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Hasse diagramof thenatural numbers,partially ordered by "xyifxdividesy".The numbers 4 and 6 are incomparable, since neither divides the other.

Inmathematics,two elementsxandyof a setPare said to becomparablewith respect to abinary relation≤ if at least one ofxyoryxis true. They are calledincomparableif they are not comparable.

Rigorous definition


Abinary relationon a setis by definition any subsetofGivenis written if and only ifin which caseis said to berelatedtoby An elementis said to be-comparable,orcomparable(with respect to), to an elementifor Often, a symbol indicating comparison, such as(orand many others) is used instead ofin which caseis written in place ofwhich is why the term "comparable" is used.

Comparability with respect toinduces a canonical binary relation on;specifically, thecomparability relationinduced byis defined to be the set of all pairssuch thatis comparable to;that is, such that at least one ofandis true. Similarly, theincomparability relationoninduced byis defined to be the set of all pairssuch thatis incomparable tothat is, such that neithernoris true.

If the symbolis used in place ofthen comparability with respect tois sometimes denoted by the symbol,and incomparability by the symbol.[1] Thus, for any two elementsandof a partially ordered set, exactly one ofandis true.



Atotally orderedset is apartially ordered setin which any two elements are comparable. TheSzpilrajn extension theoremstates that every partial order is contained in a total order. Intuitively, the theorem says that any method of comparing elements that leaves some pairs incomparable can be extended in such a way that every pair becomes comparable.



Both of the relationscomparabilityandincomparabilityaresymmetric,that isis comparable toif and only ifis comparable toand likewise for incomparability.

Comparability graphs


The comparability graph of a partially ordered sethas as vertices the elements ofand has as edges precisely those pairsof elements for which.[2]



Whenclassifyingmathematical objects (e.g.,topological spaces), twocriteriaare said to be comparable when the objects that obey one criterion constitute a subset of the objects that obey the other, which is to say when they are comparable under the partial order ⊂. For example, theT1andT2criteria are comparable, while the T1andsobrietycriteria are not.

See also



  1. ^Trotter, William T.(1992),Combinatorics and Partially Ordered Sets:Dimension Theory,Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, p. 3
  2. ^Gilmore, P. C.;Hoffman, A. J.(1964),"A characterization of comparability graphs and of interval graphs",Canadian Journal of Mathematics,16:539–548,doi:10.4153/CJM-1964-055-5,archived fromthe originalon 2017-08-02,retrieved2010-01-01.