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Clown bicycle

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A clown on atall bike

Aclown bicycleorclown bikeis abicycledesigned for comedic visual effect or stunt riding, typically bycircus clowns.It is sometimes called acircus bike.

Types of clown bike

  • BMX bicycle
  • Bucking bike(with one or moreeccentricwheels);
  • Come-apart bike,(essentially aunicycle,plus a set of handlebars attached toforksand a wheel).
  • Small wheel bicycle
  • Tall bike(often called anupside down bike,constructed so that the pedals, seat and handlebars are all higher than normal)
  • Tiny bicycle

Some clown bikes are alsofixed gear,with nofreewheeling,so that they may be pedaled either forward or backwards. Some are built very small but are otherwise relatively normal. Pedaling an extremely small bicycle is very difficult and usually much slower than walking, so there is little practical advantage to having a bicycle that will fit in one's purse or pocket.

See also



  • The Clown House,a house in northeast Portland, Oregon, that is home to many clown bikes.