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Drostanolone propionate

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Drostanolone propionate
Clinical data
Trade namesDrolban, Masteril, Masteron, others
Other namesDromostanolone propionate; NSC-12198; Drostanolone 17β-propionate; 2α-Methyl-4,5α-dihydrotestosterone 17β-propionate; 2α-Methyl-DHT propionate; 2α-Methyl-5α-androstan-17β-ol-3-one 17β-propionate
  • X
Routes of
Intramuscular injection[1]
Drug classAndrogen;Anabolic steroid;Androgen ester
ATC code
Legal status
Legal status
Protein bindingHigh
Eliminationhalf-lifeIntramuscular:2 days[1]
  • (2R,5S,8R,9S,10S,13S,14S,17S)-17-hydroxy-2,10,13-trimethyl-1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,14,15,16,17-tetradecahydrocyclopenta[a]phenanthren-3-one
CAS Number
CompTox Dashboard(EPA)
ECHA InfoCard100.007.550Edit this at Wikidata
Chemical and physical data
Molar mass360.538g·mol−1
3D model (JSmol)
  • CCC(=O)O[C@H]1CC[C@@H]2[C@@]1(CC[C@H]3[C@H]2CC[C@@H]4[C@@]3(C[C@H](C(=O)C4)C)C)C
  • InChI=1S/C23H36O3/c1-5-21(25)26-20-9-8-17-16-7-6-15-12-19(24)14(2)13-23(15,4)18(16)10-11-22(17,20)3/h14-18,20H,5-13H2,1-4H3/t14-,15+,16+,17+,18+,20+,22+,23+/m1/s1checkY

Drostanolone propionate,ordromostanolone propionate,sold under the brand namesDrolban,Masteril,andMasteronamong others, is anandrogenandanabolic steroid(AAS) medication which was used to treatbreast cancerin women but is now no longer marketed.[1][2]It is given byinjection into muscle.[1]

Side effectsof drostanolone propionate includesymptomsofmasculinizationlikeacne,increased hair growth,voice changes,and increasedsexual desire.[1]It has no risk ofliver damage.[1]The drug is asyntheticandrogen and anabolic steroid and hence is anagonistof theandrogen receptor(AR), thebiological targetof androgens liketestosteroneanddihydrotestosterone(DHT).[1][3]It has moderateanaboliceffects and weakandrogeniceffects, which give it a mild side effect profile and make it especially suitable for use in women.[1]The drug has noestrogeniceffects.[1]Drostanolone propionate is anandrogen esterand a long-lastingprodrugofdrostanolonein the body.[1]

Drostanolone propionate was first described in 1959 and was introduced for medical use in 1961.[1][4][5]In addition to its medical use, drostanolone propionate is used toimprove physique and performance.[1]The drug is acontrolled substancein many countries and so non-medical use is generally illicit.[1][6]

Medical uses


The principal clinical indication of drostanolone propionate in theUnited Statesas well as international markets was the treatment of advanced inoperablebreast cancerin women.[1]

Hormonal treatmentis part of the complex therapy for some kind oftumors,particularly the ones associated with hormone-active tissues like breast orprostate cancer.Some types ofbreast cancercells, expressingestrogen receptors(called ER+ cancers), useestrogenfor their growth and dissemination. That is why drugs that block estrogen receptors or decrease their expression on the cell membrane,antiestrogens,could limit the tumor spread and size. Drostanolone propionate has been FDA approved[7]as anantiestrogenicdrug for the treatment of breast cancer. By the time of its release, there were not many alternatives for patients with breast cancer and drostanolone propionate was a revolution for these patients. As it has lowerandrogenicrate compared totestosterone,the risk ofvirilizationis much lighter. Due to this fact, women, who usually do not respond well to any AAS, were having much greater chance to survive cancer. Drostanolone propionate can also be used for breast tumors that do not respond well to other treatments or also aspalliative carefor advanced incurable tumors. The effects of the product depend of course on the dose and period of administration. The risk of virilization becomes greater with high doses and continuous administration period.

Androgen/anabolic steroid dosages for breast cancer
Route Medication Form Dosage
Oral Methyltestosterone Tablet 30–200 mg/day
Fluoxymesterone Tablet 10–40 mg 3x/day
Calusterone Tablet 40–80 mg 4x/day
Normethandrone Tablet 40 mg/day
Buccal Methyltestosterone Tablet 25–100 mg/day
Injection(IMTooltip intramuscular injectionorSCTooltip subcutaneous injection) Testosterone propionate Oil solution 50–100 mg 3x/week
Testosterone enanthate Oil solution 200–400 mg 1x/2–4 weeks
Testosterone cypionate Oil solution 200–400 mg 1x/2–4 weeks
Mixed testosterone esters Oil solution 250 mg 1x/week
Methandriol Aqueous suspension 100 mg 3x/week
Androstanolone (DHT) Aqueous suspension 300 mg 3x/week
Drostanolone propionate Oil solution 100 mg 1–3x/week
Metenolone enanthate Oil solution 400 mg 3x/week
Nandrolone decanoate Oil solution 50–100 mg 1x/1–3 weeks
Nandrolone phenylpropionate Oil solution 50–100 mg/week
Note:Dosages are not necessarily equivalent.Sources:See template.

Non-medical uses


Drostanolone propionate is or has been used forphysique- and performance-enhancing purposesbycompetitiveathletes,bodybuilders,andpowerlifters.[1]

Side effects


Drostanolone propionate produces considerably lessvirilizationin women compared to equal doses oftestosterone propionate.[1]However, since the given dosage for breast cancer was relatively high (200 mg/twice a week),[8]mild virilization includingoily skin,acne,voice deepening,hirsutism,andclitoral enlargementcould still occur, and marked virilization could manifest with long-term therapy.[1]The drug has noestrogenicactivity and hence has no propensity for causinggynecomastia(in males) orfluid retention.[1]Drostanolone propionate is not known to pose a risk ofhepatotoxicity.[9][1]




Androgenic vs. anabolic activity ratio
of androgens/anabolic steroids
Medication Ratioa
Testosterone ~1:1
Androstanolone (DHT) ~1:1
Methyltestosterone ~1:1
Methandriol ~1:1
Fluoxymesterone 1:1–1:15
Metandienone 1:1–1:8
Drostanolone 1:3–1:4
Metenolone 1:2–1:30
Oxymetholone 1:2–1:9
Oxandrolone 1:3–1:13
Stanozolol 1:1–1:30
Nandrolone 1:3–1:16
Ethylestrenol 1:2–1:19
Norethandrolone 1:1–1:20
Notes:In rodents.Footnotes:a= Ratio of androgenic to anabolic activity.Sources:See template.

Drostanolone propionate is aprodrugofdrostanolone.[1]Like other AAS, drostanolone is anagonistof theandrogen receptor(AR).[1]It is not a substrate for5α-reductaseand is a poor substrate for3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase(3α-HSD), and therefore shows a high ratio ofanabolictoandrogenicactivity.[1]As a DHT derivative, drostanolone is not asubstrateforaromataseand hence cannot be aromatized intoestrogenicmetabolites.[1]While no data are available on theprogestogenicactivity of drostanolone, it is thought to have low or no such activity similarly to other DHT derivatives.[1]Since the drug is not17α-alkylated,it is not known to causehepatotoxicity.[1]

Drostanolone propionate, via its active form drostanolone, interacts with the AR and activates a cascade of genetic changes, including increasedprotein synthesis(anabolism) and decreasedamino aciddegradation(catabolism). It also induces a reduction or inhibition ofprolactinorestrogen receptorsin thebreasts,which is linked to itsantitumoreffects.[10]



Drostanolone propionate is not active via theoralroute and must be administered viaintramuscular injection.[1]Theelimination half-lifeof the drug via this route is approximately 2 days.[1]It has a much longer elimination half-life via intramuscular injection than drostanolone.[1]Drostanolone propionate ismetabolizedinto drostanolone, which is the active form.[1]



Drostanolone propionate, or drostanolone 17β-propionate, is asyntheticandrostanesteroidand aderivativeof DHT.[11][12][1]It is the C17βpropionate(propanoate)esterofdrostanolone,which itself is 2α-methyl-4,5α-dihydrotestosterone (2α-methyl-DHT) or 2α-methyl-5α-androstan-17β-ol-3-one.[11][12][1]

Structural properties of major anabolic steroid esters
Anabolic steroid Structure Ester Relative
mol. weight
Position Moiety Type Lengtha
Boldenone undecylenate
C17β Undecylenic acid Straight-chain fatty acid 11 1.58 0.63 Long
Drostanolone propionate
C17β Propanoic acid Straight-chain fatty acid 3 1.18 0.84 Short
Metenolone acetate
C17β Ethanoic acid Straight-chain fatty acid 2 1.14 0.88 Short
Metenolone enanthate
C17β Heptanoic acid Straight-chain fatty acid 7 1.37 0.73 Long
Nandrolone decanoate
C17β Decanoic acid Straight-chain fatty acid 10 1.56 0.64 Long
Nandrolone phenylpropionate
C17β Phenylpropanoic acid Aromatic fatty acid – (~6–7) 1.48 0.67 Long
Trenbolone acetate
C17β Ethanoic acid Straight-chain fatty acid 2 1.16 0.87 Short
Trenbolone enanthated
C17β Heptanoic acid Straight-chain fatty acid 7 1.41 0.71 Long
Footnotes:a= Length ofesterincarbonatomsforstraight-chain fatty acidsor approximate length of ester in carbon atoms foraromaticfatty acids.b= Relative androgen/anabolic steroid content by weight (i.e., relativeandrogenic/anabolicpotency).c=Durationbyintramuscularorsubcutaneous injectioninoil solution.d= Never marketed.Sources:See individual articles.



Drostanolone and drostanolone propionate were first described in 1959.[1][4]The related AASoxymetholoneandmethasterone(methyldrostanolone) were first described in the same paper as well.[1]Drostanolone propionate was introduced for medical use in theUnited Statesin 1961 and inEuropeshortly thereafter.[5]

Society and culture


Generic names


Drostanolone propionateis thegeneric nameof the drug and itsBANMTooltip British Approved Name,whiledromostanolone propionateis theUSANTooltip United States Adopted NameandUSPTooltip United States Pharmacopeia;there is noINNTooltip International Nonproprietary Namefor this form.[11][12][13]The generic name of the unesterified form of the drug isdrostanoloneordromostanoloneand the former is itsINNTooltip International Nonproprietary Name,BANTooltip British Approved Name,andDCFTooltip Dénomination Commune Françaisewhile there is noUSANTooltip United States Adopted Name.[11][12][13][2]

Brand names


Drostanolone propionate was marketed under a variety of brand names including Drolban, Masterid, Masteril, Masteron, Masterone, Mastisol, Metormon, Permastril, and Prometholone.[11][12][1]



Drostanolone propionate appears to no longer be marketed.[1][2]It was previously available in theUnited States,Europe,andJapan.[12][1]In Europe, it was specifically marketed in theUnited Kingdom,Germany,Belgium,France,Spain,Portugal,Italy,andBulgaria.[12][1]


Drostanolone propionate, along with other AAS, is aschedule IIIcontrolled substancein theUnited Statesunder theControlled Substances Act.[6]


  1. ^abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzaaabacadaeafagahaiajakLlewellyn W (2011).Anabolics.Molecular Nutrition Llc. pp. 517–.ISBN978-0-9828280-1-4.
  2. ^abc"Anabolic Agents".Drugs.com.
  3. ^Kicman AT (June 2008)."Pharmacology of anabolic steroids".British Journal of Pharmacology.154(3): 502–521.doi:10.1038/bjp.2008.165.PMC2439524.PMID18500378.
  4. ^abRingold HJ, Batres E, Halpern O, Necoechea E (1959). "Steroids. CV.12-Methyl and 2-Hydroxymethylene-androstane Derivatives".Journal of the American Chemical Society.81(2): 427–432.doi:10.1021/ja01511a040.ISSN0002-7863.
  5. ^abWilliam Andrew Publishing (22 October 2013).Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition.Elsevier. pp. 1402–.ISBN978-0-8155-1856-3.
  6. ^abKarch SB (21 December 2006).Drug Abuse Handbook, Second Edition.CRC Press. pp. 30–.ISBN978-1-4200-0346-8.
  7. ^"Orange Book: Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations".www.accessdata.fda.gov.Retrieved2016-03-15.
  8. ^"Drostanolone propionate (Masteron) administration - The Dose for Treating Breast Cancer".Masterone.2020-01-24.Archivedfrom the original on 2020-10-01.Retrieved2021-02-23.
  9. ^Solimini R, Rotolo MC, Mastrobattista L, Mortali C, Minutillo A, Pichini S, et al. (March 2017)."Hepatotoxicity associated with illicit use of anabolic androgenic steroids in doping".European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences.21(1 Suppl): 7–16.PMID28379599.
  10. ^"Drostanolone (PIM 901)".www.inchem.org.Retrieved2016-03-15.
  11. ^abcdeElks J (14 November 2014).The Dictionary of Drugs: Chemical Data: Chemical Data, Structures and Bibliographies.Springer. pp. 652–.ISBN978-1-4757-2085-3.
  12. ^abcdefgIndex Nominum 2000: International Drug Directory.Taylor & Francis. January 2000. pp. 377–.ISBN978-3-88763-075-1.
  13. ^abMorton IK, Hall JM (6 December 2012).Concise Dictionary of Pharmacological Agents: Properties and Synonyms.Springer Science & Business Media. pp. 106–.ISBN978-94-011-4439-1.