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Codex Wallerstein

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The first page shows a fencer with various arms.
Illustration of ahalf-swordthrust against amordhauinarmouredlongswordcombat. (Plate 214)

The so-calledCodex WallersteinorVonn Baumanns Fechtbuch(Oettingen-Wallerstein Cod. I.6.4o.2,Augsburg University library[1]) is a 16th-century convolution of three 15th-centuryfechtbuchmanuscripts, with a total of 221 pages.

The inside of the cover is inscribed1549. Vom baumanns 108,suggesting that the manuscript belonged to one Michael Baumann, listed as amercenaryby profession in the tax registers of Augsburg between 1471 and 1495.[2]The manuscript came in the possession ofPaulus Hector Mairin 1556.[3]After Mair's execution in 1579, the manuscript may have passed to the library of Marcus Fugger, whose library was sold by his grandson in 1653, passing into theOettingen-Wallerstein library.



Part A treats fighting with thelongsword,daggerandmesser.Part B is inserted in two parts, interrupting the first part, treatinggrappling.Parts A and B were made in c. 1470; the paper is dated to 1464/5 based on its watermark.[4]Part A is considered a source for the fechtbuch ofAlbrecht Dürerof 1512.

Part C is somewhat older, made in the first half of the 15th century. The paper is dated to 1420 based on its watermark.[5]It treats longsword,armoredcombat, stechschild and grappling.

The final page, fol. 109r, has a register, written in the hand ofPaulus Hector Mair(foll. 109v and 110 are empty).

Part A

  • 3r-14v, 21r, 21v longsword techniques
  • 22r-28v dagger
  • 29r-32v messer

Part B

  • 15r-20v, 33r-74rgrappling
  • 74v drawing of an armed robbery (with instructions for the robber to draw blood from the victim's neck for intimidation)

[fol. 75 empty]

Part C

  • 1r, a drawing of a fencer with various arms, still used as a title page in the convoluted ms. and inscribed with Paulus Hector's name.
  • 1v-2r, a double page illustration showing a fighting arena with spectators
  • 76r-80v, 101r-102v longsword
  • 81r-91v, [fol. 92 empty] 93r-95v, 103r-108r armoured combat
  • 96r-96v, 98v judicial combat, Swabian law (with swords)
  • 97r-98r judicial combat, Franconian law (with clubs)
  • 98v-100v grappling (fol. 98v combines a grappling image with a judicial combat one)
  • 108v, image of a wedding ceremony.[6]

See also



  1. ^The conventional name ofCodex Wallersteinwas given to the ms. in the context ofHEMA revivalc. 2000; Perhaps first mentioned online in early 2000 atthehaca.comas "the rare Codex Wallerstein" (without signature), and in December 2000 as "Universitätsbibliothek Augsburg: Cod. I.6.4° 2 A relatively unknown manuscript also known as the Codex Wallerstein" ataemma.org,the nameCodex Wallersteinbeing adopted by Grzegorz Zabinski inSeveral Remarks on the Bloßfechen Section of Codex Wallerstein,Journal of Western Martial Art, April 2001. There is, however, a group of seven "Wallerstein" fechtbücher (combat treatises), besides Cod. I.6.4º.2 all dating to the 16th century: Cod. I.6.2º.1: a 16th-century copy of a ms. byHans Talhoffer;Cod. I.6.2º.2: a convolution containing: Jörg Wilhalm: Bloßfechten mit dem langen Schwert, 1523 (2r-41r); Johannes Liechtenauer: Kunst des langen Schwerts, 1523 (42r-49r); Lienhart Sollinger: Ergründung ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterei, 1564 (50r-72r). Cod. I.6.2º.3: a ms. byJörg Wilhalm,dated 1522; Cod. I.6.2º.4: mid-16th century; Cod. I.6.2º.5 a convolution of two mss.: Augsburger Fechtordnung (1r-5v) - Ordnung und Chronik der Fechtbruderschaft Unserer Lieben Frau und Sankt Markus zu Frankfurt 1491 - 1566 (7r-20r) - Johannes Liechtenauer, Kunst des langen Schwerts (21r-42v) - Maerteen van Heemskerk, Fechter- und Ringerpaare (Stahlstiche, 43v-49r). Cod. I.6.4.5: dated 1522. SeeFechtbücher aus der Bibliothek Oettingen-Wallerstein (media.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de).
  2. ^ Hils (1991), p. 27, fn. 63
  3. ^Mair inscribed the first page, noting the day of acquisition,vber khumben jm 1556 Jar am 26. Januarj Paulus hector Mair zu geherig
  4. ^Leng (2008) "Wasserzeichen Traube, Piccard 14.763 (Schwäbisch Hall 1464, 1465)"
  5. ^Leng (2008) "" Wasserzeichen Shwert, PICCARD 9.2, VII.314-315 (Nürnberg 1419,20) "
  6. ^four figures in festive clothing; the bridegroom is sayingich nim dich,the brideia ia liber löffel ia,with two witnesses pictured below.
  • Hans Peter Hils: Fecht- und Ringbuch - vermischtes Kampfbuch. Munich 1991
  • Rainer Leng,Fecht- und Ringbücherfascicle. 1/2 of vol. 4/2 ofKatalog der deutschsprachigen illustrierten Handschriften des Mittelalters,eds. Hella Frühmorgen-Voss, Norbert H. Ott, Ulrike Bodemann, Christine Stöllinger-Löser, Munich, 2008, pp. 110-113 (Nr. 38.9.1).[1]
  • Rainer Welle,…vnd mit der rechten faust ein mordstuck - Baumanns Fecht- und Ringkampfhandschrift.Herbert Utz Verlag, 2014.ISBN978-3831643776.
  • G. Zabinski, 'Several Remarks on the Bloßfechen Section of Codex Wallerstein',Journal of Western Martial Art,April 2001.[2]
  • G. Zabinski, with B. Walczak,Codex Wallerstein, A Medieval Fighting Book from the Fifteenth Century on the Longsword, Falchion, Dagger, and Wrestling,Paladin Press, (2002),ISBN1-58160-339-8.