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Denis of Portugal

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King Denis in the Castilian manuscriptCompendium of Chronicles of Kings (...)(c. 1312–1325)
King of Portugal
Reign16 February 1279 –7 January 1325
PredecessorAfonso III
SuccessorAfonso IV
Born9 October 1261
Died7 January 1325 (aged 63)
Santarém, Portugal
St. Denis Convent,Odivelas,Portugal
FatherAfonso III of Portugal
MotherBeatrice of Castile
SignatureDenis's signature

Denis(Latin:Dionysius,Portuguese:DinisorDiniz,IPA:[diˈniʃ];9 October 1261 – 7 January 1325), calledthe Farmer King(Rei Lavrador)[1]andthe Poet King(Rei Poeta), wasKing of Portugal.The eldest son ofAfonso III of Portugalby his second wife,Beatrice of Castile,and grandson ofAfonso II of Portugal,Denis succeeded his father in 1279. He was married toElizabeth of Aragon,who was later canonised as a saint of theRoman Catholic Church.[2]

Denis ruled Portugal for over 46 years. He worked to reorganise his country's economy and gave an impetus to Portuguese agriculture. He ordered the planting of a large pine forest (that still exists today) nearLeiriato prevent thesoil degradationthat threatened the region and to serve as a source of raw materials for the construction of the royal ships.[3]He was also known for his poetry,[4]which constitutes an important contribution to the development of Portuguese as a literary language.[5]


Portrait of King Denis and Queen Saint Elizabeth at Sala dos Capelos in the University of Coimbra

In 1290, Denis began to pursue the systematiccentralisationof royal power by imposing judicial reforms, decreeing Portuguese "the official language of legal and judicial proceedings",[6]creating the first university in Portugal, and ridding themilitary ordersin the country of foreign influences. His policies encouraged economic development with the creation of numerous towns and trade fairs.[7]He advanced the interests of the Portuguese merchants, and set up by mutual agreement a fund called theBolsa de Comércio,the first documented form of marine insurance in Europe, approved on 10 May 1293.[8][9]Always concerned with development of the country's infrastructure, he encouraged the discovery and exploitation ofsulphur,silver,tinandironmines and organised the export of excess production of agricultural crops, salt, and salted fish to England, Flanders, and France.[7]

Denis signed the first Portuguese commercial agreement withEnglandin 1308, and secured a contract in 1317 for the services of theGenoesemerchant sailorManuel Pessanha(Portuguese form of the Italian "Pezagno" ) as hereditaryadmiral of his fleet,[10]with the understanding that Pessanha and his successors should provide twenty Genoese captains to command the king's galleys,[11]thus effectively founding thePortuguese Navy.[12]

In 1289 Denis had signed theConcordat of Forty ArticleswithPope Nicholas IV,swearing to protect the Church's interests in Portugal. WhenPope Clement Vallowed the annihilation of theKnights Templarthroughout most of Europe on charges of heresy, Denis created in 1319 a Portuguese military order, theOrder of Christ,for those knights who survived the purge.[13][14]The new order was designed to be a continuation of theOrder of the Temple.[15]Denis negotiated with Clement's successor,John XXII,for recognition of the new order and its right to inherit the Templar assets and property.[16]

Cultural pursuits[edit]

During Denis' reign,Lisbonbecame one of Europe's centres of culture and learning.[17][18]The first university in Portugal, then called theEstudo Geral(General Study), was founded with his signing of the documentScientiae thesaurus mirabilisin Leiria on 3 March 1290.[19]Lectures in the arts, civil law, canon law, and medicine were given, and on 15 February 1309, the king granted the university a charter, theMagna Charta Privilegiorum.[20]The university was moved between Lisbon and Coimbra several times, and finally installed permanently in Coimbra in 1537[21]by order of KingJohn III.

As a devotee of the arts and sciences, Denis studied literature and wrote several books on topics ranging from government administration to hunting, science and poetry, as well as ordering the translation of many literary works intoGalician-Portuguese(Portuguese had not yet fully evolved into a distinct language), among them the works attributed to his grandfather Alfonso X. He patronisedtroubadours,and wrotelyric poetryin the troubadour tradition himself. His best-known work is theCantigas de Amigo,a collection of love songs as well as satirical songs, which contributed to the development oftroubador poetryin the Iberian Peninsula. All told, 137 of the songs attributed to him, in the three main genres ofGalician-Portuguese lyric,[22]are preserved in the two early 16th-century manuscripts, theCancioneiro da Biblioteca Nacionaland theCancioneiro da Vaticana.[23]A spectacular find in 1990 by American scholar Harvey Sharrer brought to light thePergaminho Sharrer,which contains, albeit in fragmentary form, sevencantigas d'amorby King Denis withmusical notation.[24][25]These poems are found in the same order in the two previously known codices.

King Denis was fond of hunting and in 1294 was hunting around Beja, when a bear attacked him and his horse, bringing them to the ground. It is said that he attacked the beast single-handedly and killed him with a dagger. To commemorate the incident, the king had a live bear captured and taken to his palace of Fuellas for the amusement of the gentlemen and ladies of his court.[26]


Cross of the Order of Christ, a symbol that adorned, among others, the Portuguese caravels during theAge of Discoveries

As heir-apparent to the throne, Denis was summoned by his father Afonso III to share governmental responsibilities. The country was again in conflict with the Catholic Church at the time, Afonso having been excommunicated in 1277, and only being absolved in 1279 when he acceded to Rome's demands on his deathbed.[18][27][28]Consequently, the church was favorably inclined to reach an agreement with the new monarch upon his accession to the throne.

In 1284, however, Denis emulated the example of his grandfather and father, and launched a new series of inquiries to investigate the expropriation of royal property; this was to the detriment of the church. The next year he took further steps against ecclesiastical power when he promulgated amortisation laws.[29]These prohibited the church and religious orders from buying lands, and required that they sell or forfeit any they had purchased since the start of his reign. Several years later he issued another decree forbidding them to inherit the estates of recruits to the orders.[30]

In 1288, Denis managed to persuade Pope Nicholas IV to issue a papal bull that separated the Order of Santiago in Portugal from that in Castile, to which it had been subordinate.[31]With the extinction of the Knights Templar, he was able to transfer their assets in the country to the Order of Christ, specially created for this purpose.

Denis was essentially an administrator and not a warrior king. He went to war with the kingdom of Castile in 1295, relinquishing the villages of Serpa and Moura. In 1297, he signed theTreaty of Alcañiceswith Castile, which defined the current borders between the two Iberian countries,[32]and reaffirmed Portugal's possession of theAlgarve.The treaty also established an alliance of friendship and mutual defense, leading to a peace of 40 years between the two nations.

Denis pursued his father's policies on legislation and centralisation of power, and promulgated the nucleus of a Portuguese civil and criminal law code, protecting the lower classes from abuse and extortion. These edicts survived in theLivro das Leis e Posturas(Book of Laws and Postures),[33][34]and theOrdenações Afonsinas(Afonsine Ordinances), proclaimed during the reign ofAfonso V.[35][36]These are not legislative "codes" as we understand them today, but rather compilations of laws and customary municipal law, as amended and restated by the Portuguese crown.[37]

Contract between Denis andManuel Pessanha

As king, Denis travelled around the country to resolve various problems. He ordered the construction of numerous castles, created new towns, and granted the privileges due cities to several others. He declared in 1290 that 'the language of the people' was to become the language of the state,[38]and officially known asPortuguese.[39]Denis also decreed that Portuguese replace Latin as the language of the law courts in his kingdom.[40]His wife Elizabeth donated much of the large income generated by her lands and properties to charities,[41][42]inspiring Denis to help improve the life of the poor and found several social institutions.[43]

The frequent procedural issues that arose when he issued his decrees increasingly occupied Denis in his quest to frame the common law as being within the scope of the crown's jurisdiction, and in exercising royal power in the realm. The restrictions he placed on the actions ofalvazis(local council officials), judges, as well as proctors and advocates in the courts, show that a merely nominal power of the monarchy over all the inhabitants of the kingdom, as was typical in theMiddle Ages,was not compatible with his effort to assert a royal prerogative to scrutinise legal procedures or moralise on the exercise of justice. The appointment of magistrates clearly marks the start of the process of the crown claiming territorial jurisdiction, thus expanding the royal domain, along with the growing importance of Lisbon as the nation's de facto capital.[44]The preference for Lisbon as a venue of the royal court was accentuated during Denis's long reign. There was as yet no official capital of the country, but Lisbon's location, as well as its advanced urban, economic and commercial development, made the city the most viable choice for a national centre of administration.

Its geographical situation between the ancient divisions of the country, i.e., the north and the south, enhanced Lisbon's status as the most practical centre for an emergent united Portuguese nation, the south now receiving as much royal attention as the north and becoming the residence of the monarchy. Their different characters created a realm where the two regions complemented each other. The great manors were closer together in the north, and the vast dominions conquered from the Muslims in the south, as well as the large areas ofunclaimedland there, expanded the domain of the crown, and much of the territory of the extreme south came under the control of the military orders.[45]

Denis promoted development of the rural infrastructure, earning the nickname of "the Farmer" (o Lavrador).[46]He redistributed land,[47]founded agricultural schools to improve farming techniques,[48]and took a personal interest in the expansion of exports. He set up regular markets in a number of towns and regulated their activities. One of his principal achievements was to protect agricultural lands from advancing coastal sands by ordering the planting of a pine forest nearLeiria,[49]which also provided a source of raw materials for construction of a naval fleet.[3]This forest, known as thePinhal de Leiria(Leiria Pinewood), still exists, and is an important conservation area.[50]

Later years and death[edit]

The latter part of Denis' generally peaceful reign was nevertheless marked by internal conflicts. The contenders were his two sons:Afonso,the legitimate heir, andAfonso Sanches,his bastard son, who quarreled frequently among themselves for royal favour. At the time of Denis' death in 1325, he had placedPortugalon an equal footing with the otherIberianKingdoms.

Afonso, born inLisbon,was the rightful heir to the Portuguese throne. However, he was not Denis' favourite son, the old king preferring Afonso Sanches, his illegitimate son by Aldonça Rodrigues Talha.[51][52][53]The notorious rivalry between the half brothers led to civil war several times. Elizabeth would serve as intermediary between her husband and Afonso during the civil war of 1322–1324.

InfanteAfonso greatly resented the king, whom he accused of favouring Afonso Sanches. Denis had little popular support in the war because of the many privileges he had granted to the nobles in the last years of his reign, while theInfantehad the support of the county's cities; these circumstances were rooted in the longstanding conflict between the upper and lower classes of Portuguese society. Repulsed to the town ofAlenquer,which supported theInfante,Denis was prevented from killing his son through the intervention of the Queen. As legend holds, in 1323, Elizabeth, mounted on a mule, positioned herself between the opposing armies on the field of theBattle of Alvaladein order to prevent the combat. Peace returned in 1324 when Afonso Sanches was sent into exile and theInfanteswore loyalty to the king.[54]

Remains of the medieval Monastery of Saint Denis in Odivelas

King Denis died on 7 January 1325 atSantarém,[55]and was buried in theMonastery of Saint DenisinOdivelas,near Lisbon.[56]Afonso then became king, whereupon he exiled his rival toCastile,and stripped him of all the lands andfiefdomsbestowed by their father. From Castile, Afonso Sanches orchestrated a series of attempts to usurp the crown. After he failed several times to mount an invasion of Portugal, the brothers signed a peace treaty, arranged by Afonso IV's mother QueenElizabeth.[57]

Appraisal of reign[edit]

Bearing in mind the many centuries that separate Denis from the present, an impression of his personality can be gathered from the historical record: he was determined, even obstinate, in his attempts to systematically centralise the government and consolidate royal power.[58]For example, he launched general inquiries (Inquirições gerais) at a remarkably accelerated pace to investigate land ownership and identify cases where abuses were committed.[59]

Denis revealed early on his ability as an effective strategist in the pursuit of his goals, and as an innovator of proactive legislative policy. With the benefit of hindsight, it is clear that his administrative decisions were not made randomly or without consideration of his ideal of a well-governed nation. The wide range of his policies is indicated by a few examples: the concomitant creation of new towns and trade fairs, the fortification of the country's borders and the increasing dependence of the military orders on the royal power. He was recognized as an intelligent, perceptive ruler with demonstrated success, both by contemporaries and by later historians.

Denis was not lacking in political skill. Being adroit in negotiation and a student of human nature, he knew how to go about "opposing and appeasing alternately the secular and the ecclesiastical manorial interests. He confiscated the properties of the clergy, but made the concordat [of 1289] with the Portuguese bishops;[27][60]he restricted thecomedoria(victuals) rights of the monasteries, but replaced those rights with a fixed annual sum of money. His actions were sufficiently [statesmanlike, and his political position was strong] enough, for him to secure the confiscation laws and check the erosion of the state patrimony ".[61][62]As administration of the royal properties became more efficient and he became richer, Denis gained fame for his wealth, even being mentioned in Dante Alighieri'sDivine Comedy,where he was calledDionysus Agricola,and described among those condemned by theEagle, in the Sixth Sphere,though the exact reason for this condemnation is unknown.[63]

Nevertheless, Denis is described in contemporary chronicles as a wise and able ruler. Although most of the legislative work of his reign focused on procedural juridical issues, the purpose of much of this new legislation was to avoid excessive delays and court costs and to prevent abuse by attorneys and prosecutors. The personal determination that allowed Denis to achieve so much in the political realm could sometimes harden into obstinacy and arrogance. He was described occasionally as cruel, especially in family relations, shown for example in the way he dealt with his legitimate son and rightful heir, Afonso (never his favourite), and his wife, Elizabeth, to whom he turned over the children born of his infidelities,[64]leaving her the responsibility of their care and education.

An inescapable figure in the history of the Iberian Peninsula in the 13th and the beginning of the 14th centuries, Denis was first called "father of his country" (Pai da Pátria) by the historian Duarte Nunes de Leão in 1600.[65]

Physical description[edit]

The historical sources of King Denis's time, as well as later authors, failed to provide any detailed physical description of the monarch. The information known comes from an accidental opening of his tomb during a restoration in 1938. It was discovered that the legend of a figure of towering height was not an accurate one as he was only about 1.65 metres (5 feet 5 inches) tall. Denis made his will when he was 61 and died at age 63. He apparently enjoyed excellent health throughout his life, as he traveled frequently, got involved in wars from an early age and at age 60 still hunted. He died with complete dentition,[66]a rarity for the time, something that even today continues to be fairly unusual.

A distinctive feature of hisphysiognomyrevealed by examination of the body was that his hair and beard were auburn. This is a curious fact, as he was the first of the Portuguese royal line up to that time to have that hair color. This genetic trait could have been passed on the maternal side, as his uncleFerdinand,called "La Cerda", or "the bristly one", had red hair as well. Denis may have inherited the trait fromHenry II of England,who was his ancestor on both the paternal and maternal sides, or even possibly from his maternal great-grandmotherElisabeth of Hohenstaufen,granddaughter of theHoly Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa( "barbarossa"means" red beard "in Italian).[67]

Opening of the tomb[edit]

In 2016, the tomb of the king was opened for the first time since 1938.[68]Initially a restoration work, the tomb became the subject of research. Aphysiognomicreport of the king is expected to be published in the future.[69]Among other artefacts, the king's sword was retrieved from the tomb; it was found to be in a good state of preservation, except that the point had broken off.[70]

Marriage and descendants[edit]

Denis' only wife was Isabel orElizabeth of Aragon,daughter ofPeter III of AragonandConstance of Sicily.[71]They married in 1282[72]and had a son and a daughter. Like other monarchs of the time, he had several illegitimate children as well.[73]

Name Birth Death Notes
ByElizabeth of Aragon(1271–1336; married in 1282)
Infanta Constança(Constance) 3 January 1290 18 November 1313 Queen of Castile by marriage toFerdinand IV of Castile.
Infante Afonso 8 February 1291 28 May 1357 Succeeded him as Afonso IV, 7thKing of Portugal.
ByGrácia Anes Fróis[74]
Pedro Afonso 1287 1354 3rdCount of Barcelos
ByAldonça Rodrigues de Telha[75]
Afonso Sanches 1289 1329 Lord ofAlbuquerqueand rival of his half-brother Afonso IV
ByMaria Pires
João Afonso c. 1295[76] 1326[76] Lord ofLousã
ByMarinha Gomes
Maria Afonso b. 1301[77] a. 1319 marriedJuan Alfonso de la Cerda
Other illegitimate offspring
Fernão Sanches b. 1290 1329
Maria Afonso (nun) ? 1320 Religious at the Monastery ofOdivelas

See also[edit]


  1. ^Britannica Educational Publishing (1 June 2013).Portugal and Spain.Britanncia Educational Publishing. p. 53.ISBN978-1-61530-993-1.
  2. ^History of Two Queens 1. Catharine D'Aragon, 2. Anne Boleyn By William Hepworth Dixon.B. Tauchnitz. 1873. p.49.
  3. ^abH. V. Livermore (2004).Portugal: A Traveller's History.Boydell Press. p. 15.ISBN978-1-84383-063-4.
  4. ^Rip Cohen (1 January 1987).Thirty-two Cantigas D'amigo of Dom Dinis: Typology of a Portuguese Renunciation.Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies. p. 99.ISBN978-0-942260-55-7.
  5. ^Portuguese Studies Newsletter.International Conference Group on Modern Portugal. 1988. p. 42.In his fusion of Provençal influences with the native Galician-Portuguese lyric spread southward from Santiago de Campostela, Dinis went beyond the role of translator and patron to become an important poet in his own right.
  6. ^Sheila R. Ackerlind (1990).King Dinis of Portugal and the Alfonsine heritage.Peter Lang Publishing, Incorporated. p. 1.ISBN978-0-8204-0921-4.
  7. ^abFrancis A. Dutra (4 December 2013). E. Michael Gerli (ed.).Medieval Iberia: An Encyclopedia.Routledge. p. 285.ISBN978-1-136-77162-0.
  8. ^Bailey Wallys Diffie (1977).Foundations of the Portuguese Empire, 1415-1580.U of Minnesota Press. p. 21.ISBN978-0-8166-0782-2.
  9. ^John Brande Trend (1958).Portugal.Praeger. p. 103.
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  13. ^Matthew Anthony Fitzsimons;Jean Bécarud (1969).The Catholic Church today: Western Europe.University of Notre Dame Press. p.159.
  14. ^Helen J. Nicholson (1 January 2004).The Crusades.Greenwood Publishing Group. p.98.ISBN978-0-313-32685-1.
  15. ^William Moseley Brown; Simeon B. Chase; Paul Tice (1 April 2003).Highlights of Templar History: Includes the Knights Templar Constitution.Book Tree. p. 48.ISBN978-1-58509-230-7.
  16. ^Haag, Michael (2010).The Templars: History and Myth: From Solomon's Temple to the Freemasons.Profile Books. p. 246.ISBN978-1-84765-251-5.
  17. ^Richard Mayson (12 November 2012).Port and the Douro.Infinite Ideas. p. 3.ISBN978-1-908474-71-1.
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  23. ^Ted Gioia (5 February 2015).Love Songs: The Hidden History.Oxford University Press. p. 115.ISBN978-0-19-935757-4.
  24. ^Dinis (King of Portugal); Manuel Pedro Ferreira (2005).Cantus Coronatus D'El-Rei Dom Dinis: 7 Cantigas by King Dinis of Portugal.Edition Reichenberger. p. 312.ISBN978-3-937734-09-5.
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  44. ^James Maxwell Anderson (1 January 2000).The History of Portugal.Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 33.ISBN978-0-313-31106-2.
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  54. ^João Ferreira (2010).Histórias rocambolescas da história de Portugal.Esfera dos Livros.ISBN978-989-626-216-7.
  55. ^José Mattoso; Armindo de Sousa (1997).História de Portugal. 2, A monarquia feudal (1096-1480).Editorial Estampa. p. 140.ISBN978-972-33-1263-8.
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  57. ^Spain and Portugal,Graeme Mercer Adam ed., J. D. Morris, 1906
  58. ^Rita Costa Gomes (10 April 2003).The Making of a Court Society: Kings and Nobles in Late Medieval Portugal.Cambridge University Press. p.86.ISBN978-0-521-80011-2.
  59. ^José Augusto de Sotto Mayor Pizarro (2008).D. Dinis.Temas e Debates. p. 206.ISBN978-972-759-966-0.
  60. ^Catholic Encyclopedia.Appleton. 1908. p. 197.
  61. ^Pizarro 2008, p. 207. "Atacando e apaziguando, alternadamente, os interesses senhoriais laicos e eclesiásticos: desamortizou os bens do clero, mas aceitou a concordata e restringiu os direitos de comedoria nos mosteiros; inquiriu os bens senhoriais, mas as leis de desamortização travam a erosão dos patrimónios senhoriais."
  62. ^Charles William Previté-Orton (1852).The Shorter Cambridge Medieval History.Vol. 2. CUP Archive. p. 832. GGKEY:RJXLJYT61T4.
  63. ^Richard Lansing (11 February 2011).The Dante Encyclopedia.Routledge. p. 304.ISBN978-1-136-84972-5.
  64. ^Thomas J. Craughwell (12 July 2011).Saints Preserved.Crown Publishing Group. p. 89.ISBN978-0-307-59074-9.
  65. ^Duarte Nunes de Leão (1600).Primeira parte das Chronicas dos Reis de Portugal.impresso por Pedro Craesbeeck. p. 123.
  66. ^José Crespo (1972).Santa Isabel na doença e na morte.Coimbra Editora. pp. 113–117.
  67. ^Amir D. Aczel (19 February 2009).Descartes's Secret Notebook: A True Tale of Mathematics, Mysticism, and the Quest to Understand the Universe.Crown Publishing Group. p. 115.ISBN978-0-307-49480-1.
  68. ^Cipriano, Rita."D. Dinis. Um enigma e um túmulo para ser (re)descoberto"(in European Portuguese).Observador.Retrieved13 August2021.
  69. ^"Estudo forense a D. Dinis é projeto pioneiro em Portugal"(in European Portuguese). Câmara Municipal de Odivelas.Retrieved13 August2021.
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  71. ^Previte-Orton, C.W. (1960).The Shorter Cambridge Medieval History.Vol. II: The twelfth century to the Renaissance. Cambridge at the University Press. p. 825.
  72. ^Baquero Moreno, Humberto (1997)."Relações entre os Reinos Peninsulares (1290-1330)"(PDF).
  73. ^Michael Jones (1995).The New Cambridge Medieval History: Volume 6, C.1300-c.1415.Cambridge University Press. p. 634.ISBN978-0-521-36290-0.
  74. ^Parra, Ana Raquel da Cruz (2018)."A Paternidade na Idade Média: o caso de D. Dinis"(PDF).Repositório da Universidade de Lisboa.p. 83.
  75. ^Parra, Ana Raquel da Cruz (2018)."A Paternidade na Idade Média: o caso de D. Dinis"(PDF).Repositório da Universidade de Lisboa.p. 94.
  76. ^abSotto Mayor Pizarro, José Augusto (1997).Linhagens Medievais Portuguesas: Genealogias e Estratégias (1279-1325).Oporto. pp. 196–199.ISBN9729801835.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  77. ^Sotto Mayor Pizarro, José Augusto (1997).Linhagens Medievais Portuguesas: Genealogias e Estratégias (1279-1325).Oporto. pp. 199–200.ISBN9729801835.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
Denis of Portugal
Cadet branch of theHouse of Capet
Born:9 October 1261Died:7 January 1325
Regnal titles
Preceded by King of Portugal
Succeeded by