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Cocoa bean

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Forms of the cocoa bean during production
Pods at various stages of ripening
Beans in pulp in freshly cut pod
Beans: In pulp, in skin, and naked
Roasted nibs (pieces of kernels) are generally powdered and melted intochocolate liquor,but also inserted into chocolate bars to give additional "crunch".

Thecocoa bean,also known simply ascocoa(/ˈk.k/) orcacao(/kəˈk/),[1]is the dried and fullyfermentedseedofTheobroma cacao,the cacao tree, from whichcocoa solids(a mixture of nonfat substances) andcocoa butter(the fat) can be extracted. Cacao trees are native to theAmazon rainforest.They are the basis ofchocolateandMesoamericanfoods includingtejate,an indigenousMexicandrink.

The cacao tree was first domesticated at least 5,300 years ago by theMayo-Chinchipeculture in South America, before it was introduced in Mesoamerica.[2]Cacao was consumed by pre-Hispanic cultures in spiritual ceremonies and its beans were a common currency in Mesoamerica. The cacao tree grows in a limited geographical zone; today,West Africaproduces nearly 81% of the world's crop. The three main varieties of cocoa plant areForastero,Criollo, and Trinitario; Forastero is the most widely used.

In 2020, global cocoa bean production reached 5.8 million tonnes, withIvory Coastleading at 38% of the total, followed byGhanaandIndonesia.Cocoa beans, cocoa butter, and cocoa powder are traded on futures markets, with London focusing on West African cocoa and New York on Southeast Asian cocoa. Various international and national initiatives aim to support sustainable cocoa production, including the Swiss Platform for Sustainable Cocoa (SWISSCO), the German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa (GISCO), and Belgium's Beyond Chocolate. At least 29% of global cocoa production was compliant with voluntary sustainability standards in 2016. Deforestation due to cocoa production remains a concern, especially in West Africa. Sustainable agricultural practices, such asagroforestry,can support cocoa production while conserving biodiversity. Cocoa contributes significantly to economies such asNigeria's, and demand for cocoa products continues to grow steadily at over 3% annually since 2008.

To produce 1 kilogram (2.2 lb) of chocolate, around 300 to 600 cocoa beans are processed. The beans are roasted, cracked, and deshelled, resulting in pieces called nibs (thecotyledons,of which beans generally contain two[3]), which are ground into a thick paste known aschocolate liquoror cocoa paste. The liquor is processed into chocolate by adding cocoa butter, sugar, and sometimesvanillaandlecithin.Alternatively, cocoa powder and cocoa butter can be separated using a hydraulic press or theBroma process.Treating cocoa with analkaliproducesDutch process cocoa,which has a different flavor profile than untreated cocoa. Roasting can also be done on the whole bean or nib, affecting the final flavor. Cocoa containsphytochemicalslikeflavanols,procyanidins,and otherflavonoids,and flavanol-rich chocolate and cocoa products may have a small blood pressure lowering effect. The beans also containtheobromineand a small amount ofcaffeine.The tree takes five years to grow and has a typical lifespan of 100 years.



Cocoa is a variant of cacao, likely due to confusion with the wordcoco.[4]It is ultimately derived fromkakaw(a),but whether that word originates inNahuatlor aMixe-Zoqueanlanguage is the subject of substantial linguistic debate.[4][5]

The termcocoa beansoriginated in the 19th century; during the 18th century they were calledchocolate nuts,cocoa nutsor justcocoa.[6]


Aztec sculpture with pod
Roasted cocoa beans

The cacao tree is native to the Amazon rainforest. It was first domesticated at least 5,300 years ago, in equatorial South America from theSanta Ana-La Florida(SALF) site in what is present-day southeastEcuador(Zamora-Chinchipe Province) by theMayo-Chinchipeculture, before being introduced in Mesoamerica.[2][7]

More than 4,000 years ago, it was consumed by pre-Hispanic cultures along the Yucatán, including the Maya, and as far back asOlmeca civilizationin spiritual ceremonies. It also grows in the foothills of theAndesin theAmazonandOrinocobasins ofSouth America,inColombiaandVenezuela.Wild cacao still grows there. Its range may have been larger in the past; evidence of its wild range may be obscured by cultivation of the tree in these areas since long before the Spanish arrived.[citation needed]

As of 2018, evidence suggests that cacao was first domesticated in equatorial South America,[8]before being domesticated in Central America roughly 1,500 years later.[7]Artifacts found at Santa-Ana-La Florida, in Ecuador, indicate that theMayo-Chinchipepeople were cultivating cacao as long as 5,300 years ago.[7]Chemical analysis of residue extracted from pottery excavated at an archaeological site at Puerto Escondido, inHonduras,indicates that cocoa products were first consumed there sometime between 1500 and 1400 BC. Evidence also indicates that, long before the flavor of the cacao seed (or bean) became popular, the sweet pulp of the chocolate fruit, used in making a fermented (5.34% alcohol) beverage, first drew attention to the plant in the Americas.[9]The cocoa bean was a common currency throughout Mesoamerica before the Spanish conquest.[10]: 2 

Cacao trees grow in a limited geographical zone, of about 20° to the north and south of the Equator. Nearly 70% of the world crop today is grown in West Africa. The cacao plant was first given its botanical name by Swedish natural scientistCarl Linnaeusin his original classification of the plant kingdom, where he called itTheobroma( "food of the gods" )cacao.

Cocoa was an important commodity inpre-ColumbianMesoamerica.[11]A Spanish soldier who was onHernan Cortés' side during theconquest of the Aztec Empiretells that whenMoctezuma II,emperor of theAztecs,dined, he took no other beverage thanchocolate,served in agoldengoblet. Flavored withvanillaor otherspices,his chocolate was whipped into a froth that dissolved in the mouth. No fewer than 60 portions each day reportedly may have been consumed by Moctezuma II, and 2,000 more by thenoblesof his court.[12]

Chocolate was introduced to Europe by the Spaniards, and became a popular beverage by the mid-17th century.[13]Spaniards also introduced the cacao tree into theWest Indiesand the Philippines.[14]It was also introduced into the rest of Asia, South Asia and into West Africa by Europeans. In theGold Coast,modernGhana,cacao was introduced by a Ghanaian,Tetteh Quarshie.


The three traditional varieties: Forastero, Trinitario, and Criollo

Cocoa beans are traditionally classified into three mainvarieties:Forastero, Criollo and Trinitario. Use of these terms has changed across different contexts and times, and recent genetic research has found that the categories of Forastero and Triniario are better understood as geohistorical inventions rather than as having a botanical basis. They are still used frequently in marketing material.[15]



Criollo has traditionally been the most prized variety. Believed to have been native to South America, by the time of the Spanish conquest they were grown in Mesoamerica.[16]



After European colonization, disease and population decrease led to the Spanish and Portuguese using different cacao varieties from South America. Different from the Criollo beans, these new beans were named Forastero, which can be translated asstrangeorforeign.They are generally of the Amelonado type and are associated with West Africa.[16]



Any hybrid between Criollo and Forastero.[16]



TheNacionalis a rare variety of cocoa bean found in areas of South America such as Ecuador and Peru.[17][18]Some experts in the 21st century had formerly considered the Nacional bean to beextinctafter an abrupt end in 1916, when an outbreak ofwitch's broomdisease devastated the Nacional variety throughout these countries.[18]Puregenotypesof the bean are rare because most Nacional varieties have beeninterbredwith other cocoa bean varieties.[19]



A cocoa pod (fruit) is about 17 to 20 cm (6.7 to 7.9 in) long and has a rough, leathery rind about 2 to 3 cm (0.79 to 1.18 in) thick (varying with the origin and variety of pod) filled with sweet,mucilaginouspulp (calledbaba de cacaoin South America) with a lemonade-like taste enclosing 30 to 50 large seeds that are fairly soft and a pale lavender to dark brownish purple color.[citation needed]

During harvest, the pods are opened, the seeds are kept, and the empty pods are discarded and the pulp made into juice. The seeds are placed where they can ferment. Due to heat buildup in the fermentation process, cacao beans lose most of the purplish hue and become mostly brown in color, with an adhered skin which includes the dried remains of the fruity pulp. This skin is released easily bywinnowingafter roasting. White seeds are found in some rare varieties, usually mixed with purples, and are considered of higher value.[20][21]


Harvesting in Cameroon

Cacao trees grow in hot, rainy tropical areas within 20° oflatitudefrom theEquator.Cocoa harvest is not restricted to one period per year and a harvest typically occurs over several months. In fact, in many countries, cocoa can be harvested at any time of the year.[10]Pesticidesare often applied to the trees to combatcapsid bugs,andfungicidesto fightblack pod disease.[22]

Immature cocoa pods have a variety of colours, but most often are green, red, or purple, and as they mature, their colour tends towards yellow or orange, particularly in the creases.[10][23]Unlike most fruiting trees, the cacao pod grows directly from the trunk or large branch of a tree rather than from the end of a branch, similar tojackfruit.This makes harvesting by hand easier as most of the pods will not be up in the higher branches. The pods on a tree do not ripen together; harvesting needs to be done periodically through the year.[10]Harvesting occurs between three and four times weekly during the harvest season.[10]The ripe and near-ripe pods, as judged by their colour, are harvested from the trunk and branches of the cacao tree with a curvedknifeon a long pole. Care must be used when cutting the stem of the pod to avoid damaging the junction of the stem with the tree, as this is where future flowers and pods will emerge.[10][24]One person can harvest an estimated 650 pods per day.[22][25]

Harvest processing

Beans drying in the sun
Beans drying

The harvested pods are opened, typically with amachete,to expose the beans.[10][22]The pulp and cocoa seeds are removed and therindis discarded. The pulp and seeds are then piled in heaps, placed in bins, or laid out on grates for several days. During this time, the seeds and pulp undergo "sweating", where the thick pulp liquefies as it ferments. The fermented pulp trickles away, leaving cocoa seeds behind to be collected. Sweating is important for the quality of the beans,[26]which originally have a strong, bitter taste. If sweating is interrupted, the resulting cocoa may be ruined; if underdone, the cocoa seed maintains a flavor similar to rawpotatoesand becomes susceptible tomildew.Some cocoa-producing countries distillalcoholic spiritsusing the liquefied pulp.[27]

A typical pod contains 30 to 40 beans and about 400 dried beans are required to make 1 pound (450 g) of chocolate. Cocoa pods weigh an average of 400 g (14 oz) and each one yields 35 to 40 g (1.2 to 1.4 oz) dried beans; this yield is 9–10% of the total weight in the pod.[22]One person can separate the beans from about 2000 pods per day.[22][25]

Closeup of drying beans

The wet beans are then transported to a facility so they can be fermented and dried.[22][25]The farmer removes the beans from the pods, packs them into boxes or heap them into piles, then covers them with mats or banana leaves for three to seven days.[28]Finally, the beans are trodden and shuffled about (often using bare human feet) and sometimes, during this process, redclaymixed withwateris sprinkled over the beans to obtain a finer color, polish, and protection against molds during shipment to factories in other countries. Drying in the sun is preferable to drying by artificial means, as no extraneous flavors such as smoke or oil are introduced which might otherwise taint the flavor.[citation needed]

The beans should be dry for shipment, which is usually by sea. Traditionally exported injutebags, over the last decade, beans are increasingly shipped in "mega-bulk" parcels of several thousand tonnes at a time on ships, or standardized to 62.5 kilograms (138 lb) per bag and 200 (12.5 metric tons (12.3 long tons; 13.8 short tons)) or 240 (15 metric tons (15 long tons; 17 short tons)) bags per 20 feet (6.1 m) container. Shipping in bulk significantly reduces handling costs. Shipment in bags, either in a ship's hold or in containers, is still common.[citation needed]

ThroughoutMesoamericawhere they are native, cocoa beans are used for a variety of foods. The harvested and fermented beans may be ground to order attiendas de chocolate,or chocolate mills. At these mills, the cocoa can be mixed with a variety of ingredients such ascinnamon,chili peppers,almonds,vanilla,and other spices to createdrinking chocolate.[29]The ground cocoa is also an important ingredient intejate.[citation needed]

Child slavery

Boy collecting beans after drying
Collecting beans after drying

The first allegations thatchild slaveryis used in cocoa production appeared in 1998.[30]In late 2000, aBBCdocumentary reported the use of enslaved children in the production of cocoa in West Africa.[30][31][32]Other media followed by reporting widespread childslaveryandchild traffickingin the production of cocoa.[33][34]

The cocoa industry was accused of profiting from child slavery and trafficking.[35]TheHarkin–Engel Protocolis an effort to end these practices.[36]In 2001, it was signed and witnessed by the heads of eight major chocolate companies, US senatorsTom HarkinandHerb Kohl,US RepresentativeEliot Engel,the ambassador of the Ivory Coast, the director of the International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labor, and others.[36]It has, however, been criticized by some groups including theInternational Labor Rights Forumas an industry initiative which falls short, as the goal to eliminate the "worst forms of child labor" from cocoa production by 2005 was not reached.[37][38][39][40]The deadline was extended multiple times and the goal changed to a 70% child labor reduction.[41][42]

Child labour was growing in some West African countries in 2008–09 when it was estimated that 819,921 children worked on cocoa farms in Ivory Coast alone; by 2013–14, the number went up to 1,303,009. During the same period in Ghana, the estimated number of children working on cocoa farms was 957,398 children.[43]

The 2010 documentaryThe Dark Side of Chocolaterevealed that children smuggled from Mali to the Ivory Coast were forced to earn income for their parents, while others were sold as slaves for €230.[citation needed]

In 2010, theUS Department of Laborformed the Child Labor Cocoa Coordinating Group as a public-private partnership with the governments of Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire to address child labor practices in the cocoa industry.[44]

As of 2017, approximately 2.1 million children in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire were involved in harvesting cocoa, carrying heavy loads, clearing forests, and being exposed to pesticides.[45]According to Sona Ebai, the former secretary general of the Alliance of Cocoa Producing Countries: "I think child labor cannot be just the responsibility of industry to solve. I think it's the proverbial all-hands-on-deck: government, civil society, the private sector. And there, you really need leadership."[46]As Reported in 2018, a 3-yearpilot program,conducted byNestléwith 26,000 farmers mostly located in Côte d'Ivoire, observed a 51% decrease in the number of children doing hazardous jobs in cocoa farming.[47]



In 2021, several companies were named in a class action lawsuit filed by eight former children fromMaliwho alleged that the companies aided and abetted their enslavement oncocoa plantations in Ivory Coast.The suit accusedBarry Callebaut,Cargill,The Hershey Company,Mars,Mondelez,Nestlé,andOlam International,of knowingly engaging inforced labour,and the plaintiffs sought damages forunjust enrichment,negligent supervision,andintentional infliction of emotional distress.[48]


Cocoa bean production, 2020[49]
Country Weight (tonnes)
Ivory Coast 2,200,000
Ghana 800,000
Indonesia 739,483
Nigeria 340,163
Ecuador 327,903
Cameroon 290,000
Brazil 269,731
World 5,756,953

In 2020, world production of cocoa beans was 5.8 milliontonnes,led byIvory Coastwith 38% of the total. Secondary producers wereGhanaandIndonesia(each with about 14%).[49]

Cocoa trading


Cocoa beans are traditionally shipped and stored inburlap sacks,in which the beans are susceptible to pest attacks.[50]Fumigationwithmethyl bromidewas to be phased out globally by 2015. Additional cocoa protection techniques for shipping and storage include the application ofpyrenoids[citation needed],as well ashermetic storagein sealed bags or containers with lowered oxygen concentrations.[51]Safe long-term storage facilitates the trading of cocoa products at commodity exchanges.

Cocoa beans, cocoa butter and cocoa powder are traded on futures markets. The London market is based on West African cocoa and New York on cocoa predominantly from Southeast Asia. Cocoa is the world's smallestsoft commoditymarket. The futures price of cocoa butter and cocoa powder is determined by multiplying the bean price by a ratio. The combined butter and powder ratio has tended to be around 3.5. If the combined ratio falls below 3.2 or so, production ceases to be economically viable and some factories cease extraction of butter and powder and trade exclusively incocoa liquor.[citation needed]

Cocoa futures traded on the ICE Futures US Softs exchange, are valued at 10 Tonnes per contract with a tick size of 1 and tick value of US$10.[52]

Contract Specification[52]
Cocoa (CCA)
Exchange: NYI
Sector: Soft
Tick Size: 1
Tick Value: 10 USD
BPV: 10
Denomination: USD
Decimal Place: 0



Multiple international and national initiatives collaborate to supportsustainablecocoa production. These include the Swiss Platform for Sustainable Cocoa (SWISSCO), the German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa (GISCO), and Beyond Chocolate, Belgium. A memorandum between these three initiatives was signed in 2020 to measure and address issues including child labor, living income,deforestationand supply chain transparency.[53]Similar partnerships between cocoa producing and consuming countries are being developed, such as the cooperation between theInternational Cocoa Organization(ICCO) and theGhanaian Cocoa Authority,who aim to increase the proportion of sustainable cocoa being imported from Ghana to Switzerland to 80% by 2025.[54]The ICCO is engaged in projects around the world to support sustainable cocoa production and provide current information on the world cocoa market.[55]Cocoa is one of seven commodities included in theEU Regulation on Deforestation-free products(EUDR), which aims to guarantee that the productsEuropean Union(EU) citizens consume do not contribute to deforestation orforest degradationworldwide.[56]

Voluntary sustainability standards


There are numerous voluntary certifications includingFairtradeandUTZ(now part ofRainforest Alliance) for cocoa which aim to differentiate between conventional cocoa production and that which is more sustainable in terms of social, economic and environmental concerns. As of 2016, at least 29% of global cocoa production was compliant with voluntary sustainability standards.[57]However, among the different certifications there are significant differences in their goals and approaches, and a lack of data to show and compare the results on the farm level. While certifications can lead to increased farm income, the premium price paid for certified cocoa by consumers is not always reflected proportionally in the income for farmers. In 2012 the ICCO found that farm size mattered significantly when determining the benefits of certifications, and that farms an area less than 1ha were less likely to benefit from such programs, while those with slightly larger farms as well as access to member co-ops and the ability to improve productivity were most likely to benefit from certification.[58]Certification often requires high up-front costs, which are a barrier to small farmers, and particularly, female farmers. The primary benefits to certification include improving conservation practices and reducing the use of agrochemicals, business support through cooperatives and resource sharing, and a higher price for cocoa beans which can improve the standard of living for farmers.[59]

Fair trade cocoaproducer groups are established in Belize, Bolivia, Cameroon, the Congo,[60]Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic,[61]Ecuador, Ghana, Haiti, India, Ivory Coast, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Sierra Leone, and São Tomé and Príncipe.

In 2018, the Beyond Chocolate partnership was created between multiple stakeholders in the global cocoa industry to decrease deforestation and provide a living income for cocoa farmers. The many international companies are currently participating in this agreement and the following voluntary certification programs are also partners in the Beyond Chocolate initiative: Rainforest Alliance,Fairtrade,ISEAL, BioForum Vlaanderen.[62]

Many major chocolate production companies around the world have started to prioritize buying fair trade cocoa by investing in fair trade cocoa production, improving fair trade cocoa supply chains and setting purchasing goals to increase the proportion of fair trade chocolate available in the global market.[63][64][65][66][67]

The Rainforest Alliance lists the following goals as part of their certification program:[citation needed]

The UTZ Certified-program (now part of Rainforest Alliance) included counteracting against child labor and exploitation of cocoa workers, requiring a code of conduct in relation to social and environmentally friendly factors, and improvement of farming methods to increase profits and salaries of farmers and distributors.[68]

Environmental impact


The relative poverty of many cocoa farmers means that environmental consequences such as deforestation are given little significance. For decades, cocoa farmers have encroached on virgin forest, mostly after the felling of trees by logging companies. This trend has decreased as many governments and communities are beginning to protect their remaining forested zones.[69]However, deforestation due to cocoa production is still a major concern in parts of West Africa. In Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana, barriers to land ownership have led migrant workers and farmers without financial resources to buy land to illegally expand their cocoa farming in protected forests. Many cocoa farmers in this region continue to prioritize expansion of their cocoa production, which often leads to deforestation.[70]

Sustainable agricultural practices such as utilizingcover cropsto prepare the soil before planting andintercroppingcocoa seedlings withcompanion plantscan support cocoa production and benefit the farm ecosystem. Prior to planting cocoa,leguminous cover cropscan improve the soil nutrients and structure, which are important in areas where cocoa is produced due to high heat and rainfall which can diminishsoil quality.Plantainsare often intercropped with cocoa to provide shade to young seedlings and improve drought resilience of the soil. If the soil lacks essential nutrients,compostor animal manure can improve soil fertility and help with water retention.[71]

The use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides by cocoa farmers is limited. When cocoa bean prices are high, farmers may invest in their crops, leading to higher yields which, in turn tends to result in lower market prices and a renewed period of lower investment.[citation needed]

While governments andNGOshave made efforts to help cocoa farmers in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire sustainably improve crop yields, many of the educational and financial resources provided are more readily available to male farmers versus female farmers. Access to credit is important for cocoa farmers, as it allows them to implement sustainable practices, such as agroforestry, and provide a financial buffer in case disasters like pest or weather patterns decrease crop yield.[70]

Cocoa production is likely to be affected in various ways by the expectedeffects of global warming.Specific concerns have been raised concerning its future as acash cropin West Africa, the current centre of global cocoa production. If temperatures continue to rise, West Africa could simply become unfit to grow the beans.[72][73]TheInternational Center for Tropical Agriculturewarned in a paper published in 2013 that Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire, the world's two top cocoa growers, will experience a decline in suitable areas for cocoa production as global temperatures rise by up to 2 °C by 2050.[74]

Climate change, coupled with pests, poorsoil health,and the demand for sustainable cocoa, has led to a rapid decline in cocoa productivity, resulting in reduced income for smallholder cocoa farmers.[75]Severe droughts have led tosoil fertilitydecline, causing a decrease in yields, and resulting in some farmers abandoning cocoa production.[76][77]

Cocoa beans also have a potential to be used as a bedding material in farms for cows. Using cocoa bean husks in bedding material for cows may contribute toudderhealth (less bacterial growth) andammonialevels (lower ammonia levels on bedding).[78]



Cocoa beans may be cultivated undershade,as done inagroforestry.Agroforestry can reduce the pressure on existing protected forests for resources, such as firewood, and conservebiodiversity.[79]Integrating shade trees with cocoa plants reduces risk of soil erosion and evaporation, and protects young cocoa plants from extreme heat.[71]Agroforests act as buffers to formally protected forests and biodiversity island refuges in an open, human-dominated landscape. Research of theirshade-grown coffeecounterparts has shown that greater canopy cover in plots is significantly associated with greater mammalspecies diversity.[80]The amount of diversity in tree species is fairly comparable between shade-grown cocoa plots andprimary forests.[81]

Economic effects


Cocoa contributes significantly toNigerianeconomic activity, comprising the largest part of the country'sforeign exchange,and providing income for farmers.[82]Farmers can grow a variety of fruit-bearing shade trees to supplement their income to help cope with the volatile cocoa prices.[83]Although cocoa has been adapted to grow under a dense rainforest canopy, agroforestry does not significantly further enhance cocoa productivity.[84]However, while growing cocoa in full sun without incorporating shade plants can temporarily increase cocoa yields, it will eventually decrease the quality of the soil due to nutrient loss,desertificationand erosion, leading to unsustainable yields and dependency on inorganic fertilizers. Agroforestry practices stabilize and improve soil quality, which can sustain cocoa production in the long term.[70]

Over time, cocoa agroforestry systems become more similar to forest, although they never fully recover the original forest community within the life cycle of a productive cocoa plantation (approximately 25 years).[85]Thus, although cocoa agroforests cannot replace natural forests, they are a valuable tool for conserving and protecting biodiversity while maintaining high levels of productivity in agricultural landscapes.[85]

In West Africa, where about 70% of global cocoa supply originates from smallholder farmers, recent public–private initiatives such as the Cocoa Forest Initiatives in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire (World Cocoa Foundation, 2017) and the Green Cocoa Landscape Programme in Cameroon (IDH, 2019) aim to support the sustainable intensification andclimate resilienceof cocoa production, the prevention of further deforestation and the restoration of degraded forests.[85]They often align with nationalREDD+policies and plans.[85]



People around the world consume cocoa in many different forms, consuming more than 3 million tons of cocoa beans yearly. Once the cocoa beans have been harvested, fermented, dried and transported they are processed in several components. Processor grindings serve as the main metric formarket analysis.Processing is the last phase in which consumption of the cocoa bean can be equitably compared to supply. After this step all the different components are sold across industries to many manufacturers of different types of products.[citation needed]

Global market share for processing has remained stable, even as grindings increase to meet demand. One of the largest processing countries by volume is the Netherlands, handling around 13% of global grindings. Europe and Russia as a whole handle about 38% of the processing market. Average year after year demand growth has been just over 3% since 2008. While Europe and North America are relatively stable markets, increasing household income in developing countries is the main reason of the stable demand growth. As demand is awaited to keep growing, supply growth may slow down due to changing weather conditions in the largest cocoa production areas.[86]

Chocolate production


To make 1 kilogram (2.2 lb) of chocolate, about 300 to 600 beans are processed, depending on the desired cocoa content. In a factory, the beans areroasted.Next, they are cracked and then deshelled by a "winnower".The resulting pieces of beans are called nibs. They are sometimes sold in small packages at specialty stores and markets to be used in cooking, snacking, and chocolate dishes. Since nibs are directly from the cacao tree, they contain high amounts oftheobromine.Most nibs are ground, using various methods, into a thick, creamy paste, known as chocolate liquor or cocoa paste. This "liquor" is then further processed into chocolate by mixing in (more) cocoa butter and sugar (and sometimes vanilla andlecithinas an emulsifier), and then refined,conchedand tempered. Alternatively, it can be separated into cocoa powder and cocoa butter using ahydraulic pressor theBroma process.This process produces around 50% cocoa butter and 50% cocoa powder.[citation needed]

Cocoa powder may have a fat content of about 12%,[87]but this varies significantly.[88]Cocoa butter is used inchocolate barmanufacture, otherconfectionery,soaps,and cosmetics.[citation needed]

Treating with analkaliproducesDutch process cocoa,which is less acidic, darker, and more mellow in flavor than untreated cocoa. Regular (non-alkalized) cocoa is acidic, so when cocoa is treated with an alkaline ingredient, generally potassium carbonate, the pH increases.[89][better source needed]This can be done at various stages during manufacturing, including during nib treatment, liquor treatment, orpress caketreatment.[citation needed]

Another process that helps develop the flavor is roasting, which can be done on the whole bean before shelling or on the nib after shelling. The time and temperature of the roast affect the result: A "low roast" produces a more acid, aromatic flavor, while a high roast gives a more intense, bitter flavor lacking complex flavor notes.[90]

Phytochemicals and research

Structure oftheobromine(IUPACname: 3,7-dimethyl-1H-purine-2,6-dione)

Cocoa contains variousphytochemicals,such asflavanols(includingepicatechin),procyanidins,and otherflavonoids.A systematic review presented moderate evidence that the use of flavanol-rich chocolate and cocoa products causes a small (2 mmHg) blood pressure lowering effect in healthy adults—mostly in the short term.[91]The highest levels of cocoa flavanols are found in raw cocoa and to a lesser extent, dark chocolate, since flavonoids degrade during cooking used to make chocolate.[92]

The beans containtheobromine,and between 0.1% and 0.7% caffeine, whereas dry coffee beans are about 1.2% caffeine.[93]Theobrominefound in thecocoa solidsis fat soluble.[94]

See also



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This article incorporates text from afree contentwork. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO (license statement/permission). Text taken fromThe State of the World's Forests 2020. Forests, biodiversity and people – In brief​,FAO & UNEP, FAO & UNEP.