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East Indies Fleet

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East Indies Fleet
HMSRenownin 1944 with other Eastern Fleet ships
CountryUnited Kingdom
BranchRoyal Navy
Garrison/HQTrincomalee Naval Base,Ceylon
Singapore Naval Base(postwar)
EngagementsLoss ofPrince of WalesandRepulse
Indian Ocean raid
Battle of Madagascar
Operation Dukedom
Operation Livery
James Somerville
Bruce Fraser

TheEastern Fleet,later called theEast Indies Fleet,was afleetof theRoyal Navywhich existed between 1941 and 1952.

In 1904, the BritishFirst Sea Lord,AdmiralSir John Fisher,ordered that in the event of war the three main commands in theFar East,theEast Indies Squadron,theChina Station,and theAustralian Squadron,should all come under one command called the Eastern Fleet based inSingapore.TheCommander-in-Chief, Chinawould then take command. During theFirst World War,the squadrons retained their distinct identities and 'Eastern Fleet' was used only as a general term. The three-squadron structure continued until theSecond World Warand the beginning of hostilities with theEmpire of Japan,when the Eastern Fleet was formally constituted on 8 December 1941, amalgamating the East Indies Squadron and the China Squadron.[1]

During the war, it included many ships and personnel from other navies, including those of theNetherlands,Australia,New Zealand,and theUnited States.On 22 November 1944 the Eastern Fleet was re-designated East Indies fleet and continued to be based in Trincomalee. Following its re-designation its remaining ships formed theBritish Pacific Fleet.[2]In December 1945 the British Pacific Fleet was disbanded and its forces were absorbed into the East Indies fleet. In 1952 the East Indies Fleet was renamed theFar East Fleet.



Until the Second World War, theIndian Oceanhad been a British "lake". It was ringed by significant British and Commonwealth possessions and much of the strategic supplies needed in peace and war had to pass across it: i.e. Persian oil, Malayan rubber, Indian tea, Australian and New Zealand foodstuffs. Britain also used Australian and New Zealand manpower; hence, safe passage for British cargo ships was critical.[3]

At the outbreak of war,Nazi Germany'sKriegsmarineusedauxiliary cruisers(converted merchant ships) and the"pocket battleship"Admiral Graf Speeto threaten the sea lanes and tie down the Royal Navy. In mid-1940, Italy declared war and their vessels based inItalian East Africaposed a threat to the supply routes through theRed Sea.Worse was to come when the Japanese declared war in December 1941 and, afterPearl Harbor,thesinking by air attackof thebattleshipPrince of WalesandbattlecruiserRepulse,and the occupation ofMalaya,Singaporeand theDutch East Indies,there was an aggressive threat from the east.[4]

This threat became a reality during theIndian Ocean raidwhen an overwhelming Japanese naval force operated in the eastern Indian Ocean, sinking an aircraft carrier and other warships, and disrupting freight traffic along the Indian east coast. At this stage, theChief of the Imperial General Staff,General SirAlan Brookewrote of the situation in 14 April 1942:[5]

We were at the time literally hanging on by our eye-lids! Australia and India were threatened by the Japanese, we had temporarily lost control of the Indian Ocean, the Germans were threatening Iran and our oil,Auchinleckwas in precarious straits in the desert, and the submarine sinkings were heavy.

Early war years


Until 1941, the main threat to British interests in the region was the presence of Germancommerce raiders(auxiliary cruisers) and submarines. The fleet had trade protection as its first priority and was required to escort convoys and eliminate the raiders. The Germans had converted merchant ships to act as commerce raiders and allocated supply ships to maintain them. The location and destruction of these German raiders consumed much British naval effort until the last raider –Michel– was sunk in October 1943.[6]

On 10 June 1940, the entry of Italy into the war introduced a new threat to the oil supply routes from thePersian Gulf,which passed through theRed Seato theMediterranean.The Italians controlled ports in Italian East Africa andTianjin,China.The Italian Royal Navy (Regia Marina) presence in the Red Sea,Indian Ocean,and the western Pacific Ocean consisted of destroyers, submarines, and a small number ofarmed merchantmen.The majority of these were based atMassawainEritreaas part of the ItalianRed Sea Flotilla,including seven destroyers and eight submarines. Damage to British destroyers at this time includedKimberleywhich was crippled by Italian shore batteries.[7]

The Italian naval forces inEast Africawere caught in a vice. To put to sea invited heavy British reaction, while to stay in ports threatened by British and Commonwealth forces became impossible. In 1941, during theEast African Campaign,these ports were captured by the British.[8]



Before thefall of Singapore,the Eastern Fleet's naval base atSingapore(HM Naval Base) was part of theBritish Far East Command.British defence planningin the areawas based on two assumptions. The first was that the United States would remain as an effective ally in the western Pacific Ocean, with a fleet based atManila,which would be available as a forward base for British warships.[9]Secondly, the technical capabilities and aggression of theImperial Japanese Navywere underestimated. In these circumstances, with the Japanese fleet engaged by theUnited States Navy(USN), theAdmiraltyplanned to send fourRevenge-classbattleships to Singapore to provide defensive firepower and a British presence. The British assumptions were destroyed on 7 December 1941: the impact of the Japaneseattack on Pearl Harbordenied substantial USN support to the British defence of the "Malay barrier" and made impossible the relief of American garrisons in the Philippines. Furthermore, Japanese capabilities exceeded expectations.[10]

After thefall of Francein June 1940, Japanese pressure on theVichyauthorities inFrench Indochinaresulted in the granting of base and transit rights, albeit with significant restrictions. Despite this, in September 1940, the Japanese launched aninvasionof that country.[11]The bases thus acquired inIndochinaallowed extended Japanese air cover of the invasion forces bound forMalayaand for theDutch East Indies.In these circumstances,Prince of WalesandRepulse,which were dispatched to intercept the invasion force, were vulnerable to concerted air attacks from the Japanese bases in Indochina and, without their own air cover, they weresunkin December 1941.[12]

After the sinking ofPrince of WalesandRepulse,Admiral SirGeoffrey Laytonassumed command of the Eastern Fleet. The fleet withdrew first toJavaand, following the fall of Singapore, toTrincomalee,Ceylon(now Sri Lanka).

Indian Ocean retreat


Roskillwrites in theWar at Sea,Vol. II that:[13]

AdmiralSomervillearrived at Colombo on the 26th of [March 1942], and he then took over command of the Eastern Fleet from Admiral Layton. His fleet consisted of the two large carriersIndomitableandFormidable,the small carrierHMSHermes,the battleships Warspite (recently returned from repairing battle damage received off Crete in America), Resolution, Ramillies, Royal Sovereign and Revenge, two heavy and five light cruisers (including the Dutch Heemskerck), sixteen destroyers and seven submarines.

On 31 March Somerville decided to divide the Fleet into two: Force A and Force B.Force Aconsisted of the battleshipWarspite,the aircraft carriersHMSIndomitable,andHMSFormidable,and three cruisers.[14]Force Bwas based around the slowRevenge-classbattleships of the3rd Battle Squadron,under Vice-AdmiralAlgernon Willis.Neither individually nor together could the two Eastern Fleet forces challenge a determined Japanese naval assault.

When Admiral Somerville inspected the base atTrincomalee,its deficiencies were clear to him. He found the port inadequate, vulnerable to a determined attack, and open to spying. An isolated island base with a safe, deep anchorage in a suitably strategic position was required.Addu Atoll,southernmost of theMaldivesin the Indian Ocean, 600 miles southwest of Ceylon, met the requirements and it was secretly developed as a fleet anchorage.[15]

Following theJapanesecapture of theAndaman Islands,the main elements of the Fleet retreated to Addu Atoll. On 7 April Somerville was given discretion by the Admiralty to send the slowRevenge-class battleships ofForce Ball the way back toKilindiniinEast Africa,relatively safe from Japanese attack. TheIndian Ocean raidbyChuichi Nagumocost the Fleet the carrierHermes,the cruisersHMSDorsetshireandHMSCornwall,the Australian destroyerHMASVampire,and two tankers.[16]Beyond the withdrawal of Force B, the Admiralty warned that Colombo could not be used for the present. Somerville kept Force A in Indian waters "to be ready to deal with any attempt by the enemy to command those waters with light forces only."[17]

Later, the fleet in the Indian Ocean was then gradually reduced to little more than a convoy escort force as other commitments called for the more modern, powerful ships. In May 1942, the Eastern Fleet supported theinvasion of Madagascar,Operation Ironclad.It was aimed at thwarting any attempt by Japanese vessels to use naval bases on the Vichy French controlled territory. During the invasion, vessels of the Eastern Fleet were confronted by vessels of theFrench Navyand submarines of the Imperial Japanese Navy.[18]

From October 1943, the Eastern Fleet was the maritime component ofSouth East Asia Command,including responsibilities beyond the SEAC area. The fleet reached full operational strength again by 1944. On 22 November 1944 the Eastern Fleet was split into theBritish Pacific Fleet,receiving the majority of the ships, and the remnant, which became known as the East Indies Fleet.[19]

Apart from the Eastern Fleet battle forces, it also included a submarine force, to hinder Japan from using sea lanes between Burma and Singapore; and a large supporting escort force, responsible for protecting convoy roues betweenSuez(Red Sea) andIndia,and between theCape of Good Hopeand India.[19]

The Eastern Fleet included, from time to time, as well as British warships, a number of warships from the British Dominions of Australia and New Zealand as well as other Allied nations, such as theFrench battleshipRichelieu,other ships from theFree French Naval Forces,the Netherlands, and the United States.

Allied Indian Ocean strikes


After the departure of the main battle forces during February 1942, the Indian Ocean was left with mostlyescort carriersand olderbattleshipsas the core of its naval forces. Allied advances in the Mediterranean and northern Europe during 1943 and 1944, however, released naval resources. As a result, more Britishaircraft carriersentered the area; added to the force were the battlecruiserRenown,the battleshipsHowe,Queen Elizabeth,Valiantand supporting warships. Preparations were put in hand for a more aggressive stance in the Indian Ocean and for British naval participation in the wide spaces of thePacific Ocean.Agreement had been reached, after objections from AdmiralErnest KingUSN, but new procedures would need to be learnt by naval crews andFleet Air Arm(FAA) aircrew. To this end,Operation Diplomat,a training exercise, took place in late March 1944. The objective was for the fleet to rendezvous with a group of tankers (escorted by the Dutch cruiserHNLMSTromp) and practice refuelling at sea procedures. The ships then rendezvoused withUnited States NavyTask Group 58.5,the aircraft carrierUSSSaratogaand three destroyers.[20]

Admiral King requested that, during April, the Eastern Fleet should engage Japanese forces in their area and hold them there to reduce the opposition to an American seaborne assault onHollandiaandAitapeon the north coast ofNetherlands New Guinea.In response, the Fleet, including Task Group 58.5, carried outOperation Cockpit,an air attack onSabang,offSumatra.[21]Surprise was achieved: military and oil installations were heavily damaged by the attacks, aggravating Japanese fuel shortages. The American involvement was extended to capitalise on the success with a second attack, this time onSurabaya,eastern Java, on 17 May (Operation Transom). The distances for this operation necessitated replenishment at sea. Again, the defenders were unprepared and significant damage was inflicted on the port and its military and oil infrastructures.[citation needed]Saratogaand her destroyers returned to the Pacific from 18 May after what Admiral Somerville called "a profitable and very happy association of Task Group 58.5 with the Eastern Fleet".[20]

At the end of August 1944, Admiral Somerville was relieved as Commander-in-Chief Eastern Fleet by Admiral SirBruce Fraser,former Commander-in-ChiefHome Fleet.[22]The Eastern Fleet was greatly augmented by units intended for the Pacific and on 4 January 1945, the carriersIndomitableandIndefatigablecarried out an attack on oil refineries atPangkalan Brandonin Sumatra (Operation Lentil). The final attacks were flown as Force 63 wasen routeforSydney,Australia to become theBritish Pacific Fleet.Operation Meridianwas a series of air attacks upon the oil refineries atPladjoe,north ofPalembang,Java and atSoengei Gerong,Sumatra. Although successful, these were not as smooth as earlier attacks. Three crews (nine men) of Fleet Air Arm were captured by the Japanese during the Palembang raid. They were taken to Singapore where they were tortured and imprisoned; finally in August 1945 they were executed by the Japanese military authorities four days after the Japanese surrender.[23]

On 15–16 May 1945, the British fought theBattle of the Malacca Strait;the 26th Destroyer Flotilla (composed ofSaumarez,Venus,Verulam,VigilantandVirago) sank the Japanese heavy cruiserHaguroin theMalacca Straitsusingtorpedoes.[21]

Eastern Fleet senior officers


Commanders-in-Chief, Eastern Fleet

Rank Flag Name Term
Commander-in-Chief, Eastern Fleet[22][24]
1 Admiral SirTom S.V. Phillips October – 10 December 1941
2 Vice-Admiral SirGeoffrey Layton 10 December 1941 – 12 February 1942
3 Vice-Admiral SirJames Somerville 12 February 1942 – 6 April 1942 (promoted to Adm.
4 Admiral SirJames Somerville 6 April 1942 – 22 August 1944
5 Admiral SirBruce A. Fraser 22 August 1944 -December 1944 – becomes C-in-CBritish Pacific Fleet

Vice-Admiral Commanding, 3rd Battle Squadron & Second-in-Command, Eastern Fleet

Rank Flag Name Term
Vice-Admiral, Commanding 3rd Battle Squadron & Second-in-command, Eastern Fleet[25][19]
1 Vice Admiral Algernon Willis 26 February 1942 – February 1943
2 Rear-Admiral William G. Tennant February–October 1943
3 Vice-Admiral SirArthur Power January 1944 – November 1944
4 Vice-Admiral SirHarold Walker November 1944 – 1946

Chief of Staff, Eastern Fleet

Rank Flag Name Term
Chief of Staff, Eastern Fleet[26]
1 Rear-Admiral Arthur F. E. Palliser December 1941 – January 1942
2 Commodore Ralph A. B. Edwards March 1942 – August 1944

Rear-Admiral, Eastern Fleet Aircraft Carriers


This officer supervised the Fleet's aircraft carriers and naval air stations.[19]Air stations includedRNAS China Bay(Trincomalee),RNAS Colombo Racecourse(HMSBherunda), Coimbatore, and RNAS Katukurunda.

Rank Flag Name Term
Rear-Admiral, Eastern Fleet Aircraft Carriers
1 Rear-Admiral Denis Boyd 18 February 1941 – December 1942[27]
2 Rear-Admiral Clement Moody 1 December 1943 – August 1944

Flag Officer Commanding, Red Sea and Canal Area, 1943–44

Rank Flag Name Term
Flag Officer Commanding, Red Sea and Canal Area
1 Rear-Admiral Ronald H. C. Hallifax 18 May 1942 – 6 November 1943[28](died in office)
2 Rear-Admiral John Waller 6 November – 28 December 1943[28]
3 Commodore Douglas Young-Jamieson 28 December 1943 – 31 October 1944[29]

Flag Officer, East Africa and Admiral Superintendent, H.M. Dockyard, Kilindini


Responsible to the Commander-in-Chief, Eastern Fleet, from April 1942 to September 1943 then transferred back under the East Indies Fleet.

Rank Flag Name Term Notes/Ref
Flag Officer, East Africa
1 Rear-Admiral Peter Reid April 1942 – October 1942
2 Commodore Charles G. Stuart October 1942 – September, 1943

With the Flag Officer, East Africa, was theCommodore, Naval Air Stations, East Africa,which was within the Eastern Fleet command from April 1942 to September 1943 then was transferred back to the East Indies Fleet.

Senior Naval Officer, Persian Gulf


TheSenior Naval Officer, Persian Gulfwas responsible for administering Royal Navy ships and establishments in the Persian Gulf. He was initially located at Basra, in Mandatory Iraq, then later atHMSJuffairin Bahrain from 1901 to 1972. His command was part of theEast Indies Station,then the Eastern Fleet, then the East Indies Fleet.[19]

There were also Naval Officers-in-Charge atBasraand for theHormuz.

Flag Officer, Malaya


TheFlag Officer, Malayacommanded naval forces and establishments in Malaya includingHMNB Singapore.



East Indies Fleet senior officers


Commander-in-Chief, East Indies Fleet

Rank Flag Name Term
Commander-in-Chief, East Indies Fleet[22][30]
1 Admiral SirArthur J. Power November 1944 – December 1945[31]
2 Vice-Admiral SirClement Moody 15 December 1945 – 8 March 1946[32]
2 Vice-Admiral SirDenis Boyd March 1946 – January 1948
3 Admiral SirDenis Boyd January 1948 – January 1949[33]
4 Vice-Admiral SirPatrick Brind January 1949 – February 1951
5 Vice-Admiral SirGuy Russell February 1951 – January 1952

Rear-Admiral, Commanding, 5th Cruiser Squadron and Second-in-Command, East Indies Fleet/Far East Fleet

Rank Flag Name Term
Rear-Admiral, Commanding, 5th Cruiser Squadron and Second-in-Command, East Indies Fleet/Far East Fleet
1 Rear-Admiral Alexander Madden 1948 – 1950[34][full citation needed]
2 Rear-Admiral William Andrewes 17 December 1950 – October 1951[35]
3 Rear-Admiral Eric CliffordCB circa 1953[citation needed]
4 Rear-Admiral Gerald Gladstone 1953 – 1955[36][full citation needed]

Chief of Staff, East Indies Fleet

Rank Flag Name Term
Chief of Staff, East Indies Fleet[37]
1 Commodore Edward M. Evans-Lombe August 1944 – October 1944
2 Rear-Admiral Edward M. Evans-Lombe October 1944 – March 1946
3 Commodore Stephen H. Carlill March 1946 – August 1948
4 Commodore Geoffrey F. Burghard August 1948 – September 1950
5 Captain Ralph L. Fisher September 1950 – January 1952

Flag Officer, (Air), East Indies Fleet


This officer commanded the aircraft carriers and the naval air stations.

Rank Flag Name Term
Flag Officer, (Air), East Indies Fleet[19]
1 Rear-Admiral Clement Moody August 1944 – November 1944
2 Rear-Admiral Reginald H. Portal November 1944 – March 1946
3 Rear-Admiral Charles H.L. Woodhouse March – July 1946
4 Rear-Admiral Robin Bridge July 1946 – February 1947
5 Vice-Admiral George Creasy February 1947 – 1948

Commodore (D), Commanding, Destroyer Flotillas, Eastern Fleet (and later East Indies Fleet)

Rank Flag Name Term
Commodore (D), Commanding, Eastern Fleet Destroyer Flotillas
1 Commodore S. H. T. Harliss 9 June 1942 – December 1942[28]
2 Commodore Albert. L. Poland April 1944 – October 1944[38]
3 Commodore Stephen H. Carlill March 1946 – August 1948
4 Commodore Geoffrey F. Burghard August 1948 – September 1950

Flag Officer, Ceylon, 1942–46

Rank Flag Name Term
1 Rear-Admiral Arthur Read 14 May 1942 – August 1943
2 Rear-Admiral Victor Danckwerts August 1943 – March 1944, (died in office)
3 Rear-Admiral Gresham Nicholson March 1944 – 1945
4 Rear-Admiral John Mansfield 1945 -10 April 1946

Flag Officer Commanding, Royal Indian Navy


The Royal Indian Navy came under the command of the Commander-in-Chief, East Indies, on the outbreak of the Second World War and reverted to a separate command after the Japanese surrender.

Rank Flag Name Term
Flag Officer Commanding, Royal Indian Navy
1 Vice-Admiral SirHerbert Fitzherbert December 1941 -22 March 1943
2 Vice-Admiral John Henry Godfrey 22 March 1943 – 15 March 1946

In addition to the Vice-Admiral commanding, Rear-AdmiralOliver Bevirserved as Senior Officer, Royal Naval Establishments, India, from June 1944 to July 1945.[38]

Flag Officer, Malaya and Forward Areas


Subordinate naval formations


Units that served in the two fleets included:[40][41]

Naval Units Based at Date Notes
Force A Trincomalee March 1942 to June 1942
Force B Trincomalee/Kilidini March 1942 to June 1942
21st Aircraft Carrier Squadron Trincomalee March 1945 – December 1945
1st Battle Squadron Trincomalee March 1942 to 1942
3rd Battle Squadron Trincomalee January 1942 to December 1945
4th Cruiser Squadron Trincomalee thenSingapore Naval Base December 1947 to July 1954
5th Cruiser Squadron Trincomalee thenSingapore Naval Base January 1942 – May 1960
2nd Destroyer Flotilla Trincomalee February 1942 to June 1943
4th Destroyer Flotilla Trincomalee April 1943 to November 1944
6th Destroyer Flotilla Trincomalee June 1945 –
7th Destroyer Flotilla Trincomalee January 1942 to April 1945
8th Destroyer Flotilla Singapore 1947 to July 1951 re-designated 8th DSQ
11th Destroyer Flotilla Trincomalee February 1943 – 1945 transferred from Med Fleet
24th Destroyer Flotilla Trincomalee January to May 1945
26th Destroyer Flotilla Trincomalee January 1945
1st Destroyer Squadron Singapore 1950 to April 1960
8th Destroyer Squadron Singapore July 1951 – May 1963 renamed 24th ESQ
1st Escort Flotilla Singapore 1946 to 1954
4th Frigate Squadron Singapore January 1949 to August 1954
6th Minesweeper Flotilla Trincomalee January 1945 to July 1947 transferred to Singapore
6th Minesweeper Flotilla Singapore August 1947 to 1951 placed in reserve
6th Minesweeper Squadron Singapore 1951 to June 1954 new formation
7th Minesweeper Flotilla Trincomalee February 1945
2nd Submarine Flotilla Trincomalee January 1945
4th Submarine Division Sydney May to October 1949
4th Submarine Flotilla Trincomalee January 1942 to October 1947
4th Submarine Flotilla Singapore October 1947 to December 1948
6th Submarine Flotilla Trincomalee February to August 1944
2nd Submarine Flotilla Trincomalee January 1945
4th Submarine Flotilla Trincomalee then Singapore January 1942 to October 1947
6th Submarine Flotilla Trincomalee February to August 1944
Persian Gulf Division Juffair Naval Base January 1942 to January 1954
Red Sea Division Aden Naval Base February 1942 to January 1954
60th Escort Group Trincomalee January to May 1945 11 ships
Aden-Bombay-Colombo Groups Aden/Bombay/Colombo 4 February 1944 to January 1945 ABC 30 escorts
Aden Escort Forces Aden 4 February 1944 to January 1945 15 escorts
Ceylon Escort Forces Colombo 9 January 1943 to 4 February 1944 10 escorts
Kilidini Escort Forces Kilidini 4 February 1944 to January 1945 8 escorts
Kilidini Escort Forces Kilidini January to May 1945 14 ships
Royal Indian NavyEscort Forces Bombay 4 February 1944 to January 1945 8 escorts


  1. ^Jackson, p. 289
  2. ^Hobbs, David."THE BRITISH PACIFIC FLEET IN 1945 A Commonwealth effort and a remarkable achievement"(PDF).navy.gov.au.Royal Australian Navy.Retrieved18 July2018.
  3. ^Chew, Emrys (25 October 2007)."Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Indian Ocean and the Maritime Balance of Power in Historical Perspective"(PDF).S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University.Retrieved2 September2012.
  4. ^"Pearl Harbor Attack CINCPAC (Admiral Chester Nimitz) to CINCUS (Admiral Ernest J. King) DAMAGES SUSTAINED BY SHIPS AS A RESULT OF THE JAPANESE RAID, DECEMBER 7, 1941".23 April 2000.Retrieved2 September2012– via Hyperwar Foundation.
  5. ^Lord Alanbrooke (2015). Danchev, Alex (ed.).Alanbrooke War Diaries 1939-1945.Orion.ISBN9781780227542.
  6. ^Muggenthaler, p. 282–287
  7. ^O'Hara, p.103
  8. ^Hammerton, John,ed. (25 April 1941). "South Africans Won the Race to Addis Ababa".The War Illustrated.Vol. 4, no. 86. London:William Berry.p. 424.
  9. ^Jackson, p.290
  10. ^"The Intelligence Failure at Pearl Harbor".Retrieved2 September2012.
  11. ^"L'Indochine française pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale".Archived fromthe originalon 5 February 2012.Retrieved2 September2012.
  12. ^Shores, et al., pp. 120–21
  13. ^Stephen Roskill,War at Sea,Vol. II,p.22
  14. ^Roskill, Vol. II, 25;Royal Navy in Pacific and Indian Oceans area
  15. ^Stephen Roskill,War at Sea,Vol. II,p.25
  16. ^Roskill, Vol. II, pp.27-28.
  17. ^Roskill, Vol. II, p.29.
  18. ^"Battle of Madagascar".Retrieved2 September2012.
  19. ^abcdefWatson, Graham."Royal Navy Organisation in World War 2, 1939–1945: EASTERN FLEET 1.1942-EAST INDIES FLEET 11.44-".naval-history.net.Gordon Smith, 19 September 2015.Retrieved11 July2018.
  20. ^abWaters, S. D. (1956),"Chapter 23 – The New Zealand Cruisers",The Royal New Zealand Navy,The Official History of New Zealand in the Second World War 1939–1945, Wellington: Historical Publications Branch, Royal New Zealand Navy, pp. 357, 359,retrieved2 September2012
  21. ^abJackson, p. 303
  22. ^abcWhitaker's Almanacks 1941 – 1971
  23. ^Waters, S. D. (1956),"Appendix V – Execution By Japanese of Fleet Air Arm Officers",The Royal New Zealand Navy,The Official History of New Zealand in the Second World War 1939–1945, Wellington: Historical Publications Branch, Royal New Zealand Navy, pp. 537–538,retrieved2 September2012
  24. ^Mackie p151–152
  25. ^Mackie p 152
  26. ^Mackie, p153
  27. ^The Navy List.London, England: H. M. Stationery Office. December 1942. p. 1339.
  28. ^abcdThe Navy List.London, England: H. M. Stationery Office. December 1942. p. 1340.
  29. ^The Navy List.London, England: H. M. Stationery Office. November 1944. p. 2264.
  30. ^Mackie p 151–152
  31. ^Heathcote, T. A. (2002).British Admirals of the Fleet: 1734–1995.Barnsley, England: Pen and Sword. p. 187.ISBN9780850528350.
  32. ^Houterman, J.N."Royal Navy (RN) Officers 1939–1945 – M".unithistories.com.Houterman and Kloppes.Retrieved22 July2018.
  33. ^Houterman, J.N."Royal Navy (RN) Officers 1939–1945 – B".unithistories.com.Houterman and Kloppes.Retrieved22 July2018.
  34. ^Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives
  35. ^HMAS Sydney Record of Proceedings November 1953
  36. ^Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives
  37. ^Mackie p153
  38. ^abThe Navy List.London, England: H. M. Stationery Office. October 1944. p. 2263.
  39. ^Watson, Graham (19 September 2015)."Royal Navy Organisation in World War 2, 1939–1945: EASTERN FLEET 1.1942-EAST INDIES FLEET 11.44-".naval-history.net.Gordon Smith.Retrieved11 July2018.
  40. ^Watson, Graham (19 September 2015)."Royal Navy Organisation in World War 2, 1939–1945: 3.3 Indian and Pacific Oceans".naval-history.net.Gordon Smith.Retrieved10 July2018.
  41. ^Watson, Graham (12 July 2015)."Royal Navy Organisation and Ship Deployment 1947–2013:1. ROYAL NAVY ORGANISATION AND DEPLOYMENT FROM 1947".naval-history.net.Gordon Smith.Retrieved10 July2018.


  • Grove, Eric (1987).Vanguard to Trident: British Naval Policy Since World War II.Naval Institute Press.ISBN978-0870215520.
  • Heathcote, Tony (2002).The British Admirals of the Fleet 1734 – 1995.Pen & Sword Ltd.ISBN0-85052-835-6.
  • Hill, Richard (2000).Lewin of Greenwich.Weidenfeld Military.ISBN978-0-304-35329-3.
  • Jackson, Ashley(2006).The British Empire and the Second World War.London: Hambledon Continuum.ISBN1-85285-417-0.
  • Mackie, Colin."Royal Navy Senior Appointments from 1865"(PDF).Colin Mackie's website.Colin Mackie.Retrieved11 July2018.
  • Muggenthaler, August Karl (1980).German Raiders of World War II.London Pan.ISBN0-330-26204-1.
  • O'Hara, Vincent (2009).Struggle for the Middle Sea: the great navies at war in the Mediterranean theater, 1940–1945.Naval Institute Press.ISBN978-1591146483.
  • Shores, Christopher; Cull, Brian; Izawa, Yasuho (1992).Bloody Shambles: The Drift to War to the Fall of Singapore.Vol. I. London: Grub Street.ISBN0-948817-50-X.
  • Watson, Dr Graham (2015). "Royal Navy Organisation and Ship Deployment 1947-2013". www.naval-history.net. Gordon Smith.