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Crash/ride cymbal

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Paiste Rude 16 "crash/ride

Acrash/ride cymbalis a medium weight, slightlytaperedcymbal,normally in the 18–22-inch (460–560 mm) range, designed to serve in adrum kitas both acrashand aride cymbal.

Aride/crashcymbal may be thought to be the same thing, but is actually different. Despite being similar in design and function to a crash/ride, it is slightly heavier and/or less tapered to optimise the ride rather than the crash function. It is far less common than the crash/ride.

Crash/ride and ride/crash cymbals have several uses:

  • In a very small kit, one may be the onlysuspended cymbal,used as both crash and ride.
    • Some beginners'cymbal packshave only three cymbals: A pair ofhi-hats,and a crash/ride.[1][unreliable source?]However most cymbal packs even at entry level have separate ride and crash cymbals, and thedrum hardware packssold with most drum kits include stands for two suspended cymbals.
    • Many early drum kits had only one tom and one cymbal, both mounted on the bass drum. This cymbal would nowadays be called acrash/ride;At the time it would simply have been called amedium,if anything.
  • In a large kit, they bridge the gap between the largest crash cymbal and the smallest ride.
  • At very soft volumes, one will provide a more conventional ride tone than a full-sized ride cymbal.
  • At very loud volumes, they provide fuller and longer crashes than conventional crash cymbals, which may sound for too short a time.
Three-piecekit with one suspended cymbal, 1959


  1. ^ "B8 2-Pack Set 14" Catalog ID 45002 14 "Hats, 18" Crash Ride ".Sabian Ltd.Retrieved2012-03-03.