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Dilazakis aPushtuntribe fromKarlaniDivision ofAfghans.


Around 1520, a Pashtun tribe, theYousafzai,was expelled fromKabulbyMirza Ulugh Beg,aTimuridruler and paternal uncle of the Mughal EmperorBabur.[1]The Yusufzai migrated toPeshawarvalleywhere they sought and received help from the Dilazak.[2]Later, the relationships between the two tribes deteriorated and a long war ensued.[3]20 years later, at the battle ofKatlang,theYousafzaiand Allied forces pushed the Dilazak east of theIndus Riverunder the leadership ofMalik Ahmed Khan.[4]


  1. ^"The Pathans"bySir Olaf CaroePage 153,173/174
  2. ^"Mukhtasur Taareekh-e-Pashtoon (Short History of Pashtoons) by Professor Hameedullah (2004) Page 49
  3. ^"Tawareekh-e-Hafiz Rahmat Khani" (Urdu) by Pir Moazzam Shah rearranged with notes by 'Roshan Khan', Published by Pashto Academy, Peshawar University (1976) Pages 83-570
  4. ^"The Kingdom of Afghanistan - A Historical Sketch" by G.P.Tate (1911), Reproduced by 'Indus Publications' (1973) Page 12 (Foot Note)