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Culture of Kyrgyzstan

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Moving horse herd in Kyrgyzstan, 2019

Theculture of Kyrgyzstanhas a wide mix of ethnic groups and cultures, with theKyrgyzbeing the majority group. It is generally considered that there are 40 Kyrgyzclans,symbolized by the 40-rayed yellow sun in the center of theflag.The red lines inside the sun visualise the crown of ayurt,the traditional dwelling ofnomadic farmers,once the main population of theCentral Asianarea.[1][2]The dominant religion ofKyrgyzstanisSunni Islam(91%). The Russian population isRussian Orthodox.


Kyrgyzstan is the only former Soviet Central Asian republic to start out with twoofficial languages,in this caseRussianandKyrgyz.An aggressive post-Sovietcampaign was established to make the latter the official national language in all commercial and government uses by 1997; Russian is still used extensively, and the non-Kyrgyz population, most not Kyrgyz speakers, are hostile to forcibleKyrgyzification.

Kyrgyzstan has a highliteracy rate(99%), and a strong tradition of educating all citizens. However, its ambitious program to restructure the Soviet educational system is hampered by insufficient resources. School attendance is mandatory through grade nine. Kyrgyz is increasingly used for instruction; the transition from Russian to Kyrgyz has been hampered by lack oftextbooks.It remains to be seen whether Russian will continue as the second language of choice, or whetherEnglishwill supersede it as alingua franca.


In 1992, the population of Kyrgyzstan was estimated as being 53% ethnicKyrgyz,22%Russian,14.5%Uzbek,1.9%Tatar,0.5%Ukrainian,a population of Chinese Muslims known as theDungan(1%), and a small community ofGermans.Of some potential political significance are theUyghurs.That group numbered only about 36,000 in Kyrgyzstan, but about 185,000 lived in neighboringKazakhstan.The Uyghurs are also the majority population in theXinjiang Uyghur Autonomous RegionofChina,whose population is about 24 million, located to the northeast of Kyrgyzstan.

Literary works[edit]

Kenesh Jusupov, a prominent Kyrgyz writer, in his home village ofEchki-Bashy,Naryn district, 2012.

Manasis an orally transmitted epic poem told bymanaschis,and the name of the epic's eponymous hero. The poem, with close to half a million lines, is twenty times longer thanHomer'sOdyssey,and one of the longest epics in the world. It is a patriotic work recounting the exploits of Manas and his descendants and followers, who, according to tradition, fought against the Chinese and Kalmyks in the 9th century to preserve Kyrgyz independence.

Chingiz Aytmatovis often referred to as a national writer of Kyrgyzstan.Kenesh JusupovandKasymaly Jantöshevare also prominent Kyrgyz writers. Jantöshev's novelKanybekis regarded as one of the most popular novels in Kyrgyzstan.


Kyrgyz shyrdak felt rugs

Traditionally manufacturedfeltcarpets are one of the foremost arts of the Kyrgyz people and an integral part of their cultural heritage.[3]Originally made by nomadic farming tribes to be used as building material for, and decoration of, their movable dwellings, theyurt,Kyrgyz women still produce a wide range oftextiles,mostly from thewoolof localsheep.Ancient patterns are nowadays adapted to the tourist and export market, but it is still a living tradition, in that most houses contain hand-madecarpetsor felt rugs, most widely known are theshyrdakand theala kiyizmanufacturing style, also giving the carpets there name. Felt shyrdak cushions are usually made in shadow-pairs, these are seen on every chair, padding the seat. In present days the felt carpets are made by hand in two provinces of Kyrgyzstan:NarynandIssyk-kul.[4]

Tush kiyizare large, elaborately embroidered wall hangings, traditionally made in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, by elder women to commemorate themarriageof a son or daughter.

Kalpaksare the Kyrgyz national hat, also almost always made of felt.

Colors and designs are chosen to symbolize Kyrgyz traditions and rural life. Flowers, plants, animals, stylized horns, national designs, and emblems of Kyrgyz life are often found in these ornate and colorful embroideries. Designs are sometimes dated and signed by the artist upon completion of the work, which may take years to finish. The tush kiyiz is hung in the yurt, over the marriage bed of the couple, and symbolize their pride in their Kyrgyz tradition.


The cuisine of Kyrgyzstan is similar in many respects to that of its neighbors. Traditional Kyrgyz food revolves aroundmuttonandhorse meat,as well as variousdairy products.The cooking techniques and major ingredients have been strongly influenced by the nation's nomadic way of life. Thus, most cooking techniques are conducive to the long-term preservation of food.Mutton(lamb) is the favorite meat, although many Kyrgyz are unable to afford it regularly.

Kyrgyzstan is home to many different nationalities and their various cuisines. In larger cities, such asBishkek,Osh,Jalal-Abad,andKarakol,various national and international cuisines can be found. On the road and in the villages, the cuisine tends to be standard Kyrgyz dishes, liberally flavored withoilor sheep fat, which are considered both delicious and healthy by the local population.

Pilaf(paloo) is the national dish in Kyrgyzstan.Green teais considered the national beverage.


Illegal, but still practiced, is the tradition ofbride kidnapping.

See also[edit]


  • Handrahan, Lori. 2004. "Hunting for Women: Bride-Kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan." International Feminist Journal of Politics, 6:2 (June), 207–233.
  • Kleinbach, Russell. "Frequency of non-consensual bride kidnapping in the Kyrgyz Republic." International Journal of Central Asian Studies. Vol 8, No 1, 2003, pp 108–128.
  • ——, Mehrigiul Ablezova and Medina Aitieva. "Kidnapping for marriage (ala kachuu) in a Kyrgyz village." Central Asian Survey. (June 2005) 24(2), 191–202.
  1. ^Thomas, Alun (2019).Nomads and Soviet Rule: Central Asia under Lenin and Stalin(Paperback ed.). Bloomsbury Academic.ISBN1350143685.
  2. ^Edgar, Adrienne (2004).Tribal Nation.Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. p. 296.ISBN978-0-691-11775-1.
  3. ^"Ala-kiyiz and Shyrdak, art of Kyrgyz traditional felt carpets | Silk Roads Programme".en.unesco.org.Retrieved11 December2022.
  4. ^Chochunbaeva, Dinara (14 September 2019)."Shyrdak: A sunny day in Kyrgyzstan | Garland Magazine".garlandmag.com.Retrieved11 December2022.

External links[edit]

PBS Frontline/World documentary and related pages. The Kidnapped Bride March 2004

This article contains some text originally adapted from the public domainLibrary of Congress Country Studyfor Kyrgyzstan athttp://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/kgtoc.html