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Duality (order theory)

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In themathematicalarea oforder theory,everypartially ordered setPgives rise to adual(oropposite) partially ordered set which is often denoted byPoporPd.This dual orderPopis defined to be the same set, but with theinverse order,i.e.xyholds inPopif and only ifyxholds inP.It is easy to see that this construction, which can be depicted by flipping theHasse diagramforPupside down, will indeed yield a partially ordered set. In a broader sense, two partially ordered sets are also said to be duals if they aredually isomorphic,i.e. if one poset isorder isomorphicto the dual of the other.

The importance of this simple definition stems from the fact that every definition and theorem of order theory can readily be transferred to the dual order. Formally, this is captured by theDuality Principlefor ordered sets:

If a given statement is valid for all partially ordered sets, then its dual statement, obtained by inverting the direction of all order relations and by dualizing all order theoretic definitions involved, is also valid for all partially ordered sets.

If a statement or definition is equivalent to its dual then it is said to beself-dual.Note that the consideration of dual orders is so fundamental that it often occurs implicitly when writing ≥ for the dual order of ≤ without giving any prior definition of this "new" symbol.


A bounded distributive lattice, and its dual

Naturally, there are a great number of examples for concepts that are dual:

Examples of notions which are self-dual include:

Since partial orders areantisymmetric,the only ones that are self-dual are theequivalence relations(but the notion of partial orderisself-dual).

See also[edit]


  1. ^The quantifiers are essential: for individual elementsx,y,z,e.g. the first equation may be violated, but the second may hold; see theN5latticefor an example.
  • Davey, B.A.; Priestley, H. A. (2002),Introduction to Lattices and Order(2nd ed.),Cambridge University Press,ISBN978-0-521-78451-1