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CrossAsiais an internet portal offering access to printed and electronic resources concerning Asian studies to individuals affiliated to a German institution which is part of theBlauer Leihverkehr(Blue Loan Service).[1]CrossAsia is being created and supervised by the East Asia Department ofBerlin State Library,until 2015 the responsible library for East- and Southeast Asia (6,25) within the special research collection programme of theGerman Research Foundation(Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). Information is presented as well in Latin as in Asian script.

Co-operative partners (until 2013)

  • GIGA, the German Leibniz Institute of Global and Area Studies in Hamburg,
  • the Institute of Chinese Studies of theHeidelberg University,
  • theGöttingen State and University Library
  • the Institute of Japanese Studies of theUniversity of Tübingen
  • the Institute of Chinese and Korean Studies of the Tübingen University
  • the Central Network GVK
  • the China World Wide Web Virtual Library (Internet Guide for Chinese Studies)

The project is supported and funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Until 2011 CrossAsia was member of the interdisciplinary portalvascoda.

Main features

  • Meta-search: a virtual subject catalogue allows simultaneous searchability in relevant German and international library catalogues and databases in modern Western and Asian languages and scripts
  • Online Guide East Asia (OGEA): gives access to qualified, intellectually selected and commented electronic resources, mostly internet based. Specialist browsing and search through filter options is possible.
  • Possibility for registered users in Germany to access a wide range of licensed bibliographic and full-text databases offered byCrossAsia;these being:
    • Trung quốc cơ bổn cổ tịch khố(Zhongguo jiben gujiku)
    • Minh thanh thật lục(MingQing shilu)
    • Tứ khố toàn thư(Siku Quanshu)
    • 《 tứ bộ tùng khan 》 toàn văn kiểm tác bản(Sibu congkan)
    • Hán đạt văn khố(Chinese Ancient Texts)
    • Quốc học bảo điển(Guoxue Baodian)
    • Cổ kim đồ thư tập thành(The Complete Classics Collection of Ancient China)
    • Dissertations of China
    • Policies and Laws of China
    • Trung quốc phổ điệp khố(Zhongguo pudieku)
    • Tống hội yếu tập cảo(Songhuiyao jigao)
    • Vĩnh nhạc đại điển(Yongle dadian)
    • Toàn quốc nhân dân đại biểu đại hội tư liêu khố(Database of the National People's Congress)
    • Trung quốc nhân dân chính trị hiệp thương hội nghị tư liêu khố(Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Document Database)
    • Trung quốc chính phủ tư liêu khố(Database of the Chinese Government)
    • Trung quốc cộng sản đảng sổ cư khố(Database of the Communist Party of China)
    • LawInfoChina (Bắc đại pháp luật anh văn võng)
    • Nhân dân nhật báo(Renmin ribao)
    • JapanKnowledge
    • Nhật kinh テレコン 21(Nikkei Telecom21)
    • RISS International
    • Nhân dân phục ấn báo khan tư liêu(Renmin fuyin baokan ziliao)
    • China Academic Journals
    • China Online Journals
    • Đài loan điện tử kỳ khan(Taiwan Electronic Periodical Services)
    • Học thuật コンテンツ・ポータル(GeNII)
    • Luận văn tình báo ナビゲーター(CiNII)
    • Apabi E-Books Collection
    • Toàn quốc báo khan tác dẫn(National Index to Chinese Newspapers & Periodicals)
    • Online Contents East and South-East Asia
    • Online Contents Asia and North Africa
    • Online Contents South Asia
    • MagazinePlus
    • BookPlus
    • Chính sách tình báo プラットフォーム(Policy Information Platform)
    • Tự thông(Jitsu)
  • Online Contents Asia and North Africa, East and South-East Asia, and South Asia: listing articles from several hundred journals, mostly in Western languages. The user is in many cases guided directly from the bibliographic record to the full text.


  1. ^"CrossAsia: Registration".Archived fromthe originalon 2012-07-18.Retrieved2010-09-27.
East Asia Department - Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - PK