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Other namesSoft chancre[1]andUlcus molle[2]
Chancroid stained withgentian violet
SpecialtyInfectious diseases,dermatologyEdit this on Wikidata

Chancroid(/ˈʃæŋkrɔɪd/SHANG-kroyd) is a bacterialsexually transmitted infectioncharacterized by painful sores on the genitalia. Chancroid is known to spread from one individual to another solely through sexual contact. However, there have been reports of accidental infection through the hand.[3]

Signs and symptoms

Buboes in a male

These are only local and no systemic manifestations are present.[4] The ulcer characteristically:

  • Ranges in size dramatically from 3 to 50 mm (1/8 inch to 2 inches) across
  • Is painful
  • Has sharply defined, undermined borders
  • Has irregular or ragged borders,described as saucer-shaped.
  • Has a base that is covered with a gray or yellowish-gray material
  • Has a base that bleeds easily if traumatized or scraped
  • Painfulswollen lymph nodesoccur in 30–60% of patients.
  • Dysuria(pain with urination) anddyspareunia(pain with intercourse) in females

About half of infected men have only a single ulcer. Women frequently have four or more ulcers, with fewer symptoms. The ulcers are typically confined to the genital region most of the time.[3]

The initial ulcer may be mistaken as a "hard"chancre,the typical sore of primarysyphilis,as opposed to the "soft chancre" of chancroid.[citation needed]

Approximately one-third of the infected individuals will develop enlargements of theinguinal lymph nodes,the nodes located in the fold between the leg and the lower abdomen.[citation needed]

Half of those who develop swelling of the inguinal lymph nodes will progress to a point where the nodes rupture through the skin, producing draining abscesses. The swollen lymph nodes and abscesses are often referred to asbuboes.[citation needed]


  • Extensive lymph node inflammation may develop.
  • Large inguinalabscessesmay develop and rupture to form drainingsinusor giant ulcer.
  • SuperinfectionbyFusariumandBacteroides.These later require debridement and may result in disfiguring scars.
  • Phimosiscan develop in long-standing lesion by scarring and thickening of foreskin, which may subsequently requirecircumcision.

Sites For Chancroid Lesions








Chancroid is abacterialinfectioncaused by thefastidiousGram-negativestreptobacillusHaemophilus ducreyi.This pathogen is highly infectious[3].It is a disease found primarily indeveloping countries,most prevalent in low socioeconomic groups, associated with commercial sex workers.[5]

Chancroid, caused byH. ducreyihas infrequently been associated with cases of Genital Ulcer Disease in the US but has been isolated in up to 10% of genital ulcers diagnosed from STI clinics in Memphis and Chicago.[6]

Infection levels are very low in the Western world, typically around one case per two million of the population (Canada, France, Australia, UK and US).[citation needed]Most individuals diagnosed with chancroid have visited countries or areas where the disease is known to occur frequently, although outbreaks have been observed in association with crack cocaine use and prostitution.[citation needed]

Chancroid is a risk factor for contractingHIV,due to their ecological association or shared risk of exposure, and biologically facilitated transmission of one infection by the other. Approximately 10% of people with chancroid will have a co-infection with syphilis and/or HIV.[7]



Haemophilus ducreyienters skin throughmicroabrasionsincurred during sexual intercourse. The incubation period of the infection is 10 to 14 days, after which there is progression of the disease.[3]A local tissue reaction leads to development of erythematouspapule,which progresses topustulein 4–7 days. It then undergoes centralnecrosisto ulcerate.[8]





Some of clinical variants are as follows.[8]

Variant Characteristics
Dwarf chancroid Small, superficial, relatively painless ulcer.
Giant chancroid Large granulomatous ulcer at the site of a ruptured inguinal bubo, extending beyond its margins.
Follicular chancroid Seen in females in association with hair follicles of the labia majora andpubis;initial follicular pustule evolves into a classic ulcer at the site.
Transient chancroid Superficial ulcers that may heal rapidly, followed by a typical inguinalbubo.
Serpiginous chancroid Multiple ulcers that coalesce to form a serpiginous pattern.
Mixed chancroid Nonindurated tender ulcers of chancroid appearing together with an indurated nontender ulcer of syphilis having an incubation period of 10 to 90 days.
Phagedenic chancroid Ulceration that causes extensive destruction of genitalia following secondary orsuperinfectionby anaerobes such asFusobacteriumorBacteroides.
Chancroidal ulcer Most often atender,nonindurated, single large ulcer caused by organisms other thanHaemophilus ducreyi;lymphadenopathyis conspicuous by its absence.

Laboratory findings


From bubo pus or ulcer secretions,H. ducreyican be identified using special culture media; however, there is a <80% sensitivity. PCR-based identification of the organisms is available, but none in the United States are FDA-cleared.[9]Simple, rapid, sensitive and inexpensive antigen detection methods forH. ducreyiidentification are also popular. Serologic detection ofH. ducreyiusesouter membrane proteinandlipooligosaccharide.Most of the time, the diagnosis is based on presumptive approach using the symptomatology which in this case includes multiple painful genital ulcers[3].

Differential diagnosis

CDC's standard clinical definition for a probable case of chancroid
  1. Patient has one or more painful genital ulcers. The combination of a painful ulcer with tenderadenopathyis suggestive of chancroid; the presence of suppurative adenopathy is almost pathognomonic.
  2. No evidence ofTreponema palliduminfection bydarkfield microscopic examinationof ulcer exudate or by a serologic test for syphilis performed greater than or equal to 7 days after onset of ulcers and
  3. Either a clinical presentation of the ulcer(s) not typical of disease caused byherpes simplex virus(HSV) or a culture-negative for HSV.

Despite many distinguishing features, the clinical spectrums of following diseases may overlap with chancroid:[citation needed]

Practical clinical approach for this STI as Genital Ulcer Disease is to rule out top differential diagnosis of Syphilis and Herpes and consider empirical treatment for Chancroid as testing is not commonly done for the latter.[citation needed]

Comparison with syphilis


There are many differences and similarities between the conditions syphiliticchancreand chancroid:[10]

  • Both originate aspustulesat the site of inoculation, and progress toulceratedlesions
  • Both lesions are typically 1–2 cm in diameter
  • Both lesions are caused by sexually transmissible organisms
  • Both lesions typically appear on the genitals of infected individuals
  • Both lesions can be present at multiple sites and with multiple lesions
  • Chancre is a lesion typical of infection with the bacterium that causessyphilis,Treponema pallidum
  • Chancroid is a lesion typical of infection with the bacteriumHaemophilus ducreyi
  • Chancres are typically painless, whereas chancroid are typically painful
  • Chancres are typically non-exudative, whereas chancroid typically have a grey or yellow purulentexudate
  • Chancres have a hard (indurated) edge, whereas chancroid have a soft edge
  • Chancres heal spontaneously within three to six weeks, even in the absence of treatment
  • Chancres can occur in thepharynxas well as on the genitals



Chancroid spreads in populations with high sexual activity, such asprostitutes.Use of condom, prophylaxis byazithromycin,syndromic management of genital ulcers, treating patients with reactive syphilis serology are some of the strategies successfully tried inThailand.[8]Also, treatment of sexual partners is advocated whether they develop symptoms or not as long as there was unprotected sexual intercourse with the patient within 10 days of developing the symptoms.[3]



For the initial stages of the lesion, cleaning with soapy solution is recommended andSitz bathmay be beneficial. Fluctuant nodules may require aspiration.[3]Treatment may include more than one prescribed medication.[11]



Macrolidesare often used to treat chancroid. TheCDCrecommendation is either a single oral dose (1 gram) ofazithromycin,a single IM dose (250 mg) ofceftriaxone,oral (500 mg) oferythromycinthree times a day for seven days, or oral (500 mg) ofciprofloxacintwice a day for three days.[9]Due to a paucity of reliable empirical evidence it is not clear whether macrolides are actually more effective and/or better tolerated than other antibiotics when treating chancroid.[12]Data is limited, but there have been reports of ciprofloxacin and erythromycin resistance.[citation needed]

Aminoglycosidessuch asgentamicin,streptomycin,andkanamycinhas been used to successfully treat chancroid; however aminoglycoside-resistant strain ofH. ducreyihave been observed in both laboratory and clinical settings.[7]Treatment with aminoglycosides should be considered as only a supplement to a primary treatment.[citation needed]

Pregnant and lactating women, or those below 18 years of age regardless of gender, should not use ciprofloxacin as treatment for chancroid. Treatment failure is possible with HIV co-infection and extended therapy is sometimes required.[citation needed]



Prognosis is excellent with proper treatment. Treating sexual contacts of affected individual helps break cycle of infection.[citation needed]



Within 3–7 days after commencing treatment, patients should be re-examined to determine whether the treatment was successful. Within 3 days, symptoms of ulcers should improve. Healing time of the ulcer depends mainly on size and can take more than two weeks for larger ulcers. In uncircumcised men, healing is slower if the ulcer is under the foreskin. Sometimes, needle aspiration or incision and drainage are necessary.[9]



Although the prevalence of chancroid has decreased in the United States and worldwide, sporadic outbreaks can still occur in regions of the Caribbean and Africa. Like other sexually transmitted infections, having chancroid increases the risk of transmitting and acquiring HIV.[9]



Chancroid has been known to humans since time of ancient Greeks.[13]Some of important events on historical timeline of chancre are:

Year Event
1852 Leon Bassereau distinguished chancroid from syphilis (i.e. soft chancre from hard chancre)
1890s Augusto Ducrey identifiedH. ducreyi
1900 Benzacon and colleagues isolatedH. ducreyi
1970s G. W. Hammond and colleagues developed selective media


  1. ^James, William D.; Berger, Timothy G.; et al. (2006).Andrews' Diseases of the Skin: clinical Dermatology.Saunders Elsevier. p. 274.ISBN978-0-7216-2921-6.
  2. ^Rapini, Ronald P.; Bolognia, Jean L.; Jorizzo, Joseph L. (2007).Dermatology: 2-Volume Set.St. Louis: Mosby.ISBN978-1-4160-2999-1.
  3. ^abcdefgWaugh, M. (1983-12-01)."Diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases".Sexually Transmitted Infections.59(6): 410.doi:10.1136/sti.59.6.410-a.ISSN1368-4973.
  4. ^Medical Microbiology: The Big Picture.McGraw Hill Professional. 2008-08-05. p. 243.ISBN9780071476614.
  5. ^"Chancroid".The Lecturio Medical Concept Library.Retrieved7 July2021.
  6. ^"Error 404 - Page Not Found".pathmicro.med.sc.edu.Retrieved19 April2018.{{cite web}}:Cite uses generic title (help)[permanent dead link]
  7. ^Lewis, D A (2003)."Chancroid: clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management".The BMJ.79(1): 68–71.doi:10.1136/sti.79.1.68.PMC1744597.PMID12576620.Retrieved7 July2021.
  8. ^abcCURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases.McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2007. pp. 69–74.ISBN9780071509619.
  9. ^abcd"2015 STD Treatment Guidelines".www.cdc.gov.2019-05-08.Retrieved2019-08-02.
  10. ^Lewis, D A (2003)."Chancroid: clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management".The BMJ.79(1): 68–71.doi:10.1136/sti.79.1.68.PMC1744597.PMID12576620.Retrieved7 July2021.
  11. ^Lewis, D A (2003)."Chancroid: clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management".The BMJ.79(1): 68–71.doi:10.1136/sti.79.1.68.PMC1744597.PMID12576620.Retrieved7 July2021.
  12. ^Romero, L; Huerfano, C; Grillo-Ardila, CF (11 December 2017)."Macrolides for treatment of Haemophilus ducreyi infection in sexually active adults".The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.2017(12): CD012492.doi:10.1002/14651858.CD012492.pub2.PMC6486275.PMID29226307.
  13. ^Sexually Transmitted Diseases(4th ed.). McGraw Hill Professional. 2007. pp. 689–698.ISBN9780071417488.