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Total population
c.10–12 million
(includingMoraviansand CzechSilesians)
Regions with significant populations
Czech Republic
[1][nb 1]9,246,784[2]
Significantdiasporicpopulations in:
United States1,462,000[3]
United Kingdom45,000[8]
(MajorityRoman Catholic,[15]minorityProtestant)
Related ethnic groups
OtherWest Slavs

TheCzechs(Czech:Češi,pronounced[ˈtʃɛʃɪ];singularCzech,masculine:Čech[ˈtʃɛx],singular feminine:Češka[ˈtʃɛʃka]), or theCzech people(Český lid), are aWest Slavicethnic groupand anationnative to theCzech Republic[17]inCentral Europe,who share a commonancestry,culture,history,and theCzech language.

Ethnic Czechs were calledBohemiansin English until the early 20th century,[18]referring to the former name of their country, Bohemia, which in turn was adapted from the lateIron Agetribe of CelticBoii.During theMigration Period,West Slavictribessettled in the area, "assimilated the remaining Celtic and Germanic populations",[citation needed]and formed a principality in the 9th century, which was initially part ofGreat Moravia,in form ofDuchy of Bohemiaand laterKingdom of Bohemia,the predecessors of the modern republic.

TheCzech diasporais found in notable numbers in theUnited States,Canada,Israel,Austria,Germany,Slovakia,Switzerland,Italy,theUnited Kingdom,Australia,France,Russia,Argentina,RomaniaandBrazil,among others.



The Czech ethnic group is part of theWest Slavicsubgroup of the larger Slavic ethno-linguistical group. The West Slavs have their origin in early Slavic tribes which settled in Central Europe afterEast Germanic tribeshad left this area during themigration period.[19]The West Slavic tribe of Czechs settled in the area ofBohemiaduring the migration period, and assimilated the remaining Celtic and Germanic populations.[20]In the 9th century theDuchy of Bohemia,under thePřemyslid dynasty,was formed, which had been part ofGreat Moraviaunder Svatopluk I. According tomythology,the founding father of the Czech people wasForefather Čech,who according to legend brought the tribe of Czechs into its land.

The Czechs are closely related to the neighbouringSlovaks(with whom they constitutedCzechoslovakia1918–1992). TheCzech–Slovak languagesform a dialect continuum rather than being two clearly distinct languages.[21]Czech cultural influence in Slovak culture is noted as having been much higher than the other way around.[22]Czech (Slavic) people have a long history of coexistence with the Germanic people. In the 17th century, German replaced Czech in central and local administration; upper classes in Bohemia and Moravia were Germanized, and espoused a political identity (Landespatriotismus), while Czech ethnic identity survived among the lower and lower-middle classes.[23]TheCzech National Revivaltook place in the 18th and 19th centuries aiming to revive Czech language, culture and national identity. The Czechs were the initiators ofPan-Slavism.[24]

The Czech ethnonym (archaicČechové) was the name of a Slavic tribe in central Bohemia that subdued the surrounding tribes in the late 9th century and created the Czech/Bohemian state. The origin of the name of the tribe itself is unknown. According to legend, it comes from their leaderČech,who brought them to Bohemia. Research regardsČechas a derivative of the rootčel-(member of the people, kinsman).[25]The Czech ethnonym was adopted by the Moravians in the 19th century.[26]

Genomac, a Czech firm specializing in genetic analysis, found that their country was about “half Slavic”, otherwise the Czech genome was a very colourful mix of different genes. They found that 20% of people they tested had relatives in another country they had no idea existed, and that some common genetic traits were rooted beyond the middle ages.

It’s believed that the people of the Czech Republic are made up of:

-37% Slavic peoples

-25% Western Europeans, mostly German, French, and northern Italy. All Germanic.

-9% Balkans

-9% Semitic, (arabs and jews)

-7% Germans and Scandinavians. (Nord Germanic).

-3% from other random parts of the world

-10% are ancestrally homogeneous Czechs whose genetics are almost exclusively found in the northern Czech Basin (české kotlině.)


Distribution of populations in selected nations according to their Haplogroup frequencies,American Journal of Physical Anthropology,2007[27]
Czech samples
German samples
Polish samples
Italian samples
Balkan samples

Czechs, like most Europeans, largely descend from three distinct lineages:[28]Mesolithichunter-gatherers,descended from aCro-Magnonpopulation that arrived in Europe about 45,000 years ago,[29]Neolithic farmerswho migrated fromAnatoliaduring theNeolithic Revolution9,000 years ago,[30]andYamnayasteppe pastoralistswho expanded into Europe from thePontic–Caspian steppein the context ofIndo-European migrations5000 years ago.[28]

The population of the Czech lands has been influenced by differenthuman migrationsthat wide-crossed Europe over time. In theirY-DNA haplogroups,which are inherited along the male line, Czechs have shown a mix of Eastern and Western European traits. According to a 2007 study, 34.2% of Czech men belong toR1a.Within the Czech Republic, the proportion of R1a seems to gradually increase from west to east.[31]According to a 2000 study, 35.6% of Czech men havehaplogroup R1b,which is very common in Western Europe among Germanic and Celtic nations, but rare among Slavic nations.[32]AmtDNAstudy of 179 individuals from Western Bohemia showed that 3% had East Eurasian lineages that perhaps entered the gene pool through admixture with Central Asian nomadic tribes in the early Middle Ages.[33]A group of scientists suggested that the high frequency of a gene mutation causingcystic fibrosisin Central European (including Czech R.) and Celtic populations supports the theory of some Celtic ancestry among the Czech population.[34]

Y-DNA studies
Population n R1b R1a I E1b1b J G N T Others Reference
Czech R. 257 34.2 18.3 5.8 4.7 5.1 1.6 Luca et al. 2007[27]
Czech R. ? 35.6 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Semino et al. 2000[32]
Czech R. 817 29.4 26.7 8.6 4.9 5.6 6.8 3.2 1.0 Czech DNA Project 2001–2018[35]


Duchy of Bohemia,the early form of the Czech state pictured in the 11th century within theHoly Roman Empire

The population of the Czech Republic descends from diverse peoples ofSlavic,CelticandGermanicorigin.[36][20][37][38]Presence of West Slavs in the 6th century during theMigration Periodhas been documented on the Czech territory.[20]SlavssettledinBohemia,MoraviaandAustriasometime during the 6th or 7th centuries,[39]and "assimilated the remainingCelticandGermanicpopulations ".[20][40]According to a popularmyth,the Slavs came withForefather Čechwho settled at theŘípMountain.

During the 7th century, the Frankish merchantSamo,supporting the Slavs fighting against nearby settledAvars,became the ruler of the first known Slav state in Central Europe,Samo's Empire.The principalityGreat Moravia,controlled by theMoymir dynasty,arose in the 8th century and reached its zenith in the 9th (during the reign ofSvatopluk I of Moravia) when it held off the influence of the Franks. Great Moravia was Christianized, the crucial role playedByzantinemission ofCyril and Methodius.TheDuchy of Bohemiaemerged in the late 9th century. In 880,Prague Castlewas constructed byPrince Bořivoj,founder of thePřemyslid dynastyand the city ofPraguewas established.Vratislav IIwas the first Czech king in 1085 and the duchy was raised to a hereditarykingdomunderOttokar Iin 1198.

The second half of the 13th century was a period of advancingGerman immigrationinto theCzech lands.The number of Czechs who have at least partly German ancestry today probably runs into hundreds of thousands.[41]TheHabsburgMonarchy focused much of its power on religious wars against the Protestants. While these religious wars were taking place, the Czech estates revolted against Habsburg from 1546 to 1547 but were ultimately defeated.[42]

Czech traditional costumes

Defenestrations of Praguein 1618, signaled an open revolt by the Bohemian estates against the Habsburgs and started theThirty Years' War.After theBattle of White Mountainin 1620, all Czech lands were declared hereditary property of the Habsburg family. The German language was made equal to the Czech language.

Czech patriotic authors tend to call the following period, from 1620 to 1648 until the late 18th century, the "Dark Age". It is characterized by devastation by foreign troops;Germanization;and economic and political decline. It is estimated that the population of theCzech landsdeclined by a third.[43]

The 18th and 19th century is characterized by theCzech National Revival,focusing to revive Czech culture and national identity.

Since the turn of the 20th century, Chicago is the city with the third largest Czech population, afterPragueandVienna.[44][45]

During World War I,Czechoslovak Legionsfought in France, Italy and Russia against theCentral Powers.In 1918 the independent state ofCzechoslovakiawas proclaimed. Czechs formed the leading class in the new state emerging from the remnants of theAustrian-Hungarian Monarchy.

After 1933, Czechoslovakia remained the only democracy in central and eastern Europe. However, in 1938 theMunich Agreementsevered theSudetenland,with a considerable Czech minority, from Czechoslovakia, and in 1939 theGerman Nazi regimeestablished theProtectorate of Bohemia and MoraviaforResttschechei(the rump Czech state[46][47][48]).Emil Háchabecame president of the protectorate under Nazi domination, which only allowed pro-Nazi Czech associations and tended to stress ties of the Czechs with the BohemianGermansand other parts of the German people, in order to facilitate assimilation byGermanization.InLidice,LežákyandJavoříčkothe Nazi authorities committedwar crimesagainst the local Czech population. On 2 May 1945, thePrague Uprisingreached its peak, supported by theRussian Liberation Army.The post-warexpulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakiaand the immediate reprisals against Germans and Nazi collaborators byCzech resistanceand the Czechoslovak state authorities, made Czechs—especially in the early 1950s—settle alongside Slovaks andRomani peoplein the former lands of theSudeten Germans,who had been deported toEast Germany,West GermanyandAustriaaccording to thePotsdam ConferenceandYalta Conference.

TheWarsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakiain 1968 was followed by a wave of emigration, unseen before and stopped shortly after in 1969 (estimate: 70,000 immediately, 300,000 in total),[49]typically of highly qualified people.

Tens of thousands of Czechs had repatriated fromVolhyniaandBanatafter World War II. Since the 1990s, the Czech Republic has been working to repatriateRomaniaandKazakhstan's ethnic Czechs.[50][51]

Following the Czech Republic's entry into the European Union in May 2004, Czechs gradually gained the right to work in EU countries without a work permit.[52]

Notable people

Areas whereCzech languageis spoken

Historical figures


The last five Přemyslids were kings:Ottokar I of Bohemia,Wenceslaus I of Bohemia,Ottokar II of Bohemia,Wenceslaus II of BohemiaandWenceslaus III of Bohemia.The most successful and influential of all Czech kings wasCharles IV,who also became theHoly Roman Emperor.[53]TheLuxembourg dynastyrepresents the heights of Czech (Bohemian) statehood territorial and influence as well as advancement in many areas of human endeavors.[54]

Many people are considered national heroes and cultural icons, many national stories concern their lives.Jan Huswas a religious reformist from the 15th century and spiritual father of theHussiteMovement.[55]Jan ŽižkaandProkop the Greatwere leaders of hussite army,George of Poděbradywas a hussite king.Albrecht von Wallensteinwas a notable military leader during the Thirty Years' War. Theteacher of nationsJan Amos Komenskýis also considered a notable figure in Czech history.[56]Joseph Radetzky von Radetzwas an Austrian general staff during the later period of the Napoleonic Wars.Josef Jungmannis often credited for expanding the modern Czech language, and preventing its extinction.[57]The most famous Czech historian wasFrantišek Palacký,often called "father of nation".

Modern politicians


One of the most notable figures are founders of Czechoslovakia, modern state of independence of Czech and Slovak nations, PresidentsTomáš Garrigue MasarykandEdvard Beneš,who was also leader of exile government inWorld War II.Ludvík Svobodawas a head of the Czechoslovak military units on the Eastern Front during the World War II (later president ofCzechoslovakia). The key figures of the Communist regime wereKlement Gottwald,Antonín Zápotocký,Antonín Novotný(and SlovakGustáv Husák), the most famous victims of this regime wereMilada HorákováandRudolf Slánský.Jan Palachcommitted self-immolation as a political protest against the end of thePrague Springresulting from the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia by theWarsaw Pactarmies.

Another notable politician after the fall of the communist regime isVáclav Havel,last President of Czechoslovakia and firstPresident of the Czech Republic.[58]The first directly elected president isMiloš Zeman.[59]

The Czech Republic has had multiplePrime Ministersthe first of which was latter PresidentsVáclav KlausandMiloš Zeman.[60]Another Prime Ministers of the Czech Republic were conservative politicians such asMirek Topolánek,Petr Nečasand social democratic such asVladimír Špidla,Jiří Paroubek,Bohuslav Sobotka.[61]

DiplomatMadeleine Albrightwas of Czech origin and spoke Czech. Other well-known Czech diplomats wereJan MasarykorJiří Dienstbier.



Czechs established themselves mainly in Biology, Chemistry, Philology and Egyptology.



Sports have also been a contributor to famous Czechs especiallytennis,football,hockey,andathletics:

The arts



Bedřich SmetanaAmong his Friends,1865; oil painting byFrantišek Dvořák

Czech musichad its first significant pieces created in the 11th century.[65]The great progress of Czech artificial music began with the end of theRenaissanceand the earlyBaroque era,concretely in works ofAdam Václav Michna z Otradovic,where the specific character of Czech music was rising up by using the influence of genuinefolk music.This tradition determined the development of Czech music and has remained the main sign in the works of great Czech composers of almost all eras –Jan Dismas ZelenkaandJosef MyslivečekinBaroque,Bedřich SmetanaandAntonín DvořákinRomanticism,Leoš Janáček,Bohuslav MartinůandJosef Sukinmodern classicalorPetr EbenandMiloslav Kabeláčincontemporary classical music.

Czech musicians also played an important role in the development of European music.Jan Václav Antonín Stamicin 18th-century contributed to the creation ofClassicismin music[66]by innovations of compositional forms and the founding of theMannheim school.Similarly,Antonín Rejcha's experiments prefigured new compositional techniques in the 19th century.[67]The influence of Czech musicians expanded beyond the borders of theEuropeancontinent, whenAntonín Dvořákcreated a newAmericanclassical music style, using the richness of ethnic music of that country during his mission in theUS.The contribution ofAlois Hábatomicrotonal musicin the 20th century must be also mentioned.

Czech music reached as far asQing China.Karel Slavíčekwas aJesuitmissionary, scientist andsinologistwho was introduced to theKangxi Emperoron 3 February 1717, inBeijing.The emperor favored him and employed him as court musician. (Slavíček was aSpinetplayer).[68]

Some notable modern Czech musicians are US-based composer and guitaristIvan Král,musician and composerJan Hammerand the rock bandThe Plastic People of the Universewhich played an important part in theundergroundmovement during the communist regime.

The Czech Republic first entered theEurovision Song Contestin2007.Czech performer qualified for the grand final for the first time in2016when singerGabriela Gunčíkováfinished in 25th place. In2018the singerMikolas Josefreached the 6th place in the contest being the best result of the Czech Republic until today.

Other important names:Franz Benda,Rafael Kubelík,Jan Ladislav Dussek,Vítězslav Novák,Zdeněk Fibich,Jan Kubelík,Jiří Antonín Benda,Julius Fučík,Karel Svoboda,Karel Kryl,Václav Neumann,Václav Talich,František Xaver Richter,Jan Křtitel Vaňhal,Vojtěch Živný,Josef Bohuslav Foerster,Magdalena Kožená,Karel Ančerl,Ema Destinnová,Maria Jeritza,František Xaver Brixi,Jiří Bělohlávek,Oskar Nedbal,Karel Gott.[69]



Jaroslav Seifertwas awarded theNobel Prize in Literaturefor his poetry.[62]Božena Němcováhas become a cultural icon and gained much fame for her bookBabička (The Grandmother).[70] Other important Czech writers includeMilan Kundera,Karel Čapek,Jaroslav Hašek,Jan Neruda,Franz Kafka,Bohumil Hrabal,Viktor Dyk,Kosmas,Pavel Kohout,Alois Jirásek,Josef Škvorecký,Karel Jaromír Erben,Jiří Wolker,Karel Hynek Mácha,Vítězslav Nezval,Arnošt Lustig,Jaroslav Vrchlický,Karel Havlíček Borovský,Ivan Klíma,Egon Erwin Kisch,Vladimír Holan,Julius ZeyerorSvatopluk Čech.From contemporary Czech writers can be mentionedJáchym Topol,Patrik Ouředník,Michal VieweghorDaniela Hodrová.Important playwrights were Karel Čapek,František LangerorJosef Kajetán Tyl.Strong was also the theatrical avant-garde (Jan Werich,Jiří Voskovec,Emil František Burian). Known journalists wereJulius Fučík,Milena JesenskáorFerdinand Peroutka.

Visual arts

The Slav EpicbyAlfons Mucha

Mikoláš Alešwas a painter, known for redesigning thePrague National Theatre.[71]Alphonse Muchawas an influential artist in theArt Nouveaumovement of theEdwardianperiod.František Kupkawas a pioneer and co-founder of theabstract artmovement. Other well-known painters areJosef Čapek,Josef Lada,Theodoric of Prague,Wenceslaus Hollar,Toyen,Jan Kupecký,Petr Brandl,Vladimír Vašíček,Václav Brožík,Josef Mánes,Karel ŠkrétaorMax Švabinský.Renowned sculptors wereJosef Václav MyslbekorMatyáš Bernard Braun,photographersJan Saudek,Josef Sudek,František DrtikolorJosef Koudelka,illustratorsZdeněk BurianorAdolf Born,architectsJan KotěraorJosef Gočár.Jiří Kyliánwas an important ballet choreographer.



Film directorMiloš Forman,known best for his movie,One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nestis of Czech origin and started his career in Czechoslovakia.[72]Forman was a member of the so-calledCzech New Wave.Other members includedJiří Menzel(Oscar1967),Ivan Passer,Věra ChytilováandElmar Klos(Oscar 1965). Also the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film was awarded toJan Svěrák(1996). The influentialsurrealistfilmmaker and animatorJan Švankmajerwas born inPragueand has resided in the Czech Republic throughout his life. In the field of animation and puppet film famous people includeZdeněk Miler,Karel ZemanandJiří Trnka.

ActorsZdeněk Svěrák,Vlastimil Brodský,[73]Vladimír Menšík,[74]Libuše ŠafránkováorKarel Rodenhave also made a mark in modern Czech history. The most successful Czech erotic actress isSilvia Saint.



The first Czech models have made a breakthrough in the international modeling werePaulina PorizkovaorIvana Trump.After the fall of communism in Czechoslovakia many other models succeeded:Karolína Kurková,Eva Herzigová,Taťána Kuchařová,Petra NěmcováandDaniela Peštová.


St. John of Nepomuk (Jan Nepomucký)

Czech culture involves many saints,[75]most notablySt. Wenceslaus (Václav),patron of the Czech nation,[76]St. John of Nepomuk (Jan Nepomucký),[77]St. Adalbert (Vojtěch),[78]Saint ProcopiusorSt. Agnes of Bohemia (Anežka Česká).[79]Although not a Christian, rabbiJudah Loew ben Bezalelof Prague, a 16th Century scholar and one of the most influential figures of Jewish history, is considered to be part of the country's religious legacy as well.[80][81]



The modern Czech nation was formed through the process of theCzech national revival.Through this was created the linguistic concept of the Czech nation (particularly promoted by Jungmann), i.e. "a Czech = one who has theCzech languageas their first language: naturally or by choice. "(That is whySlovakswho have chosen Czech as their literary language, such asJán KollárorPavel Jozef Šafařík,are often considered to be Czechs.) Like other nations, Czechs also speak of two alternative concepts: the landed concept (a Czech is someone who was born in the historic Czech territory), which in Jungmann's time primarily denotednobility,and the ethnic concept. Definition by territory is still discussed alternative,[82][83]from time to time is indicated for Czechs number of natives (speaking mostly German, English or otherwise) – these include US Secretary of StateMadeleine Albright,film directorKarel Reisz,actorHerbert Lom,the founder of psychoanalysisSigmund Freud,the founder of geneticsGregor Mendel,logician and mathematicianKurt Gödel,the philosopherEdmund Husserl,scientistsGerty Cori,Carl CoriandPeter Grünberg(all Nobel Prize winners) andErnst Mach,economistsJoseph SchumpeterandEugen Böhm von Bawerk,philosophersBernard Bolzano,Ernest Gellner,Vilém FlusserandHerbert Feigl,Marxist theoreticianKarl Kautsky,astronomerJohann Palisa,legal theoristHans Kelsen,inventorsAlois SenefelderandViktor Kaplan,automotive designerFerdinand Porsche,psychologistMax Wertheimer,a geologistKarl von Terzaghi,musicologistsEduard HanslickandGuido Adler,chemistJohann Josef Loschmidt,biologistsHeinrich Wilhelm SchottandGeorg Joseph Kamel,the founder of the dermatologyFerdinand Ritter von Hebra,peace activistBertha von Suttner(Nobel Peace Prize), the composersGustav Mahler,Heinrich Biber,Viktor Ullmann,Ervin Schulhoff,Pavel Haas,Erich Wolfgang KorngoldandRalph Benatzky,writersFranz Kafka,Reiner Maria Rilke,Max Brod,Karl Kraus,Franz Werfel,Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach,Leo Perutz,Tom StoppardandEgon Erwin Kisch,paintersAnton Raphael MengsandEmil Orlik,architectsAdolf Loos,Peter Parler,Josef Hoffmann,Jan Santini AichelandKilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer,cellistDavid Popper,violistHeinrich Wilhelm Ernst,pianistsAlice Herz-SommerandRudolf Serkin,president of AustriaKarl Renner,Prime Minister of PolandJerzy Buzek,industrialistOskar Schindler,or chess playerWilhelm Steinitz.

Czech ancestry


People with Czech ancestry include the astronautsEugene CernanandJim Lovell,film directorsChris ColumbusandJim Jarmusch,swimmerKatie Ledecky,politiciansJohn Forbes KerryandCaspar Weinberger,chemist and Nobel Prize laureateThomas Cech,physicistKarl Guthe Jansky,economistFriedrich Hayek,paintersJan Matejko,Gustav Klimt,Egon SchieleandOskar Kokoschka,actorsAshton Kutcher,Sissy SpacekandKim Novak,tennis playersRichard Krajicek,Jakob HlasekandStan Wawrinka,singerJason Mraz,Brazil presidentJuscelino Kubitschek,founder ofMcDonald'scompanyRay Kroc,writersGeorg TraklandRobert Musil,mayor of ChicagoAnton CermakandIvanka Trumpand her brotherDonald Trump Jr.


Greater coat of arms of the Czech Republic shows symbols of historical landsBohemia,Moravia,Silesia

The Czechs live in three historical lands:Bohemia,Moravia,andCzech Silesia;[84]these regions make up the modern Czech Republic. However, the country is now divided into 14 administrative regions.[85]The local culture varies somewhat in each of the historical regions.[86]Moraviansare usually more nationalistic regional patriots of Moravia, but they also speakCzech.Local dialects (such asCentral Bohemian,theChod dialect,Moravian dialects,Cieszyn Silesian,etc.) are found in various parts of the country.[87]

Czech language


The Czech language is spoken by approximately 12 million people around the world, but the vast majority are in theCzech Republic.[88]It developed from theProto-Slavic languagein the 10th century[88][89]and is mutually intelligible with theSlovak language.[90]


Predecessor toProtestantism,Jan Hus

In 1977,Richard Felix Staardescribed Czechs as "tolerant and even indifferent towards religion as a rule".[91]

After theBohemian Reformation,most Czechs (about 85%) becamefollowersofJan Hus,Petr Chelčickýand other regionalProtestant Reformers.Bohemian Estates' defeat in theBattle of White Mountainbrought radical religious changes and started a series of intense actions taken by the Habsburgs in order to bring the Czech population back to the Roman Catholic Church. After theHabsburgsregained control of Bohemia, Czech people were forcibly converted toRoman Catholicism.All kinds of Protestant communities including the various branches of Hussites,LutheransandReformedwere either expelled, killed, or converted to Catholicism. The Catholic Church lost the bulk of its adherents during the Communist era.

As of 2015, Pew Research Center found in that 72% of the population of Czech Republic declared to beirreligious,a category which includesatheists,agnosticsand those who describe their religion as "nothing in particular", 26% wereChristians(vast majorityCatholics),[15]while 2% belonged to other faiths.



In the Czech Republic, thenation stateof the Czech people, 6,732,104 (63.7%) declared as ethnic Czech according to the 2011 census. Notably, another 2,742,669 (26%) were undeclared, and 522,474 (4.9%) declared asMoravians.[1]There is a largeCzech diaspora,which includes 1,703,930 Americans ofCzech/Czechoslovak ancestry,[92]94,805Canadians of Czech ancestry,[93]an estimated 45,000 Czech-born residentsin the United Kingdom,[8]and ca. 31,000in Australia.[94]There are smaller communities throughout Europe. Number ofIsraelis of Czech-Jewish ancestryis estimated to be about 50,000 to 100,000.

See also





  1. ^This number is a lower estimate, as 2,742,669 people opted out declaring ethnicity in 2011, vast majority of whom were ethnic Czechs as the figure from the 2001 census would suggest, where there were 9.25 million Czechs, excludingMoravians(9.8 million with them included).


  1. ^ab"Tab. 6.2 Obyvatelstvo podle národnosti podle krajů: výsledky podle trvalého bydliště"[Tab. 6.2 Population by nationality by regions: results for permanent residence](PDF).Czech Statistical Office (CZSO)(in Czech). 2011. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 16 January 2013.
  2. ^"Czech Republic".CIA – The World Factbook.Archivedfrom the original on 13 April 2021.Retrieved14 November2014.
  3. ^"2004 survey".United States Bureau of Statistics. Archived fromthe originalon 11 February 2020.Retrieved14 November2014.
  4. ^abcdefUnited Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2019)."Immigrant and Emigrant Populations by Country of Origin and Destination".Migration Policy Institute.Archivedfrom the original on 19 March 2022.Retrieved22 May2021.
  5. ^"Data tables, 2016 Census: Ethnic Origin (279), Single and Multiple Ethnic Origin Responses (3), Generation Status (4), Age (12) and Sex (3) for the Population in Private Households of Canada, Provinces and Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2016 Census - 25% Sample Data".Statistics Canada.17 June 2019.Archivedfrom the original on 26 October 2017.Retrieved23 October2022.
  6. ^"SODB2021 - Obyvatelia - Základné výsledky".www.scitanie.sk.Archivedfrom the original on 31 May 2022.Retrieved25 August2022.
  7. ^"SODB2021 - Obyvatelia - Základné výsledky".www.scitanie.sk.Archivedfrom the original on 15 July 2022.Retrieved25 August2022.
  8. ^ab"Table 1.3: Overseas-born population in the United Kingdom, excluding some residents in communal establishments, by sex, by country of birth, January 2013 to December 2013".Office for National Statistics.2 July 2015.Archivedfrom the original on 19 January 2016.Retrieved20 July2015.Figure given is the central estimate. See the source for 95 per centconfidence intervals.
  9. ^"Čeští krajané v Argentině - historie a současnost"(in Czech). Velvyslanectví České republiky v Buenos Aires. 11 October 2009.Archivedfrom the original on 24 March 2022.Retrieved12 January2014.
  10. ^abJoshua Project."Czech people".Archivedfrom the original on 26 May 2019.Retrieved27 May2021.
  11. ^"Présentation de la République tchèque".Archivedfrom the original on 22 March 2022.Retrieved18 January2020.
  12. ^Czech in Brazil
  13. ^"Evolutia comunitatilor etnice in Romania. Judetul unde sunt cei mai putini romani, 12,6% din populatia totala. Cine se afla la polul opus".Archivedfrom the original on 20 January 2022.Retrieved18 September2021.
  14. ^"Sefstat"(PDF).
  15. ^abOfficial census data from theCzech Statistical Office:
  16. ^"Náboženská víra".Census 2021(in Czech).Czech Statistical Office.Archived fromthe originalon 22 January 2022.Retrieved26 September2022.
  17. ^Gawdiak, Ihor."Czech Republic: Early History: First Political Units".Country Studies.U.S. Library of Congress.Archivedfrom the original on 15 August 2020.Retrieved27 May2020.
  18. ^Agnew, Hugh (2013).The Czechs and the Lands of the Bohemian Crown.Hoover Press. p. 442.ISBN978-0-8179-4493-3.Archivedfrom the original on 28 September 2023.Retrieved27 May2020.
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Further reading
