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TheAdanatesorEdenateswere a smallGallictribe dwelling around present-daySeyne,in theAlpes Cottiae,during theIron Age.



They are mentioned asEdenates(var.edemn-) byPliny(1st c. AD),[1]and asAdanatiumon theArc of Susa.[2][3]

The etymology of the nameAdanatesis unclear.Guy Barruolhas proposed to compare it withAdenatius(orAdenatis) andAdana,and postulated an original *Senedenates,with loss of the initials-retained inSedena.[4]According to Alexander Falileyev, "if the original form was indeed *Sed-,the name could be Celtic, fromsedo-'seat, location'; but in view of the form recorded in inscriptions, it is unlikely. IfEden-is the original form, the name does not appear Celtic. "[3]Xavier Delamarrehas proposed to interpret the name asEd-en-ati('those from the land/country'), from a Gaulish stemedo-(n)-('space, land').[5]



The Adanates dwelled around the settlement of Sedena (modernSeyne).[6]Their territory was located south of theAvantici,west of theSavincates,east of theSebaginni,and north of theGallitaeandEguiturii.[7]



They are mentioned once in ancient texts by Pliny the Elder as one of the Alpine tribes conquered by Rome in 16–15 BC, and whose name was engraved on theTropaeum Alpium.[1]They also appear on theArch of Susa,erected byCottiusin 9–8 BC.[8]


  1. ^abPliny.Naturalis Historia,3:20.
  2. ^CIL5:7231.
  3. ^abFalileyev 2010,s.v.Edenates.
  4. ^Barruol 1969,pp. 357–358.
  5. ^Delamarre 2019,p. 322.
  6. ^Barruol 1969,p. 390.
  7. ^Talbert 2000,Map 17: Lugdunum.
  8. ^Barruol 1969,p. 32.

Primary sources

  • Pliny(1938).Natural History.Loeb Classical Library. Translated by Rackham, H. Harvard University Press.ISBN978-0674993648.


  • Barruol, Guy(1969).Les Peuples préromains du Sud-Est de la Gaule: étude de géographie historique.E. de Boccard.OCLC3279201.
  • Delamarre, Xavier(2003).Dictionnaire de la langue gauloise: Une approche linguistique du vieux-celtique continental.Errance.ISBN9782877723695.
  • Delamarre, Xavier (2019).Dictionnaire des thèmes nominaux du gaulois. Ab-/Iχs(o)-.Vol. 1. Les Cents Chemins.ISBN978-1-7980-5040-8.
  • Falileyev, Alexander (2010).Dictionary of Continental Celtic Place-names: A Celtic Companion to the Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World.CMCS.ISBN978-0955718236.
  • Talbert, Richard J. A.(2000).Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World.Princeton University Press.ISBN978-0691031699.