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Antisymmetric exchange

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Determination of the orientation of the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya vector from the local geometry

In Physics,antisymmetric exchange,also known as theDzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction(DMI), is a contribution to the total magneticexchange interactionbetween two neighboring magnetic spins,and.Quantitatively, it is a term in theHamiltonianwhich can be written as


In magnetically ordered systems, it favors aspin cantingof otherwise parallel or antiparallel aligned magnetic moments and thus, is a source of weak ferromagnetic behavior in anantiferromagnet.The interaction is fundamental to the production ofmagnetic skyrmionsand explains the magnetoelectric effects in a class of materials termedmultiferroics.


α-Fe2O3pictured as Haematite, the main source of iron for the steel industry

The discovery of antisymmetric exchange originated in the early 20th century from the controversial observation of weak ferromagnetism in typically antiferromagneticα-Fe2O3crystals.[1]In 1958,Igor Dzyaloshinskiiprovided evidence that the interaction was due to the relativistic spin lattice and magnetic dipole interactions based onLev Landau'stheory of phase transitions of the second kind.[2]In 1960, Toru Moriya identified thespin-orbit couplingas the microscopic mechanism of the antisymmetric exchange interaction.[1]Moriya referred to this phenomenon specifically as the "antisymmetric part of the anisotropic superexchange interaction." The simplified naming of this phenomenon occurred in 1962, when D. Treves and S. Alexander of Bell Telephone Laboratories simply referred to the interaction as antisymmetric exchange. Because of their seminal contributions to the field, antisymmetric exchange is sometimes referred to as theDzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction.[3]



The functional form of the DMI can be obtained through a second-order perturbative analysis of the spin-orbit coupling interaction,between ions[1]in Anderson'ssuperexchangeformalism. Note the notation used impliesis a 3-dimensional vector of angular momentum operators on ioni,andis a 3-dimensional spin operator of the same form:

whereis the exchange integral,

withthe ground orbital wavefunction of the ion at,etc. If the ground state is non-degenerate, then the matrix elements ofare purely imaginary, and we can writeout as

Effects of crystal symmetry


In an actual crystal, symmetries of neighboring ions dictate the magnitude and direction of the vector.Considering the coupling of ions 1 and 2 at locationsand,with the point bisectingdenoted,The following rules may be obtained:[1]

  1. When a center of inversion is located at,
  2. When a mirror plane perpendicular topasses through,
  3. When there is a mirror plane includingand,
  4. When a two-fold rotation axis perpendicular topasses through,
  5. When there is an-fold axis () along,

The orientation of the vectoris constrained by symmetry, as discussed already in Moriya’s original publication. Considering the case that the magnetic interaction between two neighboring ions is transferred via a single third ion (ligand) by thesuperexchangemechanism (see Figure), the orientation ofis obtained by the simple relation.[4][5]This implies thatis oriented perpendicular to the triangle spanned by the involved three ions.if the three ions are in line.



The Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction has proven difficult to experimentally measure directly due to its typically weak effects and similarity to other magnetoelectric effects in bulk materials. Attempts to quantify the DMI vector have utilizedX-ray diffractioninterference,Brillouin scattering,electron spin resonance,andneutron scattering.Many of these techniques only measure either the direction or strength of the interaction and make assumptions on the symmetry or coupling of the spin interaction. A recent advancement in broadband electron spin resonance coupled with optical detection (OD-ESR) allows for characterization of the DMI vector for rare-earth ion materials with no assumptions and across a large spectrum of magnetic field strength.[6]

Material examples

Corundum crystal structure displaying the crystal forms ofα-Fe2O3andα-Cr2O3(Metal ions in red, oxygen ions in blue)

The image on the right displays a coordinated heavy metal-oxide complex that can display ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic behavior depending on the metal ion. The structure shown is referred to as thecorundumcrystal structure, named after the primary form ofAluminum oxide(Al
), which displays theR3ctrigonal space group. The structure also contains the same unit cell asα-Fe2O3andα-Cr2O3which possess D63dspace group symmetry. The upper half unit cell displayed shows four M3+ions along the space diagonal of the rhombohedron. In the Fe2O3structure, the spins of the first and last metal ion are positive while the center two are negative. In theα-Cr2O3structure, the spins of the first and third metal ion are positive while the second and fourth are negative. Both compounds are antiferromagnetic at cold temperatures (<250K), howeverα-Fe2O3above this temperature undergoes a structural change where its total spin vector no longer points along the crystal axis but at a slight angle along the basal (111) plane. This is what causes the iron-containing compound to display an instantaneous ferromagnetic moment above 250K, while the chromium-containing compound shows no change. It is thus the combination of the distribution of ion spins, the misalignment of the total spin vector, and the resulting antisymmetry of the unit cell that gives rise to the antisymmetric exchange phenomenon seen in these crystal structures.[2]



Magnetic skyrmions


Amagnetic skyrmionis a magnetic texture that occurs in the magnetization field. They exist inspiralorhedgehogconfigurations that are stabilized by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. Skyrmions are topological in nature, making them promising candidates for futurespintronicdevices.



Antisymmetric exchange is of importance for the understanding of magnetism induced electric polarization in a recently discovered class ofmultiferroics.Here, small shifts of the ligand ions can be induced bymagnetic ordering,because the systems tend to enhance the magnetic interaction energy at the cost of lattice energy. This mechanism is called "inverse Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya effect". In certain magnetic structures, all ligand ions are shifted into the same direction, leading to a net electric polarization.[5]

Because of their magneto electric coupling, multiferroic materials are of interest in applications where there is a need to control magnetism through applied electric fields. Such applications includetunnel magnetoresistance(TMR) sensors, spin valves with electric field tunable functions, high-sensitivity alternating magnetic field sensors, and electrically tunable microwave devices.[7][8]

Most multiferroic materials are transition metal oxides due to the magnetization potential of the 3d electrons. Many can also be classified as perovskites and contain the Fe3+ion alongside a lanthanide ion. Below is an abbreviated table of common multiferroic compounds. For more examples and applications see alsomultiferroics.

Common multiferroic materials
Material FerroelectricTC[K] MagneticTNorTC[K] Type of ferroelectricity
BiFeO3 1100 653 lone pair
HoMn2O5 39[9] magnetically driven
TbMnO3 27 42[10] magnetically driven
Ni3V2O8 6.5[11]
MnWO4 13.5[12] magnetically driven
CuO 230[13] 230 magnetically driven
ZnCr2Se4 110[14] 20

See also



  1. ^abcdT. Moriya (1960). "Anisotropic Superexchange Interaction and Weak Ferromagnetism".Physical Review.120(1): 91.Bibcode:1960PhRv..120...91M.doi:10.1103/PhysRev.120.91.
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  3. ^D. Treves; S. Alexander (1962). "Observation of antisymmetric exchange interaction in Yttrium Orthoferrite".Journal of Applied Physics.33(3): 1133–1134.Bibcode:1962JAP....33.1133T.doi:10.1063/1.1728631.
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  6. ^Cyril Laplane; Emmanuel Zambrini Cruzeiro; Florian Frowis; Phillipe Goldner; Mikael Afzelius (2016). "High-precision measurement of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction between two rare-earth ions in a solid".Physical Review Letters.117(3): 037203.arXiv:1605.08444.Bibcode:2016PhRvL.117c7203L.doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.037203.PMID27472133.S2CID206278388.
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