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Dnipro Line

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Dnipro Line

TheDnipro Linewas a line of fortifications built by theRussian Empireduring theRusso-Turkish War (1768–1774)stretching 180 kilometers from theDniproknee to the shores of theSea of Azovalong theKonkaand Berda rivers. In the north, the line hinged on the Alexandrian fortress, nowZaporizhzhia,and in the south on the Saint Peter fortress near the modern city ofBerdiansk.The line lost its relevance and was abandoned after the annexation of theCrimean Khanatein 1783.[1][2]

Originally it intended to include 14 fortresses and 2retrenchments,but it only consisted of 7 fortresses along Konka waters.

List of fortresses

  • Alexandrian
  • Nikitian
  • Grigorian
  • Cyrillian
  • Alexian
  • Zacharian
  • Petrian


  1. ^"Dnipro Line",inEncyclopedia of Ukrainevol. 1.
  2. ^V.I. Milchev (2002), "ДНІПРОВСЬКА УКРІПЛЕНА ЛІНІЯ (Dnipro fortified line)",inМалої енциклопедії українського козацтва (Small Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Cossacks).Zaporizhzhia National University.ISBN9789667529499.atGoogle books