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Netherlands Armed Forces

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Netherlands Armed Forces
Nederlandse krijgsmacht
Logos of the Netherlands Armed Forces
Founded1572;452 years ago(1572)
Service branches
HeadquartersMinistry of Defence,The Hague
Supreme CommandThe Government
Minister of DefenceRuben Brekelmans
State Secretary of DefenceGijs Tuinman
Chief of DefenceGENOnno Eichelsheim
Military age17[1]
ConscriptionInactive since 1996
Active personnel42,305(1 September 2024)[2]
Reserve personnel7,483(1 September 2024)[2]
BudgetUS$16.6 billion(2023)[3]
Percent of GDP1.6% (2023)[4]
Domestic suppliers
Foreign suppliers
Related articles
HistoryMilitary history of the Netherlands
RanksMilitary ranks of the Netherlands

TheNetherlands Armed Forces(Dutch:Nederlandse krijgsmacht) are themilitary forcesof theKingdom of the Netherlands.The armed forces consist of four service branches: theRoyal Netherlands Navy(Koninklijke Marine), theRoyal Netherlands Army(Koninklijke Landmacht), theRoyal Netherlands Air Force(Koninklijke Luchtmacht) and theRoyal Netherlands Marechaussee(Koninklijke Marechaussee). The service branches are supplemented by various joint support organizations. In addition, local conscript forces exist on theDutch Caribbeanislands ofArubaandCuraçao.These operate under the auspices of the Royal Netherlands Navy and theNetherlands Marine Corps.The armed forces are part of theMinistry of Defence.

Supreme command of the armed forces is determined in Article 97 of theconstitution,which states "The Government shall have supreme authority over the armed forces". service members swear allegiance to the King in his role as head of state.

Themilitary ranks of the Netherlands armed forcesare similar to those of fellowNATOmember states and were established byRoyal Decree.The highest-rankingofficerin the Dutch military is theChief of Defence,who is a four-star officer (NATO OF-9).

After initial cooperation with theGerman armyin 1995 through aMünster-located corpsand increasing cross-linking during the following decades, all three Royal Netherlands Army combat brigades have fully integrated into German divisions as of March 2023.[5]

Foundation in law and purpose


The Netherlands armed forces exist by declaration in theconstitution of the Netherlands.[6]Article 97 of the constitution determines that the armed forces exist

This means that the role and responsibility of the Dutch military in international stability and peacekeeping is constitutionally determined.

The same article of the constitution determines that supreme command of the Dutch military resides with theGovernment of the Netherlands.This has been the case since the constitution was changed in 1983; before then, supreme command of the armed forces of the Netherlands was held by theMonarch.




Chief of DefencegeneralOnno Eichelsheimduring the acceptance ceremony of the command over the Netherlands Armed Forces, April 2021.

The existence of, authority over, and tasks of the armed forces are determined in theconstitution of the Netherlands.The Government,which consists of cabinet members led by thePrime Ministerand theKing,functions as the head of the armed forces. Although service members swear allegiance to theKing of the Netherlands,the monarch does not hold the position ofcommander-in-chief.Therefore, in practice, important decisions are made by Cabinet, while theMinister of Defenceassumes political responsibility over the Ministry.

TheMinistry of Defenceis the government ministry which is responsible for formulating and executing defence policy. The ministry consists of theMinister,State Secretary,the Central Staff, the Netherlands Armed Forces and two independent support organizations. The Central Staff (Bestuursstaf) of the Ministry comprises several directorates responsible for executing policy, advising the Minister and State Secretary, and controlling the Defence organization. The Central Staff is led by the highest civil servant of the defence organization, the Secretary General. Moreover, the Central Staff incorporates the Defence Staff, which is the highest military organ under command of theChief of Defence.The Chief of Defence is the military leader of the Netherlands Armed Forces and the most senior military adviser to the Minister of Defence. The Chief of Defence has command over the Armed Forces, theNetherlands Special Operations Command(NLD SOCOM) and theDefence Cyber Command.Several special executive organizations, including theMilitary Intelligence and Security Serviceand the office of the Inspector General, are incorporated into the Central Staff as well.



The Netherlands Armed Forces are a professional military,conscription in the Netherlandshaving been suspended in 1996 with the exception of Aruba and Curaçao.[7]All military branches are open to female recruits. In 2018 the Ministry of Defence announced that the submarine service will begin accepting female recruits for positions as officer, NCO and sailor.[8]

TheDutch Ministry of Defenceemploys over 66,000 personnel, including both civilian and military personnel.[9]The distribution of personnel in the Defence organization, including the Armed Forces, on 1 July 2020 was as follows:

Service Military Reserve Civilian Total
Navy 7,508 1,148 2,633 11,289
Army 16,055 4,054 3,261 23,370
Air Force 6,540 751 1,062 8,353
Marechaussee 6,606 306 746 7,658
Central Staff 1,079 18 1,803 2,900
Defence Support Command 2,724 144 6,546 9,414
Defence Materiel Organisation 738 6 4,279 5,023
Total 41,250 6,427 20,330 68,007



The Dutch military is part of theNATOmilitaries and therefore conforms to the structure of a NATO military. It also uses conformingrank structures.



All Dutch military personnel,officersandenlisted personnel,are required to take anoath of allegiance.This oath is recorded in the law on General Military Personnel Regulations (Algemeen Militair Ambtenarenregelement) in Article 126a and states the following:[10]

"Ik zweer (beloof) trouw aan de Koning, gehoorzaamheid aan de wetten en onderwerping aan de krijgstucht. Zo waarlijk helpe mij God Almachtig (Dat beloof ik)."

Translated in English:

"I swear (pledge) loyalty to the King, obedience to the law and submission to martial discipline. So help me God (That, I pledge)."

Unionized military


Unlike many military organizations, Dutch military members are allowed to form and join unions.[11]

There is a wide variety of unions, including unions exclusive to officers or particular service branches. Some of the larger unions include:

  • Algemene Federatie van Militair Personeel(AFMP,General Federation of Military Personnel), which was recognized by the Dutch government in 1966. The AFMP is a member of theFederation of Dutch Trade Unions(FNV).
  • Algemeen Christelijke Organisatie van Militairen(ACOM, General Christian Organization for Military Personnel). The ACOM is a member of theChristian National Trade Union Federation(CNV).
  • Gezamenlijke Officieren Verenigingen en Middelbaar en Hoger Burgerpersoneel bij Defensie(GOV/MHB, United Officers Associations and Middle- and Senior level Civilian Personnel)
  • Vakbond voor Defensiepersoneel VBM(VBM, Union for Defence Personnel).

Service branches


Royal Netherlands Navy

HNLMSDe Zeven Provinciënduring exercise At-Sea Demo/Formidable Shield 2021 on theAtlantic Ocean.

The Royal Netherlands Navy (Dutch:Koninklijke Marine) is the Netherlands Armed Forces' maritime force which consists of24 commissioned shipsand an additional number of support ships of various types. The Navy is commanded by theCommander of the Royal Netherlands Navy(Dutch:Commandant Zeestrijdkrachten), an officer in the rank ofVice AdmiralorLieutenant General of the Marines,who reports directly to theChief of Defence.In addition to being the commanding officer of the Royal Netherlands Navy, theCommandant Zeestrijdkrachtenholds the position ofAdmiral Benelux.As such, theCommandant Zeestrijdkrachtenis the commanding officer of the operational units of the Royal Netherlands Navy and theBelgian Naval Component.

The surface fleet of the Navy consist offrigates,amphibious warfare ships,patrol vessels,mine-countermeasure vesselsand multipleauxiliary ships.All major surface vessels of the Royal Netherlands Navy are constructed at the DutchshipyardDamen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding.This includes the technologically advanced air-defence frigates of theDe Zeven Provinciën-class.Thales Nederlandproduces various types of high-endsensorsandradarsfor the Dutch fleet.

TheRoyal Netherlands Navy Submarine Service(Dutch:Onderzeedienst) was established in 1906 and is responsible for the operation of allDutch submarines.As of 2021, theOnderzeedienstoperates fourWalrus-class submarinesand onesubmarine tender,HNLMSMercuur.The Dutch submarines fulfill a considerable role withinNATOas their small size and expeditionary capacities allow them to operate in waters that are off-limits to larger submarines. The Ministry of Defence initiated a replacement program in November 2014. in March 2024 the winning bid was announced with the newer class being calledOrka-classand are planned to enter service in the late 2030s.[1]

Netherlands Marine Corps


The Netherlands Marine Corps is the Navy'snaval infantrycorps. The Corps consist of two battalion-sized Marine Combat Groups, various support units and theNetherlands Maritime Special Operations Forces.The Marines are specialized inamphibious,arcticandmountain warfareas well asspecial operations.The Corps operates a fleet of landing craft that can operate from one of the two Navy'samphibious transport docks.

Troops of11 Air Assault Brigadedisembarking aCH-47 ChinookinMali.

Royal Netherlands Army


The Royal Netherlands Army (Dutch:Koninklijke Landmacht) consists of regular Army personnel and theNational Reserve Corps.The Army is headed by theCommander of the Royal Netherlands Army(Dutch:Commandant Landstrijdkrachten), its headquarters are located on theKromhoutkazerneinUtrecht.The core fighting element of the Army consist of three combat brigades:11 Airmobile Brigade,13 Light Brigadeand43 Mechanized Brigade.The brigade-sizedOperational Support Command Landfields a variety ofcombat supportandcombat service supportunits while the Army'sspecial operations forcesare part of theKorps Commandotroepen.The Army'sinfantryregiments fulfil several distinct roles, these includeair assault,armoured infantry,light infantryandspecial operations.Furthermore, the Army fieldscavalry,artillery,engineeringandmedicalregiments.

RNLAF F-35A Lightning II during cannon trials in October 2018.

Royal Netherlands Air Force


The Royal Netherlands Air Force (Dutch:Koninklijke Luchtmacht) is themilitary aviationbranch of the Netherlands Armed Forces and is led by theCommander of the Royal Netherlands Air Force(Commandant Luchtstrijdkrachten). The Air Force operates a diverse fleet offixed-wingandrotaryaircraft, in addition to operating and maintaining multipleairbases.Moreover, Air Force personnel contributes to theJoint Ground-based Air Defence Commandby operating various air-defence systems while other units are dedicated toforce protection.The Air Force operates modernfighter aircraft,such as theF-16 Fighting FalconandF-35 Lightning II,tankers, transports, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles, and various types of training aircraft.

Marechaussee providing security atAmsterdam Airport Schipholwith armouredToyota Land Cruiser.

Royal Netherlands Marechaussee


The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee (Dutch:Koninklijke Marechaussee) is agendarmerieforce which performs bothmilitaryand civilianpoliceduties. In addition to the military police duties, the Marechaussee has a wide variety of duties and responsibilities. This includes guarding thenational bordersandairports,fightingillegal immigrationandtransnational crimeand guarding theroyal palaces.

The Marechaussee was established as one of the separate Armed Forces in 1998; before then the Marechaussee was organized as one of the arms within the Army. While the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee operates under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defence, the branch often performs duties delegated by theMinistry of Justice and Securityand theMinistry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.Moreover, several brigades of the Marechaussee are permanently stationed in theDutch Caribbean.

Contemporary campaigns


Since the 1990s, the Dutch military has been involved in several military campaigns and peace-keeping missions, these include:



Contribution to ISAF


As part ofOperation Enduring Freedom,the Netherlands deployed aircraft which were integrated in the European Participating Air Force (EPAF) in support of ground operations inAfghanistan.Additionally, Dutch naval frigates were tasked with policing the waters of the Middle East and Indian Ocean. Between 2001 and 2003, a reinforced army company was deployed to Afghanistan to provide support in maintaining public order and providing security in and around the capitalKabul.[12]Furthermore, military assistance was provided to theAfghan National Armyand local security forces. The troops were deployed under the command ofNATO'sInternational Security Assistance Forcemission.

A patrol of Task Force Uruzgan moving towards an over-watch position near Mirabad Valley, in 2008.

The Netherlands deployed further troops and helicopters to Afghanistan in 2006 as part of a new security operation in the south of the country.[13]In mid-2006, Dutch special forces of theKorps Commandotroepenas part of the Deployment Task Force successfully deployed toTarin Kowtto lay the ground for the increasing numbers ofengineerswho were due to build a base there.[14]By August 2006 the Netherlands had deployed the majority of 1,400 troops toUruzganprovince in southern Afghanistan atKamp HollandinTarin Kowt(1,200) and Kamp Hadrian inDeh Rahwod(200).[15][16]PzH 2000self-propelled artillery pieces were deployed and used in combat for the first time.[17]The Dutch forces operated under the command of theISAFTask Force Uruzganand were involved in some of the more intensivecombat operationsin southern Afghanistan, includingOperation Medusaand theBattle of Chora.[18][17]On 18 April 2008, on the second day of his command, the son ofthen-Chief of DefencegeneralPeter van Uhm,Lieutenant Dennis van Uhm, was one of two servicemen killed by a road-side explosion.[19]As of 1 September 2008, the Netherlands had a total of 1,770 troops in Afghanistan excluding special forces troops.[20]

Between 2002 and 2021, Dutch military personnel worked successively in the Afghan provinces of Kabul, Baghlan, Kandahar, Uruzgan, Kunduz and Balkh, with the aim, among other things, to bring stability and to build up the security apparatus, the army and the police.[21] In total, 25 Dutch servicemen werekilled in actionduring the deployment.[22]

Resolute Support Mission


From 2015 until 2021, approximately 160 Dutch troops of theKorps Commandotroepen,NLMARSOFand multiple conventional support elements were deployed to the city ofMazar-e-Sharifas part of NATO'sResolute Support Mission.[23]Dutch troops co-operated with personnel of the GermanKommando Spezialkräfteas part of the German-Dutch lead Special Operations Advisory Team (SOAT). The SOAT provided advice and assistance during operations of the Afghanpolice tactical unit,the Afghan Territorial Force-888 (ATF-888).[24]The SOAT was granted authority to deploy in the entirety of Afghanistan in 2019.[25]The operations ended with the withdrawal of all United States and allied troops from Afghanistan in 2021.



Multinational force in Iraq


A contingent of 1,345 Army andMarines Corpspersonnel, supported byRoyal Netherlands Air Forcehelicopters, was deployed toIraqin 2003, based at Camp Smitty nearAs Samawah(southern Iraq) with responsibility for theMuthannaProvince, as part of theMultinational force in Iraq.[26]On June 1, 2004, the Dutch government renewed their stay through 2005.[27]The Netherlands removed its troops from Iraq in March 2005, leaving half a dozen liaison officers until late 2005.[28]The Netherlands lost two soldiers in separate attacks.[27]

Intervention against ISIL

The last Dutch F-16 detachment of Air Task Force Middle East returning home from Jordan.

On 24 September 2014, theDutch governmentannounced its participation in the military campaign againstISIL,and sent sixF-16 fighter jetsto Iraq to bomb ISIL. Their motivations to join this war: ISIL's advance in Iraq andSyria,while displaying "unprecedented violence" and "perpetrating terrible crimes against population groups", formed "a direct threat for that region"; ISIL's advance in Iraq and Syria "causes instability at the borders ofEurope"which threatens" our own [Dutch] safety ". Figures requested byRTL Nieuwsin August 2015 showed that theNetherlandswas among the most active countries within the coalition, third behind only theUnited Statesand theUnited Kingdom.[29]In January 2016, the Netherlands extended their bombings of ISIL to Syrian territory. By the end of July 2016 the Dutch Air Task Force flew more than 2100 missions and carried out over 1800 air strikes.[30]At the end of the Dutch contribution to the Air Task Force, in December 2018, theRoyal Netherlands Air Forcehad flown over 3000 missions and conducted approximately 2100 air strikes.[31]

From 2015 until the spring of 2018, KCT and NLMARSOFspecial operations forcesdeployed advice and assist (A&A) teams to northern Iraq in cooperation with theBelgianSpecial Forces Group(SFG).[32]During this deployment, they provided support toKurdishPeshmergaandIraqi Armyforces before, during and after operations in thebattle against ISIL,as part of theCombined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve.[33]

Lynxhelicopter hovering over MVTaipanduring the liberation operation, the boarding team rappelled onto one of the containers aboard the ship.



As amaritime nationand birthplace of the earliestmaritime law,the Netherlands have historically highly valued themare liberumprinciple. Hence, the Dutch government decided to contribute a significant amount of naval assets to combatingpiracy off the coast of Somaliasince its most recent surge starting in 2005. The Royal Netherlands Navy was an active contributor to NATO'sOperation Allied ProtectorandOperation Ocean Shield,as well as to theEuropean Union'sOperation Atalanta.Ships partaking in these missions includedDe Zeven Provinciën-class frigates,landing platform docksHNLMSRotterdamandHNLMSJohan de Witt,and submarines of theWalrus-class.Additionally,surface combatantspermanently carriedboarding teamsof theNetherlands Marine Corps.These boarding parties were often composed of operators of theNetherlands Maritime Special Operations Forces(NLMARSOF). In addition, conventional marine units supply Vessel Protection Detachments (VPDs) which continue to guard Dutch merchant vessels during transits through piracy-prone waters as of 2021.

The Dutch naval forces were regularly engaged in combat. Firefights between the naval ships and Somali pirates have cost the lives of pirates on multiple occasions.[34]During theAction of 5 April 2010,a boarding team of theUnit Interventie Mariniersliberatedcontainer shipMVTaipanafter rappelling down fromHNLMSTromp's helicopter onto containers on the ship's deck under the cover of machine gun fire.[35]The successful operation was filmed with a helmet camera, the video footage reached worldwidenews mediaand gained millions of views onYouTube.[36]Moreover, NLMARSOFfrogmenhave successfully conducted sabotage operations of pirates'mothershipsby clandestinely attaching explosives to the ships'bilge.[37]


Dutch forces patrolling the plains north ofGaousingFennekreconnaissance vehicles.

Special forces of theKorps Commandotroepenwere deployed toMalisince 2014 as part of the UN missionMINUSMA.[38]The primary task of the Dutch forces was to gather intelligence on local Islamist and rebel groups and to protect the people of Mali against said groups.[39]Since 2016, conventional detachments consisting of11 Air Assault Brigadeand13 Light Brigadetroops were part of the MINUSMA rotations as well. Additionally, the Dutch contribution consisted of a RNLAFAH-64 ApacheandCH-47 Chinookdetachment which provided the necessary air support and transport for the infantry units on the ground.

On 16 March 2015, a Dutch AH-64D Apacheattack helicopterof the Dutch MINUSMA air detachment crashed during a firing exercise, killing the two pilots.[40]On 6 July 2016, two servicemen of 11 Air Assault Brigade were killed during a mortar-firing exercise, while a third serviceman was severely wounded.[41]The incident lead to the resignation of theminister of DefenceJeanine Hennis-PlasschaertandChief of DefenceGeneralTom Middendorpafter a critical report by theDutch Safety Boardfound that the safety standards were subpar.[42][43]The Netherlands ended their sizable contribution to the peacekeeping mission in May 2019 to send additional troops to Afghanistan instead.[44]

Central staff

Chief of Defence Appointed Branch
Onno Eichelsheim General
Onno Eichelsheim
(Born 1966)
15 April 2021
(3 years, 182 days)

Royal Netherlands Air Force
(Attack helicopters)
Vice Chief of Defence Appointed Branch
Boudewijn Boots Vice admiral
Boudewijn Boots
(Born 1964)
8 March 2021
(3 years, 220 days)

Royal Netherlands Navy
(Naval Squadron)
Commander of the Army Appointed Branch
Martin Wijnen Lieutenant general
Jan Swillens
(Born 1967)
8 March 2024
(72 days)

Royal Netherlands Army
Commander of the Navy Appointed Branch
René Tas Vice admiral
René Tas
(Born 1964)
9 September 2021
(3 years, 35 days)

Royal Netherlands Navy
(Naval Squadron)
Commander of the Air Force Appointed Branch
André Steur Lieutenant general
André Steur
(Born 1970)
14 April 2023
(1 year, 182 days)

Royal Netherlands Air Force
Commander of the Royal Marechaussee Appointed Branch
Annelore Roelofs Lieutenant general
Annelore Roelofs[nl]
(Born 1958)
1 September 2023
(1 year, 43 days)

Royal Marechaussee
(Police Service DistrictSchiphol)


  1. ^Werken bij de landmacht – required age,Dutch army
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