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Derveni Krater

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Derveni Krater
Inv. B1,Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki.Detail shown below.
MaterialBronze with 15% tin
Height90.5 centimetres (35.6 in)
Weight40 kilograms (88 lb)
WritingFunerary inscription in the Thessalian dialect of ancient Greek
Created4th century BC
40°43′13″N22°58′17.2″E/ 40.72028°N 22.971444°E/40.72028; 22.971444

TheDerveni Krateris avolutekrater,[1]the most elaborate of its type,[2]discovered in 1962 in a tomb atDerveni,not far fromThessaloniki,and displayed at theArchaeological Museum of Thessaloniki.Weighing 40 kg, it is made of a bronze with a hightincontent of about 15%, which endows it with a superb golden sheen without use of anygoldat all.[3]It is dated to the 4th century BC, and was probably made in Athens. Large metalwork vessels are extremely rare survivals inAncient Greek art,and the Derveni Krater is the outstanding survival fromHellenistic art,as theVix Krateris from theArchaic period.



The krater was discovered buried, as a funerary urn for aThessalianaristocrat whose name is engraved on the vase: Astiouneios, son of Anaxagoras, fromLarissa.Kraters (mixing bowls) were vessels used for mixing undiluted wine with water and probably various spices as well, the drink then being ladled out to fellow banqueters at ritual or festive celebrations. When excavated, the Derveni Krater contained 1968.31 g of burnt bones that belonged to a man aged 35–50 and to a younger woman.

Technique and decoration


The vase is composed of two leaves of metal which were hammered then joined, although the handles and thevolutes(scrolls) were cast and attached. The main alloy used gives it a golden colour, but at various points the decoration is worked with different metals as overlays or inlays of silver, copper, bronze and other base metals. Such highlights include the silver garlands of vine and ivy around the krater, the silver and copper stripes on thevipersat the handles, and the silver orbs of the eyes of the volute masks.[4]

The top part of the krater is decorated with motifs both ornamental (gadroons, palm leaves, acanthus, garlands) and figurative: the top of the neck presents afriezeof animals and most of all, four statuettes (two maenads, Dionysus and a sleeping satyr) are casually seated on the shoulders of the vase, in a pose foreshadowing that of theBarberini Faun.On the belly, the frieze in low relief, 32.6 cm tall, is devoted to the divinitiesAriadneandDionysus,surrounded by revellingsatyrsandmaenadsof the Bacchicthiasus,or ecstatic retinue. There is also a warrior wearing only one sandal, whose identity is disputed:Pentheus,Lycurgus of Thrace,or perhaps the "one-sandalled"JasonofArgonautfame.



The exact date and place of making are disputed. Barr-Sharrar thinks it was made around 370 BC in Athens. Based on the dialectal forms used in the inscription, some commentators think it was fabricated inThessalyat the time of the revolt of theAleuadae,around 350 BC. Others date it between 330 and 320 BC and credit it to bronzesmiths of the royal court ofAlexander the Great.



The funerary inscription on the krater reads:


The inscription is in theThessalian,variant of theAeoliandialect:Aστιούνειος Aναξαγοραίοι ἐς Λαρίσας(Astioúneios Anaxagoraīoi es Larísas), "Astiouneios, son of Anaxagoras, fromLarissa."[5]If transcribed inAttic,the inscription could read:Aστίων Aναξαγόρου ἐκ Λαρίσης(Astíōn Anaxagórou ek Larísēs).


  1. ^Volute-krater:seeTypology of Greek Vase Shapes.
  2. ^John Boardman, "Greek art and architecture" in J. Boardman, Jasper Griffin, Oswyn Murray,Greece and the Hellenistic World(Oxford History of the Classical World,vol. I), 188, illus. p. 301.
  3. ^Barr-Sharrar, Beryl (2012). Martine Denoyelle, Sophie Descamps-Lequime (ed.).The Eschatological Iconography of the Derveni Krater.Actes de colloques. INHA.ISBN9782917902660.
  4. ^"Derveni Krater",Barr-Sharrar, Beryl, inAncient Greek Art,Ed. Michael Gagarin, 2009, Oxford University Press, Inc.ISBN0195170725.9780195170726.
  5. ^LeteDerveni — ca. 350-300 BCSEG 24:571.


  • E. Giouri,Ο κρατήρας του Δερβενίου,Athènes, Goebel, 1978 (Tr. "The krater of Derveni" ).
  • Πέτρος Γ. Θεμελης, Γιάννης Π. Τσουράτσογλου,Οι Τάφοι του Δερβενίου,Ταμείο αρχαιολογικών πόρων, Athens, 1997.ISBN960-214-103-4(Tr. Petros G. Themelis and Giannis Tsouratsoglou, "The tombs of Derveni". In Greek with English summaries).
  • Bernard Holtzmann andAlain Pasquier,Histoire de l'art antique: l'art grec,Documentation française, coll. "Manuels de l' École du Louvre", Paris, 1998 2-11-003866-7, p. 216-217.
  • G. Mihaïlov, "Observations sur le cratère de Dervéni",REA93 (1991), p. 39-54.
  • B. Barr-Sharrar,The Derveni Krater: Masterpiece of Classical Greek Metalwork,Princeton, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2008.ISBN978-0-87661-962-9.
  • J.H. Musgrave, "The cremated remains from Tombs II and III at Nea Mihaniona and Tomb Beta at Derveni", The Annual of the British School at Athens, Vol. 85 (1990), pp. 301–325.
  • Sideris, A., "Les tombes de Derveni. Quelques remarques sur la toreutique",Revue Archéologique2000, pp. 3–36.


  • This page draws heavily onfr:Cratère de Derveniarticle in the French-language Wikipedia, which was accessed in the version of Nov. 12, 2006.

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