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Crostatawith honey and apricots
Place of originItaly
Main ingredientsPastry crust,jamorricotta cheese,fruit
VariationsCrostata alla marmellata,crostata alla marmellata di albicocche,crostata allaNutella,crostata di frutta,crostata di ricotta,many other sweet or savoury variations

Acrostatais anItalianbakedtartorpie.The earliest known use ofcrostatain its modern sense can be traced to the cookbooksLibro de Arte Coquinaria(Book of the Art of Cooking) byMartino da Como,publishedc. 1465,[1]andCuoco napolitano(Neapolitan Cook), published in the late 15th century, containing a recipe (number 94) titledCrostata de Caso, Pane, etc..[2]

Acrostatais a "rustic free-form version of an open fruit tart"[3]that may also be baked in a pie plate.[4]

Historically, it also referred to an "open-faced sandwich or canapé" because of its crusted appearance,[1]or achewet,a type ofmeat pie.[5]



The name derives from theLatinwordcrustāta,the feminine past participle ofcrustāre('to encrust'), and ultimately from the nouncrusta('crust').[6]The French termcroustadederives from it, from which the English termcustardderives.[6]The wordcrostataappeared in the earliest Italian dictionaries, included in the 1612 dictionaryVocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca(compiled from 1591 to 1608)[7]by theAccademia della Cruscaand theScuola Normale Superiore di Pisa,[8]and the 1617 dictionaryIl memoriale della lingua italiana: ridotto in ordine d'alfabeto per commodità del lettoreby Giacomo Pergamino, in which it was defined as a type oftorta.[9]



Traditionally, acrostataconsisted of a base, usually three layers, offriabledough "flavoured with clarified fat and butter".[10]Today,shortcrust pastryis used instead. It is differentiated from a torta by its filling: acrostatahas an inconsistent chunky filling, whereas a torta has a consistent filling made of blended ingredients.[10]There are "endless variations"[citation needed]of both sweet and savourycrostata,[4]the sweet ones usually being served as adessert.

Sweet variations usefruit preservesas a filling, typicallyapricot,cherry,peachornectarine,orberries.[citation needed]Thecrostatacan also beblind-bakedand then filled with pastry cream (crema pasticciera) topped with pieces of fresh fruit; this is calledcrostata di frutta.In his 1570 cookbookOpera dell'arte del cucinare,Bartolomeo Scappiincluded a recipe for acrostataofplumsandsour cherries,[10]and others forquinceandpears.A modern version iscrostata alla nutella,which hasNutellaas the filling.[11]

Ingredients for a savourycrostatamay include meat, fish, or vegetables,[10]which are pre-cooked.[4]Opera dell'arte del cucinareincluded a recipe for a "crostataof crabmeat and shrimp ", and also stated that to instead make a torta, the shrimp and crab should be crushed.[10]A popular sweet variant, especially in central Italy, iscrostata di ricotta,made withricotta cheesemixed with sugar and lemonzest,and which may additionally include cocoa orraisins.[12][13][14]

Scappi included many recipes forcrostatainOpera dell'arte del cucinare.For meat and seafood basedcrostata,there were recipes usingpork jowlsorprosciutto,[15]crayfish,anchovies,oroysters.Other savourycrostatarecipes included acrostatawith creamy cheese referred to as abutirata,[15]those withtrufflesor field mushrooms,[16]one withartichokeorcardoonhearts,[16]and one with "the viscera of any sort of turtle".[17]

See also


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Further reading
