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Electric flux

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Common symbols
SI unitVolt-meter(V m)
InSI base unitskgm3s−3A−1

Inelectromagnetism,electric fluxis the measure of theelectric fieldthrough a given surface,[1]although an electric field in itself cannot flow.

The electric fieldEcan exert a force on an electric charge at any point in space. The electric field is thegradientof the potential.


An electric charge, such as a singleelectronin space, has an electric field surrounding it. In pictorial form, this electric field is shown as "lines of flux" being radiated from a dot (the charge). These are called Gauss lines.[2]Note that field lines are a graphic illustration of field strength and direction and have no physical meaning. The density of these lines corresponds to the electric field strength, which could also be called the electric flux density: the number of "lines" per unit area. Electric flux is directly proportional to the total number of electricfield linesgoing through a surface. For simplicity in calculations it is often convenient to consider a surface perpendicular to the flux lines. If the electric field is uniform, the electric flux passing through a surface ofvector areaAis whereEis the electric field (having units ofV/m),Eis its magnitude,Ais the area of the surface, andθis the angle between the electric field lines and the normal (perpendicular) toA.

For a non-uniform electric field, the electric fluxEthrough a small surface areadAis given by (the electric field,E,multiplied by the component of area perpendicular to the field). The electric flux over a surface is therefore given by thesurface integral: whereEis the electric field anddAis an infinitesimal area on the surface with an outward facingsurface normaldefining its direction.

For a closedGaussian surface,electric flux is given by:



This relation is known asGauss's lawfor electric fields in itsintegralform and it is one ofMaxwell's equations.

While the electric flux is not affected by charges that are not within the closed surface, the net electric field,Ecan be affected by charges that lie outside the closed surface. While Gauss's law holds for all situations, it is most useful for "by hand" calculations when high degrees of symmetry exist in the electric field. Examples include spherical and cylindrical symmetry.

The [SI] unit of electric flux is the volt-meter (V·m), or Dimension is m⁰t‐¹a‐¹, or, equivalently,newton-meter squared percoulomb(N·m2·C−1). Thus, the unit of electric flux expressed in terms ofSIbase units iskg·m3·s−3·A−1.Its dimensional formula is.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Purcell, pp. 22–26
  2. ^Purcell, pp. 5–6.


  • Purcell, Edward, Morin, David; Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd Edition; Cambridge University Press, New York. 2013ISBN9781107014022.
  • Browne, Michael, PhD; Physics for Engineering and Science, 2nd Edition; McGraw Hill/Schaum, New York; 2010.ISBN0071613994

External links[edit]