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Economy of Laos

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Economy ofLaos
CurrencyLao Kip(LAK, ₭)
1 October – 30 September
Trade organizations
Country group
PopulationDecrease7,425,057 (2021)[3]
GDP rank
GDP growth
  • 6.3% (2018) 4.7% (2019e)
  • 1.0% (2020f) 4.6% (2021f)[5]
GDP per capita
  • Decrease$1,879 (nominal, 2023 est.)[6]
  • Increase$9,787 (PPP, 2023 est.)[6]
GDP per capita rank
GDP by sector
40.3% (Jan 2023 est.)[6]
Population belowpoverty line
  • 22% (2013 est.)[7]
  • 58.7% on less than $3.20/day (2012)[8]
Labor force
  • Increase3,800,051 (2019)[12]
  • 36.9% employment rate (2017)[13]
Labor force by occupation
Unemployment9.4% (2017)[14]
Main industries
Copper,tin,gold,andgypsummining;timber,electric power,agriculturalprocessing,rubberconstruction,garments,cementandtourism
ExportsIncrease$3.654 billion (2017 est.)[7]
Export goods
Main export partners
ImportsIncrease$4.976 billion (2017 est.)[7]
Import goods
machinery and equipment, vehicles, fuel, consumer goods
Main import partners
Increase$15.14 billion (31 December 2012 est.)[7]
Increase−$2.057 billion (2017 est.)[7]
Negative increase$17.16 billion (2020 est)[17]
Public finances
Negative increase63.6% of GDP (2017 est.)[7]
−5.5% (of GDP) (2017 est.)[7]
Revenues3.099 billion (2017 est.)[7]
Expenses4.038 billion (2017 est.)[7]
Economic aid$0.4 billion (1999 est.)
Increase$1.27 billion (31 December 2017 est.)[7]
All values, unless otherwise stated, are inUS dollars.

Theeconomy of Laosis a lower-middle incomedeveloping economy.Being one of thesocialist states(along withChina,Cuba,Vietnam,andNorth Korea), the Lao economic model resembles the Chinesesocialist marketand/or Vietnamesesocialist-oriented marketeconomies by combining high degrees ofstate ownershipwith openness toforeign direct investmentandprivate ownershipin a predominantlymarket-based framework.[18][19]

Following independence,Laosestablished a Soviet-typeplanned economy.As part of economic restructuring that aimed to integrate Laos into theglobalized world market,the country underwent reforms called the "New Economic Mechanism" in 1986 that decentralized government control and encouraged private enterprise alongside state-owned enterprises.[20]As of 2007, Laos ranked among the fastest-growing economies in the world, averaging 8% a year in GDP growth.[21]It was forecasted that Laos would sustain at least 7% growth through 2019.[22]

The key goals for the government included pursuing poverty reduction and education for all children, with an initiative to become a "land-linked" country. This was showcased through the construction of the nearly $6 billionhigh-speed rail from Kunming, China to Vientiane, Laos.The country opened a stock exchange, theLao Securities Exchange,in 2011, and has become a rising regional player in its role as a hydroelectric power supplier to its neighbors China, Thailand, and Vietnam. The Lao economy relies largely onForeign direct investmentto attract capital from overseas. The long-term goal of the Lao economy, as enshrined in the constitution, is economic development in the direction ofsocialism.[23]

Despite rapid growth, Laos remains one of the poorest countries in Southeast Asia.[24][25]Alandlockedcountry, it has inadequate infrastructure and a largely unskilled work force. Nonetheless, Laos continues to attract foreign investment as it integrates with the broaderASEAN economic community,due to its plentiful, young workforce, and favorable tax environment.

Laos has significant hydropower resources; the country also has large potential for small-scale hydro- and solar power.[26]Excess electricity from hydropower is exported to other countries. Despite this, the country continues to also rely on coal in its electricity production.[27]

Economic history[edit]

With the overthrow of the Laotian monarchy in 1975, thePathet Lao'scommunist governmentinstituted a planned economy of theSoviet-stylecommand economysystem, replacing the private sector withstate enterprisesand cooperatives; centralizing investment, production, trade, and pricing; and creating barriers to internal andforeign trade.

Seizure of power by the Communists also resulted in the withdrawal of mainly American external investment, on which the country had become greatly dependent as a result of the destruction of domestic capital during the Indochina Wars.[28]

This changed in 1986 when the government announced its "new economic mechanism" (NEM). Initially timid, the NEM was expanded to include a range of reforms designed to create conditions conducive to private sector activity. Prices set by market forces replaced government-determined prices. Farmers were permitted to own land and sell crops on the open market. State firms were granted increased decision-making authority and lost most of their subsidies and pricing advantages. The government set theexchange rateclose to real market levels, liftedtrade barriers,replacedimport barrierswithtariffs,and gave private sector firms direct access to imports and credit.

With thecollapse of communisminEastern Europeandthe Soviet Union,in 1991, the PDR Lao government reached an agreement with theWorld Bankand theInternational Monetary Fundon additional reforms. The government agreed to introduce fiscal and monetary reform, promote private enterprise andforeign investment,privatize or close state firms, and strengthen banking. It also agreed to maintain a market exchange rate, reduce tariffs, and eliminate unneeded trade regulations. A liberal foreign investment code was also enacted. Enforcement of intellectual property rights is governed by two Prime Minister's Decrees dating from 1995 and 2002.[29]

In an attempt to stimulate further international commerce, the PDR Lao government acceptedAustralianaid to build a bridge across theMekongRiver toThailand.The "Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge",betweenVientiane PrefectureandNong Khai Province,Thailand, was inaugurated in April 1994. Although the bridge has created additional commerce, the Lao government does not yet permit a completely free flow of traffic across the span.

These reforms led to economic growth and an increased availability of goods. However, the1997 Asian Financial Crisis,coupled with the Lao government's own mismanagement of the economy, resulted in spiralinginflationand a steep depreciation of thekip,which lost 87% of its value from June 1997 to June 1999. Tighter monetary policies brought about greatermacroeconomicstability in FY 2000, and monthly inflation, which had averaged about 10% during the first half of FY 1999, dropped to an average 1% over the same period in FY 2000.

In FY 1999, foreign grants and loans accounted for more than 20% of GDP and more than 75% of public investment.

The economy continues to be dominated by an unproductive agricultural sector operating largely outside the money economy and in which the public sector continues to play a dominant role. Still, a number of private enterprises have been founded in industries such ashandicrafts,beer,coffeeandtourism.WithUnited Nations,Japanese,andGermansupport, a formerly state-controlledchamber of commerceaims to promote private business: theLao National Chamber of Commerce and Industryand its provincial subdivisions.[30]

The latest round of state-owned enterprise reform in 2019 aims to ensure that the remaining SOEs become profitable ventures that are efficient and sustainable sources of income for the national treasury. These measures include closing unproductive enterprises, ensure businesses in which the state has investments are reformed into profitable ventures, and reduce corruption. As of 2019, the State-Owned Enterprise Development and Insurance Department of the Lao government has 183 enterprises under its supervision.[31]

Laos faced an economic crisis in 2022. Caused by theCOVID-19 pandemicandexternal debtprimarily from China, it escalated into massiveinflationand adebt crisis,bringing the country to the brink ofdefault.[32]As of late 2023, the country is still facing significant economic problems. A World Bank report finds that the economic instability "largely results from low revenue and accumulated debt. There is moreover a need to improve the efficiency of public expenditure and tackle the potential costs of state-owned enterprises and public-private partnerships.” TheLao kipcurrency value has fallen and inflation remains higher than before the pandemic. The same World Bank report states that "the main factor in the kip’s falling value has been the lack of foreign currency available (...) a result of the need to repay large external debts, despite some deferrals, and limited capital inflows." The per capita GDP of Laos has gone down from $2,595 in 2021 to $1,824 in 2023 because of the kip’s depreciation.[33][34][35]


Agriculture, mostly subsistence rice farming, dominates the economy, employing an estimated 85% of the population and producing 51% ofGDP.Domestic savings are low, forcing Laos to rely heavily onforeign assistanceand concessional loans as investment sources for economic development.

Agricultural products include sweet potatoes, vegetables, corn, coffee, sugarcane, tobacco, cotton, tea, peanuts, rice; water buffalo, pigs, cattle, poultry.

In mid-2012, the Laos government issued a four-year moratorium for new mining projects. The reasons cited were environmental and social concerns relating to the use of agricultural land.[36]

In 2019 Laos produced:[37]

In addition to smaller productions of other agricultural products.[37]


As of 2011, tourism was the fastest-growing industry and played a vital role in the Lao economy. The government opened Laos to the world in the 1990s, and the country has since become a popular destination for travelers.[38]

Other statistics[edit]

GDP:purchasing power parity – $14.2 billion (2009 est.)
Exchange rate– kip (LAK) per US dollar – 8,556.56 (2009), 8,760.69 (2008), 9,658 (2007), 10,235 (2006), 10,820 (2005)

  • Oil – production:
0 bbl/d (2009 est.)
  • Oil – consumption:
3,000 bbl/d (480 m3/d) (2009 est.)
  • Oil – exports:
0 bbl/d (2007 est.)
  • Oil – imports:
3,080 bbl/d (490 m3/d) (2007 est.)

Of the total foreign investment in Laos in 2012, the mining industry got 27% followed by electricity generation which had a 25% share.[36]


  1. ^"World Economic Outlook Database, April 2019".IMF.org.International Monetary Fund.Retrieved29 September2019.
  2. ^"World Bank Country and Lending Groups".datahelpdesk.worldbank.org.World Bank.Retrieved29 September2019.
  3. ^"Population, total - Laos".Retrieved24 December2022.
  4. ^ab"World Economic Outlook Database, October 2023".IMF.org.International Monetary Fund.Retrieved14 October2023.
  5. ^Global Economic Prospects, June 2020.World Bank.8 June 2020. p. 74.doi:10.1596/978-1-4648-1553-9.ISBN978-1-4648-1553-9.Retrieved10 June2020.{{cite book}}:|website=ignored (help)
  6. ^abc"World Economic Outlook Database, October 2023".IMF.org.International Monetary Fund.Retrieved14 October2023.
  7. ^abcdefghijkl"The World Factbook".CIA.gov.Central Intelligence Agency.Retrieved19 June2019.
  8. ^"Poverty headcount ratio at $3.20 a day (2011 PPP) (% of population)".data.worldbank.org.World Bank.Retrieved14 September2019.
  9. ^"GINI index (World Bank estimate)".data.worldbank.org.World Bank.Retrieved19 June2019.
  10. ^"Human Development Index (HDI)".hdr.undp.org.HDRO (Human Development Report Office)United Nations Development Programme.Retrieved11 December2019.
  11. ^"Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI)".hdr.undp.org.HDRO (Human Development Report Office)United Nations Development Programme.Retrieved11 December2019.
  12. ^"Labor force, total - Lao PDR".data.worldbank.org.World Bank.Retrieved9 January2020.
  13. ^"Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%) (national estimate)".data.worldbank.org.World Bank.Retrieved14 September2019.
  14. ^"Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (national estimate) – Lao PDR".openknowledge.worldbank.org.World Bank.Retrieved9 January2020.
  15. ^"Export Partners of Laos".The Observatory of Economic Complexity.Retrieved20 March2024.
  16. ^"Import Partners of Laos".The Observatory of Economic Complexity.Retrieved20 March2024.
  17. ^"World Bank".datatopics.worldbank.org.Retrieved21 April2022.
  18. ^"Laos - Market Overview".Export.gov.15 July 2019.Retrieved25 September2019.Laos is one of the world's five remaining communist countries. The Lao economic model bears some resemblance to its Chinese and Vietnamese counterparts, in that it has implemented market-based economic practices while maintaining a high degree of state control and welcoming foreign direct investment (FDI). Laos is politically stable.
  19. ^"Chapter II: The Socio-Economic Regime"(PDF).Constitute.2003.Retrieved25 September2019.All types of enterprises are equal before the laws and operate according to the principle of the market economy, competing and cooperating with each other to expand production and business while regulated by the State in the direction of socialism.
  20. ^"Laos".
  21. ^"The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency".www.cia.gov.Archived fromthe originalon 13 June 2007.Retrieved11 February2017.
  22. ^"Bloomberg Briefs".newsletters.briefs.bloomberg.com.Retrieved11 February2017.
  23. ^"Preamble"(PDF).Constitute.2003.Retrieved25 September2019.During [the years] since the country has been liberated, our people have together been implementing the two strategic tasks of defending and building the country, especially the undertaking of reforms in order to mobilise the resources in the nation to preserve the people's democratic regime and create conditions to move towards socialism.
  24. ^Philip, Bruno (6 November 2012)."Laos, south-east Asia's new emerging economy".The Guardian.London.
  25. ^Oliver, Chris."Laos marks first-day trade in new exchange".MarketWatch.Retrieved25 September2019.
  26. ^Vakulchuk, Roman; Kresnawan, Muhammad Rizki; Merdekawati, Monika; Overland, Indra; Sagbakken, Haakon Fossum; Suryadi, Beni; Yurnaidi, Zulfikar (2020). "Lao PDR: How to Attract More Investment in Small-Scale Renewable Energy?".doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.31192.72966.{{cite journal}}:Cite journal requires|journal=(help)
  27. ^Overland, Indra; Sagbakken, Haakon Fossum; Chan, Hoy-Yen; Merdekawati, Monika; Suryadi, Beni; Utama, Nuki Agya; Vakulchuk, Roman (December 2021)."The ASEAN climate and energy paradox".Energy and Climate Change.2:100019.doi:10.1016/j.egycc.2020.100019.hdl:11250/2734506.
  28. ^Baten, Jörg (2016).A History of the Global Economy. From 1500 to the Present.Cambridge University Press. p. 297.ISBN9781107507180.
  29. ^Laos
  30. ^8km.de, LNCCI
  31. ^"Laos to set state-owned enterprises on path to profitability".Asia News Network.8 January 2019. Archived fromthe originalon 4 August 2020.Retrieved25 September2019.
  32. ^"Laos economic crisis intensifies amid massive debt – DW – 08/09/2022".dw.com.Retrieved1 November2022.
  33. ^"Lao Economic Monitor, November 2023: Fiscal Policy for Stability - Key Findings".World Bank.November 2023.Archivedfrom the original on 21 December 2023.Retrieved21 December2023.
  34. ^"Laos' Economic Woes Will Continue In 2024".The Diplomat.18 December 2023.Archivedfrom the original on 21 December 2023.Retrieved21 December2023.
  35. ^"'I feel hopeless': Living in Laos on the brink ".8 October 2023.Retrieved21 December2023.
  36. ^ab"Vietnam leads investment in Laos".Investvine.com. 26 February 2013. Archived fromthe originalon 26 March 2013.Retrieved3 April2013.
  37. ^abLao production in 2019, by FAO
  38. ^Slade, Maria (9 January 2011)."Stray-ing into Laos".The New Zealand Herald.Retrieved11 September2011.

External links[edit]