Apairingorpairover a fieldis a triplewhich may also be denoted byconsisting of two vector spacesandoverand abilinear mapcalled thebilinear map associated with the pairing,[1]or more simply called the pairing'smapor itsbilinear form.The examples here only describe whenis either thereal numbersor thecomplex numbers,but the mathematical theory is general.
It is common practice to writeinstead of,in which in some cases the pairing may be denoted byrather than.However, this article will reserve the use offor the canonicalevaluation map(defined below) so as to avoid confusion for readers not familiar with this subject.
A pairingis called adual system,adual pair,[2]or adualityoverif thebilinear formis non-degenerate,which means that it satisfies the following two separation axioms:
separates (distinguishes) points of:ifis such thatthen;or equivalently, for all non-zero,the mapis not identically(i.e. there exists asuch thatfor each);
separates (distinguishes) points of:ifis such thatthen;or equivalently, for all non-zerothe mapis not identically(i.e. there exists ansuch thatfor each).
In this caseisnon-degenerate,and one can say thatplacesandin duality(or, redundantly but explicitly, inseparated duality), andis called theduality pairingof the triple.[1][2]
A subsetofis calledtotalif for every,implies
A total subset ofis defined analogously (see footnote).[note 1]Thusseparates points ofif and only ifis a total subset of,and similarly for.
The vectorsandareorthogonal,written,if.Two subsetsandareorthogonal,written,if;that is, iffor alland.The definition of a subset being orthogonal to a vector is definedanalogously.
Given a tripledefining a pairing over,theabsolute polar setorpolar setof a subsetofis the set:Symmetrically,the absolute polar set or polar set of a subsetofis denoted byand defined by
To use bookkeeping that helps keep track of the anti-symmetry of the two sides of the duality, the absolute polar of a subsetofmay also be called theabsolute prepolarorprepolarofand then may be denoted by[3]
The polaris necessarily aconvexset containingwhere ifis balanced then so isand ifis a vector subspace ofthen so too isa vector subspace of[4]
Ifis a vector subspace ofthenand this is also equal to thereal polarofIfthen thebipolarof,denoted,is the polar of the orthogonal complement of,i.e., the setSimilarly, ifthen the bipolar ofis
Given a pairingdefine a new pairingwherefor alland.[1]
There is a consistent theme in duality theory that any definition for a pairinghas a corresponding dual definition for the pairing
Convention and Definition:Given any definition for a pairingone obtains adual definitionby applying it to the pairingThese conventions also apply to theorems.
For instance, if "distinguishes points of"(resp,"is a total subset of") is defined as above, then this convention immediately produces the dual definition of"distinguishes points of"(resp,"is a total subset of").
This following notation is almost ubiquitous and allows us to avoid assigning a symbol to
Convention and Notation:If a definition and its notation for a pairingdepends on the order ofand(for example, the definition of theMackey topologyon) then by switching the order ofandthen it is meant that definition applied to(continuing the same example, the topologywould actually denote the topology).
For another example, once the weak topology onis defined, denoted by,then this dual definition would automatically be applied to the pairingso as to obtain the definition of the weak topology on,and this topology would be denoted byrather than.
Although it is technically incorrect and an abuse of notation, this article will adhere to the nearly ubiquitous convention of treating a pairinginterchangeably withand also of denotingby
Suppose thatis a pairing,is a vector subspace ofandis a vector subspace of.Then therestrictionoftois the pairingIfis a duality, then it's possible for a restriction to fail to be a duality (e.g. ifand).
This article will use the common practice of denoting the restrictionby
Suppose thatis a vector space and letdenote thealgebraic dual spaceof(that is, the space of all linear functionals on).
There is a canonical dualitywherewhich is called theevaluation mapor thenaturalorcanonicalbilinear functional on
Note in particular that for anyis just another way of denoting;i.e.
Ifis a vector subspace of,then the restriction oftois called thecanonical pairingwhere if this pairing is a duality then it is instead called thecanonical duality.Clearly,always distinguishes points of,so the canonical pairing is a dual system if and only ifseparates points of
The following notation is now nearly ubiquitous in duality theory.
The evaluation map will be denoted by(rather than by) andwill be written rather than
Assumption:As is common practice, ifis a vector space andis a vector space of linear functionals onthen unless stated otherwise, it will be assumed that they are associated with the canonical pairing
Ifis a vector subspace ofthendistinguishes points of(or equivalently,is a duality) if and only ifdistinguishes points ofor equivalently ifis total (that is,for allimplies).[1]
Supposeis atopological vector space(TVS) withcontinuous dual space
Then the restriction of the canonical dualityto×defines a pairingfor whichseparates points of
Ifseparates points of(which is true if, for instance,is a Hausdorff locally convex space) then this pairing forms a duality.[2]
Assumption:As is commonly done, wheneveris a TVS, then unless indicated otherwise, it will be assumed without comment that it's associated with the canonical pairing
The following result shows that thecontinuous linear functionalson a TVS are exactly those linear functionals that are bounded on a neighborhood of the origin.
Theorem[1]—Letbe a TVS with algebraic dual
and letbe a basis of neighborhoods ofat the origin.
Under the canonical dualitythe continuous dual space ofis the union of allasranges over(where the polars are taken in
Ifis a complexHilbert spacethenforms a dual system if and only ifIfis non-trivial thendoes not even form pairing since the inner product issesquilinearrather than bilinear.[1]
Suppose thatis a complex pre-Hilbert space with scalar multiplication denoted as usual by juxtaposition or by a dot
Define the map
where the right-hand side uses the scalar multiplication of
Letdenote thecomplex conjugate vector spaceofwheredenotes the additive group of(so vector addition inis identical to vector addition in) but with scalar multiplication inbeing the map(instead of the scalar multiplication thatis endowed with).
The mapdefined byis linear in both coordinates[note 2]and soforms a dual pairing.
Suppose thatis a pairing ofvector spacesover
Ifthen theweak topology oninduced by(and) is the weakest TVS topology ondenoted byor simplymaking all mapscontinuous asranges over[1]Ifis not clear from context then it should be assumed to be all ofin which case it is called theweak topologyon(induced by).
The notationor (if no confusion could arise) simplyis used to denoteendowed with the weak topology
Importantly, the weak topology dependsentirelyon the functionthe usual topology onand'svector spacestructure butnoton thealgebraic structuresof
Similarly, ifthen the dual definition of theweaktopologyoninduced by(and), which is denoted byor simply(see footnote for details).[note 3]
Definition and Notation:If ""is attached to a topological definition (e.g.-converges,-bounded,etc.) then it means that definition when the first space (i.e.) carries thetopology. Mention ofor evenandmay be omitted if no confusion arises. So, for instance, if a sequencein"-converges "or" weakly converges "then this means that it converges inwhereas if it were a sequence in,then this would mean that it converges in).
The topologyislocally convexsince it is determined by the family of seminormsdefined byasranges over[1]
Ifandis anetinthen-convergestoifconverges toin[1]
A net-converges toif and only if for allconverges to
Ifis a sequence oforthonormalvectors in Hilbert space, thenconverges weakly to 0 but does not norm-converge to 0 (or any other vector).[1]
Ifis a pairing andis a proper vector subspace ofsuch thatis a dual pair, thenis strictlycoarserthan[1]
With respect to the canonical pairing, ifis a TVS whose continuous dual spaceseparates points on(i.e. such thatis Hausdorff, which implies thatis also necessarily Hausdorff) then the continuous dual space ofis equal to the set of all "evaluation at a point"maps asranges over(i.e. the map that sendto).
This is commonly written as
This very important fact is why results for polar topologies on continuous dual spaces, such as thestrong dual topologyonfor example, can also often be applied to the original TVS;for instance,being identified withmeans that the topologyoncan instead be thought of as a topology on
Moreover, ifis endowed with a topology that isfinerthanthen the continuous dual space ofwill necessarily containas a subset.
So for instance, whenis endowed with the strong dual topology (and so is denoted by) then
which (among other things) allows forto be endowed with the subspace topology induced on it by, say, the strong dual topology(this topology is also called the strongbidualtopology and it appears in the theory ofreflexive spaces:the Hausdorff locally convex TVSis said to besemi-reflexiveifand it will be calledreflexiveif in addition the strong bidual topologyonis equal to's original/starting topology).
The polars of the following sets are identical: (a);(b) the convex hull of;(c) thebalanced hullof;(d) the-closure of;(e) the-closure of theconvex balanced hullof
Thebipolar theorem:The bipolar ofdenoted byis equal to the-closure of the convex balanced hull of
Thebipolar theoremin particular "is an indispensable tool in working with dualities."[4]
If in additiondistinguishes points ofthenis-boundedif and only if it is-totally bounded.
Ifis a pairing andis a locally convex topology onthat is consistent with duality, then a subsetofis abarrelinif and only ifis thepolarof some-bounded subset of[6]
For allletbe the map defined by
It is said that'stransposeoradjoint is well-definedif the following conditions are satisfied:
distinguishes points of(or equivalently, the mapfrominto the algebraic dualisinjective), and
In this case, for anythere exists (by condition 2) a unique (by condition 1)such that), where this element ofwill be denoted by
This defines a linear map
called thetransposeoradjoint ofwith respect toand(this should not be confused with theHermitian adjoint).
It is easy to see that the two conditions mentioned above (i.e. for "the transpose is well-defined" ) are also necessary forto be well-defined.
For everythe defining condition foris
that is,
for all
By the conventions mentioned at the beginning of this article, this also defines the transpose of linear maps of the form[note 4][note 5][note 6][note 7]etc. (see footnote).
Suppose thatis a vector space and thatis its the algebraic dual.
Then every-bounded subset ofis contained in a finite dimensional vector subspace and every vector subspace ofis-closed.[1]
Ifis acomplete topological vector spacesay thatis-completeor (if no ambiguity can arise)weakly-complete.
There existBanach spacesthat are not weakly-complete (despite being complete in their norm topology).[1]
Ifis a vector space then under the canonical duality,is complete.[1]
Conversely, ifis a Hausdorfflocally convexTVS with continuous dual spacethenis complete if and only if;that is, if and only if the mapdefined by sendingto the evaluation map at(i.e.) is a bijection.[1]
In particular, with respect to the canonical duality, ifis a vector subspace ofsuch thatseparates points ofthenis complete if and only if
Said differently, there doesnotexist a proper vector subspaceofsuch thatis Hausdorff andis complete in theweak-* topology(i.e. the topology of pointwise convergence).
Consequently, when thecontinuous dual spaceof aHausdorfflocally convexTVSis endowed with theweak-* topology,theniscompleteif and only if(that is, if and only ifeverylinear functional onis continuous).
Identification ofYwith a subspace of the algebraic dual
Ifdistinguishes points ofand ifdenotes the range of the injectionthenis a vector subspace of thealgebraic dual spaceofand the pairingbecomes canonically identified with the canonical pairing(whereis the natural evaluation map).
In particular, in this situation it will be assumedwithout loss of generalitythatis a vector subspace of's algebraic dual andis the evaluation map.
Convention:Often, wheneveris injective (especially whenforms a dual pair) then it is common practice to assumewithout loss of generalitythatis a vector subspace of the algebraic dual space ofthatis the natural evaluation map, and also denoteby
In a completely analogous manner, ifdistinguishes points ofthen it is possible forto be identified as a vector subspace of's algebraic dual space.[2]
In the special case where the dualities are the canonical dualitiesandthe transpose of a linear mapis always well-defined.
This transpose is called thealgebraic adjointofand it will be denoted by;
that is,
In this case, for all[1][7]where the defining condition foris:
or equivalently,
Iffor some integeris a basis forwithdual basisis a linear operator, and the matrix representation ofwith respect toisthen the transpose ofis the matrix representation with respect toof
Suppose thatandare canonical pairings (soand) that are dual systems and letbe a linear map.
Thenis weakly continuous if and only if it satisfies any of the following equivalent conditions:[1]
is continuous.
the transpose ofF,with respect toandis well-defined.
Ifis weakly continuous thenwill be continuous and furthermore,[7]
A mapbetween topological spaces isrelatively openifis anopen mapping,whereis the range of[1]
Suppose thatandare dual systems andis a weakly continuous linear map.
Then the following are equivalent:[1]
is relatively open.
The range ofis-closed in;
is injective (resp. bijective) if and only ifis surjective (resp. bijective);
is surjective if and only ifis relatively open and injective.
The transpose of map between two TVSs is defined if and only ifis weakly continuous.
Ifis a linear map between two Hausdorff locally convex topological vector spaces, then:[1]
Ifis continuous then it is weakly continuous andis both Mackey continuous and strongly continuous.
Ifis weakly continuous then it is both Mackey continuous and strongly continuous (defined below).
Ifis weakly continuous then it is continuous if and only ifmapsequicontinuoussubsets ofto equicontinuous subsets of
Ifandare normed spaces thenis continuous if and only if it is weakly continuous, in which case
Ifis continuous thenis relatively open if and only ifis weakly relatively open (i.e.is relatively open) and every equicontinuous subsets ofis the image of some equicontinuous subsets of
Ifis continuous injection thenis a TVS-embedding (or equivalently, atopological embedding) if and only if every equicontinuous subsets ofis the image of some equicontinuous subsets of
Ifisequicontinuousor-compact, and ifis such thatis dense inthen the subspace topology thatinherits fromis identical to the subspace topology thatinherits from
Ifisseparableandis equicontinuous thenwhen endowed with the subspace topology induced byismetrizable.
Ifis a normed space thenis separable if and only if the closed unit call the continuous dual space ofis metrizable when given the subspace topology induced by
Ifis a normed space whose continuous dual space is separable (when given the usual norm topology), thenis separable.
Polar topologies and topologies compatible with pairing
Starting with only the weak topology, the use ofpolar setsproduces a range of locally convex topologies.
Such topologies are calledpolar topologies.
The weak topology is theweakest topologyof this range.
Throughout,will be a pairing overandwill be a non-empty collection of-bounded subsets of
Given a collectionof subsets of,thepolar topologyondetermined by(and) or the-topologyonis the uniquetopological vector space(TVS) topology onfor which
forms asubbasisof neighborhoods at the origin.[1]
Whenis endowed with this-topology then it is denoted byY.
Every polar topology is necessarilylocally convex.[1]
Whenis adirected setwith respect to subset inclusion (i.e. if for allthere exists somesuch that) then this neighborhood subbasis at 0 actually forms aneighborhood basisat 0.[1]
The following table lists some of the more important polar topologies.
Notation:Ifdenotes a polar topology onthenendowed with this topology will be denoted byor simply(e.g. forwe'd haveso thatandall denoteendowed with).
( "topology of uniform convergence on..." )
Name ( "topology of..." )
Alternative name
finite subsets of (or-closeddisked hullsof finite subsets of)
Ifis a pairing overandis a vector topology onthenis atopology of the pairingand that it iscompatible(orconsistent)with the pairingif it islocally convexand if the continuous dual space of[note 8]
Ifdistinguishes points ofthen by identifyingas a vector subspace of's algebraic dual, the defining condition becomes:[1]
Some authors (e.g. [Trèves 2006] and [Schaefer 1999]) require that a topology of a pair also be Hausdorff,[2][8]which it would have to be ifdistinguishes the points of(which these authors assume).
The weak topologyis compatible with the pairing(as was shown in the Weak representation theorem) and it is in fact the weakest such topology.
There is a strongest topology compatible with this pairing and that is theMackey topology.
Ifis a normed space that is notreflexivethen the usual norm topology on its continuous dual space isnotcompatible with the duality[1]
The following is one of the most important theorems in duality theory.
Mackey–Arens theoremI[1]—Letwill be a pairing such thatdistinguishes the points ofand letbe a locally convex topology on(not necessarily Hausdorff).
Thenis compatible with the pairingif and only ifis a polar topology determined by some collectionof-compactdisksthat cover[note 9]
It follows that the Mackey topologywhich recall is the polar topology generated by all-compact disks inis the strongest locally convex topology onthat is compatible with the pairing
A locally convex space whose given topology is identical to the Mackey topology is called aMackey space.
The following consequence of the above Mackey-Arens theorem is also called the Mackey-Arens theorem.
Mackey–Arens theorem II[1]—Letwill be a pairing such thatdistinguishes the points ofand letbe a locally convex topology on
Thenis compatible with the pairing if and only if
Ifis a TVS (overor) then ahalf-spaceis a set of the formfor some realand some continuousreallinear functionalon
Theorem—Ifis alocally convexspace (overor) and ifis a non-empty closed and convex subset ofthenis equal to the intersection of all closed half spaces containing it.[9]
The above theorem implies that the closed and convex subsets of a locally convex space dependentirelyon the continuous dual space. Consequently, the closed and convex subsets are the same in any topology compatible with duality;that is, ifandare any locally convex topologies onwith the same continuous dual spaces, then a convex subset ofis closed in thetopology if and only if it is closed in thetopology.
This implies that the-closure of any convex subset ofis equal to its-closure and that for any-closeddiskin[1]
In particular, ifis a subset ofthenis abarrelinif and only if it is a barrel in[1]
The following theorem shows thatbarrels(i.e. closedabsorbingdisks) are exactly the polars of weakly bounded subsets.
Theorem[1]—Letwill be a pairing such thatdistinguishes the points ofand letbe a topology of the pair.
Then a subset ofis a barrel inif and only if it is equal to the polar of some-bounded subset of
A closedabsorbingandbalancedsubsetofabsorbs each convex compact subset of(i.e. there exists a realsuch thatcontains that set).
Ifis Hausdorff and locally convex then every barrel inabsorbs every convex bounded complete subset of
All of this leads to Mackey's theorem, which is one of the central theorems in the theory of dual systems.
In short, it states the bounded subsets are the same for any two Hausdorff locally convex topologies that are compatible with the same duality.
Mackey's theorem[10][1]—Suppose thatis a Hausdorff locally convex space with continuous dual spaceand consider the canonical duality
Ifis any topology onthat is compatible with the dualityonthen the bounded subsets ofare the same as the bounded subsets of
Letdenote the space of all sequences of scalarssuch thatfor all sufficiently large
Letand define a bilinear mapby
Moreover, a subsetis-bounded (resp.-bounded) if and only if there exists a sequenceof positive real numbers such thatfor alland all indices(resp. and).[1]
It follows that there are weakly bounded (that is,-bounded) subsets ofthat are not strongly bounded (that is, not-bounded).
Strong dual space– Continuous dual space endowed with the topology of uniform convergence on bounded sets
Strong topology (polar topology)– Continuous dual space endowed with the topology of uniform convergence on bounded setsPages displaying short descriptions of redirect targets
^Thatis linear in its first coordinate is obvious. Supposeis a scalar. Thenwhich shows thatis linear in its second coordinate.
^The weak topology onis the weakest TVS topology onmaking all mapscontinuous, asranges overThe dual notation ofor simplymay also be used to denoteendowed with the weak topologyIfis not clear from context then it should be assumed to be all ofin which case it is simply called theweak topologyon(induced by).
^Ifis a linear map then's transpose,is well-defined if and only ifdistinguishes points ofandIn this case, for eachthe defining condition foris:
^Ifis a linear map then's transpose,is well-defined if and only ifdistinguishes points ofandIn this case, for eachthe defining condition foris:
^Ifis a linear map then's transpose,is well-defined if and only ifdistinguishes points ofandIn this case, for eachthe defining condition foris:
^Ifis a linear map then's transpose,is well-defined if and only ifdistinguishes points ofandIn this case, for eachthe defining condition foris:
^Of course, there is an analogous definition for topologies onto be "compatible it a pairing" but this article will only deal with topologies on
^Recall that a collection of subsets of a setis said tocoverif every point ofis contained in some set belonging to the collection.
Narici, Lawrence; Beckenstein, Edward (2011).Topological Vector Spaces.Pure and applied mathematics (Second ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.ISBN978-1584888666.OCLC144216834.
Michael Reed and Barry Simon,Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics, Vol. 1, Functional Analysis,Section III.3. Academic Press, San Diego, 1980.ISBN0-12-585050-6.