. Martin was not permitted to resume his seat until he had issued a formal apology from the bar of the house, pursuant to a motion passed in response to the incident.

Parliament of Ontario

The mace of theLegislative Assembly of Ontario,made in 1867

The ceremonial mace of theLegislative Assemblyis the fourth mace to be used in Upper Canada or Ontario. The first, second and third maces are mentioned above, and were used by the Parliament of Upper Canada andUnion Parliament.Only the first survived with second unaccounted and third mostly destroyed in 1916 with remains used to produce the current House of Commons' mace.

AfterConfederation,the third mace was adopted by the new House of Commons of Canada. The current mace used in the Legislative Assembly was acquired in 1867. It was provided byCharles E. Zollikoferof Ottawa for $200. The 4-foot (1.2 m) mace is made of copper and richly gilded, a flattened ball at the butt end. Initially, the head of the mace bore the crown of Queen Victoria and in a cup with her monogram, V.R. When she was succeeded by Edward VII in 1901, her crown and cup were removed and a new one bearing Edward's initials on the cup was installed. Eventually, it was replaced with the current cup which is adorned in gleaming brass leaves.[21]

Through some careful detective work on the part of Legislative Assembly staff, the original cup with Queen Victoria's monogram was recently[when?]found in the Royal Ontario Museum's collection and returned to the Legislature. It is now on display in the Legislative Building.[21]

In 2009, two diamonds were installed in the mace. The diamonds were a gift to the people of Ontario fromDe Beers Canadato mark the opening of theVictor MinenearAttawapiskat First Nationin northern Ontario. Three diamonds were selected from the first run of the mine. Two stones, one rough and one polished, were set in platinum in the crown of the mace while the third stone, also polished, was put on exhibit in the lobby of the Legislative Building as part of a display about the history of the mace.[21]

Parliament of Quebec


The ceremonial mace of theNational Assemblywas made by Charles O. Zollikoffer in 1867, after the transfer of the maces of theProvince of Canadato the new federal parliament in Ottawa. The current mace is of gold with a crown and a cross on its top as well as the letters "ER" (Elizabeth Regina) - added after 1952.

The mace was saved from a fire by Sergeant-at-Arms Gédéon Larocque in 1883 as well as recovered after being stolen in 1967.[25]

Cook Islands


In 2023, theparliament of the Cook Islandsadopted a ceremonial double-ended mace (Cook Islands Māori:Te Taiki Mana) in the form of acanoepaddle (ʻoe), inspired by the combination of traditional forms used in both thenorthernandsouthern Cook Islands,on one side and aspear(momore ʻakatara) on the other, with the emblem of the Cook Islands parliament in the middle.[26]The mace was designed by Tangata Vainerere, theclerkof the Cook Islands parliament, and carved by Wireless Tomokino. It is 1.45 metres long, carved frompolynesian mahogany,and covered withtraditional tattoomotifs.

During sittings of the parliament it is placed by theSergeant-at-Armsin theparliamentary chamberwith the paddle end pointing toward the government benches, and the spear end pointed toward the opposition.[27]



On 10 October 1874,Fiji's former king,Seru Epenisa Cakobau,gave his war club toQueen Victoriawhen the Deed of Cession by which the sovereignty of Fiji passed to the British Crown was signed, and the war club was taken to Britain and kept atWindsor Castle.In October 1932, King Cakobau's war club was repatriated to Fiji, on behalf of the British kingGeorge V,for use as the ceremonial mace of the Legislative Council of Fiji.[28]

The mace is agadi,a traditional Fijianclub[29]: 85 named for the type of hardwood tree it is made from,[30]and was decorated with silver palm leaves and doves upon Cakobau's conversion to Christianity. Cakobau gave the club the nameAi Tutuvi Kuta I Radini Bau,meaning "Thesedgeblanket of the Queen ofBau(wife of theRoko Tui Bau) ".[31][29]: 279 

The mace is used as a symbol of the authority of theSpeakerof theParliament of Fiji.It is carried into parliament by the mace bearer, and is always placed on the central table of thedebating chamberwith the head pointing toward the government benches.[31]

An image of the mace is used on the emblem of the Fijian parliament.[31]



TheNational Assembly,thesole chamberof theParliament of Guyana,has a ceremonial mace. In March 1991,Isahak Basir,a member of thePeople's Progressive Party(in opposition at the time), was expelled from parliament for removing the mace from its place on the table, and also for throwing his drinking glass at the Speaker.[32]


PM Modi receives ‘Sengol’ from Hindu priests in 2023

Sengolis agold-platedsilversceptrethat is installed in India'sNew Parliament House.[33]Originally gifted toJawaharlal Nehru,the firstprime minister of India,by a delegation of holy men on 14 August 1947, the sceptre was housed in theAllahabad Museumfor seven decades.[34]In 2023, the sceptre was moved to the newly-constructed Parliament House by thegovernmentofNarendra Modi,who propagated an ahistorical narrative by claiming theSengolas a symbol of the transfer of power from the British regime unto Indians.[35][36]

The legislative bodies of severalstates,such asTripura,[37]also have ceremonial maces. The courts of various Indianprincely stateswere recorded as having ceremonial maces too.[38]

New Zealand

The current ceremonial mace of the New Zealand House of Representatives
The head of the 1907-1909 temporary wooden ceremonial mace, showing theroyal cypherofEdward VII

A ceremonial mace for theNew Zealand House of Representativeshas been used since 1866, when one was presented to Parliament by formerSpeakerSir Charles Clifford.[39]The mace is considered to be a symbol of the authority of both the Speaker and of the House, and is carried by theSerjeant-at-Arms.[40][41]

The first mace was destroyed on 11 December 1907 when a fire consumed most ofParliament Buildings.[42]A wooden mace made ofpūririand designed by theGovernment Architectwas temporarily used until a new mace was gifted by thenPrime MinisterJoseph Wardin 1909 at the prompting of SpeakerArthur Guinness.[39][43]This mace is the one currently in use.

The present mace is modeled on that of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom, differing only in that one of the panels instead depicts theSouthern Crossand the initials "NZ".[44]The mace is 1.498 metres long, made of sterling silver coated with 18 carat gilt gold and weighs 8.164 kilograms.[39][41][45]


Ceremonial mace of the City of Wellington (black & white photo)

The capital city ofWellingtonalso possesses a silver-gilt ceremonial mace, gifted to it by itssister cityofHarrogatein 1954, which is used during meetings of theWellington City Counciland on ceremonial occasions.[46][47]



TheParliament of Singaporehas a mace which had been originally commissioned in 1954 byGovernorJohn Nicollfor theLegislative Council of Singapore.

The mace head is awinged lionholding atrident.Just below the mace head, on the shaft of the mace are the crest of the coat of arms of theColony of Singaporeand the crest ofCoat of arms of the United Kingdom,on opposite sides. The rest of the shaft is embossed with lion heads and Chinese junks, and the bottom of the shaft is decorated with waves and fish. The base of the mace depicts agryphon's head above a crown, the crest of the coat of arms ofStamford Raffles.[48]An image of the mace appears on the crest of Singapore's parliament.

South Africa

The 1963-2004 South African mace

As aDominionof theBritish Empire,theUnion of South AfricaHouse of Assemblyused a mace modelled on that of the UK House of Commons from 1910 to 1961.

When South Africa became a republic outside the Commonwealth in 1961, aStinkwoodmace was used temporarily until 1963 when theGold Producers' Committee of the TransvaalandOrange Free State Chamber of Minesgifted a mace to the chamber.

In 2004 a new mace was designed to reflect the history, tradition, diversity, culture and languages of South Africa. Based on an aluminium shaft with a gold drum featuring images of working South Africans, the mace remains in use today as the symbol of the authority of theNational Assembly of South Africa.[49]

Sri Lanka


The ceremonial jeweled mace, symbolizing the authority of theParliament of Sri Lanka,is kept in the custody of theSerjeant-at-Arms.The mace, when kept on its stand in the Chamber, signifies that the House is in session. At the commencement of a Session, the Serjeant-at-Arms bearing the mace accompanies the Speaker when entering and leaving the Chamber. The mace has to be legally brought into the House at the appointed time and removed at the end of the Session. Therefore, unauthorized removal of the mace cannot invalidate proceedings.

Other maces with Connection to the British monarch


There are two maces inJamaica,made in 1753 and 1787; one belonging to the colony ofGrenada,made in 1791, and the speaker's mace atBarbados,dating from 1812.


John F. KennedyvisitsSeán McCarthy,Lord Mayor of Cork, 1963

Mace of former Parliament of Ireland


A mace made in 1765 for theIrish House of Commonsis 1.5 m (58 in) long and weighs 8.4 kg (295 oz) and became redundant in 1801 with the creation of theUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.In 1937, theBank of Irelandbought the mace from the descendants ofJohn Foster,its last Speaker, the House having ceased to exist upon theActs of Union 1800.[50]The bank paidIR£3,100 for the mace at aChristie'sauction. In 2015, it represented Ireland at the 800th anniversary of theLord Mayor's Showin the City of London.[51]

The Great Mace of Dublin


The Great Mace ofDublinis used at major civic and ceremonial events alongside the Great Sword, such as when theLord Mayorawards the honorary Freedom of the city. It was made in 1717 and contains parts of an earlier mace made for the city's first Lord Mayor,Sir Daniel Bellingham.

Academic maces


The ceremonial mace ofTrinity College Dublinwas still in use in 2021,[52]andUniversity College Corkalso has a mace and a mace-bearer.[53]

Myanmar (Burma)


A ceremonial mace was an essential item of the regalia ofMyanmar's legislative bodies during theBritish colonial period.[54]It kept its significance and symbolism in the early post-independence legislatures. Parliamentary democracy ceased in 1962, but when the regime of General Ne Win revived a one-party unicameral legislature in 1974, the mace-bearing ceremonial was abandoned. It was re-introduced in the new parliament, orPyidaungsu Hluttaw,convened under the2008 National Constitution.



TheHouse of Representativesand theSenateof the Philippines each have a respective mace. The maces are almost identical.[55][56]

Themaceof theHouse of Representativesserves as a symbol of authority and in the custody of theSergeant-at-Arms.It serves as a guarantee for theSergeant-at-Armsin enforcing peace and order in the House upon theSpeaker'sinstruction. Upon every session, the mace is placed at the foot of theSpeaker'srostrum. The mace is topped by the official seal of theHouse of Representatives.[55]

Themaceof theSenateserves as a symbol of authority. It is displayed at theSenate President'srostrum every session. As with the House of Representatives, theSergeant-at-Armsalso serves as the custodian of the mace. When there is disorderly conduct in theSenate,theSergeant-at-Armsbrings the mace from its pedestal and presents it to the senators causing the disorder, a signal to stop such behavior. The official seal of theSenatetops the mace.[56]

Provincial boards, city and municipal councils also have their own mace.

The constitutional bodyCommission on Appointmentsalso uses their own mace during their plenary sessions.

United States

The Mace of the US House of Representatives

The civic maces of the 18th century follow the British type with monarchical imagery, with some modifications in shape and ornamentation,[5]while later maces incorporated either republican or imperial Roman imagery.

The currentMace of the United States House of Representativeshas been in use since December 1, 1842. It was created by William Adams at a cost of $400 to replace the first mace, which was destroyed on August 24, 1814, when theCapitolwas destroyed in theburning of Washingtonby theBritishduring theWar of 1812.A simple wooden mace was used in the interim.

The current mace is nearly four feet tall and is composed of 13ebonyrods tied together with silver strands criss-crossed over the length of the staff. This design shows the staff with the appearance of a bundledfasces,sans ax, symbolizing unity, the rods representing the 13 original States. It is surmounted by aglobus,symbolising dominion, and above that theAmerican eaglewith outstretched wings.

When the House is in session, the mace stands in acylindricalpedestalof greenmarbleto the right of the chair of theSpeaker of the House.When the House is meeting as theCommittee of the Whole,the mace is moved to a pedestal next to the desk of theSergeant at Arms.Thus Representatives entering the chamber know with a glance whether the House is in session or in committee.

In accordance with theRules of the House,when a member becomes unruly the sergeant-at-arms, on order of the speaker, lifts the mace from its pedestal and presents it before the offenders, thereby restoring order. This occurs very rarely.

Other, examples of English silver maces in North America include one dating to 1754 atNorfolk, Virginia,[57]and the mace of thestate of South Carolina,dating to 1756, which has monarchical imagery. TheMaryland House of Delegatesalso has a very old ceremonial mace, although it is the plainest of all, having no ornamentation save some carved vegetation designs at its head. TheMace of the Virginia House of Delegatesalso has monarchical motifs, though it was not created until the 1970s.


A drum major of the U.S. Marine Corps' III Marine Expeditionary Force Band is pictured carrying a mace in 2019

Drum majorscarry a mace to convey commands or signals to their band.[58]According to the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association, "Drum Major’s maces have been in existence since the 17th century".[59]



Among other maces (more correctly described asstaves) in use today are those carried beforeecclesiasticaldignitaries andclergyincathedralsand some parish churches.[5]Other churches, particularly churches of theAnglican Communion,avergerceremoniously precedes processions.

In theRoman Catholic Churchmaces used to be carried beforePopesandCardinals.They have long since been replaced withprocessional crosses.[60]



Ceremonial maces, symbols of the internal authority over members and the independence from external authority, are still used at many educational institutions, particularly universities. TheUniversity of St Andrewsin Scotland has three maces dating from the 15th century. The university also has four other maces of a more recent origin. These are on permanent display at theMuseum of the University of St Andrews.TheUniversity of Glasgowhas one from the same period, which may be seen in itsarms.University of Innsbruckand its sisterMedical Universityare in possession of maces from 1572, 1588 and 1833, which were confiscated by the Habsburgs from theUniversity of Olomoucin the 1850s.[61]

At theUniversity of Oxfordthere are three dating from the second half of the 16th century and six from 1723 and 1724, while at theUniversity of Cambridgethere are three from 1626 and one from 1628. The latter was altered during theCommonwealth of Englandand again at theStuart Restoration.[5]The mace of the general council of theUniversity of Edinburghhas a three-sided head: one with the seal of the university; one with the university's coat of arms and the third with Edinburgh's coat of arms of the City of Edinburgh. The wood for the shaft of the mace is fromMalabarand was presented by theSecretary of State for India(R. A. Cross) at theFirst International Forestry Exhibition(1884).[62]The mace of theOpen Universityreflects its modernist outlook, being made from titanium.[63]

In the United States, almost all universities and free-standing colleges have a mace, used almost exclusively atcommencementexercises and borne variously by the university or collegepresident,chancellor,rector,provost,themarshalof the faculty, adeanor some other high official.[64]In those universities that have a number of constituent colleges or faculties, each college, faculty or school often has a smaller mace, borne in procession by a dean, faculty member or sometimes a privileged student. In 1970, Cornell professorMorris Bishopwas acting as marshal at a graduation ceremony when a radical student attempted to grab the microphone; Bishop fought him off with the mace.[65][66]

Royal Roads Military Collegeceremonial mace, on loan toRoyal Roads UniversityinVictoria, British Columbia

In Canada, some universities have a mace that is used as part of the ceremonial process of conferring degrees duringconvocationand other special events. The mace is carried by a special university official like abeadle.[67]

In South Korea,Pohang University of Science and Technologyhas a mace as a part of its ceremonial functions.[68]

In the Philippines, theUniversity of Santo Tomashas a pair oftwin macesbelonging to theRector Magnificus.These symbolize his spiritual and temporal power as the highest authority of the university. Made of pure silver and measuring 95 centimeters by 15 centimeters in diameter, the maces have existed since the 17th century and have been used in academic processions ever since. Candidates for doctoral degrees were accompanied by the Rector in a parade calledPaseo de los DoctoresfromIntramurostoSanto Domingo Church,where University commencement exercises were held until the 17th century. Today, faculty members hold processions at the opening of each academic year and during solemn investitures in academic gowns, following the style of Spanish academic regalia. The maces, carried by beadles or macebearers, were included in the parade for their academic symbolism.[69]

Other maces


See also



  1. ^al-Gailani Werr, Lamia (1988).Studies in the Chronology and Regional Style of Old Babylonian Cylinder Seals III. Isin-Larsa and Old Babylonian Periods(PDF).Malibu: Undena Publications. pp. 17–19.
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