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Domain of a function

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A functionffromXtoY.The set of points in the red ovalXis the domain off.
Graph of the real-valuedsquare rootfunction,f(x) =x,whose domain consists of all nonnegative real numbers

Inmathematics,thedomain of a functionis thesetof inputs accepted by thefunction.It is sometimes denoted byor,wherefis the function. In layman's terms, the domain of a function can generally be thought of as "what x can be".[1]

More precisely, given a function,the domain offisX.In modern mathematical language, the domain is part of the definition of a function rather than a property of it.

In the special case thatXandYare both sets ofreal numbers,the functionfcan be graphed in theCartesian coordinate system.In this case, the domain is represented on thex-axis of the graph, as the projection of the graph of the function onto thex-axis.

For a function,the setYis called thecodomain:the set to which all outputs must belong. The set of specific outputs the function assigns to elements ofXis called itsrangeorimage.The image of f is a subset ofY,shown as the yellow oval in the accompanying diagram.

Any function can be restricted to a subset of its domain. Therestrictionofto,where,is written as.

Natural domain[edit]

If areal functionfis given by a formula, it may be not defined for some values of the variable. In this case, it is apartial function,and the set of real numbers on which the formula can be evaluated to a real number is called thenatural domainordomain of definitionoff.In many contexts, a partial function is called simply afunction,and its natural domain is called simply itsdomain.


  • The functiondefined bycannot be evaluated at 0. Therefore, the natural domain ofis the set of real numbers excluding 0, which can be denoted byor.
  • Thepiecewisefunctiondefined byhas as its natural domain the setof real numbers.
  • Thesquare rootfunctionhas as its natural domain the set of non-negative real numbers, which can be denoted by,the interval,or.
  • Thetangent function,denoted,has as its natural domain the set of all real numbers which are not of the formfor someinteger,which can be written as.

Other uses[edit]

The termdomainis also commonly used in a different sense inmathematical analysis:adomainis anon-emptyconnectedopen setin atopological space.In particular, inrealandcomplex analysis,adomainis a non-empty connected open subset of thereal coordinate spaceor thecomplex coordinate space

Sometimes such a domain is used as the domain of a function, although functions may be defined on more general sets. The two concepts are sometimes conflated as in, for example, the study ofpartial differential equations:in that case, adomainis the open connected subset ofwhere a problem is posed, making it both an analysis-style domain and also the domain of the unknown function(s) sought.

Set theoretical notions[edit]

For example, it is sometimes convenient inset theoryto permit the domain of a function to be aproper classX,in which case there is formally no such thing as a triple(X,Y,G).With such a definition, functions do not have a domain, although some authors still use it informally after introducing a function in the formf:XY.[2]

See also[edit]


  1. ^"Domain, Range, Inverse of Functions".Easy Sevens Education.Retrieved2023-04-13.
  2. ^Eccles 1997,p. 91 (quote 1,quote 2);Mac Lane 1998,p. 8;Mac Lane, inScott & Jech 1971,p. 232;Sharma 2010,p. 91;Stewart & Tall 1977,p. 89
