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Chaparral in theSanta Ynez Mountains,nearSanta Barbara,California

Chaparral(/ˌʃæpəˈræl,ˌæp-/SHAP-ə-RAL,CHAP-)[1]is ashrublandplant communityfound primarily inCalifornia,insouthern Oregonand in the northern portion of theBaja California PeninsulainMexico.It is shaped by aMediterranean climate(mild wet winters and hot dry summers) and infrequent, high-intensitycrown fires.

Many chaparral shrubs have hardsclerophyllousevergreen leaves, as contrasted with the associated soft-leaved,drought-deciduous,scrubcommunity ofcoastal sage scrub,found often on drier, southern facing slopes.

Three other closely related chaparral shrubland systems occur in centralArizona,westernTexas,and along the eastern side of central Mexico's mountain chains, all having summer rains in contrast to the Mediterranean climate of other chaparral formations. Chaparral comprises 9% of California's wildland vegetation and contains 20% of its plant species.



The name comes from theSpanishwordchaparro,which translates to "place of thescrub oak".



In its natural state, chaparral is characterized by infrequent fires, with natural fire return intervals ranging between 30 years and over 150 years.[2]Mature chaparral (at least 60 years since time of last fire) is characterized by nearly impenetrable, dense thickets (except the more open desert chaparral). These plants are flammable during the late summer and autumn months when conditions are characteristically hot and dry. They grow as woody shrubs with thick, leathery, and often small leaves, contain green leaves all year (areevergreen), and are typically drought resistant (with some exceptions[3]). After the first rains following a fire, the landscape is dominated by small flowering herbaceous plants, known as fire followers, which die back with the summer dry period.

Similar plant communities are found in the four other Mediterranean climate regions around the world, including theMediterranean Basin(where it is known asmaquis), centralChile(where it is calledmatorral), theSouth AfricanCape Region (known there asfynbos), and in Western and SouthernAustralia(askwongan). According to the California Academy of Sciences, Mediterranean shrubland contains more than 20 percent of the world's plant diversity.[4]The wordchaparralis aloanwordfromSpanishchaparro,meaning place of thescrub oak,which itself comes from aBasqueword,txapar,that has the same meaning.

Conservation Internationaland other conservation organizations consider chaparral to be abiodiversity hotspot[5]– abiological communitywith a large number of different species – that is under threat by human activity.

California chaparral


California chaparral and woodlands ecoregion

Old-growth chaparral more than a century old
Coastal sage scrub in San Diego County

TheCalifornia chaparral and woodlandsecoregion,of theMediterranean forests, woodlands, and scrubbiome,has three sub-ecoregions withecosystemplant communitysubdivisions:

Chaparral and woodlands biota


For the numerous individual plant and animal species found within the California chaparral and woodlands ecoregion, see:

Some of the indicator plants of the California chaparral and woodlands ecoregion include:

Chaparral soils and nutrient composition

Chaparral characteristically is found in areas with steep topography and shallow stony soils, while adjacent areas with clay soils, even where steep, tend to be colonized by annual plants and grasses. Some chaparral species are adapted to nutrient-poor soils developed over serpentine and other ultramafic rock, with a high ratio of magnesium and iron to calcium and potassium, that are also generally low in essential nutrients such as nitrogen.

California cismontane and transmontane chaparral subdivisions


Anotherphytogeographysystem uses two California chaparral and woodlands subdivisions: the cismontane chaparral and the transmontane (desert) chaparral.

California cismontane chaparral


Cismontane chaparral( "this side of the mountain" ) refers to thechaparral ecosystemin theMediterranean forests, woodlands, and scrubbiomein California, growing on the western (and coastal) sides of large mountain range systems, such as the western slopes of theSierra Nevadain theSan Joaquin Valleyfoothills, western slopes of thePeninsular RangesandCalifornia Coast Ranges,and south-southwest slopes of theTransverse Rangesin the Central Coast and Southern California regions.

Cismontane chaparral plant species

In Central andSouthern Californiachaparral forms a dominant habitat. Members of the chaparral biota native to California, all of which tend to regrow quickly after fires, include:

An old-growth manzanita, a classic member of the chaparral plant community
Cismontane chaparral bird species

The complex ecology of chaparral habitats supports a very large number of animal species. The following is a short list of birds which are an integral part of the cismontane chaparral ecosystems.

Wrentit, the most characteristic bird of the chaparral
Characteristic chaparral bird species include:
Other common chaparral bird species include:

California transmontane (desert) chaparral


Transmontane chaparralordesert chaparraltransmontane( "the other side of the mountain" )chaparral—refers to thedesertshrublandhabitatand chaparralplant communitygrowing in therainshadowof these ranges. Transmontane chaparral features xericdesertclimate, notMediterranean climatehabitats, and is also referred to asdesert chaparral.[6][7]Desert chaparral is a regionalecosystemsubset of thedeserts and xeric shrublandsbiome,with some plant species from theCalifornia chaparral and woodlandsecoregion.Unlike cismontane chaparral, which forms dense, impenetrable stands of plants, desert chaparral is often open, with only about 50 percent of the ground covered.[8]Individual shrubs can reach up to 10 feet (3.0 m) in height.

Transmontane chaparral in the Laguna Mountains, Cleveland National Forest

Transmontane chaparral or desert chaparral is found on the eastern slopes of majormountain rangesystems on the western sides of thedeserts of California.The mountain systems include the southeasternTransverse Ranges(theSan BernardinoandSan Gabriel Mountains) in theMojave Desertnorth and northeast of theLos Angeles basinand Inland Empire; and the northernPeninsular Ranges(San Jacinto,Santa Rosa,andLaguna Mountains), which separate theColorado Desert(westernSonoran Desert) from lower coastalSouthern California.[8]It is distinguished from the cismontane chaparral found on the coastal side of the mountains, which experiences higher winter rainfall. Naturally, desert chaparral experiences less winter rainfall than cismontane chaparral. Plants in this community are characterized by small, hard (sclerophyllic) evergreen (non-deciduous) leaves. Desert chaparral grows above California's desert cactus scrub plant community and below thepinyon-juniper woodland.It is further distinguished from the deciduous sub-alpine scrub above the pinyon-juniper woodlands on the same side of the Peninsular ranges.

Due to the lower annual rainfall (resulting in slower plant growth rates) when compared to cismontane chaparral, desert chaparral is more vulnerable tobiodiversity lossand the invasion of non-native weeds and grasses if disturbed by human activity and frequent fire.

Transmontane chaparral distribution

Transmontane (desert) chaparral typically grows on the lower (3,500–4,500 feet (1,100–1,400 m) elevation) northern slopes of the southern Transverse Ranges (running east to west inSan BernardinoandLos Angelescounties) and on the lower (2,500–3,500 feet (760–1,070 m)) eastern slopes of the Peninsular Ranges (running south to north from lowerBaja Californiato Riverside andOrangecounties and the Transverse Ranges).[9]It can also be found in higher-elevationsky islandsin the interior of the deserts, such as in the upperNew York Mountainswithin theMojave National Preservein the Mojave Desert.[10]

The California transmontane (desert) chaparral is found in the rain shadow deserts of the following:

Transmontane chaparral plants
Transmontane chaparral animals

There is overlap of animals with those of the adjacent desert and pinyon-juniper communities.[11]



Chaparral is a coastal biome with hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winters. The chaparral area receives about 38–100 cm (15–39 in) of precipitation a year. This makes the chaparral most vulnerable to fire in the late summer and fall.

Chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum) resprouting after a high-intensity chaparral fire
Wildflower display after the 2007 Witch Creek Fire, San Diego County, California
Impact of high fire frequency: chaparral/sage scrub type converted to non-native grassland

The chaparral ecosystem as a whole is adapted to be able to recover from naturally infrequent, high-intensity fire (fires occurring between 30 and 150 years or more apart); indeed, chaparral regions are known culturally and historically for their impressive fires. (This does create a conflict with human development adjacent to and expanding into chaparral systems.) Additionally, Native Americans burned chaparral near villages on the coastal plain to promote plant species for textiles and food.[12]Before a major fire, typical chaparral plant communities are dominated bymanzanita,chamiseAdenostoma fasciculatumandCeanothusspecies,toyon(which can sometimes be interspersed withscrub oaks), and other drought-resistant shrubs with hard (sclerophyllous) leaves; these plants resprout (seeresprouter) from undergroundburlsafter a fire.[13]

Plants that are long-lived in the seed bank or serotinous with induced germination after fire include chamise,Ceanothus,and fiddleneck.Some chaparral plant communities may grow so dense and tall that it becomes difficult for large animals and humans to penetrate, but may be teeming with smaller fauna in the understory. The seeds of many chaparral plant species are stimulated to germinate by some fire cue (heat or the chemicals from smoke or charred wood).[13]During the time shortly after a fire, chaparral communities may contain soft-leaved herbaceous, fire following annual wildflowers and short-lived perennials that dominate the community for the first few years – until the burl resprouts and seedlings of chaparral shrub species create a mature, dense overstory. Seeds of annuals and shrubs lie dormant until the next fire creates the conditions needed for germination.

Several shrub species such asCeanothusfix nitrogen, increasing the availability of nitrogen compounds in the soil.[14]

Because of the hot, dry conditions that exist in the California summer and fall, chaparral is one of the most fire-prone plant communities in North America. Some fires are caused by lightning, but these are usually during periods of high humidity and low winds and are easily controlled. Nearly all of the very large wildfires are caused by human activity during periods of hot, dry easterlySanta Ana winds.These human-caused fires are commonly ignited by power line failures, vehicle fires and collisions, sparks from machinery, arson, or campfires.

Threatened by high fire frequency


Though adapted to infrequent fires, chaparral plant communities can be eliminated by frequent fires. A high frequency of fire (less than 10-15 years apart) will result in the loss of obligate seeding shrub species such asManzanitaspp. This high frequency disallows seeder plants to reach their reproductive size before the next fire and the community shifts to a sprouter-dominance. If high frequency fires continue over time, obligate resprouting shrub species can also be eliminated by exhausting their energy reserves below-ground. Today, frequent accidental ignitions can convert chaparral from a native shrubland to non-native annual grassland and drastically reduce species diversity, especially under drought brought about by climate change.[15][16]

Wildfire debate


There are two older hypotheses relating to California chaparral fire regimes that caused considerable debate in the past within the fields of wildfire ecology and land management. Research over the past two decades have rejected these hypotheses:

  1. That older stands of chaparral become "senescent"or"decadent",thus implying that fire is necessary for the plants to remain healthy,[17]
  2. Thatwildfire suppressionpolicies have allowed dead chaparral to accumulate unnaturally, creating ample fuel for large fires.[18]

The perspective that older chaparral is unhealthy or unproductive may have originated during the 1940s when studies were conducted measuring the amount of forage available to deer populations in chaparral stands.[19]However, according to recent studies, California chaparral is extraordinarily resilient to very long periods without fire[20]and continues to maintain productive growth throughout pre-fire conditions.[21][22]Seeds of many chaparral plants actually require 30 years or more worth of accumulatedleaf litterbefore they will successfully germinate (e.g., scrub oak,Quercus berberidifolia;toyon,Heteromeles arbutifolia;and holly-leafed cherry,Prunus ilicifolia). When intervals between fires drop below 10 to 15 years, many chaparral species are eliminated and the system is typically replaced by non-native, invasive, weedy grassland.[23][24][25]

The idea that older chaparral is responsible for causing large fires was originally proposed in the 1980s by comparing wildfires inBaja Californiaand southern California. It was suggested that fire suppression activities in southern California allowed more fuel to accumulate, which in turn led to larger fires.[18]This is similar to the observation that fire suppression and other human-caused disturbances in dry,ponderosa pineforests in the Southwest of the United States has unnaturally increased forest density.[26]Historically, mixed-severity fires likely burned through these forests every decade or so,[26]burning understory plants, small trees, and downed logs at low-severity, and patches of trees at high-severity.[27]However, chaparral has a high-intensity crown-fire regime, meaning that fires consume nearly all the above ground growth whenever they burn, with a historical frequency of 30 to 150 years or more.[2]A detailed analysis of historical fire data concluded that fire suppression activities have been ineffective at excluding fire from southern California chaparral, unlike in ponderosa pine forests.[20]In addition, the number of fires is increasing in step with population growth and exacerbated by climate change. Chaparral stand age does not have a significant correlation to its tendency to burn.[28]

Large, infrequent, high-intensity wildfires are part of the natural fire regime for California chaparral.[29]Extreme weather conditions (low humidity, high temperature, high winds), drought, and low fuel moisture are the primary factors in determining how large a chaparral fire becomes.

See also



  1. ^"chaparral".Dictionary.com Unabridged(Online). n.d.
  2. ^abHalsey, R.W.; Keeley, J.E. (2016)."Conservation Issues: California chaparral"(PDF).Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences.Elsevier Publications, Inc.doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.09584-1.ISBN9780124095489.
  3. ^Venturas, Martin D.; MacKinnon, Evan D.; Dario, Hannah L.; Jacobsen, Anna L.; Pratt, R. Brandon; Davis, Stephen D. (2016-07-08)."Chaparral Shrub Hydraulic Traits, Size, and Life History Types Relate to Species Mortality during California's Historic Drought of 2014".PLOS One.11(7): e0159145.Bibcode:2016PLoSO..1159145V.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0159145.ISSN1932-6203.PMC4938587.PMID27391489.
  4. ^"Discovering Rainforest Locations".California Academy of Sciences.
  5. ^"The Biodiversity Hotspots_Conservation International".Archived fromthe originalon 2007-07-14.
  6. ^abA Natural History of California, Allan A. Schoenerr, Figure 8.9 – 8.10, Table 8.2
  7. ^abCounty of San Diego Department of Planning and Land Use Multiple Species Conservation Program,"Archived copy"(PDF).Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 2010-11-06.Retrieved2010-09-14.{{cite web}}:CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  8. ^abA Natural History of California,Allan A. Schoenherr, pp. 8–9, 357, 327,ISBN978-0-520-06922-0
  9. ^A Natural History of California,Allan A. Schoenherr, pp. 327, Figure 8.9,ISBN978-0-520-06922-0
  10. ^Jordan, Shane (April 2022)."Disjunct chaparral relicts in the New York Mountains of Mojave National Preserve: a preliminary survey".2022 Desert Symposium at Copper Mountain College.Retrieved2024-03-01.
  11. ^Knowling, Doug (2016).Ecological Restoration: Wildfire Ecology Reference Manual.Lulu.com.ISBN9781365453458.
  12. ^Fire, native peoples, and the natural landscape.Vale, Thomas R., 1943-. Washington, DC: Island Press. 2002.ISBN9781559638890.OCLC614708491.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: others (link)
  13. ^abParker, V. T. (2016). Mooney, H.; Zavaleta, E. (eds.). "Chaparral".Ecosystems of California.Oakland, CA:University of California Press:479–507.
  14. ^Kummerow, J.; Alexander, J.V.; Neel, J.W.; Fishbeck (1978)."Symbiotic Nitrogen fixation in ceanothus roots".Botany.65(1): 63–69.doi:10.1002/j.1537-2197.1978.tb10836.x.JSTOR2442555.
  15. ^Syphard, Alexandra D.; Radeloff, Volker C.; Keeley, Jon E.; Hawbaker, Todd J.; Clayton, Murray K.; Stewart, Susan I.; Hammer, Roger B. (2007-07-01). "Human Influence on California Fire Regimes".Ecological Applications.17(5): 1388–1402.Bibcode:2007EcoAp..17.1388S.doi:10.1890/06-1128.1.ISSN1939-5582.PMID17708216.
  16. ^Pratt, R. Brandon; Jacobsen, Anna L.; Ramirez, Aaron R.; Helms, Anjel M.; Traugh, Courtney A.; Tobin, Michael F.; Heffner, Marcus S.; Davis, Stephen D. (2014-03-01). "Mortality of resprouting chaparral shrubs after a fire and during a record drought: physiological mechanisms and demographic consequences".Global Change Biology.20(3): 893–907.Bibcode:2014GCBio..20..893P.doi:10.1111/gcb.12477.ISSN1365-2486.PMID24375846.S2CID19688559.
  17. ^Hanes, Ted L. (1971-02-01). "Succession after Fire in the Chaparral of Southern California".Ecological Monographs.41(1): 27–52.Bibcode:1971EcoM...41...27H.doi:10.2307/1942434.ISSN1557-7015.JSTOR1942434.
  18. ^abMinnich, Richard A. (1983-03-18)."Fire Mosaics in Southern California and Northern Baja California".Science.219(4590): 1287–1294.Bibcode:1983Sci...219.1287M.doi:10.1126/science.219.4590.1287.ISSN0036-8075.PMID17735593.S2CID46485059.
  19. ^Halsey, R.W. (2009)."Chaparral as a natural resource: changing the conversation about chaparral and fire"(PDF).Proceedings of the CNPS Conservation Conference:82–86.
  20. ^abKeeley, Jon E.; Pfaff, Anne H.; Safford, Hugh D. (2005-10-03)."Fire suppression impacts on postfire recovery of Sierra Nevada chaparral shrublands*".International Journal of Wildland Fire.14(3): 255–265.doi:10.1071/wf05049.ISSN1448-5516.
  21. ^Hubbard, R.F. (1986).Stand Age and Growth Dynamics in Chamise Chaparral.San Diego: Master’s thesis, San Diego State University.
  22. ^Larigauderie, A.; Hubbard, T.W.; Kummerow, J. (1990). "Growth dynamics of two chaparral shrub species with time after fire".Madroño.37(4): 225–236.JSTOR41424817.
  23. ^Keeley, Jon E. (1995). "Future of California Floristics and Systematics: Wildfire Threats to the California Flora".Madroño.42(2): 175–179.JSTOR41425064.
  24. ^Haidinger, Tori L.; Keeley, Jon E. (1993)."Role of high fire frequency in destruction of mixed chaparral"(PDF).Madroño.40:141–147.Archived(PDF)from the original on 2016-04-14.
  25. ^Zedler, P.H. (1995). Keeley, J.E.; Scott, T (eds.). "Fire frequency in southern California shrublands: biological effects and management options".Brushfires in California Wildlands: Ecology and Resource Management.Fairfield, WA: International Association of Wildland Fire: 101–112.
  26. ^abSwetnam, T.W.; Allen, C.D.; Betancourt, J.L. (1999)."Applied historical ecology: using the past to manage for the future".Ecological Applications.9(4): 1189–1206.doi:10.1890/1051-0761(1999)009[1189:AHEUTP]2.0.CO;2.
  27. ^Hanson, C.T; Sherriff, R.L; Hutto, R.L.; DellaSala, D.A.; Veblen, T.T.; Baker, W.L. (2015). DellaSala, D.A.; Hanson, C.T. (eds.).The Ecological Importance of Mixed-Severity Fires: Nature's Phoenix.Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. pp. 3–22.
  28. ^Moritz, Max A.; Keeley, Jon E.; Johnson, Edward A.; Schaffner, Andrew A. (2004-03-01). "Testing a basic assumption of shrubland fire management: how important is fuel age?".Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.2(2): 67–72.doi:10.1890/1540-9295(2004)002[0067:tabaos]2.0.co;2.ISSN1540-9309.
  29. ^Mensing, S.A.; Michaelsen, J.; Byrne, R. (1999)."A 560 year record of Santa Ana fires reconstructed from charcoal deposited in the Santa Barbara Basin, California"(PDF).Quaternary Research.51(3): 295–301.Bibcode:1999QuRes..51..295M.doi:10.1006/qres.1999.2035.S2CID55801393.
  30. ^The Serengeti Rules documentary: example Serengeti/gnu


  • Haidinger, T.L., and J.E. Keeley. 1993. Role of high fire frequency in destruction of mixed chaparral. Madrono 40: 141–147.
  • Halsey, R.W. 2008. Fire, Chaparral, and Survival in Southern California. Second Edition. Sunbelt Publications, San Diego, CA. 232 p.
  • Hanes, T. L. 1971. Succession after fire in the chaparral of southern California. Ecol. Monographs 41: 27–52.
  • Hubbard, R.F. 1986. Stand age and growth dynamics in chamise chaparral. Master's thesis, San Diego State University, San Diego, California.
  • Keeley, J. E., C. J. Fotheringham, and M. Morais. 1999. Reexamining fire suppression impacts on brushland fire regimes. Science 284:1829–1832.
  • Keeley, J.E. 1995. Future of California floristics and systematics: wildfire threats to the California flora. Madrono 42: 175–179.
  • Keeley, J.E., A.H. Pfaff, and H.D. Stafford. 2005. Fire suppression impacts on postfire recovery of Sierra Nevada chaparral shrublands. International Journal of Wildland Fire 14: 255–265.
  • Larigauderie, A., T.W. Hubbard, and J. Kummerow. 1990. Growth dynamics of two chaparral shrub species with time after fire. Madrono 37: 225–236.
  • Minnich, R. A. 1983. Fire mosaics in southern California and northern Baja California. Science 219:1287–1294.
  • Moritz, M.A., J.E. Keeley, E.A. Johnson, and A.A. Schaffner. 2004. Testing a basic assumption of shrubland fire management: How important is fuel age? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2:67–72.
  • Pratt, R. B., A. L. Jacobsen, A. R. Ramirez, A. M. Helms, C. A. Traugh, M. F. Tobin, M. S. Heffner, and S. D. Davis. 2013. Mortality of resprouting chaparral shrubs after a fire and during a record drought: physiological mechanisms and demographic consequences. Global Change Biology 20:893–907.
  • Syphard, A. D., V. C. Radeloff, J. E. Keeley, T. J. Hawbaker, M. K. Clayton, S. I. Stewart, and R. B. Hammer. 2007. Human influence on California fire regimes. Ecological Applications 17:1388–1402.
  • Vale, T. R. 2002. Fire, Native Peoples, and the Natural Landscape. Island Press, Washington, DC, USA.
  • Venturas, M. D., E. D. MacKinnon, H. L. Dario, A. L. Jacobsen, R. B. Pratt, and S. D. Davis. 2016. Chaparral shrub hydraulic traits, size, and life history types relate to species mortality during California's historic drought of 2014. PLoS ONE 11(7): p.e0159145.
  • Zedler, P.H. 1995. Fire frequency in southern California shrublands: biological effects and management options, pp. 101–112 in J.E. Keeley and T. Scott (eds.), Brushfires in California wildlands: ecology and resource management. International Association of Wildland Fire, Fairfield, Wash.
  • Campbell, Neil A.; Brad Williamson; Robin J. Heyden (2006).Biology: Exploring Life.Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Prentice Hall.ISBN0-13-250882-6.