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Clean-up crew

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Theclean-up crewis the term that has been used by many aquarists and vendors since the late 1980s to refer to various small animals commonly sold for use in keeping thereef aquariumclear of pest algae, detritus and parasites.[1]

Among the most popular have long beenblue-legged hermit crabs,scarlet hermit crabs,emerald crabsand varioussnails.Other commonly used animals includelimpets,sea hares,sea urchins,brittle stars,algae-eatingcombtooth blennies,neon gobies,reef lobsters,cleaner shrimp,mysid shrimp,copepods,ostracods,isopodsandamphipods.Evenpeppermint shrimpthat feed on pestAiptasiaanemones are often included. Sometimes it is used for the shallow sediment-dwelling animals that live in thedeep sand bedofmarine aquariumsorreef aquariumssuch assand sifting starfish,spaghetti worms,bristlewormsandflatworms.[2]

Clean-up crews have also more recently been used infreshwater aquariumsto control algae, detritus and pest snails. These often include various snails, shrimp, smallcrayfish,GammarusandHyalellaamphipods,Asellusisopods,Cyclopscopepods, ostracods,Planariaflatworms,California blackworms,sludge worms,LoricariidandCorydorascatfish,loaches,log suckersandsiamese algae-eaters.[3][4][5]

The term clean-up crew, along withcustodian,has also been used for various arthropods, primarily a few established lines of terrestrialwoodliceandspringtails,used interrariumclean up since the late 1990s.[6]The two most popular have long been the Spanish orangePorcelliosp. (often falsely labeledP. scaber) and a moderately large and prolific entomobryid known as the "giant" springtail. These small workers help to keep various small animal enclosures (for dart frogs, salamanders, centipedes, whipspiders, etc.) clear of decomposing food particles that otherwise can result in mold growth, mite infestations, or oxygen depletion from decomposition. Other terrarium clean-up crew inhabitants include variousmillipedes,soilmites,cockroaches,earthworms,whiteworms,bean weevils,crickets,darkling beetles,ladybirds,firebrats,sun beetlesandskin beetles.[7][8][9]


  1. ^Isopods in Captivity Terrarium Clean-up Crews, by McMoniglehttps://www.angelfire.com/oh3/elytraandantenna/
  2. ^How Sand Beds REALLY work,by Ronald L Shimek, PhD, in ReefKeeping online magazine
  3. ^"18 Best Algae Eaters for a Balanced Aquarium (Freshwater)".24 May 2018.
  4. ^"Custodians: Your freshwater aquarium 'clean-up' crew".9 March 2016.
  5. ^"Top 5 Invertebrates to Hire for Your Freshwater Cleanup Crew".19 January 2022.
  6. ^Isopods in Captivity Terrarium Clean-up Crews, by McMoniglehttps://www.angelfire.com/oh3/elytraandantenna/
  7. ^"The Top 5 Bioactive Clean up Crew | Reptile Centre".16 December 2015.
  8. ^"Bugs that Clean Your Terrarium for You".15 May 2012.
  9. ^"Instructions for Using Dermestid Beetle" Cleaner Crews "in Roach Colonies".8 January 2015.

See also
