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Scientific classification

Conjugation of twoColeps sp.
Two similar-looking but sexually distinct partners connected at their front ends exchange genetic material via a plasma bridge.

Colepsis agenusofciliatesin the classProstomateawith barrel-shaped bodies surrounded by regularly arranged plates composed of calcium carbonate.[2]



Species ofColepscan grow up to 250 μm in length, but are usually under 100 μm in their longest axis.[2]Colepscan betaxonomicallydistinguished by the ornamentation of theectoplasmicplates which make up theirtest.[2]These plates are located outsidealveolarvesicles of thecell cortex,and contain both organic and inorganic components, the latter of which is mostly amorphouscalcium carbonate.[3]

Predatory behavior


Colepsfeeds onbacteria,algae,flagellates,living and dead ciliates, animal and plant tissues.[4]Colepsusestoxicysts,which are organelles containing poison that it uses to capture its prey from its oral area. It extrudes tube-like structures to force toxicysts into its prey and wait until its prey becomes paralyzed. These toxicysts, however, takes about 5–10 minutes to be effective on the prey of theColepsand it separates itself from the prey during this time.[4]If there are numerousColepshunting for the same prey, someColepswill cling to its prey until the toxicysts become effective and fragment the prey, consuming only a few parts.[4]


  1. ^InAllgemeine Encyclopädie (Ersch-Gruber), 1827
  2. ^abcCarey, Philip G. (1992).Marine Interstitial Ciliates: An Illustrated Key.London; New York: Chapman Hall. pp. 44–47.ISBN0-412-40610-1.
  3. ^Lemloh, Marie-Louise; Marin, Frédéric; Herbst, Frédéric; Plasseraud, Laurent; Schweikert, Michael; Baier, Johannes; Bill, Joachim; Brümmer, Franz (2013)."Genesis of amorphous calcium carbonate containing alveolar plates in the ciliate Coleps hirtus (Ciliophora, Prostomatea)".Journal of Structural Biology.181(2): 155–161.doi:10.1016/j.jsb.2012.12.001.PMID23228488.
  4. ^abcBuonanno, Federico; Anesi, Andrea; Guella, Graziano (January 2014). "Chemical Offense by Means of Toxicysts in the Freshwater Ciliate, Coleps hirtus".Eukaryotic Microbiology.61(3): 293–304.doi:10.1111/jeu.12106.PMID24512001.S2CID206054080.

Further reading

Coleps sp.,early (left) and late (right) phase of cell division