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David Hollatz (dogmatician)

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David Hollatz(1648 – 17 April 1713) was a German Lutheran theologian.



Born in 148, inWulkow,nearStargard(34 km ESE ofStettin), inPomerania.

He studied atErfurtandWittenberg,and becamepreacherat Pützerlin near Stargard in 1670, at Stargard in 1681 (in 1683 alsoconrector),rectorinColbergin 1684, andpastorin Jakobshagen in 1692.

He died atJakobshagen(24 km E of Stargard) on 17 April 1713.



His principal work is hisExamen theologicum acroamaticum(Rostock – afterward Stockholm – and Leipzig, 1707; 7th and 8th eds. byRomanus Teller,1750 and 1763). The work is the last of the strictLutheransystems ofdogmaticsin the era ofLutheran orthodoxy.Hollatz knowsPietism,but does not mention it, although he refutesmysticism.The system is divided intoquaestiones,which are explained byprobationes;these are followed byantitheses,against which the differentinstantiaare brought forward. Hollatz also publishedScrutinium veritatis in mysticorum dogmata(Wittenberg, 1711);Ein gottgeheiligt dreifaches Kleeblatt (Leidender Jesus)(1713); a collection of sermons; and other works.



Hollatz believed inconditional election:"Predestination is the eternal decree of God to bestow eternal salvation upon all of whom God foresaw that they would finally believe in Christ."[1]


  • Public DomainThis article incorporates text from a publication in thepublic domain:Jackson, Samuel Macauley, ed. (1914). "Hollatz (Hollatius), David".New Schaff–Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge(third ed.). London and New York: Funk and Wagnalls.


  1. ^Schmid 1876,p. 292.


  • Schmid, Heinrich (1876).Doctrinal Theology of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.Philadelphia: Lutheran publication society.

Translated works


FromExamen Theologicum Acroamaticum
