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Covering relation

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TheHasse diagramof thepower setof three elements,partially orderedbyinclusion.

Inmathematics,especiallyorder theory,thecovering relationof apartially ordered setis thebinary relationwhich holds betweencomparableelements that are immediate neighbours. The covering relation is commonly used to graphically express the partial order by means of theHasse diagram.


Letbe a set with a partial order. As usual, letbe the relation onsuch thatif and only ifand.

Letandbe elements of.

Thencovers,written, ifand there is no elementsuch that.Equivalently,coversif theintervalis the two-element set.

When,it is said thatis a cover of.Some authors also use the term cover to denote any such pairin the covering relation.



  • If a partially ordered set is finite, its covering relation is thetransitive reductionof the partial order relation. Such partially ordered sets are therefore completely described by their Hasse diagrams. On the other hand, in adense order,such as therational numberswith the standard order, no element covers another.


  • Knuth, Donald E.(2006),The Art of Computer Programming,Volume 4, Fascicle 4,Addison-Wesley,ISBN0-321-33570-8.
  • Stanley, Richard P.(1997),Enumerative Combinatorics,vol. 1 (2nd ed.),Cambridge University Press,ISBN0-521-55309-1.
  • Brian A. Davey;Hilary Ann Priestley(2002),Introduction to Lattices and Order(2nd ed.), Cambridge University Press,ISBN0-521-78451-4,LCCN2001043910.